September Cycling Challenge 2014



  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    September goals?

    Goal #1: Oktoberfest starts on my birthday this month, so I guess my goal this month is to stay ahead of the calorie count by turning the pedals enough to indulge...

    Goal #2: Get fewer flats this month.

    September 3 - rode 14.7 miles for a duration of 1:06:09
    September 5 - rode 19.3 miles for a duration of 1:23:00

    September Totals: 34 miles for a duration of 2:29:09
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    Goal: 100 miles (road + trail)

    9/2 - 11.5 (trail)
    9.5 - 19.5 (road)

    Total: 31.0
    Remaining: 69.0

    Andddddd I wrecked my new road bike today. Youch! The bike and I seem fine though, apart from some pretty good road rash.

    (edited - had the mileage wrong)
  • Goal #2: Get fewer flats this month.

    Funny, but not funny. I with you on this one.
    Andddddd I wrecked my new road bike today.

    Ouch! Sorry to hear that. Hope you heal quickly and glad it wasn't worse.

    09/01 - 20.59 mi, pace 2:58
    09/02 - 20.55 mi, pace 3:07
    09/03 - 32.75 mi, pace 3:05
    09/04 - 27.24 mi, pace 2:59
    09/05 - 20.55 mi, pace 2:58

    MTD: 121
    Goal: 300

    I'm going to be busy some this month, so I have to get a strong start.
    SWWIS Posts: 94 Member
    Yesterday was a rest day. Today I biked 9 miles on a stationary bike (on random hill mode) in 30 minutes, before doping other exercises at the gym. I have flag football practice later so I didn't want to wear out my legs.

    9/1 - other exercise
    9/2 - other exercise
    9/3 - 10 miles
    9/4 - rest
    9/5 - 9 miles

    19 miles completed, 56 miles to go
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    9-01-14 - 36.1 miles - 19.3mph
    9-02-14 - 18.9 miles - 19.6mph
    9-03-14 - 19.0 miles - 18.3mph (with 4th overall Segment)
    9-04-14 - 09.5 miles - 18.6mph (too hot and too windy so I said screw it early)

    83.5mi 4h 23m 1,998ft
  • mrron2u
    mrron2u Posts: 919 Member
    9/1 - 12.7
    9/2 - 12.8
    9/3 - 8.7
    9/5 - 11

    45.2 miles ridden, 204.8 miles to go!
  • Zumbalinda

    Now that you have the ticker, I challenge you to beat my mileage....
  • zumbalinda22
    zumbalinda22 Posts: 182 Member

    You've set the bar awfully high, your highness, but I like a challenge!! I'm going to give it my best shot!! Lass uns gehen!!! (or something like that!) : )
  • Hi, I am going to try and see if I can cycle for this month. So far I have done 32 miles since September 1. My goal is 200 miles.
  • Zumbalinda

    Just keep pedaling, lackey. You do not want to be beaten by an old queen, will you?
  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    2 hilarious hours on my tiny wheeled shopper bike, with a massive dog attached to the seatpost. He loves those little rides, and I do too.

    So far only about an hour on the "proper" bike on my own. And it's pouring down.

    I might invest in a turbo.
  • nige101
    nige101 Posts: 22 Member
    Going to start this month, I need to start exercising more
  • 5/9 - 13 miles
    6/9 - 20 miles

    Total: 33 miles

    Remaining: 161.48 miles

    Goal: 250 miles
  • zumbalinda22
    zumbalinda22 Posts: 182 Member
    Queen Anne

    I'm an old queen, too, with legs that feel like rubber and a sore butt, but I'll keep on pedaling! Don't you take any rest days??!!!
  • Zumbalinda

    A rest day for me is when I do under 40 miles. I challenged myself last year to go every day a few miles further. Now I am so used to do at least 30 miles, that I feel bad if I don't.

    But you may have a chance to catch up. I did over 1000 miles last month and need a new cassette, which I ordered, but the company I bought it from is slow with shipping. So I have to be careful at the moment until I get the cassette.
  • mrron2u
    mrron2u Posts: 919 Member
    9/1 - 12.7
    9/2 - 12.8
    9/3 - 8.7
    9/5 - 11
    9/6 - 12.8

    58 miles ridden, 192 miles to go!
  • zumbalinda22
    zumbalinda22 Posts: 182 Member

    Under 40 miles is your idea of a REST day??!! OMG, I'm in way over my head! I was excited because I managed to do 19 miles today - that was my best yet.! No offense, but I think I'm going to have to pray that your cassette gets shipped to another country by mistake!!!! : ) That's my only chance to catch up to you! Not giving up, though. You've got me pedaling my *** off, which is a good thing, because I could stand to lose a little of my *** anyway!!!
  • zumbalinda22
    zumbalinda22 Posts: 182 Member

    Whoops - sent my message twice.