Do I HAVE to eat 1200 cal..



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Ya'll are so nice and friendly here. :) LOVE YOU!!

    People with eating disorders should not be asking about losing weight. Period. People should also not jump all over someone who with all good intention provides advice based on personal experience and the advice of doctors.

    And no I typically don't read the first full page of people's comments because as we can all see everyone is so loving and kind here. Excuse me for not actively looking for someone who is underweight or with an ED on a forum full of fat people like myself.... how strange. :(

    LOL you're a character.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Eat lots of veg and drink lots of water and stay active and you'll be amazed at how easy it is to avoid calories. But it will take some habit changing to get there so don't expect to do it all in a weekend. Nuts, I've been doing this for two years and it's not over yet. Not sure it ever will be.

    OP's trying to eat more calories.

    Skip the veg and replace with cheese.
  • vuco1990
    vuco1990 Posts: 29 Member
    Let me tell/write you something. Going that low on calories and running 10 miles every day type of diet are useless and you are doing more harm to your body and YOU WILL get your weight back. You have to think long term, change your life habits, food habits ( no you do not have to eat some ultra low calorie vegetable all day every day, just cut calories from crap). How do I know all this? Because I have been there!!! My student way of living ( study, watch tv and eat s*h*i*t) what made me gain weight. There is no short term diet ( I mean there is, but you will get weight back). Diet is about changing your daily routine ( like go for a walk every day, you do not have to run 20 miles every day), cut out bread, cut out sugar. This does not mean you will have to have strict diet all life and you can go to McDonalnd time to time, but you do not have to go in extremes ( you are not professional bodybuilder or athlete) and you will not keep those strict diets for long time. If 1200 calories is to much or you than you are like 4 feet tall with 70 pounds, otherwise you are not counting your calories right. Get a mini scale to weigh all your food are read labels.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member

    Thanks to those who tried to answer my questions to the best of their knowledge.

    "Help" does not equal "coddle".
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    This post is under "General Diet and Weight Loss Help" .... sorry for not realizing I wasn't supposed to talk about weight loss in response. WOW.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    Thanks to those who tried to answer my questions to the best of their knowledge.
    And sometimes being helpful means telling people what not to do.
  • I wish that there was a like button for this post! Well explained :)
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    This post is under "General Diet and Weight Loss Help" .... sorry for not realizing I wasn't supposed to talk about weight loss in response. WOW.

    Not talking about weight loss was YOUR idea, not ours.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Eat lots of veg and drink lots of water and stay active and you'll be amazed at how easy it is to avoid calories. But it will take some habit changing to get there so don't expect to do it all in a weekend. Nuts, I've been doing this for two years and it's not over yet. Not sure it ever will be.

    OP's trying to eat more calories.

    Skip the veg and replace with cheese.

    LOL.....I thought he was lost
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Ya'll are so nice and friendly here. :) LOVE YOU!!

    People with eating disorders should not be asking about losing weight. Period. People should also not jump all over someone who with all good intention provides advice based on personal experience and the advice of doctors.

    And no I typically don't read the first full page of people's comments because as we can all see everyone is so loving and kind here. Excuse me for not actively looking for someone who is underweight or with an ED on a forum full of fat people like myself.... how strange. :(
    Regardless of the OPs ED, why do you post your doctor specific info as what should be done.

    PS: not everyone here is fat. Look around.

    Sorry you felt jumped on, you were. Folks get concerned when day after day after day after day young women (usually girls) with EDs look for ways to lose weight, get thigh gaps etc. etc. etc.
    You'll do fine if you start to look at things (like really slim girls in profile photos).

    Best of luck on your journey.
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    You can't possibly eat 1200 cals? How did you gain the weight you need to lose if eating is so difficult? Sorry if this was already explained...
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    This post is under "General Diet and Weight Loss Help" .... sorry for not realizing I wasn't supposed to talk about weight loss in response. WOW.

    Not talking about weight loss was YOUR idea, not ours.

    Then why all the HATE?

  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    OP (if you're still here) - I hope you are still speaking to a therapist for your ED as your trying to lose weight a healthy way. It's way too easy to slip back into unhealthy and obsessive/restrictive eating habits. Even logging on here can "feed the demon".

    Please be careful and be safe. The best advice I can offer you is to have an actual physical performed by your doctor and have him/her work with you and discuss realistic health goals.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    People who wish to be mean wait for threads like this because they can get away with nastiness and in this community, it is accepted.

    If your doctor is okay with what you eat and you feel strong and healthy, do it and don't spend any time worrying about what others might think.

    I averaged out my last 21 days and came up with an average of 1227. I couldn't care less if people have strokes over how wrong they feel it is. They can spin around like the Tasmanian devil, spew names like a kindergartener and have flames shoot out of their ears, lol. I wouldn't spend half a second worrying about whether or not they approved.

    You have to think about what kind of person is purposefully nasty to strangers online...where that comes from. Then you won't care, either. :)

    Everyone has to walk their own path. Follow your doctor's instructions and be happy. :)

    Edit to add:

    If you have anorexia, listening to fat people talk about weight loss may be very triggering. You might just want to find a recovery site. Or you might not! Up to you. :)

    Hang in there. 1200 is a ton if you have an ED. Work toward it. Feel no guilt. Some days are better than others. As long as you keep going in the right direction, overall, it's all okay. Good luck on your journey.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    You can't possibly eat 1200 cals? How did you gain the weight you need to lose if eating is so difficult? Sorry if this was already explained...

    That wasn't the point of the OP . . .
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    People who wish to be mean wait for threads like this because they can get away with nastiness and in this community, it is accepted.

    If your doctor is okay with what you eat and you feel strong and healthy, do it and don't spend any time worrying about what others might think.

    I averaged out my last 21 days and came up with an average of 1227. I couldn't care less if people have strokes over how wrong they feel it is. They can spin around like the Tasmanian devil, spew names like a kindergartener and have flames shoot out of their ears, lol. I wouldn't spend half a second worrying about whether or not they approved.

    You have to think about what kind of person is purposefully nasty to strangers online...where that comes from. Then you won't care, either. :)

    Everyone has to walk their own path. Follow your doctor's instructions and be happy. :)

    This is so right :)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    People who wish to be mean wait for threads like this because they can get away with nastiness and in this community, it is accepted.

    If your doctor is okay with what you eat and you feel strong and healthy, do it and don't spend any time worrying about what others might think.

    I averaged out my last 21 days and came up with an average of 1227. I couldn't care less if people have strokes over how wrong they feel it is. They can spin around like the Tasmanian devil, spew names like a kindergartener and have flames shoot out of their ears, lol. I wouldn't spend half a second worrying about whether or not they approved.

    You have to think about what kind of person is purposefully nasty to strangers online...where that comes from. Then you won't care, either. :)

    Everyone has to walk their own path. Follow your doctor's instructions and be happy. :)

    Doctors are not always right.
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    People who wish to be mean wait for threads like this because they can get away with nastiness and in this community, it is accepted.

    If your doctor is okay with what you eat and you feel strong and healthy, do it and don't spend any time worrying about what others might think.

    I averaged out my last 21 days and came up with an average of 1227. I couldn't care less if people have strokes over how wrong they feel it is. They can spin around like the Tasmanian devil, spew names like a kindergartener and have flames shoot out of their ears, lol. I wouldn't spend half a second worrying about whether or not they approved.

    You have to think about what kind of person is purposefully nasty to strangers online...where that comes from. Then you won't care, either. :)

    Everyone has to walk their own path. Follow your doctor's instructions and be happy. :)

    Doctors are not always right.

    They're not always wrong either :)
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    I actually agree, I do not lose weight if I have 1200, normally I eat 300 then burn off 300 then eat another 200 and I am still a healthy weight.

    Um, what????
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    People who wish to be mean wait for threads like this because they can get away with nastiness and in this community, it is accepted.

    If your doctor is okay with what you eat and you feel strong and healthy, do it and don't spend any time worrying about what others might think.

    I averaged out my last 21 days and came up with an average of 1227. I couldn't care less if people have strokes over how wrong they feel it is. They can spin around like the Tasmanian devil, spew names like a kindergartener and have flames shoot out of their ears, lol. I wouldn't spend half a second worrying about whether or not they approved.

    You have to think about what kind of person is purposefully nasty to strangers online...where that comes from. Then you won't care, either. :)

    Everyone has to walk their own path. Follow your doctor's instructions and be happy. :)

    Doctors are not always right.

    They're not always wrong either :)

    Uh. Neither are fortune tellers.