SWa Walking group - January Walk



  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    updated my ticker by 4 miles since I was last here.

    Spent a couple of days with my 86 yr old Mom and left husband home alone with a cold. Sure do hope I don't get it.

    I gave him some chicken broth with rice & fresh garlic in it this morning. I had some too hoping to keep the germs away. This has been a bad winter for him with colds and such. I think his immunity is down since his Mother passed away in August.

    Well everyone have a good day, keep walking and making progress.

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Morning walkers! Happy Monday!

    4.5 miles this a.m. Put Denise Austin in this morning ( not so much) has some great arm moves but the super soft voice and reeeeeeeally perky facial expressions don't speak to me. I'll try again tomorrow. Did LS Hips and Thighs and freeform and weights.
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    I made my goal of walking 31 miles yhis month:bigsmile:
    Now if i could just lose some weight:grumble:
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I know it's pretty late in the month to join. But I've been doing the 1 and 2 mile walk with Leslie from about 2 weeks now and I'm training to do my first 5K walk in Feb. I would love to join this group. I walked 3.2 miles on Sunday in about 70 minutes. I know that's not fast but I'm a beginner and I do need to moved. I don't like strenuous exercise so I decided walking is the way to go for me.
    OK enough rambling for now.
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    Well I was only going to do 5 miles but as I was doing the stretching the mailman showed up with my walk away the pounds kit. So I had to check it out. only did the 2 mile with the water balls. I am so going to feel that later.

    Welcome mfkfoster, and we all started out with small amounts, just keep moving!!!
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Hey all - just checking in. Hope everyone had a good weekend. I went MIA over the weekend. Our boys had their Cub Scout pinewood derby races Friday night/Saturday and yesterday was Football Sunday (Yay Steelers!). I don't think I logged onto the computer once from the time I logged out at work on Friday.

    I did manage to walk 3 miles Sunday before the games. Now headed down for a 4-mile tape with Leslie and my walking buddies. Hoping it'll be kind, but knowing it won't be easy :ohwell:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    I made my goal of walking 31 miles yhis month:bigsmile:
    Now if i could just lose some weight:grumble:

    I feel your pain Viggie I am in the same boat. Look how far you have come in such a short amount of time. :flowerforyou: Congratulations!!

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello !!

    WELCOME "mfkfoster" --- I hate strenuous exercise too, thats mainly all I do is walk, walk, walk!!!! And Leslie sansone dvd's.

    All of us in the " WALK ACROSS AMERICA" : It looks Like we'll be walking in Virginia for a VERY, VERY, Very Long time , UGH! :grumble: I thought I'd be out by now ( LOL). Looks like at least 5 months, I hope to goodness I'm wrong :bigsmile:
    I'm only seeing 3 of us in the RACE across america, I'M BLACK then I see Light blue & Royal blue trail. There should be a red & Pink and I think A green Trail, But I don't see it ???

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    1mile biggest loser 1 boosted mile
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi MK! Welcome to the group! Glad you joined us.

    Alice, I sent the list to the address you gave me. Let me know if it doesn't work and I can send as a word doc attached.

    No walking for me tonight, I worked late because I have to leave early tomorrow so maybe I'll get in a good one tomorrow!

    Keep on walking everybody! :happy:
  • Hi everyone.

    Welcome, Mtkfoster this is a great group, no pressure, just keep walking.

    I'm happy to report I've been on a weightn platu for the last month.... and I weighed in this morning and was down 3LB,,finally :bigsmile:
    I think this walking is working.... ya just don't give up.
    so to celebrate, I did 3 miles with BL power walk, and the 3rd mile just about killed me. :sick:

    Veggie congrats. on reaching your goal. I think I'm going to to have to up mine next month.

    Sandy Sorry about your interview.

    Teresa, I know what you mine. I was looking at the map last night trying to figure out just how long it would take me to get through Virginia,,, and how long it'll be before I get to Co., my home state. It's deffently not going to happen this year, lol..

    Well everyone have a good night... and keep walking :drinker:
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks for all the encouragement ladies. Now I have to push myself to keep walking even though I made my goal. I'm going to walk at least 2 miles today. Next month I'll have to push my goal too. Maybe I'll go for 40 miles. Have a good day everyone.

    Great job on your weight loss Contancemwj!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    4.5 miles 1 mile LS 2 miles BL .5 miles freeform with weights

    Great Tuesday!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    4.5 miles 2mile LS 2 miles BL .5 miles freeform with weights (correction)

    They made it Sandra, Thank you!!!!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good morning Everyone!!

    Decided to Exercise indoors with Leslie Sansone, got in 4 miles.
    I was feeling so energized this morning and as soon as I got into Leslie Sansone 2 miles, I started losing it. Now I'm feeling drained. :indifferent:

    OKAY! the only people I see on ( WALK ACROSS AMERICA) Is:: Marie & ConnieJ. ( Light Blue & Dark Blue) I'm wondering that because several of you are on the same miles, your just hidden underneath there Trail markers. How can that be, It's been like that since I started it. It Looks like Im flying by everyone. I'm Not Sure if that site is working correctly?
    And why Am I stuck with the ugly black Trail Marker ? :angry:

    Okay, Time to take a shower & buy some smaller clothes. My bra's aren't filling out :blushing: . BUT The bossom's are soooo huge I'll be going through a lot of bra's through this weight change process. Maybe I'll just buy ONE!!! for now.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I am positive I posted yesterday! I KNOW I did--I told you all how I ended up doing all 4 miles of the BL Power Walk on Sunday and welcomed the new people! I just don't see my post! How weird!

    Anyway, I only got 1 mile in yesterday because of all the paperwork I had to complete for my job that starts on Monday. I plan on making up for that over the next few days.

    My keyboard is messing up and I keep having to spell check everything because of missed and extra letters. Frustrating! I think I will get a new keyboard soon.

    I hope everyone has a good day!
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    These are the totals I have on my screen for miles. I can see everyone. Im dissappointed in that site. Still going to do it though. Im a black dot on my screen too. It shows Im ahead of everyone. I don't know.

    63749 MarieS 53.0 mi
    63767 TeresaS 18.5 mi
    63808 SandraE 47.5 mi
    63763 KathyR 43.5 mi
    63776 ConnieJ 50.0 mi
    63824 LeslieT 50.5 m

    I've had alot of luck getting clothes at the second hand stores near me. Tops and pants only though. The one time I went and got myself new I was out of them within a couple weeks. So It just doesn't pay to go buy new if you plan on loosing more weight.

    I will try to post later. Im trying to set my mind on doing our taxes right now. Im stalling at the moment...

    Ok here I go!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi Everyone!! :frown:

    I'm really disappointed in "The Walk Across America". I guess I'm on my own :huh: . MY Readings are totally different:
    Me at 81.5 miles
    Sandra at 20 miles
    Kathy at 20 miles
    LESLIE AT 22
    CONNIE at 22
    KNOW WONDER I never seen any one else Move. DARN IT!!!! When I started it, some how I added myself twice, Then I had to delete one. I GUESS THATS HOW I MESSED IT UP :explode:
    Now I'm feeling lonely out there in Virginia ALL by myself ..... I guess I'll keep going, Sooo Disappointed Though. :sad: :cry:

    I guess I can up-date once in awhile, Right now it looks like im in Richmond Virginia.

    Well besides the screw up with (Walk across America), I walked again today, went shopping ( didn't buy any clothes or A bra ) And then used the Pedometer while I danced around the house for 25 minutes :bigsmile: ( THANKS SANDY)

    Good Night!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everybody, I did the 3-mile with the walk belt from the 5-mile advanced walk dvd and then I spent some time with my weights. I need to be more regular with the weights. :smile: I might actually make my goal this month! First time in a while.

    Teresa I agree the Walk across america site is confusing. I think your right about several of our marker's being piled up together. But you are way ahead of us and if you look at the miles you've walked this month compared to me, you should be way ahead! I think it's something to do with that little paragraph above the map that says your virtual partner's starting point was set to match yours??? But I haven't quite gotten what it means.

    Marie, It's too soon for taxes. It makes me cringe just thinking about it. :sad: I totally agree about the second hand stores. Now that I'm not changing sizes very fast I still go there because I got used to paying such great prices. It's kind of like being on a scavenger hunt and I've even taken my old clothes and got money or store credit.
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Hey there everybody. I'm going to have to look at the Walk Across America site as it sounds interesting, altho confusing.

    I agree with Sandy - too soon for taxes but more power to you Marie. Fitting you'd chose the night of the State of the Union to start too :happy:

    I did the 5K with a twist today. Am hoping with the boys at a Cub Scout meeting that I can figure out my ticker and update it. I lost track what it should be so far. Work has been crazy but I'm still managing to head downstairs and walk a few miles everyday. I find I come back much better mentally when if I don't go, it's wanna-be siesta time.
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