Anybody doing The 21 Day Fix



  • I have been doing it since February and have lost almost 70 pounds total. It is NOT a gimmick in any way shape or form … the "colored containers" help with portion control and are HUGELY helpful to be honest; why "weigh food" - this is MUCH easier. Using the colored containers has also really helped me to "eyeball" portion sizes when eating out, etc. I would say the majority of us don't know how many servings of fruit, carbs, protein, healthy fats, veggies, etc. we should have a day AND what the portion of each should be; the containers remove the guess work … NO weighing, counting, calorie counting, macro/micro tracking, point conversion and tracking, etc. - it is just super easy! The workouts are great as well; I have lost a total of 140 pounds and have been very concerned with sagging skin … thanks to the workouts that is a worry of the past (I have NONE at this point).

    Anyway, just my thoughts.
  • LOVE this response! Absolutely LOVE!
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 468 Member
    Tried it for a week, didn't like it. I dont' know if it was Autumn being annoying, or the workouts, but I didn't like it. I do love a lot of BB workouts, I just finished TurboFire and I am now doing Chalean Extreme for a round, then plan on doing a hybrid between the 2, but I didn't like 21 Day Fix at all.
  • HI,
    This is my first day and my first post on MFP. I have the phone app for MMW and love it. To add in my thoughts to this topic, I tried the 21 day fix and I found that the video's aren't re-inventing the wheel and I found keeping up with all of the colored containers frustrating. For instance I would find a blue container in my car or misplace one of the tiny orange container lids. To much work for me personally (I'm not that organized). A friend from work had better success than I did. I am going to continue with what works for me... walking everyday and now counting my calories. Food portions and the types of food I eat, has always been my biggest struggle. I like what I see on MFP in regards to logging food and exercise. This is what I need to be more accountable.

    Seeing that it is August, did the individual who started this original thread find success on the 21 day fix?
  • nomadic_frau
    nomadic_frau Posts: 25 Member
    I have been doing it since February and have lost almost 70 pounds total.

    That's amazing!
  • maggiephelps12
    maggiephelps12 Posts: 6 Member
    That is awesome! I am on my 2nd week of it and lost 3lbs last week. Very happy so far cause I am also doing it with the Shakeology. I have already lost 30lbs on my own but needed an extra motivator and my sister introduced me to this. I hope to be a success story like you because I still need to lose 60lbs or a little more. Thanks for the story!
  • heathercmartel
    heathercmartel Posts: 11 Member
    I started the eating plan last Thursday and the fitness videos on Sunday. I am 2 lbs down in a week. At this point need to to lose a total of 15 but my goal with this plan is 10. I think the best thing it has done for me is eat cleaner. Fresh fruits and veggies. Nothing breaded or fried. I am missing my carbs (it allows you some) but I feel much better and am sleeping better. I do not feel bloated anymore and am sure that is from the healthier food I am eating (no packaged food at all). The videos are great so far as far as toning my body which I need desperately. I like to add cardio when I do the upper and lower fix, pilates and yoga so I run a couple of miles. The colored containers help me with being accountable with how much food I am eating.
    I am traveling all weekend so have pre-packaged foods to take with me and wrote the colors on the bags.
    Will check back in when completed 21 days to report lbs and inches lost. Looking forward to great results.
    Congrats to all of you who are losing with or without this plan!
  • adfabus
    adfabus Posts: 178 Member
    For folks who would like to know the size of the containers it is as follows:

    vegies green 1 cup or 8 oz
    fruit purple 1 cup or 8 oz
    protein red 2/3 cup or 5 oz
    carbs yellow 1/2 cup or 4 oz
    fats and cheese blue 1/4 cup or 2 oz
    seeds and oils orange 1/8 cup or 1 oz

    I also found a website that will calculate how many calories and what and how many containers of food you should eat for the 21 day fix. After finding this information, I can use measuring cups I have at home along with my own workout routine to do this program for free. Here is the website for the calculations and information:

    I am going to start this Monday and will post my progress.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    For folks who would like to know the size of the containers it is as follows:

    vegies green 1 cup or 8 oz
    fruit purple 1 cup or 8 oz
    protein red 2/3 cup or 5 oz
    carbs yellow 1/2 cup or 4 oz
    fats and cheese blue 1/4 cup or 2 oz
    seeds and oils orange 1/8 cup or 1 oz

    I also found a website that will calculate how many calories and what and how many containers of food you should eat for the 21 day fix. After finding this information, I can use measuring cups I have at home along with my own workout routine to do this program for free. Here is the website for the calculations and information:

    I am going to start this Monday and will post my progress.

    Why would you necro this....
  • I have been doing it since February and have lost almost 70 pounds total. It is NOT a gimmick in any way shape or form … the "colored containers" help with portion control and are HUGELY helpful to be honest; why "weigh food" - this is MUCH easier. Using the colored containers has also really helped me to "eyeball" portion sizes when eating out, etc. I would say the majority of us don't know how many servings of fruit, carbs, protein, healthy fats, veggies, etc. we should have a day AND what the portion of each should be; the containers remove the guess work … NO weighing, counting, calorie counting, macro/micro tracking, point conversion and tracking, etc. - it is just super easy! The workouts are great as well; I have lost a total of 140 pounds and have been very concerned with sagging skin … thanks to the workouts that is a worry of the past (I have NONE at this point).

    Anyway, just my thoughts.

    that is awesome good for you i have lost 35 pounds
  • For folks who would like to know the size of the containers it is as follows:

    vegies green 1 cup or 8 oz
    fruit purple 1 cup or 8 oz
    protein red 2/3 cup or 5 oz
    carbs yellow 1/2 cup or 4 oz
    fats and cheese blue 1/4 cup or 2 oz
    seeds and oils orange 1/8 cup or 1 oz

    I also found a website that will calculate how many calories and what and how many containers of food you should eat for the 21 day fix. After finding this information, I can use measuring cups I have at home along with my own workout routine to do this program for free. Here is the website for the calculations and information:

    I am going to start this Monday and will post my progress.

    Why would you necro this....
    anyone who is trusting this as the right container sizes please be aware it is not
    green is 1 cup fruit is 1 cup yellow is 1/2 cup red is 3/4 cup orange is 2 1/2 TBSP and blue is 1/4c this is coming from someone who uses the product and actually loves it
  • For folks who would like to know the size of the containers it is as follows:

    vegies green 1 cup or 8 oz
    fruit purple 1 cup or 8 oz
    protein red 2/3 cup or 5 oz
    carbs yellow 1/2 cup or 4 oz
    fats and cheese blue 1/4 cup or 2 oz
    seeds and oils orange 1/8 cup or 1 oz

    I also found a website that will calculate how many calories and what and how many containers of food you should eat for the 21 day fix. After finding this information, I can use measuring cups I have at home along with my own workout routine to do this program for free. Here is the website for the calculations and information:

    I am going to start this Monday and will post my progress.

    i posted a remark i am sorry to tell you i use the program and these are not proper measurements i have lost 35 pounds using this you are correct in some but red is 3/4 it is a big difference when using this program
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    angiereid wrote: »
    For folks who would like to know the size of the containers it is as follows:

    vegies green 1 cup or 8 oz
    fruit purple 1 cup or 8 oz
    protein red 2/3 cup or 5 oz
    carbs yellow 1/2 cup or 4 oz
    fats and cheese blue 1/4 cup or 2 oz
    seeds and oils orange 1/8 cup or 1 oz

    I also found a website that will calculate how many calories and what and how many containers of food you should eat for the 21 day fix. After finding this information, I can use measuring cups I have at home along with my own workout routine to do this program for free. Here is the website for the calculations and information:

    I am going to start this Monday and will post my progress.

    i posted a remark i am sorry to tell you i use the program and these are not proper measurements i have lost 35 pounds using this you are correct in some but red is 3/4 it is a big difference when using this program

    Fortunately for everyone using a simple kitchen scale to measure and log, 5 oz is still 5 oz regardless of the color of your container.
