Why you SHOULDN'T count calories



  • LaReinaDeCorazones
    lol people are very defensive of their diet sodas lmao no ones taking them away just pointing out how unhealthy they are you are still free to drink them calm your hormones

    Please back this statement up with peer reviewed evidence.

    What's wrong with you people?! Read a health book, please! I'm randomly jumping in here to stop the slaughter of the person who mentioned that diet soda is bad. My explanation will come from memory of books I have read that have, yes, cited their sources. Why is a cup of regular coke better than diet coke? It's better because it does not contain harmful sugar substitutes that is in it's zero calorie counterpart. Example of a harmful sugar substitute, you ask? Sure! ASPARTAME.

    Aspartame is bad for you and don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise and hell yes, it is bad for you in any quantity. I don't even chew the bull sugar-free gum anymore and guess what?! Less gas, bloating, brain fog, diarrhea and all gone by eliminating gum with sorbitol and aspartame. How much you drink or chew will just slow down or speed up the "harmful" process. Aspartame, like MSG (everyone is afraid of MSG but not aspartame I see), is an exotoxin. Exotoxins cause degenerative effects on the brain and nervous system. It's effects are cumulative. You may feel fine at first, but will then notice neurological issues such as headaches, brain fog and early signs of dementia. Do you really want to suffer through that (if you aren't already) just because you want to save a few cals. How about don't drink it at all.. or save it for a special occasion to indulge in junk. Hey, we're human.. we like junk sometimes.. just throw away the "diet junk."

    For the person who mentioned diet stuff is bad, it is helpful to know why before mentioning it on a controversial thread such as this one because there are jerks out there that will try to stomp on you and make you feel stupid. By yelling show a link blah blah blah.. they are trying to bury you. Just try to know at least some of the facts first. Diet soda is harmful towards your overall health.. I don't see how exactly it may hinder weight loss though. Just because you lose weight though, doesn't mean it's healthy.


    The reason people ask for links is to prove what you're spewing
    mentioned that diet soda is bad. My explanation will
    hasn't been proven. Can you provide one of the sources, I mean it is pertinent to the conversation.

    One of my favorite books is the Truth About Beauty by Kat James. She cites all of her sources in that book (which include case studies not articles written by people with no credibility). It's a great read and you are free to purchase on amazon, if you like. There are also a ton of other books out there.

    Aside from that, put down the diet soda for some time and stop chewing sugar free gum and watch the magic. It's all about how YOUR body responds to things. Again, I dropped the gum containing sorbitol and aspartame and I have not had the scary brain fog symptoms, gas, bloating and diarrhea. Try it and see.
    Hmmm, I drink diet soda daily and I don't have any of those symptoms. ..guess I must be a special snowflake huh lol
  • LaReinaDeCorazones
    Ahh this thread delivered.
    My favourite post:
    Let's be real honest here, the folks who begged for links wanted to see her fall. You did not politely and genuinely want to learn from her source, you wanted blood. Stop kidding around. If she provided you with a link, you would have told her that she doesn't have a credible source. How are you so sure that you're source is providing the full truth? They're probably funded by diet soda companies and sugar-free gum companies attempting to prove it's OK and will not kill you right away.

    I always love it when people take the phrase "please provide reputable evidence for your claims" as a sign of bullying (LOL call me when you've actually been bullied).
    Guess what, if you can't prove your claims in some way, they're useless, a fart in the breeze.

    Also, how can I get on the payroll of Big Sugar Free Gum Company? I chew a lot of that stuff. Mama needs her fix.
    Gurl, we need to be makin that paper.
    This is us ^^^

    ....and Big Gum will be all like:
    Make it raaaaaiiiiin
  • El_Cunado
    El_Cunado Posts: 359 Member
    You can gain weight eating "healthy" foods just as easily as "unhealthy" foods.

  • clbostian
    clbostian Posts: 5 Member
    It is true you can lose weight eating anything, whether its fruits or donuts, as long as you use more calories than you take in. But weight is not what people want to lose, it's fat. Excess carbs and sugers will be stored as fat and without proper protein intake you will be losing muscle not fat. In turn the number on the scale will go down but you will actually be in worse shape than you started.
  • fryebootgirl
    fryebootgirl Posts: 48 Member
    I'll take the chocolate bar, thanks.

    This :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i havent read the entire thread so i'm not sure if someone already mentioned sumo wrestlers. those guys only eat healthy clean food too
  • fangedneko
    fangedneko Posts: 133 Member
    i havent read the entire thread so i'm not sure if someone already mentioned sumo wrestlers. those guys only eat healthy clean food too

    And according to the United Nations Statistics Division, as of 2005 they had a life expectancy over 10 years shorter than the average Japanese and are more susceptible to diabetes, high blood pressure and heart failure.
  • rachelesmfp
    I think some people have a really unrealistic view of what 'healthy' is and it means something different to all of us. I believed I was eating good wholesome homecooking and it was mostly good for me... even after I ate the third/fourth/fifth plate :noway:
    Whilst the free spirit idea of just winging it is fine for some, the others might need a bit of hard evidence to see what is going wrong in their diets and why they have creeped up in weight over the years and calorie counting is great for accountability if your approaching it with honesty.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    It is true you can lose weight eating anything, whether its fruits or donuts, as long as you use more calories than you take in. But weight is not what people want to lose, it's fat. Excess carbs and sugers will be stored as fat and without proper protein intake you will be losing muscle not fat. In turn the number on the scale will go down but you will actually be in worse shape than you started.

    This takes the cake for biggest load of crap I've read all night.

    I must be a freaking mutant then.

  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    What's wrong with you people?! Read a health book, please! I'm randomly jumping in here to stop the slaughter of the person who mentioned that diet soda is bad. My explanation will come from memory of books I have read that have, yes, cited their sources. Why is a cup of regular coke better than diet coke? It's better because it does not contain harmful sugar substitutes that is in it's zero calorie counterpart. Example of a harmful sugar substitute, you ask? Sure! ASPARTAME.

    Aspartame is bad for you and don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise and hell yes, it is bad for you in any quantity. I don't even chew the bull sugar-free gum anymore and guess what?! Less gas, bloating, brain fog, diarrhea and all gone by eliminating gum with sorbitol and aspartame. How much you drink or chew will just slow down or speed up the "harmful" process. Aspartame,

    One of my favorite books is the Truth About Beauty by Kat James. She cites all of her sources in that book (which include case studies not articles written by people with no credibility). It's a great read and you are free to purchase on amazon, if you like. There are also a ton of other books out there.

    Aside from that, put down the diet soda for some time and stop chewing sugar free gum and watch the magic. It's all about how YOUR body responds to things. Again, I dropped the gum containing sorbitol and aspartame and I have not had the scary brain fog symptoms, gas, bloating and diarrhea. Try it and see.
    There's a hugely popular book called "The Wheat Belly Diet." It cites tons of sources that claim that wheat (and other sources of gluten) is bad for you, toxic even.
    When I eat gluten, I have an awful reaction. I gain ten pounds of bloat overnight, I get sores in my mouth and on my skin, I get headaches and gas and my already severe pain gets worse and my joints throb and I get awful heartburn and my crap smells worse than bad - toxic, even.
    Obviously, I feel better when I don't eat it.
    My husband, on the other hand, has none of those symptoms. Most people I know don't.
    There are also a crap ton of studies and longstanding scientific evidence that show that a diet rich in whole grains (Gasp! Wheat!) lowers cholesterol, aids digestion, and has a myriad of other health benefits.
    In other words, just because someone who wanted to get people to stop eating gluten found some research that they molded to suit their own opinions, and just because *I* feel better when I avoid it, doesn't mean that it's actually toxic. There is significantly more evidence (and significantly more people) that show that gluten is safe for the general population.
    Aspartame, sucralose, whatever is the same. If you get sick from consuming it, don't do it. There are many more people who don't get sick from it, and there is more evidence that says it's generally safe than evidence to the contrary.
  • shankasaurus
    shankasaurus Posts: 116 Member
    Re: Diet Soda
    I'll stick to water and vodka, thanks.
  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    What's wrong with you people?! Read a health book, please! I'm randomly jumping in here to stop the slaughter of the person who mentioned that diet soda is bad. My explanation will come from memory of books I have read that have, yes, cited their sources. Why is a cup of regular coke better than diet coke? It's better because it does not contain harmful sugar substitutes that is in it's zero calorie counterpart. Example of a harmful sugar substitute, you ask? Sure! ASPARTAME.

    Aspartame is bad for you and don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise and hell yes, it is bad for you in any quantity. I don't even chew the bull sugar-free gum anymore and guess what?! Less gas, bloating, brain fog, diarrhea and all gone by eliminating gum with sorbitol and aspartame. How much you drink or chew will just slow down or speed up the "harmful" process. Aspartame,

    One of my favorite books is the Truth About Beauty by Kat James. She cites all of her sources in that book (which include case studies not articles written by people with no credibility). It's a great read and you are free to purchase on amazon, if you like. There are also a ton of other books out there.

    Aside from that, put down the diet soda for some time and stop chewing sugar free gum and watch the magic. It's all about how YOUR body responds to things. Again, I dropped the gum containing sorbitol and aspartame and I have not had the scary brain fog symptoms, gas, bloating and diarrhea. Try it and see.
    There's a hugely popular book called "The Wheat Belly Diet." It cites tons of sources that claim that wheat (and other sources of gluten) is bad for you, toxic even.
    When I eat gluten, I have an awful reaction. I gain ten pounds of bloat overnight, I get sores in my mouth and on my skin, I get headaches and gas and my already severe pain gets worse and my joints throb and I get awful heartburn and my crap smells worse than bad - toxic, even.
    Obviously, I feel better when I don't eat it.
    My husband, on the other hand, has none of those symptoms. Most people I know don't.
    There are also a crap ton of studies and longstanding scientific evidence that show that a diet rich in whole grains (Gasp! Wheat!) lowers cholesterol, aids digestion, and has a myriad of other health benefits.
    In other words, just because someone who wanted to get people to stop eating gluten found some research that they molded to suit their own opinions, and just because *I* feel better when I avoid it, doesn't mean that it's actually toxic. There is significantly more evidence (and significantly more people) that show that gluten is safe for the general population.
    Aspartame, sucralose, whatever is the same. If you get sick from consuming it, don't do it. There are many more people who don't get sick from it, and there is more evidence that says it's generally safe than evidence to the contrary.

    Stop with your logic, you bully!
    It's a habit. Someone should probably smack me upside the head with a bottle of Coke Zero. Yum.
  • drazani
    drazani Posts: 98 Member
    I decided to pull these two quickly because some of you guys are big babies. I should be sleeping or getting ready for work tomorrow and here I am pulling case studies regarding aspartame. You know what, drink diet soda until your heart is content. I feel bad for humanity. So, heartless and I'm actually disgusted with this thread to be quite honest. :brokenheart: Please do, though... drink away.. :drinker:



    I'm not going to read anymore of these. Most of these damn studies don't even include humans. Just freaking use yourself as an example or your peers. I find that much better sometimes. Eliminate it from your diet.. and then re-introduce sometime in the future. If you feel like crap immediately or sometime in the near future, it's bad. If you're fine, then go right ahead and enjoy. It's your body, not mine.

    Livinghealthy may i suggest http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC548218/ and also Commission of the European Communities, Health and Consumer Protection Directorate-General. Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food: update on the safety of aspartame. Brussels, 4 December 2002. (SCF/CS/ADD/EDUL/222 Final.) www.food.gov.uk/multimedia/pdfs/aspartameopinion.pdf

    As further reading material on aspartame (as it seems you dont wish to read the sticky on MFP) short point they both conclude that aspartame is perfectly safe and there is no correlation between tumor, epilepsy and other CNS (Central Nervous System) disorders, on any dose that a normal human being would consume, (<40mg/kg of bodyweight) Interesting to note in one of these double blind studies subjects complaining of headaches with aspartame use were tested with aspartame and placebo and the incidence of headaches was actually higher on the placebo dosing ???? i suggest that you look further into things before jumping to conclusions based on anecdotal evidence and rely more on peer reviewed materials.

    Back on track calorie counting has worked for me in the pastand i willcontinue to do so, as it appears that every week there is a foodscare reported that is then debunked in the near future as better and more organised research is performed.

    Edited to.add both of the links you provided use the interesting phrasing of could be and might be, both phrases that are far from conclusive, i.e. when i go out today i Could be hit by a bus.
  • cmpnaz
    cmpnaz Posts: 190
    Hey I eat 1 ounce of 85% or higher Dark Chocolate everyday !!!!
    You do have to know your calories in versus out ...
    However not all calories are equal and metabolize differently the best way is having a proper balance to have the quick fuel for energy to get that metabolism burning and fuel activity, but not so much that the logs( fat) do not burn ..... If you keep pouring alcohol on the log while on fire the log will never burn.... You need to not only push past the point where your body is taking energy from converting stored fat, but also that it is tapping a little into the calories/energy from proteins ( the 10% used for longer more taxing workout situations) do this through strength training and your body's metabolism/fire will remain stoked while you sleep and the calories from protein are used as they are broke down and absorbed in the muscle healing process...
    the very process of converting macro nutrients into fuel takes energy and it takes much more to convert complex carbohydrates than it does simple... SO by the very nature of what you eat your body is using more or less energy before you even step on the treadmill or lift a weight.... As most said when you eat healthy and add exercise you are most likely going to end up in a deficit anyway... but much harder to do consuming all junk....

    Find your proper balance, Burn more than you consume, and try to maintain a neutral to alkaline PH and you will Lose, You will Maintain, and you will be healthier!!!!

    and Still eat a little chocolate daily if you want to , but I suggest the good stuff 85% or higher cocoa !

    p.s. I do think DIET sodas and drinks are a joke and personally do not think they are a good replacement to water and lemon, or unsweetened green tea... My only question is do people really like the taste, because I do not !
  • Milverton99
    Toasters are harmful.

    In fact, if anyone says that toasters aren't harmful, don't listen to them. I've done my research on toasters and I'm not going to research them for you. In fact, toasters aren't natural! They are made in a factory!

    Do your research.

    Is this an okay post?
  • jenny24012014
    jenny24012014 Posts: 83 Member
    I have a friend who doesn't believe in calories - as in she doesn't believe they exist. She is the largest person I know.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Hey I eat 1 ounce of 85% or higher Dark Chocolate everyday !!!!
    You do have to know your calories in versus out ...
    However not all calories are equal and metabolize differently the best way is having a proper balance to have the quick fuel for energy to get that metabolism burning and fuel activity, but not so much that the logs( fat) do not burn ..... If you keep pouring alcohol on the log while on fire the log will never burn.... You need to not only push past the point where your body is taking energy from converting stored fat, but also that it is tapping a little into the calories/energy from proteins ( the 10% used for longer more taxing workout situations) do this through strength training and your body's metabolism/fire will remain stoked while you sleep and the calories from protein are used as they are broke down and absorbed in the muscle healing process...
    the very process of converting macro nutrients into fuel takes energy and it takes much more to convert complex carbohydrates than it does simple... SO by the very nature of what you eat your body is using more or less energy before you even step on the treadmill or lift a weight.... As most said when you eat healthy and add exercise you are most likely going to end up in a deficit anyway... but much harder to do consuming all junk....

    Find your proper balance, Burn more than you consume, and try to maintain a neutral to alkaline PH and you will Lose, You will Maintain, and you will be healthier!!!!

    and Still eat a little chocolate daily if you want to , but I suggest the good stuff 85% or higher cocoa !

    p.s. I do think DIET sodas and drinks are a joke and personally do not think they are a good replacement to water and lemon, or unsweetened green tea... My only question is do people really like the taste, because I do not !

    Stoking fires??? Excuse me while I light my spliff.
  • Zoe_lifts
    Zoe_lifts Posts: 120 Member
    holy crap i cant believe i just took half hour out of my day to read these comments. LMAO. Love MFP and the debates...

    I went to bed yesterday evening after I posted and now everyone went crazy on this topic :D lol
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    Excess carbs and sugers will be stored as fat

    No. Excess calories will be stored as fat, regardless of their macro...