Does anyone else keep touchin' themselves?



  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    Sometimes I even touch myself in public. I try not to because it seems to make other people uncomfortable for some reason, but at times it's too hard to resist.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    Yup. Why not? Be careful though, if you do it too much you'll go blind.

    It's rare that I won't walk past my mirror at home and not lift my top up (if I'm alone).
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    ummm....yessss, but not the same way most people here seem to. for me it's more like grabbing handfuls of human playdough skin and lamenting about how disgusting it looks and feels. sadly, nothing to be done about that.
  • jacklis
    jacklis Posts: 280 Member
    I stick a couple fingers between the buttons of my shirt at work and pretend I'm scratching my stomach but it turns out it isn't itchy and I am feeling the groove between my abs... like a boss.

    I started to read this- and got really excited :blushing: and then I noticed children in the profile pic and felt ashamed... but this thread title had so much to offer.
  • emhunter
    emhunter Posts: 1,212 Member
  • JtKeil
    JtKeil Posts: 1,389 Member
    Yep, my sides and back mostly. I've also started running my hands along my hips since I've noticed the shape of my curves changing recently. It's a lot smoother than it was before :happy:
  • FitStelley
    FitStelley Posts: 38 Member
    I love feeling my ribs and my pelvis! I can actually feel my skeleton now that I've got less padding and it's pretty neat! Oh, and I love touching my triceps and my collar bones. I love the fact that I have collar bones and my triceps are more defined. I still have a long ways to go, but it's all about loving yourself. Right?
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    Yeah, I run my hand over my arms to feel my biceps and triceps and how firm they are getting, or over my pecs. Starting to do it on my shoulders too as they develop, or just grabbing around my waist and feeling the hip bone for the first time. Glad I am NOT the only one.
  • JodieSmith15
    JodieSmith15 Posts: 40 Member
    I think everyone does it... no need to feel like a weirdo :) I've been flexing a lot lately...have been focusing on my arms and I can see some progress lol! but i feel on my hip bones and ribs a lot. Unfamiliar feelings for sure! Keep workin hard girl you're doing great :)
  • JinxRita
    JinxRita Posts: 191 Member
    I do the exact same thing, and since I don't measure (I wish I had. You should if you aren't yet.), it's the best way I can tell that I'm making progress. The scale is nice, but sometimes it doesn't move...and yet, I can still feel progress.

    So go on, touch your bad self! ;)
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    I touch myself all the time. My shrinking waist, my shrinking chest...Everything's shrinking.
  • mamasitaroja
    mamasitaroja Posts: 52 Member
    Not weird at all! I keep realizing I now put my fingers in front of my hip bone and hook my thumb behind, feeling how sharp and shallow it is. When alone, I used to grab the roll of 3-baby belly that was still left no matter what I did, but it's starting to flatten out, so I've stopped. Lying down I rub my hipbones and sometimes my ribs, almost as if to make sure they're still there. It is weird at first, or if someone points it out, but these are the trophies we REALLY want, right?
  • jfboomer
    jfboomer Posts: 79 Member
    Absolutely! Mostly my neck, because there is one less chin! :laugh:
  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    I don’t want anybody else; when I think of you, I touch myself! :tongue:
    I can't believe it took this many posts for someone to say it - thank you! Makes me think of Austin Powers personally!
  • floralfriday
    floralfriday Posts: 24 Member
    I stick a couple fingers between the buttons of my shirt at work and pretend I'm scratching my stomach but it turns out it isn't itchy and I am feeling the groove between my abs... like a boss.

    This made me laugh. I think it was the like a boss bit.

    I like feeling my waist!
  • wissabear
    wissabear Posts: 62 Member
    Yes! Because I now have hips that I don't need to search for!

    Then I tell my belly that it too will soon be gone :)
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    If it's weird, I don't want to be normal. I'm only at the beginning of this journey, but my favorite right now is wrapping the fingers of my right hand around my left wrist. A big NSV will be when my fingers can touch!
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
  • lilredhead314
    lilredhead314 Posts: 52 Member
    When I lay on my back, I love to rest my hands on my hip bones. And I touch my bum curve A LOT to make sure it didnt disappear since the last time I looked in the mirror!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Oh the replies here should be fun...

    But yeah, guilty. I remember when I first started getting fit I was in the gym shower and was soaping up my chest and I was like, "Holy crap, there's muscle there!"

    After that when my V was more defined I just could not stop running my finger along it, without even thinking about it. I'd be in public and have to stop myself.

    Hashtag fitproblems.

    I can't stop running my finger along your V either.

    Oh *cough* ummmm I mean.....

    I don't think there is much of the day when I don't touch myself and also check myself out in any and all mirrors. I actually just made a status the other day about how every time I go to the bathroom I check out my booty. I mean, just in case it changed from an hour ago, ya know....:laugh: