whats with the forum hate?



  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    i notice there are a lot of people in these forums who only comment to be negative or bash anyone who gives advice, why are you on a social fitness site if you dont want help? How do you all deal with these trolls? iv been using the forum for like 3 days and its already pissing me off lol

    Honest answer.

    It's because a lot of new people START by giving advice, when they should be taking it.

    :angry: I get annoyed when us newbies ask legitimate help questions, yet some who've been here for years only give negative comments cuz they're annoyed the same question keeps coming up apparently. Gee, we don't know, we're new. I mean, don't get angry if you know a lot of newbies come into this website every day asking for help and maybe with the same question every day (by different people). If you can't deal with the newbies, i suggest you stop with the sarcastic comments, don't answer and stick with the forums of those who've also been here for a while, and leave the newbies alone. :grumble:

    Rant over, sorry. :embarassed:
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    In for cats and mean people...mostly the cats though.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Two websites... Babycenter and TheKnot

    Go there for a while and then come back.

    I know- seriously- I can't believe ANYTHING but direct personal attacks gets reported- it makes me crazy what gets reported- it's so vanilla. and boring.

    it's like we are at daycare- someone needs to lay off the reporting button and get either a sense of humor or a live and let live attitude.

    Absolutely... this amounts to the same thing as my 3 year old telling me that her friend called her poop at school. I have seen mean and nasty and most of the time around here, mean and nasty does not apply... blunt and direct, sure... but mean and nasty... nah!!
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    Was this prompted by the Eating Clean and Healthy thread or the fact that people like to eat Big Macs?

    Honestly though, here are my two cents when this topic comes up. We see this post a lot around here. And I mean a lot. Like two or three times a week someone posts a new topic to address the fact that we're all too negative/mean/bullies/trolls/etc. On top of that, every single one of the most patient and helpful people who've tried to answer questions on these boards will be called negative/mean/bully/troll/etc at some point or another when someone doesn't like the advice they're giving (even though it's generally accurate advice).

    When these threads pop up with no details, no examples, and no specifics about who or what you're talking about, you end up catching everyone with the label because the label has been applied to all of us at some point in the past. There is some bad behavior and there are some mean people here on these boards. But report it or point it out where you find it, because without context this just becomes another mean people thread and another gif post. It will never accomplish anything that you want it to accomplish (unless you're just trolling, of course).
    No it wasnt about that i just posted a joke there its just something iv noticed on threads even ones i dont comment on just reading other peoples comments so i started this thread just so people could like vent about it or give tips on avoiding it etc
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    omg lol love it! haha so weird trolls dont usually bug me but on this site for some reason it was maybe im just pms sentitive lmao but this is great

    wait... you're allowed to blame your behavior on PMS but if I ask if its that time of the month, its bad?

    bahahaha sorryz :p
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    i notice there are a lot of people in these forums who only comment to be negative or bash anyone who gives advice, why are you on a social fitness site if you dont want help? How do you all deal with these trolls? iv been using the forum for like 3 days and its already pissing me off lol

    Honest answer.

    It's because a lot of new people START by giving advice, when they should be taking it.

    :angry: I get annoyed when us newbies ask legitimate help questions, yet some who've been here for years only give negative comments cuz they're annoyed the same question keeps coming up apparently. Gee, we don't know, we're new. I mean, don't get angry if you know a lot of newbies come into this website every day asking for help and maybe with the same question every day (by different people). If you can't deal with the newbies, i suggest you stop with the sarcastic comments, don't answer and stick with the forums of those who've also been here for a while, and leave the newbies alone. :grumble:

    Rant over, sorry. :embarassed:
    The veterans respectfully suggest you utilize the forums' "search" feature prior to asking newbie questions.

    That being said, my sarcasm button is stuck in the "on" position. You will all receive sarcasm from me FOREVER! :devil:
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Didn't know about the block button. Thanks for the info.

  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    I'm in for mean people and the inappropriate touching from page 1 oh and the gifs...........
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Mean people threads are supposed to be on Fridays.............lost bingo again. Maybe a spectacular comeback can be made with a few rage quits.
  • Burt_Huttz
    Burt_Huttz Posts: 1,612 Member
    :angry: I get annoyed when us newbies ask legitimate help questions, yet some who've been here for years only give negative comments cuz they're annoyed the same question keeps coming up apparently. Gee, we don't know, we're new. I mean, don't get angry if you know a lot of newbies come into this website every day asking for help and maybe with the same question every day (by different people). If you can't deal with the newbies, i suggest you stop with the sarcastic comments, don't answer and stick with the forums of those who've also been here for a while, and leave the newbies alone. :grumble:

    Rant over, sorry. :embarassed:

    It honestly depends.
    If the question is "I'm going to be starting the master cleanse and want advice on how to adhere to it", the original poster will get a lot of feedback and most of it negative.
    Because while the question "how do I adhere to the master cleanse" might be asked in good faith, it carries with it the implication that sticking to a lemon-water and cayenne pepper diet is somehow something anyone anywhere would ever want to do.
    And so folks will reply in a wide variety of ways that this is a Bad Idea.
    and the OP will get offended and upset and rant.
    and then it turns into a ****show.

    Lots of derivatives of this formula.

    But the reason people get so passionate about this sort of thing is that many "veteran" users have fallen into these pitfalls already, and in a wide variety of ways will express their very strong desire that others don't fall into the same trap.

    I find very few "bona fide" questions get snarky responses - - even questions that have been asked a thousand times. Except for thigh gap questions because come on. Seriously? Thigh gaps? no. Just no.

    With love,
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    i notice there are a lot of people in these forums who only comment to be negative or bash anyone who gives advice, why are you on a social fitness site if you dont want help? How do you all deal with these trolls? iv been using the forum for like 3 days and its already pissing me off lol

    Honest answer.

    It's because a lot of new people START by giving advice, when they should be taking it.

    :angry: I get annoyed when us newbies ask legitimate help questions, yet some who've been here for years only give negative comments cuz they're annoyed the same question keeps coming up apparently. Gee, we don't know, we're new. I mean, don't get angry if you know a lot of newbies come into this website every day asking for help and maybe with the same question every day (by different people). If you can't deal with the newbies, i suggest you stop with the sarcastic comments, don't answer and stick with the forums of those who've also been here for a while, and leave the newbies alone. :grumble:

    Rant over, sorry. :embarassed:
    The veterans respectfully suggest you utilize the forums' "search" feature prior to asking newbie questions.

    That being said, my sarcasm button is stuck in the "on" position. You will all receive sarcasm from me FOREVER! :devil:

    Yeah, I didn't know about that button before, now I use it a lot before asking anything. :bigsmile: Now... I didn't know about that ignore button someone just mentioned... hmm... :ohwell:
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    Mean people are gonna be mean (shrug) next

  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    sometimes it's just because being mean is kinda fun.


    I've now watched this (way more than) a few times and I think it's my new all-time favorite gif. :love:
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    And sometimes it is not being mean, sometimes people are just wrong:

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    How to deal with the trolls? HA! I AM the troll, especially on an "everyone is so mean" post.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    The MFP ten step plan -

    1. Unsubstantiated claim.
    2. Request of source.
    3. Random blog post with no credibility.
    4. Rational rebuttal with credible sources.
    5. Anger, accusations of being industry insider.
    6. Ridicule.
    7. Mean people thread.
    8. Ridicule.
    9. (optional) Hair flounce, rage quit.
    10. Repeat.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    Two websites... Babycenter and TheKnot

    Go there for a while and then come back.

    For. Real. They hump the report button over on BBC. The butthurt is strong. When people from the birth boards wandered over to the DT (The Debate Team) it rocked their world. We were reported ALL the time for personal attacks, that actually *weren't* personal attacks. We were mean, there's no two ways about it, and you'd better be intelligent, and know what you were talking about, or you got your *kitten* handed to you. At least back in my day, when I hung out there. This is mild. WAY. Mild. The only thing I hump the report button on is that damn spam that floods the forum every night. That rakes my grates for some reason. Other than that, I think I'd have to see something really hard core or a severe threat of bodily harm to report and/or block someone.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    AMG I am crying this is the best best ever
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Review the community guidelines - there's a link to them in the page footer. A lot of those awful comments are definitely against the guidelines. Whenever someone is pissing me off and they're violating those guidelines, I report the comment. And then, if they piss me off more than once, I also click the little arrow underneath their profile picture in the thread, and choose to ignore the user.

    There are just some people who come onto every thread with criticism, or inappropriate sexual comments, or a terrible attitude, and clicking that ignore button is magic - you don't have to deal with them anymore. :)
    You've been here a month and report a lot already? May I suggest more ignoring, less reporting?
    If people saying mean things are breaking the rules we all agreed to, I see no reason not to report. That's the purpose of the button. Why does this bother you?

    this explains. SO much.


    Yup...the only threads/posts I report after 1 year + of being here are those awful selling something posts...the rest eh...I put my big girl panties on (no not granny ones either) and move on with my day...