whats with the forum hate?



  • akoivisto
    akoivisto Posts: 141 Member
    I came for the .gifs.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Review the community guidelines - there's a link to them in the page footer. A lot of those awful comments are definitely against the guidelines. Whenever someone is pissing me off and they're violating those guidelines, I report the comment. And then, if they piss me off more than once, I also click the little arrow underneath their profile picture in the thread, and choose to ignore the user.

    There are just some people who come onto every thread with criticism, or inappropriate sexual comments, or a terrible attitude, and clicking that ignore button is magic - you don't have to deal with them anymore. :)
    You've been here a month and report a lot already? May I suggest more ignoring, less reporting?
    If people saying mean things are breaking the rules we all agreed to, I see no reason not to report. That's the purpose of the button. Why does this bother you?

    this explains. SO much.


    Yup...the only threads/posts I report after 1 year + of being here are those awful selling something posts...the rest eh...I put my big girl panties on (no not granny ones either) and move on with my day...
    Same. I only use the "tattletale" button for spammers.
    Shrug - I don't feel an obligation to let people be awful to one another because I'm afraid someone might call me "butthurt". Sounds kind of middle school, if you ask me. If you don't feel like using the report button, fine; but I really have no sympathy for people who get reported for doing mean things that are against the rules. That's the purpose of the Community Guidelines and the purpose of the report button. We all agreed to the rules when we signed up, so when people break them...

    So you get your feelings hurt because someone might not agree with you or might be too blunt for you and you think it's reason to report someone. Sadly it's people like you and this thinking that has gotten a lot of very knowledgeable people banned.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    lmao how do you guys posts gifs? so much to learn lol

    here, check out this youtube clip on how to post pictures

  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    Yeah, I'm a newbie to MFP, but this ain't my first rodeo with internet forums, so I don't get butthurt easily, nor am I quick to yell "troll!" Although, in the short time I've been here, I have enjoyed seeing a couple. Nothing like creating a brand new account just to ask about what you should do about leaving up your email and your boyfriend who doesn't trust you is reading it and seeing an email from you ex husband talking about your "activities" together that weren't of a sexual nature. Yeah, probably a little stronger than 420 here, my friends. I think this troll got some bath salts when they thought this one up. It was entertaining, at least. Over on BabyCenter, it used to be Friday nights that our trolls came around with stuff like that.

    One of my recent favorites was a troll thread about how hard it was to be a beautiful person. People rightfully mocked said troll relentlessly. Then the white knight came along and started a mean people thread about how much horrible damage we could be doing, but flounced before it was revealed that the profile was of some famous internet blogger thus conclusively proving it was in fact a troll. And then there were the pages and pages of people who hadn't read either thread and just wanted to come in and tell everyone how mean they are, usually in a very rude and mean manner.

    OMG! HOW did I miss out on that nugget! That sounds like comedy gold right there!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Tell me what the mean people did to you. *patpatpat*

    Don't touch me there. We've had this talk. :angry:
    shhhhhhhh... Just sit back and enjoy it.

    And think of England?
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    The MFP ten step plan -

    1. Unsubstantiated claim.
    2. Request of source.
    3. Random blog post with no credibility.
    4. Rational rebuttal with credible sources.
    5. Anger, accusations of being industry insider.
    6. Ridicule.
    7. Mean people thread.
    8. Ridicule.
    9. (optional) Hair flounce, rage quit.
    10. Repeat.

    Ha! So true.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Review the community guidelines - there's a link to them in the page footer. A lot of those awful comments are definitely against the guidelines. Whenever someone is pissing me off and they're violating those guidelines, I report the comment. And then, if they piss me off more than once, I also click the little arrow underneath their profile picture in the thread, and choose to ignore the user.

    There are just some people who come onto every thread with criticism, or inappropriate sexual comments, or a terrible attitude, and clicking that ignore button is magic - you don't have to deal with them anymore. :)
    You've been here a month and report a lot already? May I suggest more ignoring, less reporting?
    If people saying mean things are breaking the rules we all agreed to, I see no reason not to report. That's the purpose of the button. Why does this bother you?

    this explains. SO much.


    Yup...the only threads/posts I report after 1 year + of being here are those awful selling something posts...the rest eh...I put my big girl panties on (no not granny ones either) and move on with my day...
    Same. I only use the "tattletale" button for spammers.
    Shrug - I don't feel an obligation to let people be awful to one another because I'm afraid someone might call me "butthurt". Sounds kind of middle school, if you ask me. If you don't feel like using the report button, fine; but I really have no sympathy for people who get reported for doing mean things that are against the rules. That's the purpose of the Community Guidelines and the purpose of the report button. We all agreed to the rules when we signed up, so when people break them...

    So you get your feelings hurt because someone might not agree with you or might be too blunt for you and you think it's reason to report someone. Sadly it's people like you and this thinking that has gotten a lot of very knowledgeable people banned.

    Oh so THAT'S why all the advice threads make my head spin lately? I'm back at work so I can't post much right now, but I've definitely noticed a complete lack of anything approaching solid guidance in A LOT of threads lately. It's been mostly blind leading the blind from what I can tell. Yikes.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    First forum visit of the day, and I already need a beer.

    Hell, I wanted one just for waking up.

  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I imagine your negative experience stems from making a thread offering to be a diet coach based on being vegan, taking a few nutrition classes, and your "wellness coach" career working as a Curves coach. Add to that the assertion that dairy is horrible for weight loss, people who do lose weight while eating dairy do not have ideal weight loss, and that those who consume dairy are not in optimal health, plus some theories about the vast conspiracy of America's dairy farmers and how cow's milk will make people fat because baby cows drink it and they get big very quickly.
  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member
    You can always add the trolls and negative to your ignore list. With judiciuos use, I've filtered many a fool, and it's become quite the friendly place. :happy:
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    Two websites... Babycenter and TheKnot

    Go there for a while and then come back.

    For. Real. They hump the report button over on BBC. The butthurt is strong. When people from the birth boards wandered over to the DT (The Debate Team) it rocked their world. We were reported ALL the time for personal attacks, that actually *weren't* personal attacks. We were mean, there's no two ways about it, and you'd better be intelligent, and know what you were talking about, or you got your *kitten* handed to you. At least back in my day, when I hung out there. This is mild. WAY. Mild. The only thing I hump the report button on is that damn spam that floods the forum every night. That rakes my grates for some reason. Other than that, I think I'd have to see something really hard core or a severe threat of bodily harm to report and/or block someone.

    I loved going into the Debate Team because frak... I couldn't take the arguing over how to raise your kid... and the In Laws and Family of Origin board... now people want to see blunt, that is one blunt forum right there...

    Oh ****, the FOO board. That cracked me up. All people over there ever did was tell everyone to cut their families off or put them "in a time out". The butthurt was STRONG there. Seriously, I encourage people to wander over to the BabyCenter forums. I don't know if it's still as bad as it used to be, I was there from 2008 to like 2010, but if you wanted to see some butthurt, trolls, and people being mean (and I mean, seriously, we were vicious on the Debate Team), go over there. No one would ever imagine that all this would go on, on a parenting website, but **** got real.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Review the community guidelines - there's a link to them in the page footer. A lot of those awful comments are definitely against the guidelines. Whenever someone is pissing me off and they're violating those guidelines, I report the comment. And then, if they piss me off more than once, I also click the little arrow underneath their profile picture in the thread, and choose to ignore the user.

    There are just some people who come onto every thread with criticism, or inappropriate sexual comments, or a terrible attitude, and clicking that ignore button is magic - you don't have to deal with them anymore. :)
    You've been here a month and report a lot already? May I suggest more ignoring, less reporting?
    If people saying mean things are breaking the rules we all agreed to, I see no reason not to report. That's the purpose of the button. Why does this bother you?

    this explains. SO much.


    Yup...the only threads/posts I report after 1 year + of being here are those awful selling something posts...the rest eh...I put my big girl panties on (no not granny ones either) and move on with my day...
    Same. I only use the "tattletale" button for spammers.
    Shrug - I don't feel an obligation to let people be awful to one another because I'm afraid someone might call me "butthurt". Sounds kind of middle school, if you ask me. If you don't feel like using the report button, fine; but I really have no sympathy for people who get reported for doing mean things that are against the rules. That's the purpose of the Community Guidelines and the purpose of the report button. We all agreed to the rules when we signed up, so when people break them...

    shrug - I don't feel an obligation to jump in as the middle school hall monitor and push the report button just because it's my opinion that other people are being mean to each other. No one asked you to do that, and I really don't think it's up to you to judge whether two other people are being mean enough to warrant being reported, which can get one or both of them banned from the forums. I've had some pretty knowledgeable good friends get banned for nothing more than trying to get a new member to understand that what they were saying was wrong and the new person had hurt feelings.
  • lizzybathory
    Review the community guidelines - there's a link to them in the page footer. A lot of those awful comments are definitely against the guidelines. Whenever someone is pissing me off and they're violating those guidelines, I report the comment. And then, if they piss me off more than once, I also click the little arrow underneath their profile picture in the thread, and choose to ignore the user.

    There are just some people who come onto every thread with criticism, or inappropriate sexual comments, or a terrible attitude, and clicking that ignore button is magic - you don't have to deal with them anymore. :)
    You've been here a month and report a lot already? May I suggest more ignoring, less reporting?
    If people saying mean things are breaking the rules we all agreed to, I see no reason not to report. That's the purpose of the button. Why does this bother you?

    this explains. SO much.


    Yup...the only threads/posts I report after 1 year + of being here are those awful selling something posts...the rest eh...I put my big girl panties on (no not granny ones either) and move on with my day...
    Same. I only use the "tattletale" button for spammers.
    Shrug - I don't feel an obligation to let people be awful to one another because I'm afraid someone might call me "butthurt". Sounds kind of middle school, if you ask me. If you don't feel like using the report button, fine; but I really have no sympathy for people who get reported for doing mean things that are against the rules. That's the purpose of the Community Guidelines and the purpose of the report button. We all agreed to the rules when we signed up, so when people break them...

    So you get your feelings hurt because someone might not agree with you or might be too blunt for you and you think it's reason to report someone. Sadly it's people like you and this thinking that has gotten a lot of very knowledgeable people banned.
    Where did I say that I randomly report people I disagree with? Nope - only people who are breaking the rules of the community.

    Do you know the guidelines, or what happens when someone is reported? Reporting doesn't automatically cause anything to happen. It alerts the moderators, who decide what the appropriate action is. There's a warning system. It's not like I'm condemning someone to permanent banning by hitting that button. I'm just alerting the moderators that things are getting out of hand, and letting them handle it. If they disagree with my assessment, then there are no consequences.

    If the knowledgeable people who got banned were repeatedly breaking the guidelines and ignoring warnings, which is what it takes to actually get banned, then it sounds appropriate to me.
  • JodieSmith15
    JodieSmith15 Posts: 40 Member
    The MFP ten step plan -

    1. Unsubstantiated claim.
    2. Request of source.
    3. Random blog post with no credibility.
    4. Rational rebuttal with credible sources.
    5. Anger, accusations of being industry insider.
    6. Ridicule.
    7. Mean people thread.
    8. Ridicule.
    9. (optional) Hair flounce, rage quit.
    10. Repeat.

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Review the community guidelines - there's a link to them in the page footer. A lot of those awful comments are definitely against the guidelines. Whenever someone is pissing me off and they're violating those guidelines, I report the comment. And then, if they piss me off more than once, I also click the little arrow underneath their profile picture in the thread, and choose to ignore the user.

    There are just some people who come onto every thread with criticism, or inappropriate sexual comments, or a terrible attitude, and clicking that ignore button is magic - you don't have to deal with them anymore. :)
    You've been here a month and report a lot already? May I suggest more ignoring, less reporting?
    If people saying mean things are breaking the rules we all agreed to, I see no reason not to report. That's the purpose of the button. Why does this bother you?

    this explains. SO much.


    Yup...the only threads/posts I report after 1 year + of being here are those awful selling something posts...the rest eh...I put my big girl panties on (no not granny ones either) and move on with my day...
    Same. I only use the "tattletale" button for spammers.
    Shrug - I don't feel an obligation to let people be awful to one another because I'm afraid someone might call me "butthurt". Sounds kind of middle school, if you ask me. If you don't feel like using the report button, fine; but I really have no sympathy for people who get reported for doing mean things that are against the rules. That's the purpose of the Community Guidelines and the purpose of the report button. We all agreed to the rules when we signed up, so when people break them...

    So you get your feelings hurt because someone might not agree with you or might be too blunt for you and you think it's reason to report someone. Sadly it's people like you and this thinking that has gotten a lot of very knowledgeable people banned.

    Oh so THAT'S why all the advice threads make my head spin lately? I'm back at work so I can't post much right now, but I've definitely noticed a complete lack of anything approaching solid guidance in A LOT of threads lately. It's been mostly blind leading the blind from what I can tell. Yikes.

    Yeah, I'm not banned, but honestly, I'm a bit sick and tired of helping because of things like this. I still will every now and again, but not like I used to. Someone doesn't like how something was said, they get rude and say we're mean or bullying. A blunt honest answer =/= bully or mean.
  • prisky780
    prisky780 Posts: 30 Member
    Really? I've been here for a ween I think and I love it! It's helpful and fun. Of course there are those "cheeseburgers lovers" who hate on everyone who's trying to be healthy. I mostly ignore them since 1. They are NOT trying to be healthy. 2. They have a high metabolism that they don't need to worry about weights.

    Not that I'm proud of it but I used to hate on salad eaters. I used to have high metabolism and always was that double digit tiny girl. Nachos, ramen, white rice, fries you name it, I ate it all and never gained a pound. So I had no idea how people gained weight if I didn't. Anyways, 3 years ago, I started working and got a desk job. I was barely active and ate little. Ended up gaining weight and slowing down my metabolism. Sigh!

    Now I started eating somewhat healthy. Never knew salad was actually very delicious until I tried. Don't like burgers as much now. I still eat little but trying really hard to increase it slowly. Now I can totally understand how hard or hard work it is to be healthy and lose weight once you have tasted junk food.

    Bottom line, they have their stories and don't feel so bad. Ignore and focus on the solution you came here to find. Wala! This site is super helpful and I feel more motivated.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    sometimes it's just because being mean is kinda fun.


    I can't stop watching. I want to read the rest of the thread, but I'm stuck here!
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Review the community guidelines - there's a link to them in the page footer. A lot of those awful comments are definitely against the guidelines. Whenever someone is pissing me off and they're violating those guidelines, I report the comment. And then, if they piss me off more than once, I also click the little arrow underneath their profile picture in the thread, and choose to ignore the user.

    There are just some people who come onto every thread with criticism, or inappropriate sexual comments, or a terrible attitude, and clicking that ignore button is magic - you don't have to deal with them anymore. :)
    You've been here a month and report a lot already? May I suggest more ignoring, less reporting?
    If people saying mean things are breaking the rules we all agreed to, I see no reason not to report. That's the purpose of the button. Why does this bother you?

    this explains. SO much.


    Yup...the only threads/posts I report after 1 year + of being here are those awful selling something posts...the rest eh...I put my big girl panties on (no not granny ones either) and move on with my day...
    Same. I only use the "tattletale" button for spammers.
    Shrug - I don't feel an obligation to let people be awful to one another because I'm afraid someone might call me "butthurt". Sounds kind of middle school, if you ask me. If you don't feel like using the report button, fine; but I really have no sympathy for people who get reported for doing mean things that are against the rules. That's the purpose of the Community Guidelines and the purpose of the report button. We all agreed to the rules when we signed up, so when people break them...

    So you get your feelings hurt because someone might not agree with you or might be too blunt for you and you think it's reason to report someone. Sadly it's people like you and this thinking that has gotten a lot of very knowledgeable people banned.

    Oh so THAT'S why all the advice threads make my head spin lately? I'm back at work so I can't post much right now, but I've definitely noticed a complete lack of anything approaching solid guidance in A LOT of threads lately. It's been mostly blind leading the blind from what I can tell. Yikes.

    Yeah, I'm not banned, but honestly, I'm a bit sick and tired of helping because of things like this. I still will every now and again, but not like I used to. Someone doesn't like how something was said, they get rude and say we're mean or bullying. A blunt honest answer =/= bully or mean.
    Yup...I stopped helping people along time ago. Now, I just come to be entertained by the steady stream of derp
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    Review the community guidelines - there's a link to them in the page footer. A lot of those awful comments are definitely against the guidelines. Whenever someone is pissing me off and they're violating those guidelines, I report the comment. And then, if they piss me off more than once, I also click the little arrow underneath their profile picture in the thread, and choose to ignore the user.

    There are just some people who come onto every thread with criticism, or inappropriate sexual comments, or a terrible attitude, and clicking that ignore button is magic - you don't have to deal with them anymore. :)
    You've been here a month and report a lot already? May I suggest more ignoring, less reporting?
    If people saying mean things are breaking the rules we all agreed to, I see no reason not to report. That's the purpose of the button. Why does this bother you?

    this explains. SO much.


    Yup...the only threads/posts I report after 1 year + of being here are those awful selling something posts...the rest eh...I put my big girl panties on (no not granny ones either) and move on with my day...
    Same. I only use the "tattletale" button for spammers.
    Shrug - I don't feel an obligation to let people be awful to one another because I'm afraid someone might call me "butthurt". Sounds kind of middle school, if you ask me. If you don't feel like using the report button, fine; but I really have no sympathy for people who get reported for doing mean things that are against the rules. That's the purpose of the Community Guidelines and the purpose of the report button. We all agreed to the rules when we signed up, so when people break them...
    shrug - I don't feel an obligation to jump in as the middle school hall monitor and push the report button just because it's my opinion that other people are being mean to each other. No one asked you to do that, and I really don't think it's up to you to judge whether two other people are being mean enough to warrant being reported, which can get one or both of them banned from the forums. I've had some pretty knowledgeable good friends get banned for nothing more than trying to get a new member to understand that what they were saying was wrong and the new person had hurt feelings.
    i dont have kids so that right there would probably piss off half the site or more and my planned parenting style is probably also controversial so me thinks i shall forever avoid those sites XD
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Two websites... Babycenter and TheKnot

    Go there for a while and then come back.

    For. Real. They hump the report button over on BBC. The butthurt is strong. When people from the birth boards wandered over to the DT (The Debate Team) it rocked their world. We were reported ALL the time for personal attacks, that actually *weren't* personal attacks. We were mean, there's no two ways about it, and you'd better be intelligent, and know what you were talking about, or you got your *kitten* handed to you. At least back in my day, when I hung out there. This is mild. WAY. Mild. The only thing I hump the report button on is that damn spam that floods the forum every night. That rakes my grates for some reason. Other than that, I think I'd have to see something really hard core or a severe threat of bodily harm to report and/or block someone.

    I loved going into the Debate Team because frak... I couldn't take the arguing over how to raise your kid... and the In Laws and Family of Origin board... now people want to see blunt, that is one blunt forum right there...

    Oh ****, the FOO board. That cracked me up. All people over there ever did was tell everyone to cut their families off or put them "in a time out". The butthurt was STRONG there. Seriously, I encourage people to wander over to the BabyCenter forums. I don't know if it's still as bad as it used to be, I was there from 2008 to like 2010, but if you wanted to see some butthurt, trolls, and people being mean (and I mean, seriously, we were vicious on the Debate Team), go over there. No one would ever imagine that all this would go on, on a parenting website, but **** got real.

    It is... I pop in every now and then and I was there for much of 2010/2011.