200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    sarabaumgarth: Bummer about your back. My husband has a really bad back and has found that doing light yoga every morning keeps his from going out. I don't think I'd recommend it while you are having back problems but once you're back to feeling better, maybe you should add some yoga. Great job on the weight loss! The only thing I can think of, as far as your progress thingy saying the wrong amount of weight loss is that your starting weight was entered wrong. You can go in and edit it so it reflects your actual progress.

    Lacey: I hate hot tubs! I love the warm bubbles but those jets just seem to pound my flesh almost to giving me bruises. Trav can camp out with a jet right on his lower back forever but I just can't deal. I guess I'm a wuss.

    Karen: You've only "blown it" if you don't get it back together. Everyone slips up (check out my food diary from this weekend - nothing but salt and fat ALL weekend long), it's picking yourself up and getting right back on track that matters. Also, don't beat yourself up (I'm generally really bad about negative self-talk but I've been working on it and it really has been helping).

    Victoria: Great job on your long run! You rock!!!! I wonder what your heart rate monitor would say you burned for the run?? (I'm really interested in the instrument that gives the most accurate reading). Does the Bodybugg also track the quality of your sleep (I was reading about some doo-hickey that did that but I can't remember what it was). Keep us updated on how you like it so I can decide if I gotta get me one! :laugh:

    Thank GOD it's a rest day for me. I woke up with quite a sore throat and have been gargling and chugging tea and lemon all day (as well as some herbal wellness pills). My dog is pissed at me cuz it was snowing and I didn't take her for a walk (she's just been laying by the back door all day and moans whenever I enter the room - drama queen!). I did do X Stretch, which was a really nice stretch DVD - I felt like I needed it after all my running and P90x-ing last week. The over-achiever in me says it's not enough exercise for the day but the sane person in me has told that witch to shut the hell up!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    So much to catch up on!

    Morning ladies!!

    I'm alive. Still getting over my cold. All I want to do is sleep. I haven't exercised for a few days while recovering, even though I feel like I should. Victoria, I haven't run since my short run (3.2m) last week, and that's the longest I've done in a while. My long run this weekend was supposed to be 4 miles, and bump up to 5 this weekend, so I'm not sure if I'll try and bump a short run up to 4 this week, and stick with the 5 this weekend or delay a week. Hmm.

    Considering my lack of exercise after Wednesday and it was restaurant week AND i ate out last night, I'm up only 0.6 pounds at 179.6 (thank you scale for at least humoring me by keeping it barely in the 170s). Let's hope for a much better week this week.

    I've got lots of posts to catch up and read, and probably won't be able to respond individually to everyone, so let me just say welcome to the newbies! We look forward to hearing more from you. if you haven't already posted and want to be included, please post a challenge starting weight and current weight (if different) and I'll include you on the weekly chart.

    Reminder to everyone: get your weights in by later today, as I'll post the weekly weigh-in chart this evening.
  • hmfishy
    hmfishy Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all - weight is 238 lbs

    Not crazy happy about this week, but I can live with it. It was a week of disapointment (you know those weeks where you try EXTRA hard and things STILL don't work out?). But I let my weight loss/ eating habits slide this week to accomodate all the other things I was trying to accomplish. Back on track this week. I remind myself that I want to get down to 234 in this challenge and then push forward. 4lbs to go and only afew weeks left. Still possible. Regardless, I deserve to eat well and take care of myself and the rest of this stuff can go poo-poo. Yes I went there - poo-poo.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Weighing in at 207.4 today..I will take yesterdays 206.6...and thus have gained .2 lbs. Fluck Me. Now I might have gone over my cals each day, but I am set at a 1.5 lbs LOSS per week, so even going over just 150 cals still should have put me in the 1 lbs loss range I would think. I started my period and my muscles are sore so I am taking it as a swelling up gain and not a I've eaten too much *kitten* gain! Grrr though. I know this happens and I've read that blog Amy posted but it still frustrating.
    On a brighter note...I'm wearing a shirt I bought in November..In November it was so tight it was see through. Now its not see through, is loose in the arms a bit and fits perfectly. Yeay! Yesterday I had Jeff take pics of me, so the weekend before I go to Vegas in March, exactly two months from now, I can post them and hopefully see a difference.
    Its week four of the challenge and I am NOT going to stop now.

    Hmfishy - you can do it!!!

    Kristina and Amy - I hope you girls feel better..I hate feeling sick when a girl wants to work out!

    Sarah - I hate when my back gives me issues. It seems like it takes a good two weeks for it to heal when it goes out.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Wow! We've been some posting fiends! Sorry that I don't have time to reply individually to everyone. Yay for the loses and boo for the gains! (haha, that pretty much covers it, right?)

    I got to shoot a .22 Plinkster rifle yesterday. Probably shot around 40-50 rounds. I quite enjoyed it. :wink: I also shot some pictures with my nikon but I haven't had a chance to upload the pics onto my comptuer yet. I doubt I will have time tonight either. We HAVE to go grocery shopping and I'll be doing Day 1 of P90X. They've seriously backtracked on calling for snow tonight and tomorrow (and wednesday) but we may get some Wednesday night, so here's hoping I can work from home ONE DAY this week. Thats the whole point of getting a dang laptop is to get to work from home occasionally.

    Apparently something I'm sitting on is catching my pants and putting a tear in them. I had to buy another pair of jeans yesterday. But at least they were another pair of 16s. :bigsmile:

    Man, I could really use a nap....
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    This am weighing in at 187.6 i think that is -3lbs.. i was at 190lb right.. shoot i forget lol

    ill check back later.. gonna head to the YMCA
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Time for our weight loss chart. I probably missed some folks, and I didn't do % loss this week, because I couldn't find my handy dandy calculator, so this'll have to do:

    Starting Weight/week1/week2/week 3(loss)
    Kristina / 182.4 / 180.6 / 179.0 / 179.6 (+0.6)
    Amy / 220 / 215.6 / 215.6 / 215 (-0.6)
    Kim / 203 / 202 / ? / ? (WHERE YOU AT GIRL??)
    Kendal / 219.6 / 216.8 / 218.6 / 218 (-0.6)
    Sarah / 210.8 / 206.8 / 207.6 / 205.6 (-2.0)
    Karen / 266.8 / 263.1 / 261.1 / 258 (-3.1)
    Lacey / 210.8 / 208.6 / 206.4 / 206.6 (-0.2)
    Victoria / 189 / 187.25 / 188.0 / 190 (+2.0)
    Amber / 246 / 244.6 / 241.2 / ?
    Christina / 251.2 / 248.6 / ? / ? HELLO?
    Bethany / 188 / 184 / 190 / 187.6 (-2.4)
    Debra / n/a / 216.8 / 215 / ?
    Sara / ? / ? / ? / ? (-3.4)
    hmfishy / ? / ? / ? / 238

    This week's biggest loser? KAREN!!! Way to go gal, with a VERY impressive 3.1 pound loss! *twirls*
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    My exciting news???

    I got a dog! You know I've been lusting after one for a long time, and I finally got the go ahead from the landlords and the holidays have passed. I went to the Humane Society just to look (right) and fell in love with this gal, they named Frannie, but I've since named Emma. She's a beauty!!

    I'm hoping eventually I'll get her to run with me. She can run, but it's a bit "spurty", so it's something we'll need to work on.

  • I figured I would take a break from the day and see what everyone else is up to today. I have had a very productive day. I LOVE when I have a very productive day! I got most of my house back in order from the weekend. It still amazes me what a mess my little boy and dogs can make in two days...and my husband! It looks like I will be under my calories for the day...as long as I don't blow it this evening :) Sounds like everyone had a great weekend! Hope you all had a great Monday!!! :flowerforyou:

    Amy- Thanks for the great advice! I bet yoga will be a great relaxing day to start the day too!

    Kendal- Glad you had a good time shooting! Being a country girl I LOVE TO go shooting with my husband and dad! It is a great stress reliever too!!!

    Kristina- My starting weight was 212.0, and my current weight is 208.6. OMG your new dog is so cute! We just adopted a puppy from the shelter about a month ago....and it was LOVE at first sight too!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  • If it is still on everywhere else check out the Dr. Oz show today ladies! Great tips and advice about weight loss and dieting!
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    hey everyone...

    Congrats Karen.. :drinker:

    i have a website to share with you all its www.mypyramid.gov maybe you have been to it before but i sometimes like to know if i am getting enough grains veggies fruit etc.. so you can imput your info and it give you a graph that tells ya its the my pyramid menu planner.. and you dont have to register i dont think to see just imput your food... i wish MFP would do this also .. a one stop shop .. because i dont like imputtin my info in lots of different places .. go check it out :flowerforyou:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Sara-- I plugged in your starting weight into my excel spreadsheet for future weeks. Thanks for the compliments on my puppy! She's pretty adorable. It's going to take some time before she completely comes out of her shell, as she's still adjusting to my place. First step will be when I'm gone for 4ish hours for a training tomorrow. Eep? We'll see.

    So this week, with the new doggie addition might be a bit weird with exercise. We'll be going out for long walks, but I need to do some other cardio as well. We'll see how it goes. Eating went well today though!

    I'm currently watching my DVR-- a double helping of the new show "Heavy" (was good!) and "I Used to be Fat" (also another goodie!)
  • How do I check in
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    another website to share
    Download audiobooks and e books
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    How do I check in

    starting weight~ current weight ~ ( how many lbs lost or gained )
    Ex 188lb 186lb (-2lbs)

    we try to check in on Mondays.. Kristina can put you on the chart ...cheers
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm actually Up .2 this week, but overall I've still lost weight.

    Kristina - Emma is a doll!!! She will get used to running soon enough.

    Bethany is that audiobook one free?? Or is it all classics, etc. I have an audible.com subscription and loves it!!

    Well my work out later foreeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvveeerrrr tonight. I just couldn't get my hr over 135. Just one of those days I guess. I'm 130 cals over today with the skinny cow I had so I plan on making it up tomorrow at the gym with another 70 minute work out with a other freaking heart rate!!! Gaaa!!

    I'm tired tonight, so I'm gonna grab my book and go read for a bit. I bet 30 minutes tops and I'll be passing out!

    H! Hs anyone downloaded that game angry birds??? I'm soooo addicted!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I heart audible! Travis is addicted to angry birds, so it Gabe – I just can’t get into it. Some days I have a hard time getting my heart rate up with anything less than running. Don’t know why it happens but my work-around is to get on the treadmill and go.

    Kristina: Emma is so cute and such a better name than Frannie. Why is it that shelters always give their pets weird names?? I have never kept a name for an animal that I‘ve gotten from a shelter.

    Bethany: I wish I had the energy to log my food into another web site to see if I was getting enough fruit & veggies but I just don’t. I do try and count my fruit and veggie servings on MFP and I always try to get over my required fiber for the day. That’s just gonna have to work for me cuz I HATE logging food! (Shh...don't tell!)

    Sara: I always have to put my house back together after the weekend too! My dog, son and husband manage to make it look like something has exploded in here every single weekend. I guess that means we’re having fun though!

    Kendal: Glad you got to go shooting! I hope you can work at home sometime this week – it’s so much more relaxing that way!

    Hmfishy: Get back on track! You can do it!

    I am feeling better today. My throat is a bit off still and I had an entirely meatless day yesterday because my stomach felt like it couldn't handle meat either. But I'm doing better! Took the poor dog on a walk this morning and I have a run and YogaX still to get through today. Me & Trav have not traditionally done the whole Valentine's Day thing but we are this year. You guys got any good ideas on what to ask for?? We're trying to make our Valentine's gifts something we don't "need" but rather a "want". So no running shoes or whatever. I'm kind of stumped. I normally get "need" stuff. Any ideas would be helpful.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Wearing the BB all day was interesting. I burn many more cal at work than I thought. Yesterdays total 2800. I worked out for 30 min of low impact aerobics BB 207 vs MFP 212. Pretty darn close. The BB does not monitor sleep (as far as I can tell). My friend that has the BodyMedia made a comment about how she sleeps.

    I heart Emma - she is adorable!!! Congrats Kristina!!!

    It's almost time get up and run. Keep up the good work and have a great Tues.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies! Emma is settling in nicely to her new place. She slept through the night on her bed in my room. I didn't sleep fantastic, as I was hyperaware of her moving at times, but as time goes on, we'll get used to one another. She's not 100% housetrained, so I was nervous about her piddling at night, but she was great! Got up this morning and she looked up from bed like, umm.. are you crazy?? it's still dark out, and there's way too much of that cold, wet, white stuff out there. Once I got her leash out though, she was excited and we did well on the walk. Walked 1.6 miles... I didn't time us, but she did well, and it was a nice way to start the day. I really need to get a run in either today or tomorrow though, as I need to step up my training. Not sure if I'll try and brave the snow or face the dreadmill.

    I have a 4 hour training today and financial stuff for research, which i'm TERRIBLY excited about. Not. It'll be Emma's first time alone for any length of time, so we'll see how it goes. I'm planning on working from home the rest of the day and am staying home tomorrow. Thursday will be her first test of a work day at home alone.

    Eating should be pretty good today.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kristina...I love Emma....she so reminds me of my best pal Tag, I lost him in 2005, one of the best friends that I have ever had in my life. Tag was a damlation mix...with almost the same markings as your Emma, what is she?

    I didn't weigh in yesterday...I had a rough weekend and my eating was horrible. I willbe pushing the water and probably weighin on Friday...any sooner and I'm afraid I'll shoot myself!
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