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Office Treats - Not cool Rant
Ok, I'll be serious for a second.
OP, we have snacks here often. Sometimes I'll indulge, sometimes I won't. It helps me to pre-log. I won't eat the candy if I'm really looking forward to the dinner I plan on having. Also, I always have snacks at my desk that I can account for such as apples, peanut butter and my graze box delivery.
We all slip up but what it comes down to really is will power. I would never expect people to change their habits because of my habits. That's just selfish.0 -
Steps to beating that office snack attack!
Step one: Take responsibility for your own actions.
Step Two: Close your mouth
Step Three: Do not try to forcibly insert food via the closed mouth. (Crumbs get everywhere)
With those three simple steps you can be totally cured of your office snacking habit! I'll be charging your credit card a one time fee of only 19.99 for my diet saving advice. (I think I can totally make a fortune on those three little steps!) Thanks!
With the amount of these threads being posted each week, you could be a billionaire in no time!
I'm gonna be rolling in the money!! Who else needs dieting advice????0 -
I am beginning to think it's legitimately cruel to bring candy for co-workers to share at the office.
I read the first sentence. I didn't need to read anything else.
It's called self-control OP. Try it.0 -
That seems very selfish of you, to be honest... Unless they're constantly bringing it by YOUR desk, then they aren't at fault for having treats at theirs. The burden of self control is on you and you alone. That's a BIG part of this journey called weight loss, is developing self control so that you keep failed temptation to a minimum. Please don't misinterpret what I'm saying as an attack on you. It's just that the workplace is often one of the worst places for temptation, due to everyone having different food lifestyles. Learn to adjust to your surroundings, so that you stay on track. In the end, it's YOUR journey and YOU are the only one who can control it.0
You are correct in that you will probably only get "no one is forcing you" responses. That's because it isn't your "friends" responsibility to make your food choices easy for you. It's yours. And only yours. For the rest of your life. YOU. Stop blaming others for your own issues. Many of us here know that's it's hard. I work in a school, there's free crap everywhere. But I accept that if I eat it, it's my decision and I have to live/plan accordingly.
I realize you are probably just looking for some validation on your feelings, but it ain't happening. Cuz to validate you is to tell you that your food choices aren't your fault, they are everyone else's. And that just isn't reality. Good luck avoiding the snacks.0 -
I can totally sympathize with this. When I first lost 50 lbs, I worked in an office where they were constantly bringing in treats, having potlucks, and providing vendor samples. It was so hard. Everytime I turned down a treat, I had to will myself to do it. I constantly had to remind myself that I didn't need the treats. It also helped to remind myself how much stronger I would be if I turned it down, and it worked. Every time I said 'No," the next time was easier.
On a side note, my last office I sat next to a sweet little old lady who reminded me of my grandmother. She was constantly bringing me treats either from home or from the cafeteria. She always brought them "just for me," and gave them to me personally at my desk. This made me feel extremely guilty, so I never turned them down. No weight loss at that office!0 -
The adult thing to do is accept that you cannot blame others for what you consume nor expect others to change their habits because you cannot seem to say no.
But it's easier to throw a fit and JSF.0 -
Also I am curious as to how we get to the username of nutmegpoop... That has got to have a story behind it.0
Hey they had sweet potato fries and onion rings yesterday. I didn't get up and run to get some like the others. I didn't have to-- its called self control.0
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Candy is tempting (And potato chips too...LOL), as hard as it is just try to stay strong as there isn't much you can do about it.0
I am beginning to think it's legitimately cruel to bring candy for co-workers to share at the office. I don't know how many times I have to ask people not to bring it in but it's like no one cares. I am trying so hard not to snack and it becomes so much harder when almost everyone has some sort of treat at their desk. I can only walk by it so many times without taking something.
I am sure I will get a ton of "no one is forcing you to eat it" and you're right. But my "friends" sure don't make it any easier for me. I notoriously have no will power. Why do people want to tempt me?? They think it's nice and I guess once in a while it's a nice treat, but to fill the candy bucket that you've had in your office since Halloween on a weekly basis is just not necessary. And it's always the people that don't eat it themselves! When you stop smoking or drinking or whatever, the professionals all say to stay away from things that trigger you. The amazing cookies that someone brought in today to say thank you for bridal shower gift is certainly a trigger. And it is right next to my cube! This articles helps prove my point.
Sorry for the rant. I'm just really upset about it. I am working really hard to be good. I am a working mom with an almost 2 hour commute each way and working out once I get home is really hard for me. I am not always able to burn the extra calories to make up for one bite size snickers. It can ruin my whole day. Okay, rant over. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
The world doesn't revolve around you. Just because you are making changes to your life doesn't mean everyone has to change themselves to fit your decisions.
One word for you.
Accountability.0 -
I kind of get where you're coming from. I work next to the office communal kitchen, which is where all the snacks are placed. Cake, biscuits, cookies, chocolate - always in the kitchen, right next to my desk. I have to see coworkers pass by my desk munching on a slice of cake someone brought in, usually commenting on how good it is. To make matters worse, one of my coworkers is a fantastic baker, her cakes are like crack they are delicious. It's difficult to sit there watching all this whilst I know I have a salad in the fridge for lunch. Today a bunch of coworkers got fish & chips for lunch, the smell of which was overpowering. I sat and munched my lettuce leaves & cucumber.
My own weight loss is MY responsibility, not my coworkers. Who am I to tell people not to bring in treats & goodies to share, just because I don't want them? I've asked people not to try & persuade me to take the food, if I want some I'll go get it, but beyond that there's nothing I can do. It's not like I could ask everyone in a restaurant to not order dessert, this is no different. I can't ask others to change their own habits to suit mine.
Sure, it's real tough, and every so often I give in and have a small slice of cake. If I do go over my calories, I don't beat myself up about it, or let it ruin my whole day. I work out a little more the next time I can, or cut back on something later on/the next day.0 -
I'm sorry you don't have self control, that must make life very hard for you.0
I notoriously have no will power
also this.
Instead of spending 5 minutes writing up on how everyone is mean- you should have focused on this- which IS fixable- because you control it.
Other people= you can't control
You person= you can control
self discipline and will power are skills. People aren't born with it- you either develop it- or you don't and you're forever wondering why you are not successful.0 -
... self discipline and will power are skills. People aren't born with it- you either develop it- or you don't ...
This is very well said!0 -
Why do people want to tempt me??0
My assistant is CONSTANTLY bringing in Heath (my FAVORITE)!
I KNOW she is doing it on purpose! She is trying to sabotage my fabulousness! Today, she even went to far as to tell me about a HEATH MILKSHAKE at Cook-Out. The B!TCH!
Oh wait...she doesn't put a gun to my head. I choose to eat or not eat said Heath bars. And when I choose Heath, I make sure to limit myself.
For heaven's sake, you are a grown-up. Get over it.0 -
Obviously everyone in your office is thinking about you when they bring in these treats! They get together and plot out who's turn it is to bring in what this week.
They aren't thinking about themselves and that 3pm meeting that they could use a hit of something to get through instead of falling asleep. Or how sometimes having the treat jar at your desk brings people together to talk and bounce ideas off one another. Or how even a slight bit of a social gathering (i.e. 2 minutes around the candy jar) relieves workplace anxiety and stresses.
Get over it...0 -
Sorry your "friends" are trying to brighten the dismal setting of your office by providing a few sweet treats to make the days less dreary.
[img][/img]0 -
Quit your job and lock yourself in the house all day. Your lack of control isn't society's problem.0
I have a bowl of candies ON my desk - tootsie tolls, hershey's kisses, mini peanut butter cups, jolly ranchers, for the students that come in. I don't touch it. One of the Deans brings in Munchkins every day. My big boss brought in zucchini bread today, two loaves. This is life, and there will always, always be something there to "tempt" you. It is useless to get angry about it, and a waste of energy. There are some things in life you just need to accept as beyond your control. It's not a problem unless you make it one !
This. I have a Hello Kitty coffee cup of Hershey's sitting on my desk right now. I provided the cup, but not the candy. I work at a concert hall and we have weddings, so any left over candy from the wedding's ends up on my desk and another girl's. I don't touch it. I leave it there for others.
I bring my own snacks, and I eat them. We have birthday parties with cakes and cookies, sometimes I partake, sometimes I do not. We have these things called coffee concerts (where we give free donuts and coffee to the concert goers) and this place has so many donuts that you would think we were a donut shop. Caterers bring in all types of delicious looking food. And when I'm working an event, I bring dinner with me, so I know exactly what I'm eating. I might snack on a few crackers and some of the fruit, but other than that I make sure that I am prepared for the day.
Prepare yourself. Keep snacks in your drawers, I have Kashi bars, Teddy Grahams, protein bars, peanuts and almonds, so that I do not get tempted.
Be prepared for the day with your own snacks and you'll be ok.0 -
Seriously. . . .?0
A single bite-size Snicker is 40 calories.
You'll burn that walking to your car.
You could even intentionally forget something and go back to your office to get it, just to make certain you burned that whole whopping 40 calories.0 -
A single bite-size Snicker is 40 calories.
You'll burn that walking to your car.
You could even intentionally forget something and go back to your office to get it, just to make certain you burned that whole whopping 40 calories.
I thought that too- wondering if maybe her calorie goal is set too low?0 -
I'm so glad that this is the type of community where someone can come on here, have a bad day, rant about it and feel free to do so without everyone giving them a hard time and making them to feel like crap!(purposeful sarcasm) Lawdy, I hope none of you people have a bad day and come in here ranting about something, and if you do, I hope you're not treated the way you're treating this woman.
To the OP...I'm sure it's rough having treats in your face every time you turn around when you're trying so hard to stay away from them.
If I may offer a suggestion? Maybe you could start bringing in a snack tray of veggies and low-cal dip and place that on your desk sometimes as a 'go to' when you're feeling the urge to grab that mini-Snickers? Or...maybe some mini-protein bars in a candy dish if you can just get 1 of them every now and then. I have Starlight chocolate-mint candies here that I eat like...2 or 3 of per day (they're 60 calories for 3 of them)....maybe get something that isn't quite so calorie-dense and put that in a container on *your* desk...so you have something at least a little better for you than Snickers or other options that co-workers have on theirs.
Just a suggestion...it might help if you have your own dish full of something that you can have *every once in a while* without feeling deprived of something.
I do agree it's not fair to expect them not to bring treats in...because not everyone you work with is in the same boat as you, but...there are things you can do to divert your attention away from the goodies. Bring your own!0 -
^^ This....0
I'm so glad that this is the type of community where someone can come on here, have a bad day, rant about it and feel free to do so without everyone giving them a hard time and making them to feel like crap!(purposeful sarcasm) Lawdy, I hope none of you people have a bad day and come in here ranting about something, and if you do, I hope you're not treated the way you're treating this woman.
To the OP...I'm sure it's rough having treats in your face every time you turn around when you're trying so hard to stay away from them.
If I may offer a suggestion? Maybe you could start bringing in a snack tray of veggies and low-cal dip and place that on your desk sometimes as a 'go to' when you're feeling the urge to grab that mini-Snickers? Or...maybe some mini-protein bars in a candy dish if you can just get 1 of them every now and then. I have Starlight chocolate-mint candies here that I eat like...2 or 3 of per day (they're 60 calories for 3 of them)....maybe get something that isn't quite so calorie-dense and put that in a container on *your* desk...so you have something at least a little better for you than Snickers or other options that co-workers have on theirs.
Just a suggestion...it might help if you have your own dish full of something that you can have *every once in a while* without feeling deprived of something.
I do agree it's not fair to expect them not to bring treats in...because not everyone you work with is in the same boat as you, but...there are things you can do to divert your attention away from the goodies. Bring your own!
We all have bad days, we all rant about stuff. We don't throw the the baby out with the bathwater and blame our lack of willpower and our inability to say "no" on such insignificant things as the candy dish someone puts out at the office. C'mon now.0
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