
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    yes I did go behind his back, and for that I am sorry...I will not make excuses.. I have talked till I am blue in the face .. told him dad,you have driven so long, why dont you let us do the driving for you... NOPE that didn't work...
    I am scared to death it is going to come down to him causing an accident, and injuring himself or someone else.. he does not pay attention when he is driving.
    today was fine at work. DH working on fixing chain link fence.. then we will go down and see DFIL and then out to dinner.. I have to find somewhere that has a somewhat healthy menu..
  • jeanlake
    jeanlake Posts: 130 Member
    Amanda -- I'm thinking of you with the gall bladder surgery recover. Do what the doc says and try not to rush it. It may take your body a while to get used to the new digestion routine but it will work out. Glad you're feeling better. Keep posting so you don't get out of the routine. (lost my gall bladder 2 years ago. Much better now)
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Sylvia,great news about Grdaughter. She had what it takes for try outs,then...as you said.....a lovely voice. Congratulations to her.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Meg,thank heaven we have a few hospitals ready to handle Ebola patients.What a pickle we would be in without them.:grumble:
    The health care workers deserve a big hand.:flowerforyou:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
    Hello to all and welcome to the newbies: I have had a good week, choir started again this week. Went to "chat and sew" at church and got our pictures taken for the new church directory.

    September goals: 1 - Walk 100 miles this month. So far I have completed 17.23 miles.
    2 - Eat fish twice a week.
    3 - Strength and balance class 2x/week.
    4 - Drink seven glasses of water daily. I have been doing about six and think I need to up it.

    Michele - I think you would have to get "Off the Wall" cleaner at a pool supply store. If I remember right it is made by Bioguard.

    Sylvia - Kudos to the DGD for making the choir! Thanks for making me aware of the 100 mile challenge.

    Amanda - Sorry to hear you are having complications from the surgery. Hope you recover quickly.

    Cynthia - Hope furbaby continues to recover.

    Kim and Mimi - Glad you were able to get together, cute picture.

    This next week is going to be a busy one. Tomorrow the chancel choir sings at 8:00 and 11:00. Then I have to be at a different church for the Peace Choir at 2:30 for practice, concert at 4:00. I think we will go out for dinner afterwards. Farrier is coming Monday to trim horse hooves. Wednesday I have PFT, lung CT, labs, TB test and some more orientation for the hospital. Thursday I will see gastro doc and pulmonary doc. Nothing scheduled for Friday. Yeah!!!

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories Sue in SD
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 492 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Grrrrr, I had a long post done and just lost it! Today I did strength training then DH wanted pancakes. After breakfast I got on the treadmill for awhile. Later we are going to church and then to this gourmet pizza place for dinner. They have wonderful pizza, salads and yummy desserts. Did I mention good wine....not scrimping on calories there! I am down 1/2 pound but I know better than to post it yet.

    Sylvia, congratulations to DGD for making choir!

    Amanda, I hope you feel better soon.

    Cynthia, more well wishes for your puppy.

    Alison, hugs for what you are going through with DF.

    Kim and Mimi, great pic! I wish I could have joined you!

    Welcome new ladies!

    I had more but am out of time. I have a bad habit of not wearing gloves when I clean house so have to do my nails before leaving.


    Cindy in OK
  • 8Bee
    8Bee Posts: 11 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Vanessa, welcome, your goals sound like the way I started…..after connecting with these great women I was able to take baby steps to even better eating and always being on the lookout for ways to be active.

    :flowerforyou: Allison, if your new clothes look great, then it doesn’t matter what that stupid scale says.:laugh:

    :heart: Amanda, I’m wishing you well as your relax and recover from this most recent bump on your health road.

    :heart: Cynthia, Brandy and Sasha send hugs and tail wags to your dog and wish him a great recovery.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Mimi and Kim, I am green with envy that you two got to spend so much time together----I would have loved to be there with you…..the photo is great

    :yawn: Sylvia, there’s nothing like a good night’s sleep to make you feel like a new woman

    :flowerforyou: Heather, you know so much about healthy eating now, that I know you’ll be able to order a good meal when you go out to eat.

    :flowerforyou: Redsheila, welcome, keep coming back, read the posts, write something about yourself and you’ll feel like part of our community

    :flowerforyou: Jake is gone for a few hours to do his mowing job so I’m going to enjoy the time riding the exercise bike and watching stuff I like on TV.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, all,

    So far a good day. Made it to the gym for yoga........way too hot in there but I got through; this is the first I've been there in ages and it was great to see the class
    unfortunately none of my IHOP buddies were there today. One is in Atlanta, one in Ireland, and one decided to sleep in as she didn't feel well. Oh, well. Came home and had a long phone conversation with my bestest bud since kindergarten. Started to wash up the kitchen floor..........figured it would be a good time, DH had a ham radio thing then he went to the library, then my cousin from the Baltimore area called
    good excuse to get off my knees for another long conversation with him. So, the floor is finally washed up. I've had lunch: the roasted tomato with roasted garlic soup I made the other day. Planning to read this afternoon; I've been working on the one i'm reading for way too long. Need to change the sugar water in the hummer feeder too.

    Michele.............One of these days I want to learn how to play mahjongg with actual people rather than the computer!

    Lesley............Maybe a sinus infection??? Hope you feel better.

    Mimi and Kim...........LOVE the pic!!!!! I bet a lot of us wish we could have been there!

    MA...........Hmmmm, Y is what the YMCA (occ. YWCA) is called........best I can tell you is to google it..........but they are all over here.

    Welcome newbies, comment on what you want, let us know where you're from, relax and enjoy!

    mid-Atlantic...........hot, hot, hot
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I just had a big fright in the garage! I moved a big plastic trash can that was stuffed with odds and ends that we were keeping for some reason, and out jumped a big mouse! He just bounced to the top of the pile and looked at me! I went screaming into the house and scared the dogs half to death. Hubby came in to see if I had a stroke or anything, then he went out to deal with the brute. Is screaming an aerobic activity? At times like this I appreciate my husband more than ever.

    Well, we are headed out the the lake this afternoon.

    Have a great day.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    After two 90 degree days (of course, school just started here ... and no ac in the schools), it is a rainy, cool day. Had meant to get up early, but the rain made sleepy-heads out of us all. Got on the scale this am, not very happy with the results ... updated my ticker to be honest with the rollercoaster numbers. Met a group of friends at a beach shack type of restaurant on Lake Erie's shore and was able to get a salad. DH and DS#2 have a baseball end of season event tonight so DS#1 and I are home for the evening. Think we're going to go through his old college stuff and see what can be pitched.

    Mimi and Kim ... love the photo ... like others, wish I could have joined you!
    Amanda ...rest quietly and heal quickly!
    Cynthia ... hope your fur baby continues to heal!
    Alison ... congrats on a slimming outfit!
    Lesley ... agree with others ... sounds like a sinus infection.
    Sylvia ... laughed at the poor little mouse story ... watched my hulking husband jump the other day in a similar situation!

    Welcome to the new ladies and hugs to you all!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all from a gorgeous day in Omaha. We watched the NE game which was very close but we won. Then DH and I went for a walk and ended up walking about 75 minutes! I am melting! We also defrosted the freezer and now need to go put stuff back in or throw it away.

    Alison: do you think it’s time to report dad to the drivers’ license people? Personally I think your DFIL is pretty cute!

    Silvia: great news! What a funny story about the mouse. I’d look up the burn as “hysteria”!

    Jane; good news on the thyroid and glucose. Two out of three is a victory to me!

    Pat: so glad the eye surgeries have gone well. Man I hope DD doesn’t drop her baby off here for days! That would result in another cps call. They were here last night and I so hope things work out for them. BF seems like a nice guy, but immature and not ready to be a father.

    Anne: hoping you get some heat relief soon! Yes, DH did set down some rules for both of them the other day which they both
    seemed to accept

    Barbie: glad to hear Jake’s heart was doing well enough that he doesn’t have to rush right in

    Michele: a victory giving Lance the insulin!

    Joyce: did we cause all this family drama when we were younger? Somehow I don’t think so!

    Mimi: it is fun to meet sister mfp-ers! I don’t have real advice about mom; if she’s capable of making her own decisions, you just have to support her and keep trying to get her to see the sensible solution. Maybe you can get her to the doc on Monday, which is better than never. Of course if you think your mom is not able to make good decisions I would call your local area agency on aging and get their advice.

    MA hooray for any weight loss!

    Vanessa; ;welcome to the group. I love the pic!

    Amanda: I’m so sorry your medical woes are continuing. Sending you healing hugs and prayers

    Cynthia: healing hugs for puppy and you too!

    Heather: that’s a good exhausted, isn’t it?

    Lin: I’m happy to hear you slept well.

    Redsheila: welcome aboard!

    Sue: hope all your medical tests turn out well

    Cindy: pizza and wine! Oh yum!

    Yanniejannie: that soup sounds delish and it sounds like you had a nice relaxing day

    Beth: isn’t that change of weather delightful?

    Well I have recovered from my walk so it’s time to tackle the food. There are some scary looking things out there, so I’m sure I will be tossing a lot. I’m glad we got the vacuum sealer; most of the icky food is from prior to that. Enjoy the rest of the day! Take care, Meg from autumnal Omaha
  • Hi, this is my first post, I joined four days ago trying once again to do something about my weight. I've been overweight all my life and have severe health issues including a recent pulmonary embolism. I need to lose weight without surgery because I'm not a good risk, so here goes. I wish everybody the best. I live with three cats who only worry about filling their own bellies, so I need all the help I can get. I found this on my I-pod, if you can believe it! Jane from Northern NY
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Hello ladies!
    This morning DH and I went mall walking with friends. We walked for an hour, then hit the bookstore. Bookstores for me are like cocaine to an addict. Seriously. On the way home he wanted to go out for lunch..for soup and salad. And we did. It was good. But, when I logged it into MFP, one of the soups had 3000mg of sodium. I was shocked. I'm glad I didn't eat the whole bowl.
    After we came home I decided to do some laundry. I had a box of old clothes to sort through. I washed them and hung them out to dry. They look so tiny on the line. I'm thinking, did I really wear those? I have some pretty plaid shorts and a couple of blue chambray dresses that will make a lovely summer quilt. There are several dresses that I will keep. I'll be able to wear them soon.

    Kim - I looked at your profile and have some other name suggestions:
    Kimbroidery, Levi'smom SweetKim, Kimstitches, Inthegarden, Kim'sGarden, CaliKim, SheGardens, KimNLevi, LuckyLevi. (because of the photo). Your name should be about YOU. Just play with words you like, places, names, something will come to you.
    BTW, that's a wonderful photo of you and Mimi!

    Cynthia, hugs to you and your puppy.

    Amanda - Give yourself time to heal.
    Sylvia - you always brighten my day!

    Welcome to all the new ladies! Tell us a little about yourselves so we can get to know you.
    Diane in TX
  • Lynninmayer
    Lynninmayer Posts: 9 Member
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Jane from NY, welcome! You can definitely do this without surgery! Lots of people do, including me. Just set yourself a good plan, log your food and get some exercise. Even walking helps, if you can do that. I found that getting a fitbit made a huge difference in my motivation. And keep coming back to us for moral support and advice. We are just full of it! :bigsmile:

    Diane, I'm that way about art supply stores! A total junkie. All my old clothes look so BIG that I wonder if I ever wore it. Never thought of making quilts out of them. Hmmm. Just what I need. A new hobby.

    Meg, I looked for "hysteria", but no luck. I tried "screaming, running in circles, and jumping up and down", but nothing there either. Drat. I don't think I was ready to be a parent when it happened to me either. I think it made me grow up. And my mother used to tell people I was "difficult". So I suspect there may have been some drama there.

    Well, we are out at the lake now. I brought ground turkey and a sweet potato for my dinner, and hubby has half a sub from yesterday. We have no other food here and it's 30 miles to go get any, so we will have to be good whether we like it or not. Hubby says he wants to lose weight. We'll see how serious he is. Heehee.

    Here is the joke of the day:


    Never criticize someone unless you walk a mile in his or her shoes, and then when you criticize them you'll be a mile away and have their shoes!


    Sylvia, in cool, beautiful southeast Kansas!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :tongue: I am seriously jealous of Kim and Mimi. :wink: :wink: Loved reading about that.

    :flowerforyou: Kim, I had some awesome suggestions for another username for you, but since they came to me in the middle of the night, and since now it is the middle of the day I cannot remember any of them. I think I may rename myself to "gofigureRenny" :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Amanda - I am sorry about your health issues; sending you healing thoughts.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia - your big fright in the garage story made me chuckle. I would have screamed too. That joke about walking a mile in someone's shoes. Cracks me up each time.

    :flowerforyou: Alison - I remember my mom being angry with me when I told her she should no longer drive. I may be just as stubborn at that age. Who knows what my kids will have to put up with.

    It is a beautiful day here, and I picked what seems to be the last peaches off the tree. They are so sweet and juicy. I made some jam, but most of the bounty has been coming with me to work to share.

    I am actually in the middle of paperwork. You know...the never-ending kind. As long as DH is in business this is my lot in life :grumble: :grumble: I should not grumble and just be thankful. But sometimes a bit of grumbling helps relieve the pressure and enhances my outlook on life in other areas. See, it all balances out. Besides I get to hang out a bit with my MFP friends.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the new ladies!!

    RIP Joan "can we talk" Rivers. Love her or hate her, there was no denying that she was one of a kind.

    from sunny Vancouver Island, BC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Found the perfect dress after 6 hours.Went to 1 mall and wasted our time.2nd mall,2 nd dress,success,1 happy mom.
    good night all
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Tere – congrats on a job for DD

    Carol – have a good time at the land of no internet…

    Brenda – yes you make sense… and depressed or not venting stuff out in a safe place is good for all of us, and this is a safe place.

    Sylvia – great news about GD!!!

    Joyce – love the description of the sports challenged daughter’s questions!!!

    Mimi – email the dr. today for a Monday/Tues appointment ---then she’ll be in first thing? It was great to meet you, and I know what you mean about food being off, I got home had a bite then off to a football game and dinner out… The football game (high school) was over about 10:15 so I decided to do a fast food coffee to get me home – 1 hour drive and I was so tired… the closest drive thru is a Carls Jr… and this one did not serve coffee or ice tea – ONLY soda… I just left.

    MA – “the Y” is the YMCA

    Vanessa & Redsheila& Jane from NY – welcome!

    Amanda – so glad you got to the Dr. infection is nothing to fool around with… take care

    Heather – glad you had such a grand time… sleep will re-store you.

    here is a pic from Mimi and I's meeting (I hope)
    [img]Tere – congrats on a job for DD Carol – have a good time at the land of no internet… Brenda – yes you make sense… and depressed or not venting stuff out in a safe place is good for all of us, and this is a safe place. Sylvia – great news about GD!!! Joyce – love the description of the sports challenged daughter’s questions!!! Mimi – email the dr. today for a Monday/Tues appointment ---then she’ll be in first thing? It was great to meet you, and I know what you mean about food being off, I got home had a bite then off to a football game and dinner out… The football game (high school) was over about 10:15 so I decided to do a fast food coffee to get me home – 1 hour drive and I was so tired… the closest drive thru is a Carls Jr… and this one did not serve coffee or ice tea – ONLY soda… I just left. MA – “the Y” is the YMCA Vanessa & Redsheila& Jane from NY – welcome! Amanda – so glad you got to the Dr. infection is nothing to fool around with… take care Heather – glad you had such a grand time… sleep will re-store you. here is I hope a picture from Mimi and I's meeting[/img]IMGP5170_zps7d4b91f5.jpg

    September goals:
    Stretch 5 minutes 8 times done 2 times
    Walk 100 miles -16.34 = 83.66 to go
    Do 4 errands walking (from home or a 15 minute walk from the place the car is parked)
    Do Heather’s abc balance 2 time a week – 1 done

    Kim from N. California
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: When Jake came home from his mowing job he was tired and lay down with the dogs. He called me to come lie down with them for a minute. I went in thinking I'd lie there for a few minutes and and about two hours later I woke up. I guess I was still tired from my late night Thursday. Off to bed early again tonight:yawn: :yawn:

    :flowerforyou: Jane in NY, I hope you will keep coming back……we all started at the beginning and made small changes that resulted in miracles.

    :flowerforyou: Diane in TX, your scary sodium count for soup is one of the biggest reasons I resist eating in restaurants. My husband has learned that I will go to any lengths to avoid restaurants and limit going to absolute necessity or the occasional special event.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, many years ago there were mice in my school and the custodial staff was waging a solid war against them. At the time I was reading “The Mouse and the Motorcycle” to my class and had a very affectionate attitude toward mice until one ran across my foot and I grabbed my skirt and jumped up on a chair and yelled “EEK” just like in the cartoons. Later I had a good laugh.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Meg, I was a huge problem for my parents when I was in my 20’s and I turned out OK (at least I think I did).

    :flowerforyou: Renny, I understand the never ending paperwork..we have a small business along with all the household stuff and it seems like the minute I finish the pile in front of me, Jake goes to the mailbox and finds some more. We are enjoying the same beautiful weather you have there.

    :flowerforyou: I forgot to call my cousin on Thursday when we went on our long late night adventure. When I called her yesterday she said she was so glad that I called her every day so it was a blessing for both of us that she didn’t notice that I’d missed a day.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 19,000 steps today ----more than an hour on the exercise bike---day six on the plank challenge
