what would you think?



  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Every woman is different. Some might think it's romantic, some might think it's creepy. You just have to prepare yourself for any reaction.

    I'm really not sure how I'd respond. I don't think I'd hit a guy who did that, but if he was a good kisser, it'd be a nice memory, I think.
  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member
    That book I mentioned earlier, Sunset Song. I just looked up that scene, and she does actually knee him where it hurts and scratches his face up after he's kissed her. Again, this book was written in 1931.

    Just saying.
  • You have a 2.78% chance of a positive outcome. Roll the dice!!
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Thinking that being hot will be enough to excuse your unexpected sexual contact is clue number one that you have a major lack of understanding in the Dealing With Women department.

    There are a very large number of women whose backgrounds include abuse of some kind, and sudden contact makes them terrified. Even if you have found a woman who is eyeing you back, there is no possible way you can know her history, mental stability, or anything else about her. You very well could be arrested.

    In short, this is quite possibly the worst idea I've ever heard, and I've heard some terrible ideas.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I've actually done this before. Many many years ago. Wound up in a long term relationship with her. I just wondered what women of today might think. Plus, I'm attracted to a very specific type of woman. No offense to anyone, but the most negative responses came from women that wouldn't have been the one I choose anyway. It's not all looks. You can tell the ebb and flow of a woman by her body lamguage. Her demeanor. How she carries herself. It won't be some random "assault" like I rushed her and tackled her like a linebacker.
    Thank you for your responses and your honesty.

    Yeah ok dude...

  • assthetik
    assthetik Posts: 3,639 Member
    Why not just smear honey on your balls and sit on an ant hill
  • DarkStarBurning
    DarkStarBurning Posts: 17 Member
    If you're that determined to do it, and yet still want functioning testicles some time in the future, may I recommend a more gentlemanly approach and go for a kiss on the hand. Less likely to end in a furious assault and the quaintness of it will probably work in your favour.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I would back away and probably swear at him loudly for thinking he could touch me without my permission

    probably something like "wtf is wrong with you get the fvck away from me"

    This. In my opinion, I don't care how attractive you are, you don't do that!

    If the guy was a stranger to me... THIS, 1000 times over!!!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I want to look good on new years, pick the hottest chick in the room, and just walk up and kiss her at midnight. Not a word spoken before or after. Just kiss and walk away. And her memory NOT be of that fat creep that did that. Instead, "OMG WHO was that? IDK but he was HOT!"

    So, ladies....if this happened to you, what would your reaction be? I'm so gonna do this, but I kinda want to hear how it could be received.

    I think you've been watching too many chick flicks.

    I think odds are that it will end pretty badly for you. Wear a cup, just in case.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I've actually done this before. Many many years ago. Wound up in a long term relationship with her. I just wondered what women of today might think. Plus, I'm attracted to a very specific type of woman. No offense to anyone, but the most negative responses came from women that wouldn't have been the one I choose anyway. It's not all looks. You can tell the ebb and flow of a woman by her body lamguage. Her demeanor. How she carries herself. It won't be some random "assault" like I rushed her and tackled her like a linebacker.
    Thank you for your responses and your honesty.


    Women of today?

    Did you originally do this in 1910?

    1945. They made a statue of it.

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    This is how you get uninvited to every single party in the future.


    OP, why not position yourself to be a little more humble about it...but right up next to the hot girl at 11:59 PM...and then kinda smile, shrug, and move in. She moves in, too...and you're golden. Then you wow her with the kiss.

    But do not just attack with kiss. That's not very sexy or suave, more desperate of a move no matter how hot you're looking.
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Ever been maced?
  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    Hahahaaha I think it's a funny idea although personally I think I would want someone to talk to me first!x
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I would run away lol
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Before you do this.. ask yourself... if a random hot guy walked up to you and smacked one on your lips how would you feel? If your answer is "Screw that, I'd kick that dude's *kitten*!" chances are, no matter who the girl is, she's gonna feel the same way. :drinker: :drinker:

    Also, before anyone says something along the lines of "But it would be a guy kissing a guy, that's different!" No.. really isn't different. It's still unasked for, unwanted and flat our rude.

    ^^ You. I like you.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    <<<<--- See this? Now imagine that's your throat.

    Bad idea. Don't do it.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,055 Member
    I've actually done this before. Many many years ago. Wound up in a long term relationship with her. I just wondered what women of today might think. Plus, I'm attracted to a very specific type of woman. No offense to anyone, but the most negative responses came from women that wouldn't have been the one I choose anyway. It's not all looks. You can tell the ebb and flow of a woman by her body lamguage. Her demeanor. How she carries herself. It won't be some random "assault" like I rushed her and tackled her like a linebacker.
    Thank you for your responses and your honesty.

    Aha! - some passive aggressive dig at people who disagreed with you.:huh:

    Well I disagreed as I said upthread but I am 50 years old so not upset that you wouldnt choose me :laugh: - I do wonder how you know all these things about posters from "the ebb and flow of their body language" and "their demenaour" and "how they carry themselves" - I mean, if you know these things about people on the internet to know they are not the specific type, you must be very perceptive.

    Or very delusional.

    You wondered what people think and asked them on the internet yet dont seem to want to hear the answer that 99% of responders are giving.:indifferent:
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,055 Member
    Im quite shocked i was just informed its classed as a sexual assault in this country??? wtf? I think someones pulling my leg... thats it romance really is dead :devil:

    Unwanted non consentual sexual behaviour like this?? - of course it is sexual assault.

    The lower end of such assaults, sure - but it is not romantic if the reciprient does not want or consent to it.

    and everyone's point is that OP has no way of knowing this, so best not to do it.