What looked so good, but turned out to taste horrible



  • sydneydeb
    sydneydeb Posts: 93 Member
    sushi... I think it looks so pretty and like it should taste amazing and yet just cant get myself to eat it, its cold raw fish...ew.

    raw fish and cold soggy rice - revolting. right up there with tofu, disgusting little rubbery things
    oysters - highly allergic
    cottage cheese and blue cheese - OMG the smell!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Cauliflower mash. Blech! After four attempts, I gave up. It's real potatoes or nothing for this girl. Actually...anything with cauliflower is pretty gross.

    Also, fried mushrooms. They smell soooo good, but mushrooms are vile in any form.

    I have never had a mushroom of any sort that I didn't love. Yum!
  • tripe
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    Carrot cake with hidden raisins.
    :noway: LOVE raisins AND carrots in carrot cake MM MMM MM:smile:
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    +1 for Goat cheese = Goat licking
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member

    For me, it's scallops. I reasoned that I should like them because I generally love seafood, but the texture :sick: I felt so guilty about ordering them at such a price and then finding out they were in the top 3 worst things I have ever put in my mouth.

    I felt that way about brie. I am a cheese lover but somehow had never tried it until my late 20's when I was at a nice restaurant with girlfriends...ordered an appetizer with brie as its focus and nearly choked. Everyone else loved it. eww ewwwww no.

    Of course I have had 2-3 other occasions now when people insist that their specific way of serving brie or a special type/brand is so much better...I've played along but hated it all.

    Really?? I LOVE baked brie wrapped in pastry!

    M,EEEEE 2 For christmas I made a pesto brie bread it was BOMB GOOD -it didn't last…my hubby, my brother and his FI we all smashed it in 30 minutes if that..going to want to make another one with chicken pieces in the mix mm
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    All the special K milk shakes just eww chalky tasteless crap and i hadn't had one for soooo long that i forgot how crappy they do taste and i went to chug some before work and felt like spewing it -yuck

    Another good forum would be on food that taste better than they look… my vote would be those muscle milk LIGHT the strawberry banana OHMY WORD those are so good and fast just like nestle quick and their is no after taste and the calories are spot on. Only like 1oo something for the whole bottle…chocolate on s alright but the strawberry -so nice…

    sorry for going off topic :)
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    Guava - had some in Indonesia, mistaking it for melon; it smelled like **** and tasted horrible....
    Really? aw noway? I may need to try it out because i really have high hopes but after reading your reaction i will be very cautious to how big my bite will be. Hopefully my tastebuds aren't so sensitive like it is to fish-i can't stand fishy fish >.< i do like salmon and tuna fish but not fishy fishy fish=)
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Fudge made with black beans. I love fudge (duh, who doesn't), I love black beans... But Black Bean Fudge?? No, just... No! Horrible!! A sad sad waste.
  • bobbinalong
    bobbinalong Posts: 151 Member

    Not nearly as tasty as it looks. Cake boss be damned the stuff is gross.

    This stuff is just plain nasty...
  • callas444
    callas444 Posts: 261 Member
    Mango Salsa Lays! Yuck!

    On a side note, I thought the Cappuccino ones were AMAZING! Who'd have thought?
  • asciident
    asciident Posts: 166 Member
    Talenti vanilla bean should have been amazing. Gritty and bland. (I love a lot of other Talenti flavors though.)
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    I made paella a while back that looked and smelled amazing but tasted like metal. I used crushed tomatoes that came in a metal can (as they typically do, I think) and I think that was the culprit.
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    Goat's cheese. i want to love it, I really do. My in-laws are always serving it.

    It just tastes like old dirt to me :(

    you too??? i could have sworn i was the only one. i have friends who love it and use it in a lot of things, but every time i've had it (or anything made with goat dairy, for that matter), the only thing i can taste is "barnyard."

    I REALLY want to like goat milk products too but no matter what is made from them, All I can taste is GOAT. I mean it literally tastes like I'm LICKING A GOAT! Even when it's made into cheese or yogurt or whatever, it still tastes EXACTLY like licking a goat to me. OK, I've never actually licked a goat before but I KNOW that licking a goat would taste just like goat's milk! I think it's genetic because I can't imagine that other people taste what I taste and actually LIKE IT. I also can't eat beets because they taste like DIRT. Other people love them and can eat the exact same beets and swear that I'm crazy and the beets DON'T taste like dirt yet all I can taste is soil.

    You're not the only one. Beets do taste just like dirt.

    My mom made a beet smoothie for me once and she didn't know how to use the blender properly so it came out really chunky. The taste, texture and temperature really made me feel like I was eating mud.
  • Mango of any variety, in smoothies, fresh or dried it tastes like I would imagine rotten wood to taste. I've bought it a couple of times as fresh fruit incase I'd just been unlucky, but no, it's horrid but looks like it would be nice! Similarly dragon fruit is gorgeous looking but fair bland tasting. I don't mind blueberries in smoothies or frozen but fresh are kind of gross, I buy them a lot because I'm convinced they are really good for me but the taste and texture always disappoint.

    Other than those everything that tastes gross looks fairly gross too!
  • Fondant!

    Not nearly as tasty as it looks. Cake boss be damned the stuff is gross.

    This stuff is just plain nasty...

    I feel that way about marzipan, I see no need for it and it just tastes funky. I kind of like fondant :)