rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • SephoraJunkieRN
    I get it mostly from family both mine and his. It takes all I have not to hit below the belt. I literally have to bite my tongue..HARD.

    "Wow you're so pretty! You just have to lose weight", "You have gotten so big", "You're so "beautiful" in person than in your pictures" (Saying it with a condescending tone while staring at my abdomen)
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,685 Member
    Walking past a street junkie in Amsterdam, she shouted "You need to do some amphetamines."
  • id90288
    id90288 Posts: 3 Member
    When I arrived at my mother in laws doorstep to stay for a couple of nights she opened the door to me and her first words to me were

    " Your even fatter than the last time you were 'ere"

    Happy days.....and I had't actually put any weight on which made it worse.
  • 2morrowisanotherday
    I finally found a man that I truly cared about and I believed he too cared. We got into an argument and I was venting to my best friend of 20 years plus a girl who I may have died for. She said "do you think that a man that fine would want you." I will never forget it. PS he and I had a girl.
  • hyperchase
    Nobody ever said anything to me really when I was 240 pounds, I think that's because where I live it seems to be socially acceptable to be fat and unhealthy.

    Now that I've lost 70 pounds, I get things like

    - You're too skinny, you should eat more.
    - This is how people get eating disorders.
    - Are you sick?

    Nevermind that I'm in the best shape of my life and my doctor has given me a clean bill of health, armchair nutritionists and fitness experts know better of course!
  • MargretEmily
    I dont know if to call that exactly rude, but once when i was walking i was stopped, but i woman who gave me a lecture that i should wear such clothes ( i had leggings and skirt) and that even king Salomon's wives were wearing long skirts or smth, to hide their curvey and hairy legs. That has been definetly been wierdest comment.
  • captmel
    captmel Posts: 29 Member
    "You know you'd be beautiful if you weren't so fat"
  • Mnecka
    Mnecka Posts: 119 Member
    I was wearing all white and someone told me I looked like a gallon of milk. I simply responded well that just means I'm something you can't have, and walked away laughing. It's funny because he is lactose intolerance :laugh:
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 348 Member
    I had some idiots yell at me "you're fat". My response was, "I 'm fat..... you are ugly. I can diet".
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    "You could be so pretty if you could just lose all that weight."
  • kristinhowell
    kristinhowell Posts: 139 Member
    I was eating at Pizza Hut once with a couple of friends (I use that term loosely), and I mentioned that my stomach was hurting, and one of the girls said "Mine would, too, if it looked like that."

    Also, my aunt told me I would be gorgeous if I'd lost another 20 pounds (and she added a few moment's pause after this statement that, oh, of course you're already beautiful, but it would only help).

  • Mnecka
    Mnecka Posts: 119 Member
    I had some idiots yell at me "you're fat". My response was, "I 'm fat..... you are ugly. I can diet".

  • NinaChanges
    NinaChanges Posts: 15 Member
    My weight has always been 1st on the top10 of the discussion issues of the family and that started even before I was overweight, really!! So I have heard my fair share by my relatives..

    But the meanest comment I have ever heard, which, I fear, I will remember forever was:

    "Hey you! Move over so that we can take a look at the model!", because I was out with a thin friend.

    My feelings were deeply hurt..
    However I don't think it was meant as an insult to me but rather as a compliment to her.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    Lately I have to say being called "skinny" dammit I am not skinny and don't want to be called it because its toatly against what I am aiming for. I am sure they mean it as a compliment but ... that means bones showing to me and that is gross. I am going for healthy and fit with some muscles.

    ***Its rude to blurt out anything related to physical attributes in my opinion. ****

    I don't go calling people sickly or fat or comment on their outfit choice for the day, etc. But hey people need mouth filters a lot.

    And yet you don't have a problem calling someone who's bones may protrude out more than others as gross.
  • spooks1960
    spooks1960 Posts: 19 Member
    I think the rudest comment I received was a group of teens talking amongst themselves and said loud enough for me to hear. There goes a Sherman tank. That hurt a bit
  • let1179
    let1179 Posts: 58 Member
    In elementary school a guy I thought was cute, said "you'd be a babe if you lost weight." I have heard that several other times as well. But I think the most hurtful for me is the action of looking past me, as though I am not a person because I am obese. Every time that happens I walk away in tears.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I finally found a man that I truly cared about and I believed he too cared. We got into an argument and I was venting to my best friend of 20 years plus a girl who I may have died for. She said "do you think that a man that fine would want you." I will never forget it. PS he and I had a girl.

    awww good for you...and your little girl is gorgeous, too.

    When I started dating my husband, a few people close to me made skeptical comments that made me sad in a similar way. "He's awfully thin for you" (He wasn't skinny - big tall, lean & fit man - but I outweighed him by a good 40 lb and they were used to seeing me with my very obese ex husband) or "He's pretty young..." insinuating he might not want to be with me.

    It's fun to show 'em all!!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    "You know you'd be beautiful if you weren't so fat"

    It's sad to me that I had MANY people say things like that...or "You should lose 30/50 lb and you would be really pretty"...and to think I actually took it as a COMPLIMENT that they didn't say 100+ pounds.
  • DireWolfCurse
    DireWolfCurse Posts: 32 Member
    Person: Honey, are you expecting?
    Me: Nope.

    Person: Oh.... you look like you are.
  • Salvi30
    Salvi30 Posts: 196 Member
    My boss once called me porky. I told him that was not a nice thing to say.

    I have moved on from that comment but I will never forget it.