Office Treats - Not cool Rant



  • pixelatedsun
    pixelatedsun Posts: 165 Member
    Eat a snickers. You get kind of ranty when you're hungry.


  • NoMoreBlameGame
    NoMoreBlameGame Posts: 236 Member
    I keep two dishes of candy ON my desk. One is full of chocolate (Reeses, Hershey's, etc) and the other is full of Dum Dum pops. At 25 calories apiece, if I really want something sweet and to fit in, I have a Dum Dum - why not? It's not worth the heartache, and candy on desks in offices is one of the joys of working with other people - it's a way for easy socialization!

    Maybe try bringing in some low-calorie treats to share? Make some of those 90 calorie brownies or some pumpkin cookies. It would give you an in to talk about the low calories, too, and share your progress with anyone who's interested. :)

    :flowerforyou: I likey this post
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Holy cow, everyone's being mean.

    One suggestion I saw here that I plan to take up is: don't ever eat "free" food in the office. Ever.

    That makes it a simple eat / don't eat decision that's already made.

    No food is free. You're paying for it with your waistline. If you didn't choose it, it's probably not worth eating.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    I am beginning to think it's legitimately cruel to bring candy for co-workers to share at the office. I don't know how many times I have to ask people not to bring it in but it's like no one cares. I am trying so hard not to snack and it becomes so much harder when almost everyone has some sort of treat at their desk. I can only walk by it so many times without taking something.

    I am sure I will get a ton of "no one is forcing you to eat it" and you're right. But my "friends" sure don't make it any easier for me. I notoriously have no will power. Why do people want to tempt me?? They think it's nice and I guess once in a while it's a nice treat, but to fill the candy bucket that you've had in your office since Halloween on a weekly basis is just not necessary. And it's always the people that don't eat it themselves! When you stop smoking or drinking or whatever, the professionals all say to stay away from things that trigger you. The amazing cookies that someone brought in today to say thank you for bridal shower gift is certainly a trigger. And it is right next to my cube! This articles helps prove my point.

    Sorry for the rant. I'm just really upset about it. I am working really hard to be good. I am a working mom with an almost 2 hour commute each way and working out once I get home is really hard for me. I am not always able to burn the extra calories to make up for one bite size snickers. It can ruin my whole day. Okay, rant over. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

    Thanks Obama!

    Thread winner!
  • _BearNecessities_
    _BearNecessities_ Posts: 432 Member

    I'm so glad that this is the type of community where someone can come on here, have a bad day, rant about it and feel free to do so without everyone giving them a hard time and making them to feel like crap!(purposeful sarcasm) Lawdy, I hope none of you people have a bad day and come in here ranting about something, and if you do, I hope you're not treated the way you're treating this woman.


  • beccabmoran
    Hey, I'm with you. I think it *is* cruel.
  • emilyGPK
    emilyGPK Posts: 83 Member
    So long as the snacks are not right in your cubicle/office/whatever I think they are a non-issue.
  • pixelatedsun
    pixelatedsun Posts: 165 Member
    I keep two dishes of candy ON my desk. One is full of chocolate (Reeses, Hershey's, etc) and the other is full of Dum Dum pops. At 25 calories apiece, if I really want something sweet and to fit in, I have a Dum Dum - why not? It's not worth the heartache, and candy on desks in offices is one of the joys of working with other people - it's a way for easy socialization!

    Maybe try bringing in some low-calorie treats to share? Make some of those 90 calorie brownies or some pumpkin cookies. It would give you an in to talk about the low calories, too, and share your progress with anyone who's interested. :)

    :flowerforyou: I likey this post

    Thank you! I manage a degree program at a university, so I am constantly bombarded by hungry, poor students eating junk food! :laugh: You learn to adapt and deal with it. Those 90 calorie brownies are awesome, by the way - definitely worth checking 'em out!
  • NoMoreBlameGame
    NoMoreBlameGame Posts: 236 Member
    If she wanted to rant and rave, maybe she should have come in here and asked for moral support instead of putting the blame of her will power issues on everyone around her. We all know it's tough, but the truth is if you can't walk around this world and exercise some level of will power then you're not going to make it.

    Maybe she needed to hear some of the responses telling her she needs to get over herself. Probably more helpful than if everyone came in here and told her that she was right and everyone around her is wrong. That's just dumb.

    Again, I agree with you. I never once said everyone around her is wrong (and yes, that would be dumb). What I said was that there are more tactful ways to say things than *several* of the rude comments I saw here....that's all. It's called etiquette. "Get over yourself" and "Get a grip"...straight-up *rude*.
  • FitGal4ever42
    FitGal4ever42 Posts: 265 Member
    I wish I had candy right now... My co-workers suck ! They never bring in treats... :grumble:

    Will power.... that's what it is all about.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member

    I'm so glad that this is the type of community where someone can come on here, have a bad day, rant about it and feel free to do so without everyone giving them a hard time and making them to feel like crap!(purposeful sarcasm) Lawdy, I hope none of you people have a bad day and come in here ranting about something, and if you do, I hope you're not treated the way you're treating this woman.

    I don't let the behaviors of others affect my choices so therefore, no, I won't be coming on here to rant because I can't have 40 calories in Snickers. I'd just eat it! Also, the ranter must realize that she has no control over the behavior of others. Only of herself. This isn't about giving someone a hard time. It's about teaching someone how to take accountability. It's not her fault that her coworkers brought in candy. That doesn't justify her eating it nor does it justify her getting angry about it. Anger is counter-productive.
    To the OP...I'm sure it's rough having treats in your face every time you turn around when you're trying so hard to stay away from them.

    If I may offer a suggestion? Maybe you could start bringing in a snack tray of veggies and low-cal dip and place that on your desk sometimes as a 'go to' when you're feeling the urge to grab that mini-Snickers? Or...maybe some mini-protein bars in a candy dish if you can just get 1 of them every now and then. I have Starlight chocolate-mint candies here that I eat like...2 or 3 of per day (they're 60 calories for 3 of them)....maybe get something that isn't quite so calorie-dense and put that in a container on *your* you have something at least a little better for you than Snickers or other options that co-workers have on theirs.

    A 40-calorie mini Snickers was too evil of a treat and you are suggesting sixty calorie mints?
    Just a might help if you have your own dish full of something that you can have *every once in a while* without feeling deprived of something. :)

    I do agree it's not fair to expect them not to bring treats in...because not everyone you work with is in the same boat as you, but...there are things you can do to divert your attention away from the goodies. Bring your own! :smile:

    Good advice!
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member

    I'm so glad that this is the type of community where someone can come on here, have a bad day, rant about it and feel free to do so without everyone giving them a hard time and making them to feel like crap!(purposeful sarcasm) Lawdy, I hope none of you people have a bad day and come in here ranting about something, and if you do, I hope you're not treated the way you're treating this woman.

    That would totally make sense if the OP wasn't trying to throw her coworkers under the bus like it's their fault. She was trying to pass the buck for her own lack of will power.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    I feel your pain OP. My office always has something terribly unhealthy lying around. Most days I can avoid it, but it's a constant struggle for me. The bowl is right next to the copier I use so I have to pass it often throughout the day. And yes, not everyone else in this office is on a diet but some should be, they are way overweight. It's just not healthy to have candy and donuts as a snack everyday.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I have all kinds of candy IN my office for my co-workers. Get a grip, and stop stuffing your face. Don't make others suffer because you have no willpower. I mean really how dare you tell them what they can and can not do because you're on a diet. Then blame them for your lack of motivation. Keep snacks in your desk just for you.
  • Phatgirl420
    Phatgirl420 Posts: 197 Member
    Sorry, but I can't really feel sorry for you. I have been cutting down for 3 1/2 months now, and I work in a medical office where my coworkers are always bringing in yummy treats, just last week someone made homemade fudge brownies, and patients CONSTANTLY bring in "thank you" treats" such as donuts and cookies, and don't even get me started when it comes to the holidays...chocolate boxes EVERYWHERE, not to mention the fact that we have drug rep catered lunches at least 2 x a week, where lunch is sympathy here, sorry! lol I have learned to not go where those treats are, and if someone offers me something, I politely say no thank you. I have learned to keep focused on my work, and just stay away from it. You cannot expect people to not bring in things because you are dieting. That would be like asking people not to have meat for lunch because someone in the office is a vegetarian, it doesn't work like that. You are responsible for what goes in your mouth and what doesn't. To really ask others to not bring in things is crazy. Food is everywhere, you can't just stay in a box forever, however, you can say no thanks. Good luck. :noway:
  • NoMoreBlameGame
    NoMoreBlameGame Posts: 236 Member
    A 40-calorie mini Snickers was too evil of a treat and you are suggesting sixty calorie mints?

    The 60 calorie mints are THREE of them...for 60 cal. (2 for 40, 1 for 20, etc). IF she's at work all day long and as she stated she can only walk by the candy dishes so many times before she has issues fighting the urge to grab might behoove her to have something on *her* desk that she can have more of...for not as many calories (3 Snickers would be 120 cal versus 60 for three of something else). Goodness gracious, me oh my. -_-
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member

    I'm so glad that this is the type of community where someone can come on here, have a bad day, rant about it and feel free to do so without everyone giving them a hard time and making them to feel like crap!(purposeful sarcasm) Lawdy, I hope none of you people have a bad day and come in here ranting about something, and if you do, I hope you're not treated the way you're treating this woman.
    The OP came here with a childish rant - actually admitted she's asked people to change to accomodate her health project - and the community identified the problem = her lack of discipline.

    Letting her know what her problem is is the responsible thing to do. The irresponsible thing would be to pat her on the head without offering any kind of constructive solution to it.

    If you see "making her feeling like crap", maybe you haven't identified where OP's weak point is yet? It is a lifestyle change and if OP keeps eating everything in her office, don't you think that staying away from the "temptations" will bring success.

    Moderation is usually also mentioned in this context, so for good measure I'll encourage OP to look over her calories and see if she can fit in maybe a day or two of treats at the office, if they are that important to her. Maybe she feels excluded in her current situation?
  • kimpar2
    off topic - I was wrote up for bring dougnuts to work before.

    unless they are forcing it on you, Office Treats are cool

    That's so uncool and sickeningly politically correct.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I am beginning to think it's legitimately cruel to bring candy for co-workers to share at the office. I don't know how many times I have to ask people not to bring it in but it's like no one cares. I am trying so hard not to snack and it becomes so much harder when almost everyone has some sort of treat at their desk. I can only walk by it so many times without taking something.

    I am sure I will get a ton of "no one is forcing you to eat it" and you're right. But my "friends" sure don't make it any easier for me. I notoriously have no will power. Why do people want to tempt me?? They think it's nice and I guess once in a while it's a nice treat, but to fill the candy bucket that you've had in your office since Halloween on a weekly basis is just not necessary. And it's always the people that don't eat it themselves! When you stop smoking or drinking or whatever, the professionals all say to stay away from things that trigger you. The amazing cookies that someone brought in today to say thank you for bridal shower gift is certainly a trigger. And it is right next to my cube! This articles helps prove my point.

    Sorry for the rant. I'm just really upset about it. I am working really hard to be good. I am a working mom with an almost 2 hour commute each way and working out once I get home is really hard for me. I am not always able to burn the extra calories to make up for one bite size snickers. It can ruin my whole day. Okay, rant over. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

    I'm sorry are you not an adult who can make their own decisions about what they do or do not eat? I get it might be tempting, but to seriously ask them to NOT bring it in because YOU don't want it. Seriously, is the office and the world only revolve around you?

    I get it's tempting, I really do. There are doughnuts brought into my office almost weekly. Doughnuts are my kryptonite.

    Here's the thing, you're making a lifestyle change, for you, and only you. Not everyone in the office. So either learn how to fit it into your day, or put your big girl panties on and don't eat it.