Help me not fall into the Coke Zero trap!!



  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Not only is it a carcinogen, but it also has shown, like diet drinks, to deposit fat around the mid section.

    It gives you NOTHING other than bad things.

    so it's up to you. is it worth it? all the negatives? for .. what? is it really that tasty ?
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    If a drink has ingredients I can't pronounce, I don't drink it.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Diet soda pop is toxic....if you add rat poison to it.

    You'll have to pull the coke zero out of my cold, dead hands.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    If a drink has ingredients I can't pronounce, I don't drink it.
    Can you pronounce "aspartame"?
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    Not only is it a carcinogen, but it also has shown, like diet drinks, to deposit fat around the mid section.

    It gives you NOTHING other than bad things.

    so it's up to you. is it worth it? all the negatives? for .. what? is it really that tasty ?

    OMG :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    [img] for Forums/TinfoilHat_zpsa0ac9506.jpg[/img]
  • Zx14chick
    Zx14chick Posts: 255 Member
    Wow this thread created some passion lol. All of the above mentioned (good and Bad) aside It really comes down to moderation. If you already know it creates addictive behavior in you maybe it is better to stay away. If you can have it a couple times a week there is no harm in it. I think anything that creates addictive behavior could sabotage your efforts. I do not think soda is the root of all evil. No one knows you and your body like you do. What works for me might not work for you so follow your success. I drink 2 diet sodas a day, but I am okay with that. If I don't have it no big deal, so I don't sweat it. I however discovered I LOVE blueberry red bull...I love it A LOT too much lol. I had to say good bye I can't drink it. I could literally drink it until my heart exploded ;) So...Be good to you. If you can handle a soda or two on your terms you are good to go. If you find yourself scribbling I <3 COKE ZERO on your note pad you might want to stay away. Have a great Friday. Be well.

    Probably the most thought out response in this entire thread!
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    You'll have to pull the coke zero out of my cold, dead hands.


    I drink that *kitten* errryday. Often its multiple times a day.

    Sometimes I water down my Captain with it.

    Don't judge me!
  • Why are you opposed to diet soda? When consumed in moderation there is ZERO research showing it will have negative impact on weight loss. It is zero calories.

    Caffeine is actually a good weight loss supplement. Again moderation is key but caffeine can be quite beneficial when losing weight. It can help performance in workouts and give energy when you are feeling sluggish.

    there are plenty of things that provide caffeine and also provide nutritive benefit, unlike sodas, though. I drink coffee every day! It's organic, fair trade and locally roasted. When I can find good dark chocolate, I will srsly put a hurt on it. Thankfully, I can't find it often!

    very true.

    But more about how coke zero deposits fat in your midsection please.

    every time someone opens up a can of coke zero, every donut, candy bar, pie, container of ice cream, gummy bear, and chocolate chip cookie for a 5 mile radius perks up their ears and zones in on the drinker. between sips from the can (or cup), the aforementioned foods all take turns leaping into the drinker's mouth and diving down their throats.

    there have also been scattered reports of people becoming overcome by sweets and baked goods, duct taped to their chairs, and dumped into giant vats of pudding, creme brulee custard, and pulverized flan, with the only option for survival to eat their way out.
    Gee is that what happened? ? Lmao
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I had a serious Coke / caffeine addiction prior to 90 days ago.
    I have gone the last 3 months, basically only drinking water.
    I have dipped into Coke Zero four times in the last 3 weeks (one or two servings each time), and what I thought tasted awful before is now tempting me.....

    I think about it.... Oh, if I could only have you Coke Zero!!!!

    Help me not to fall into the diet soda trap!!!!!!!

    This is an easy one. Avoid Coke Zero by drinking Diet Pepsi.

    You're welcome.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    If a drink has ingredients I can't pronounce, I don't drink it.
    If a drink has ingredients I can't pronounce, I learn to pronounce the ingredients. Just because you are ignorant of something doesn't make that thing dangerous.

  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    I drink Diet Sunkist. Has caffeine and tastes great. Can't stand any diet colas. Then of course Diet Mountain Dew also. Never had a problem with it, but the I use a big mug, fill it with ice first, then diet soda.

    I didn't think Diet Sunkist had caffeine...I tried to stop drinking caffeine in January but still drank Diet Sunkist...duh on my part. the OP who wants to give up caffeine for individual reasons I am not advocating what anyone else should do. I have in the past had a significant Diet Pepsi addiction and recently had started drinking (IMO) too much Coke Zero. I still have the occasional Diet Dr. Pepper or apparetnly Diet Sunkist.
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    I had a serious Coke / caffeine addiction prior to 90 days ago.
    I have gone the last 3 months, basically only drinking water.
    I have dipped into Coke Zero four times in the last 3 weeks (one or two servings each time), and what I thought tasted awful before is now tempting me.....

    I think about it.... Oh, if I could only have you Coke Zero!!!!

    Help me not to fall into the diet soda trap!!!!!!!

    This is an easy one. Avoid Coke Zero by drinking Diet Pepsi.

    You're welcome.

    Diet Pepsi is just a cheap knock off of the Real Thing. (See what I did there - free branding for the home team.)
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I had a serious Coke / caffeine addiction prior to 90 days ago.
    I have gone the last 3 months, basically only drinking water.
    I have dipped into Coke Zero four times in the last 3 weeks (one or two servings each time), and what I thought tasted awful before is now tempting me.....

    I think about it.... Oh, if I could only have you Coke Zero!!!!

    Help me not to fall into the diet soda trap!!!!!!!

    This is an easy one. Avoid Coke Zero by drinking Diet Pepsi.

    You're welcome.

    Diet Pepsi is just a cheap knock off of the Real Thing. (See what I did there - free branding for the home team.)

    What you meant to say is "Diet Pepsi is a high quality beverage that tastes far better than any Coke product."

    It's okay, I sometimes type things out the wrong way too.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Team Coke Zero!!! For years and years.

    And Canada Dry 10. My poor, poor midsection.
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member
    Diet Mountain Dew is the way to go! I haven't had any pop for 32 days now and I never dreamed I'd go that long. There isn't any real particular reason that I quit other than the fact that I was sometimes drinking as much as three 44oz cups a day! I knew that couldn't be healthy (as you can probably guess caffeine has NO effect on me whatsoever, I wish it did) but I fully intend on drinking it again....just not today.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Not only is it a carcinogen, but it also has shown, like diet drinks, to deposit fat around the mid section.

    How does a product that doesn't contain fat or make fat deposit fat?
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    If a drink has ingredients I can't pronounce, I don't drink it.

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Not only is it a carcinogen, but it also has shown, like diet drinks, to deposit fat around the mid section.

    How does a product that doesn't contain fat or make fat deposit fat?

    Dietary fat does not make you fat.
  • jwats8
    jwats8 Posts: 112
    Why are you opposed to diet soda? When consumed in moderation there is ZERO research showing it will have negative impact on weight loss. It is zero calories.

    Caffeine is actually a good weight loss supplement. Again moderation is key but caffeine can be quite beneficial when losing weight. It can help performance in workouts and give energy when you are feeling sluggish.

    Thank you........
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm going to use that word we all hate again. Moderation.

    I've seriously cut back on diet soda. I used to drink 3-4 a day. Now I drink 1 or 2 a month (Mostly coke zero, and mostly mixed with rum)

    The only reason I cut back was I was pregnant with my 2nd child and my ob suggested I limit artificial sweeteners (limit, not give up completely). His thought is that the book is still out on how they affect a developing baby so why mess with it?

    I will say, that now if I drink a whole 20 oz bottle of diet soda, it gives me tummy trouble and headaches. I had the same thing when I gave it up (but that could have been from being pregnant).

    Do what you want. No one is getting out of here alive.