

  • idivadi
    idivadi Posts: 222 Member
    Was skimming sites looking for motivation. Saw this thread and thought--Yes they will get it. They will understand me. I am 55 yrs old. I have been overweight for the past 15 years and I have been talking about it and starting one thing or another for the past 10 yrs. I joined MFP a few years ago--and really this is the only thing I keep coming back to.......so I am telling myself that there is a reason for this repeat viewing of this site. I have to be honest and own the fact that I have not stuck to any plan/diet/exercise/positive thinking etc for more than a few days at a time. Each time I came back to MFP I made a public statement about recomitting. This time I have visited this site, daily, for 60+ days. I have joined a three month step challenge at work++ Yesterday was day one. I am feeling motivated again to continue working on this wonderful masterpiece that is my life. I am grateful that I am here to have these challenges to meet.

    My September goals.
    1. To take a few minutes each day to be grateful and to appreciate me!
    2. To meet/exceed the work step challenge daily goals.
    3. To log my food--all of it.
    4. To work on my patience ( or lack of ) with my friends and family--remembering they are all working their own journeys.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday here and our Australian pensions in bank, shopping list done and now all shopping done and put away. Bought more Linda McCartney stuff for my lunches, love them. Also got scripts filled at chemisy and bought 2 new mats for shower and a new bath mat
    I got the advance on Stan's pension yesterday and paid the Council Rates for next 12 months ($612), and $220 off electric so in front now again. Have worked out budget and transferred some of the funds to higher interest Savings account. Will pay the budget amounts into the budget accounts before next pension. English pension delayed 1 day due to Labor Day in US, always happens when holidays fall on Mondays in England, America and Australia
    NO training done today just 90 minutes walking and that is OK.
    Towels finished in wash so must put on clothes airer in lounge and put clothes away.
    My husband has asked me NOT to send a card to granddaughter for her birthday. I feel sorta mean but need to do as he asks

    September goals:
    Train 6 days a week
    Enjoy Sunday rest day with husband and doggy
    Walk doggy every afternoon
    Listen to husband more
    Be more patient with irritating neighbour and stay clear if possible
    Eat vegetarian lunches
    Sort out new menus now it is Spring

    Back to training tomorrow, Wednesday. Hairdressers' Thursday afternoon.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies
    I had a horrible night last night with pain and sickness but it is still not as bad as when I was having gallbladder attacks. I suppose it is just a case of allowing time to heal from the surgery. I'm so impatient and not good at resting.

    Will pop in again later my friends.
    Love to all
    Amanda x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning ladies~well I am up and having my warm lemon water...and I reset my fit bit and hopefully it charges.. I slept pretty well and will be working a long day today, every time there is a 3 day weekend it is usually crazy at the dentist office..
    I talked to my oldest grandaughter yesterday.. she is having a rough time of it at her mother's so they are not having her go there anymore.. both girls were picked up at school ,younger one getting soccer picture taken, and Ainsley was complaining she didnt want to go with mom,
    there was a big fight and Jillian(her mom) dragged her by the hair:noway: into the van.. now the photographer saw this and called her a horrible mom, so she chased down the photographer.. gosh what drama..
    once they got to the house the fighting kept up and I guess Ainsley said something nasty and her stepfather comes after her grabs her,sits on her and punches her in the face... and you wonder why she doesnt want to go there..
    told her dad and stepmom to call DCF and have them freakin arrested...
    Ainsley's dad and stepmom are wonderful wonderful people and are doing the parenting thing right.. I am so dissapointed in my stepdaughter( she is my husbands ex wifes daughter) although when they were married Tom was more of a dad then her biological father..
    so sad to see...I told them had I been out there I would have been whoopin some butt on those 2 people...:angry:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    well I had a moment
    I bought a pair of gray scrubs size medium,didnt try them on until now.. HA they fit :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    doin the happy dance... and off to the showers,I walked almost 3 miles and now have to get ready for work...
    enjoy your day ladies...
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 492 Member
    Bumping Ladies. Busy day today. Wishing everyone a great start to your week.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Good morning and a very big welcome to all the new ladies. Just keep popping back in until you get to know us and we you.:flowerforyou:

    Michele - you have to cook chick peas even after soaking. They can take a long time depending on how fresh they are. I rarely do them these days although they are tastier than the canned ones. I used to do a lot in a pressure cooker which speeded things up and then froze the results in batches. Now I just open a can!:tongue:

    Meg - what a worry for you. I have no solutions, only sympathy.:brokenheart:

    Cynthia - sending you and your dog lots of love.:brokenheart:

    DH is at cricket. I should be getting on with my garden today, but I will leave it until tomorrow when DH is around. :ohwell: I have a mild agoraphobia so I prefer to be out there with someone else and though I can do it on my own I prefer not to.There is a lot to do before we go away, but I expect DGS can "help".:laugh: So I will get on with my typing, which I have had no time for recently.:sad: I'm preparing hake baked with lemon and paprika and french beans with garlic and tomato for dinner. Then I have to rush out immediately to the Women's Institute, W I, for a meeting. We are having a talk on beer with a tasting! My yoga friend will be there.:love:

    Had yoga this morning and heard none of the instructions:ohwell: as I was thinking about all my tasks, especially the gardening. 3 of my broccoli plants, which were doing so well , have been eaten to the ground by slugs, so I put pellets down today. The birds can't get to them as it is netted so I don't feel too bad. Masses of weeds in there so that's a job for tomorrow.

    Just need to stop stressing.
    DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD,! :laugh: :tongue: :wink:

    All will be well. I washed my absolutely filthy oven gloves this morning. They are slightly less filthy now! :huh: :bigsmile:
    Wish men could feel a sense of urgency about these things.:ohwell: DH did clean the fridge and two small cupboards. Tomorrow he will mow the lawn.:happy:

    Lots of love to all. I am going to count my blessings. Yes, Barbie.:happy:

    Hesther in warmer and sunny Hampshire UK
  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
    Afternoon all.

    Molly Whippett - my greyhound is called Arthur and he is about 15 months old but he's a rescue so not 100% certain.

    I have just joined the steps challenge and whilst I don't currently have a pedometer I have ordered one which should be here by the end of the week so will be interesting to see what I am already doing.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    Welcome all newbies.
    Back to the routine.
    Was a nice holiday,spent with my 3 sons and there family.
    Have to work on Sept goals-one is getting my lab work done.
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    HELP ME!!
    Been absent since June, dealing with alot of stuff and find myself slipping into
    old habits. I have been keeping up with the posts and they have helped me stay
    focused. I feel for those fighting depression. That's one reason I've been hiding.
    Life has been tough lately and with depression I have a one track mind. So far
    everytime I want to lay down and try to sleep it off I would go out for a walk. It
    has been working, but now I'm understanding more of why we need interaction
    with one another. Hopefully I'll be able to share my family's loss soon. I know I
    bottle things up and that's one of the things I need to work on to be able to con-
    tinue with my weight loss journey.
    Brenda from Md
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Well ladies I am home from vacation and had a great time. Not surprised my weight is up this week, but not going to get upset as getting back on track. We traveled over 1600 miles and did alot of walking. I also went thru Custer cave. It was interesting and I and one other lady were not sure we could do it, but I did. Nothing like living with 7 other people for a week to get to know alot about them. It was alot of fun.
    Then back home to the mess. DH's sister moved up here while we were gone. Her husband has been the one staying with us. Anyway she came up and they found a house and got moved in. So the watching of the dogs was not the best and had somethings to take care of when we got home. Then she dicided her husband is not buying the trike. That upset me as he called us Tuesday morning and told us he had gotten his money and he would have the $4000 waiting for us. We were counting on that to pay the motorcycle repair. I guess I should not be surprised as once DSIL got here she went thur his money in just acouple days. So we will figure it out as always. Not going to let it take away the good time we had.
    I am going to work at catching up, but will take me awhile. So taking it from here. I really missed all of you and I never was near a computer and cell phone did not have a signal most the time.
    Hugs and prayers for all of you and sure glad to be home.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hi Ladies!:flowerforyou:

    I've missed you! Well it's September! We've been so busy running around that the summer months have flown by.

    I am not happy to tell you that I didn't meet my August goals. :ohwell: The scale has shot up and down up and down.....:sad: But, hopefully I'll be back into my eating and exercising routines for the next several months. I only have 2 goals for September...Log every morsel and exercise 5 days each week.

    Tere in RVA
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Lesley - sounds like you guys are recovering financially from the damage; and I agree with hubby on the card; there need to repercussions and a clear message about the damage she caused. :smile:

    Amanda – patience, friend…. :flowerforyou:

    Alison – so glad your DGD has you to talk to – that behavior is child abuse:cry: and needs to be reported period… if Ainsley’s dad won’t – you can.

    Heather – thanks for responding about the chickpeas, I have done other dried beans and knew those needed to be cooked but wasn’t sure about the chickpeas….

    Lesleychev - we have 2 lesleys! Having a pedometer or fitbit or.. something to tell you how much you are walking is interesting and fun… I am walking more because of mine!

    Brenda – missed you, we are good listeners when you are ready…. Sending ((((HUGS))))))))

    Vicki – glad to hear you had a great time…I hate it when a pet sitter is not “on it” those are our kids you are messing with! You will work through the finances… but what a drag.

    Tere – a regular routine helps – good luck for this fall!

    September goals:
    Stretch 5 minutes 8 times
    Walk 100 miles -6.55 = 93.45 to go
    Do 4 errands walking (from home or a 15 minute walk from the place the car is parked)
    Do Heather’s abc balance 2 time a week

    Kim from N. California
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner! Those who guessed poison ivy win the big prize. I've never had it before, and was just sure I didn't step in any on our hike, but there it is anyway. Maybe it transferred from a dog? My doc said it's a pretty bad case, and she gave me two prescriptions, one for prednisone and one for something else. Antibiotic, Maybe. Don't remember what. I had to go to a different pharmacy because one of these meds is compounded and they don't do it at Walgreens, and it's not ready yet. So, there may be some hope for relief. I asked her to put me in a medically induced coma till it passed, but she declined. I didn't sleep last night in spite of taking two doses of benedryl.

    Meg, we finally got a good rain last night! Buckets of it. It was still raining this morning so I didn't need to walk the kids to school. Not sure I could get my shoes on anyway. My poor purple feet are so swollen!

    Tere, are you a married lady yet? I can't remember what your plans were. Is that why you were to busy to check in?

    Vicki, I'm glad you had fun on your trip. Sorry you came back to turmoil, though.

    Brenda, I'm sorry that your family has had some kind of loss. When you need to talk about it, we are here. A long time ago, during a particularry bad bout of depression, I found a little spiral notebook and forced myself to write down at least one good thing that happened, or something positive that I accomplished every day. For the first week or so, the only positive thing I could muster was "today I got out of bed". Or "today I brushed my teeth". Then little by little, I started writing two or three things every day, then more, and soon the blackness started to recede. There was something about reading back through my little book of normal that made me feel better. For one thing, I have a competitive streak, so I found myself really making an effort to beat the previous day's things. But it did help. I think my point is that you can find something that will help you fight your way out of this funk. Just hang in there!

    Well, I'm going to try to get a nap before the pharmacy calls.

    Bye bye,

  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    Hello, everyone. I am 51 and would love to join. I am just recovering from surgery on my left elbow
    (one week ago today) so, other than walking, I am currently unable to do much exercising. My username is misleading as, when I joined, my boy/girl twins were still teenagers. They are now 21. I live in Vermont and my name is Karen. Typing one handed is slow and difficult so, until I get this splint off, I won't be doing too much. You all sound like a wonderful group of women and
    I hope I can join you.
  • sunshine30walker
    So I can find you later and introduce myself
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce, I think today's joke is for you:


    People say that there is no difference between ‘finished’ and ‘complete’.

    I say there is.....

    Marry the right person, and you’re ‘complete’

    Marry the wrong person, and you’re ‘finished’

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    Back to school for local kids and DH back to work; he's certainly not loud but I sure know the difference when he's not here. Up early and errands for me (bank, drop off at thrift store, visit with Gwen, post office, and grocery) finished...........HOT and to get hotter here, hottest of the summer, I think.

    Had DH actually measure that humungous marigold ......it's 2' 10" so my guess of 3' was not far off! I put a hummer feeder down where it is to hopefully avoid any future butterfly/hummer battles and, sure enough, had a hummer on his feeder this am before I left the house.

    Welcome to all the new posters; we are all here for wt. loss or maintenance. Other than those common goals, you will find a variety of lifestyles and outlooks on life. Read a bit and add your comments to the discussion when you see something that tweaks your interest. Please let us know where you are from at the end of your posts; it can be general or more specific, your choice.

    Lunch ready........I have some more to add; be back later!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Michele and Kim - I am not 100 % sure but I think if you are making falafels (one of my favourite things) then you don't cook the chick peas, just soak them. Perhaps that is where the confusion arose.:flowerforyou:
    I never eat falafels these days, partly because DH isn't mad about them and because they are deep fried. I understand you can bake them, which would be better. I used to go to an Israeli café in London which did fabulous falafels with hummus, salad, pitta and a hot chilli sauce. My idea of heaven, but mega fattening!

    DH back in a few minutes and then I've got to put my face on and get out of the door.:laugh: I got 2, 000 words typed today. It's so strange revisiting the world I created 30 years ago.:embarassed: :noway: :tongue:

    Love Heather, expecting some good weather for the next few days in Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hello everyone, just a message after a very tiring day. Beloved dog did have an abscess behind his eye. He was put under and the eye doctor cleaned it up, put a drain in, which sticks out of the top of his head, and stitched his eyelids together on the outer corner (for a few days, to protect the eye). He looks just awful. It's also very hard to get him anywhere in the house or steer him outside when he has to pee, because at the moment he's totally blind, plus the cone of shame distorts sounds, so he hears me but doesn't know where I am.
    At this point it's rest, lots of meds, and waiting for the swelling to go down and then we'll know whether he can see again (the abscess put pressure on the optic nerve). It's very scary, because his other eye IS blind, so he has no extra room for compensation.

    Good thoughts are more than welcome!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou: