An Embarrassing Secret...



  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    I really struggle with my left and right.

    Luckily, I don't drive.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I still can't swim.

    My virginity remained intact until I was 24.

    Same here on the swimming…
    As for the other… STILL intact! :blushing: :sad:
  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    - I am terrified of werewolves - can't watch movies with them in, and they are thing I worry about most when I am out after dark.
    - On the underwear theme, I have Wonder Woman knickers (but I'm quite proud of that)
    - I cannot remember which is which out of am and pm, and once missed an exam because I'd got the two confused.
  • notsuchaskinnybitch
    I still can't remember what nouns or verbs are!
  • notsuchaskinnybitch
    I often do not finish books I start reading. My house is full of them, bookmarked a third of the way through, next to the chair or bed where I started them. It's SO lame.

    Me too! I belong to a book club and just fake it at the end! I have not finished one single book we have selected! Luckily we meet only a couple of times a year.

    SAME! I have so many half read!
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    It probably isn't that uncommon... but I'm terrified of clowns

    you and me both! I also have awful motion sickness so I prefer walking mostly everywhere unless its not an option.
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    I love being around kids, but don't want any myself because I'm not sure I have the capacity to love them enough.
  • fclefguy
    fclefguy Posts: 10 Member
    I have a crazy fear of both Peacocks and Reindeer. Got attacked by both in my youth, last time I saw a peacock in person at a fair my then girlfriend knew I was afraid but surprised me by taking me right next to the cage. I started crying uncontrollably out of terror and shaking, turned into a full blown panic attack. Terrifying creatures.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I've fainted about 4 times over the years when giving blood samples - once with really loud groaning sounds just to ramp up the embarrassment factor even more.

    As my Mum recently received 8 units of blood following an emergency hospital admission I've just signed up to be a blood donor again after a long break as I feel I should give something back. Last time I donated I came round with one nurse holding my hand, another elevating my legs and a third fanning me gently with a clipboard...... Wish me luck!!
  • Kaelakcr
    Kaelakcr Posts: 505 Member
    I am a nervous pee-er. I can't do it around in, if you're in the next room over, I'll turn on the water. Idk why, I'm just ****ing weird I guess. :P
  • Kaelakcr
    Kaelakcr Posts: 505 Member
    I still can't remember what nouns or verbs are!

    I just have the "JumpStart Second Grade" songs stuck in my head for that one. Noun noun noun, noun n-noun-noun! A noun is a person, place, or thing! Hey Joey, you're wearing a noun.

    The verb one is funny. There's a goat in it I think.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    I am insanely afraid of snakes, to the point where I will panic if I even see a picture of a snake. If someone is talking about a snake I get extremely uneasy and am convinced that a snake is nearby. It's awful. I'm a freak. lol

    I don't freak on photos or videos of snakes, and I am not even THAT bothered by someone I know and trust having their pet snake out and loose...but snakes in the "wild", no matter how small, freak me out SO BAD!! I have always said that if I found a snake in my house or even my garage, I would have to move. I'm pretty sure if I saw a snake in my yard I would cry, or maybe pass out. So I know what you're saying for sure!

    I'm also REALLY scared about walking or driving on ice. Luckily in my area there are usually just a few days of that each year, but I will go to very extreme lengths to avoid it. Once it absolutely could not be avoided, and I had to walk across a large parking lot on solid ice...I walked about 2/3 of the way and then wound up taking off my coat and doing a crawling, sledding type of thing the rest of the way. And crying. It's related to a couple of accidents (falling and wrecking a car) I had on the ice when I was younger...but also just me thinking I'll break my teeth off somehow. I have issues LMAO
  • Oscarinmiami
    Oscarinmiami Posts: 326 Member
    no problem as long as they are comfortable! rock on dude!
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member

    I can recite most of Team America World Police.

    Holla! I love that movie. Seen it too many times. I sing the theme song all the time.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I have an insane fear of bridges...especially large suspension bridges like in NYC. When I was young, I watched a documentary and it showed a large bridge swaying and rippling while cars were on it. I cant remember if the bridge collapsed or not, but that picture sticks with me to this day. I can get across them but I have a minor panic attack until I'm across

    That's a very healthy fear, IMO. I hold my breathe crossing them. (Underwater tunnels freak me out, as well.)
  • lavenderphoenix
    lavenderphoenix Posts: 48 Member
    My freshman year of college I was pledging a sorority and they told us all to get dressed up to go out for Halloween. I borrowed a friend's car to go costume shopping and came back with the only thing I could fit into. When I showed up I realized I hadn't gotten the memo that Halloween was now just an excuse to look as much like a porn star as possible so in the midst of the sexy nurses, kitties, cowgirls, witches there I was. Dressed as a cow.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,376 Member
    Embarrassing not-so-secret-anymore: Whenever I'm sad or mad at someone, I make up ridiculous scenarios in my head where I'm kicking butt. This is probably pretty common but I do it ALL THE TIME.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    One time I farted in my sleep. It was loud enough to wake my guy... and he thought it was someone breaking in to our place. Fml.
  • vickish76
    vickish76 Posts: 80 Member
    Terrified of clowns and super duper clumsy - I fall down in public all the time...