
  • Squatch3099
    Squatch3099 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, cut out salty high calorie salad dressings and added two 45 minute sessions of exercise every day except Sunday.

    Dropped 4 pounds overnight! Yes, most of that is water but it's gone anyhow!!:drinker:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Just popping in to post today's joke, but wanted to say to Brenda that we really feel for you and hope things start looking up very soon. Please keep posting to tell us how you are doing.

    Here's the joke:


    Q: What's the definition of mixed emotions?

    A: When you see your mother-in-law backing off a cliff in your brand new car.


  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 501 Member
    Hi again,

    I forgot to mention that I uploaded the photo of my Grandmother that I am drawing now to my profile page. I think this was taken in the late 1950's or maybe 1960's. She was born in 1899 and has dark hair in the photo. She is wearing saddle shoes and they were popular at that time. I am improvising on the barn a bit as I can't make out a lot of detail in the shadows, but I do have her and the cow done and am pleased. I have about 27 hours in and estimate that I am about 60 per cent complete. It's funny that this photo has been on my shelf for years and I have seen so many new things in it I never noticed before.

    I will let you know when I post the finished drawing.


    Cindy in OK
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 501 Member
    Sylvia, love the joke!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm late today. Went up town for coffee and was gone like two hours doing this and that. Got my vegetables for a meat ball stew. Grandkids wanted spaghetti and meat balls. I told them that's not good for gramma's diet. So they settled for stew. Only because they like making the meat balls.

    Didn't get much sleep last night tired today so it's going to be a good long nap I hope. Hopefully I can settle in with the CPAP machine.

    I took down a few notes and read from where I left off last night but just to tired to concentrate right now.

    See you all lighter
    Linda In Northern Ontario.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hey, all,

    Can't remember who mentioned this. I also saw where the latest ebola patient went to Omaha. Not sure why he went there, although I'm sure they are more than competent to care for him. To me, it would just make more sense to keep using the facilities in Atlanta; where they are already experienced and proven successful in treating this specific illness. Makes me wonder if the point is to prepare other hospital staffs for an influx. The head of the CDC has made the statement that the window is closing on the opportunity to contain this outbreak. Quotes from people at WHO are also sounding increasingly alarmed. Africa is, to be blunt, losing the battle.

    In the local news here, the mosquitoes are out to get us. Significant sharp increases in the sentinal chickens showing EEE (Eastern Equine Encaphalitis) and West Nile Virus in the mosquitoes...............neither of which one wants to get.

    Tried to go to the gym today.......I really did...........was running late and not one parking spot open when I got there, so I settled for some grocery shoping
    not quite the same.

    Tere...........Hope you got that needed rest. YAY for both your dad's kindness when you were in need and your DD's job. Last summer we had very good luck at a consignment store getting my DD a business casual wardrobe she needed for an internship.

    Brenda in Md..............Yay for better days......inch by inch, you can do it! We are all here for you.

    Anne.............Enjoyed reading your thoughts on the various religions/various diet books relationship!

    Diane...........oooooooohhh--love creamed spinach!

    Kim.........The manicotti recipe looks wonderful!!! A name? How about a tie in to your activities/life? Kimdigs, Kimcooks, Kimsews, KimLovesLevi, etc, etc............wow, you are busy!

    Cindy...........That's a great picture of your grandmother! You are doing wonderful with maintenance!!!

    Heather........Since it will be such a long day between travel time and the party, could you stay over just one night?

    "Letting yesterday affect today will only destroy the excitement of tomorrow." Michele Cruz-Rosado

    mid-Atlantic.........hot and quite humid
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Cindy - love the photo! Aren't those old photos so evocative!

    Heather UK
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    You are quite the artist. Beautiful work.

    Well today looks and feels like it will be a beautiful day.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yannijannie, I was wondering about an article I read about using the Nebraska hospital. This article said that the hospital has the largest special isolation unit of its kind. It kind of made me wonder if they are using the largest because they expect more to come in. Just made me wonder.

    Allison, I am not needing any slimming tea. Nature is doing it on it's own today. Might have to tweek the fiber/stool softener a bit. It is no longer doing a pretty good job. It's either nothing or a bunch lately. Not my idea of fun.

    Did I mention that I sure miss having my NBC:sad: :sad: :sad: I wish Directv and our local NBC affilliate would get the contract settled. Just glad I can get my programs on my iPad. so sitting here watching golf and watching TV on my tiny iPad

    Joyce, Indiana Only 5 weeks until vacation in Florida. On the beach!!!!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Greetings from Omaha where once again it is soggy! We got about ½ “ of rain last night. There was an article in the paper about how all this rain has taken NE all the way from exceptional drought to a few areas of moderate drought and a few places where it is abnormally dry. Quite the change!

    I went to low impact aerobics this morning! I am so proud of myself for not just rolling over and not going. It was a blast. I have about 6 more weeks where I can take Fridays off so I hope to take advantage of this. My lipid panel yesterday from the employee health screen was great.

    Well Omaha has its very own Ebola patient. There are only 4 biocontainment units in the country, and the biggest one is here, so after the 2 others went to Emory, this third one came here. Apparently he got in around 6 a.m. and was driven to the hospital with police and fire escort. Nothing like drawing attention to the poor guy!

    DH’s little chat with DD#1 and the BF went pretty well last night. The bf was totally surprised that we knew about his drinking being the main reason he didn’t show up to stuff…too hung over. He did agree to call the neighbors to apologize for them having to take the furniture over themselves. So we will see how it all works out.

    MA: I too find it interesting to hear what is going on in the other’s lives, especially those living abroad.

    Tere: yes electrolysis would definitely work for you and those pesky curly, ingrown hairs!

    Yanniejannie: well we got the car and it will do the job for a few years while DD finishes high school and college. I do hate to see
    the old infiniti go however!

    Linda: hope that wii did smile!

    Brenda: so glad to hear today was better

    Sylvia: many of my students do end up at that specific hospital which is where I worked for 19 years prior to going to the college where I work now. There are lots of people all up in arms about an Ebola patient coming here…they are ignorant and think now everyone here will get it…but I am pretty proud that we have the ability to care for him here.

    Margaret: that’s the problem with those books….they all are inconclusive and contradict each other LOL

    Diane: I’ll have to read that man’s story

    Kim my mom was a horrible cook but one thing she made that was good was stuffed manicotti! I’ve seen your picture …how about prettykim?

    Alison I so hate it when I drink too late at night and am up all night!

    Well I’m sure I have missed some of you but it’s time to defrost the freezer. Can’t wait to see what’s buried in there! Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    evening everyone~
    well TGIF even though I have to work tomorrow...
    My DF is going to drive me crazy:noway: now I got 3 voicemails on my phone this morning 2 from my son,one from my DSIL, that my dads car, which supposedly was fixed, he ended up broken down on the on ramp to the interstate last night.. my DB had to go get him... honest to God I dont know what we are going to do... I think the good Lord is trying to tell him to give up the darn keys and stop driving...
    I am at my wits end..
    and at least I will give you ladies a laugh , my DFIL was quite frisky yesterday and asked one of the nurses to sit on his lap:ohwell:
    she said Otto you know that is not aloud, so she had her hair down and he was petting her hair :laugh:
    oh dear oh dear... if its not one thing its another
    well going to cruise the internet for a bit.. no WIFI so still plugged in and sharing space with the DH
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Just popping back in to share my granddaughters good news. She was chosen as one of 15 to be in a choral group in the city school system. They are from all the 5th and 6th grades in town and will meet at the middle school for practice, so she gets to ride a bus with the others. She auditioned and they gave her the news today. She is so happy! Singing is her favorite thing to do, and she has some self esteem problems because of her weight, so this will give her a nice boost. I'm so proud of her for even trying! She really does sing like a sweet little angel.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~got my lab results.The thyroid and glucose is good.The cholesterol is up.
    Bummed.Having trouble loosing,not gaining,but not loosing.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Not sure where this will land as I'm on the 3rd page. Laser work went ok,a bit shorter than 1 st eye. Have to go in Thurs for exam.Need new glasses,then,fingers crossed....no more eye probs :noway: Thanks for the good wishes.
    Meg,it's a mix of age & hormones keeping the kids riled up.Sometimes I think they like living that way & the more it drives parents batty,the better they like it.:sad: At least she got the baby furniture....very nice of the neighbors.

    Peace in the home is a wonderful thing,Hope you can get thru the turmoil.

    Today it was 92* & very humid,but looking for a cool spell ...aaah it sounds wonderful. Bought a frozen turkey breast,so all set for lower temps.I'm craving a big pot of beef-veggie soup.Used to bake a lot,but that went the way of the other goodies.:cry:

    Will catch up tomor. Have a great wk end everybody. Pat
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    I did a nice brisk 70 minute walk tonight. I wish it didn't get dark so early.
    Soon I'm going to have to start going to the y and walk on the treadmill:sad:
    Have a Good weekend everyone.
    Brenda from Md
  • Greetings from the desert. Escaped to the movies again today. Saw a movie called “The Giver” with Jeff Bridges and Merryl Streep. The movie is based on a dystopian novel I have not read yet , but will now.

    Overall the movie looked good, but as a big fan of dystopian literature I suspect that the book is better than the movie. But the portrayal on screen of a future world where everybody is happy and the whole life is regulated by the government was quite interesting though like always in the movie, not really shown in enough details.


    Congratulations for your granddaughter. I hope you can help her with her weight problems so that her self-esteem gets better..
    You are my hero because you walk your grandkids to school. Every day when I ride by the zillions of parents who chauffeur their kids to school I think of you and your walking with your grandkids and picking up the trash.
    One of our TV channels here has a program where you can nominate an outstanding citizen, who does good things for the community, I would certainly nominate you if you would live here.


    Please send some rain my way. I have not seen rain in a long time. Even if it rains here, it always seems to happen in a different part of town.

    Try not to get sucked into the drama the parents- to- be are creating. Keep your clear head and stick to your rules. They need rules, they have no idea what they are facing.


    I was struggling with your class Fiction in Relationship, maybe it is Relationships in fiction? Would you mind telling me the name of the French novel? I am always looking for something new to read , as I grew up with French I probably read it already and may even own it..


    So you think you can dance? I remember long time ago I went to a dance hall in Lubbock , Texas, and brought a whole group of German tourists with me. They loved it. And I organized that they got a quick lesson in two step. I was never good at it, I do not follow directions well.


    I struggle with depression. I had horrible side effects from anti depressants and do not go near them any more. Weight gain was only one of them. I have a feeling that they just throw these anti depressants at you and wait until they find one which sticks. I have not met one person yet, who did not have undesirable side effects and many say that they do not really work. Therapy would be so much better, but nobody seems to pay for it.

    Everybody, keep up the steps, the planks, the downward facing dogs and have fun..

    Anne in the Mojave oven.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just a quick pop on. Just in from a quick grocery store trip; I know it seems like I live there. The moon is almost full and beautiful tonight!!!!

    Sylvia................Ahhhhh...........How fabulous for your DGD!!!! Kudos to her!!! That is a major accomplishment; hope she enjoys every minute of it!

    Anne........The Giver was on DD's list of possibles when we picked a movie the other day...........maybe next time. I've seen Jeff Bridges on a few talk shows promoting it.

    patcoh...........Glad your eye procedure went well.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: We weathered our late night and agreed to never do that again. We had a wonderful day that included a beautiful ferry ride in the morning and another in the dark at 10:30PM along with dinner at a great Mexican restaurant (spinach burrito for me, spinach enchiladas for Jake), and fun at the eventwe attended. A good friend came to our house after she got off work and spent the evening and slept in our guest room so the dogs wouldn’t be alone. Jake did all the driving---he likes it that way. I slept part of the way back. Got to bed at midnight and got up at 4 AM so I’d have time for long dog walks before going to teach my line dance class. We’ve relaxed all afternoon and will go to bed extra early tonight. It has been my experience that when I have to do something, I can find the energy and then when it’s over I’ll collapse and get rested.

    :flowerforyou: Jake finally got a call today from the doctor’s office about the test he had done on August 25. They found some changes in his heart but he won’t be going to see the doctor until October 20 so it’s not too big a deal. We have to see the doctor in Seattle so it will be another travel adventure with lunch at the Asian Restaurant.

    :flowerforyou: Kim, if you go to “Settings” on the home page, there is a choice of “change user name”…..it just changes the name but keeps your whole profile……you can only do It once…..i changed my name shortly after I joined….I’ve seen women with negative names change to positive ones (like from “always fatty” to “beautiful me”)….how about Kim with a positive adjective like happy or creative or awesome?

    :bigsmile: Cindy, I’m glad you are enjoying “The Happiness Project”……lately I’ve been reading Gretchen Rubin’s blog which repeats a lot of things she’s said in her books.

    :flowerforyou: Squatch, after having Mexican restaurant food yesterday, my weight went up two pounds overnight.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 23,000 steps today ----an awesome line dance class---day five on the plank challenge



    My word for 2014 is “mindful”
  • retireesmith
    retireesmith Posts: 9 Member