Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good afternoon everyone.

    Robinsegg(Ellen)- We hope you heal quickly and feel better soon!:flowerforyou:

    Although the dog days of summer are almost over, the second Sunday in September is going to the dogs – literally. It’s National Hug Your Hound Day!
    Whether you share your life with a pit bull, bloodhound, great big Great Dane or tiny chihuahua, today’s “howliday” celebrates those loyal and faithful companions we love so much. This annual dog day serves as a reminder of the importance of keeping our four-legged friends happy, healthy and safe.
    National Hug Your Hound Day also shines the spotlight on our four-legged friends that rest their paws in urban areas. While wide open spaces and the wild outdoors may not be available to city-dwelling dogs, you and Fido can still enjoy parks, lakes and other aspects of urban nature no matter where you reside.
    According to the founder of National Hug Your Hound Day, Canine Behaviorist and author Ami Moore:
    “We desire to increase the acceptance of dogs, leashed and unleashed, into all of the public spaces of our cities: taxis, restaurants, stores and malls. Our goal is that the physical, mental and emotional health benefits of dog ownership and companionship be available to everyone, everywhere, all the time, just as they are in the great cities of Europe.
    With love, guidance, patience and training, well-mannered dogs add so much to our lives. In honor of today’s holiday, give Fido a great big hug and do something extra special just for him!

    “People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.” ~Lewis Cass

  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone!

    I woke up and my back felt somewhat better, which is a relief. We had a wonderful church service and then it was off to work where I had 3 whole customers today, and not one even considered buying anything. The weather was cool and beautiful and I think most people had no desire to spend it indoors. I know I would have rather been outside enjoying what hopefully is the beginning of fall!! :bigsmile:

    @Robin, I am soooo sorry to hear about your fall and injuries. I pray for a speedy recovery!! :flowerforyou:

    Sunday Share: Hi, my name is Teresa and I'm 48 years old. I have been on a diet since I was 13 years old and I'm still trying to get it right! :ohwell: I restarted on July 1st, joined MFP, bought a FitBit, and have lost 15 lbs. This is not an easy road but I'm learning. This thread is very supportive and I'm grateful for you all. :flowerforyou:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Well, I attempted scuba diving today and it was an interesting experience. I can say it was not my favorite and I am not in love with it right now. Let's just say that I don't like things in my mouth and breathing under water is more challenging than I thought. :explode: Oh the things we do to get the attention of a guy who is clueless. :explode: I just hope he appreciates the effort I made to try something he really likes. Now, if he would just ask me to go out on a date. I don't want to ask but I may need to just to find out where I stand or if I have a chance. When I went out to lunch with the guys there were 4 guys from the scuba place plus me, I was asked how I like it. My response, I would rather go rock climbing or swimming or paddle boards. I will attempt it again to see if it gets any better but I will really need to keep my emotions in check. I left the pool once with the bathroom excuse but it was also my way to compose myself and mentally prepare to try again. I learned that I can swim underwater with the tank no problem but dealing with the mask and just breathing through the respirator is something I need to overcome.

    Robin- Sorry to hear about your fall. Hope you heal quickly.:flowerforyou:

    Hansea- Good luck with your half marathon, I am impressed with your desire to run that distance.:drinker: I have enough trouble getting excited about running 3.1 miles.

    Susan- I would also take my own snacks and food. You can always ask for the sauces on the side or ask for the vegetarian alternative. Great job with the protein. :happy:

    Karen- I hope you managed to get all your papers graded. I still need to grade a couple of sets tonight, I was delaying/ avoiding mine all weekend. :bigsmile:

    Exercise goals
    Sunday- scuba diving
    Monday- Training run
    Tuesday- Gym
    Wednesday- Rest day unless I opt to swim
    Thursday- swim
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- swim
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    New to the tread.

    I hope everyone has had a good weekend.

    A little about me. I started back with MFP a little more than 3 weeks ago. I need to get back on track and finally get down to my goal weight. I've been overweight all my life. But I started this journey 12 years ago. Lost 180 lbs in a little more than 4 years and then had quite a setback. Series of events sparked depression. Gained back 65 lbs. I've tried numerous times to get it off, but just didn't seem to have the strength. But it's time to get back to my journey, get this weight off and keep it off. No more avoiding the scales and being in denial.

    Since I've started, I have lost 15 lbs. I want to get back to where I was before the downward spiral first, that means another 50 lbs. And then make it to my ultimate goal, another 25 lbs.

    Now if only I can find the strength to start an exercise routine. I guess I will get to that point in time.

    Thanks for letting me join.

  • Rachelwin65
    Rachelwin65 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi guys,

    A little late to the party, but I am in the 100+ lbs to lose club, so I am happy to be here. I have been overweight for my entire adult life. At one point in my 20s I lost about 90 lbs in weight watchers, but almost immediately gained it all back and then some. I have also done a long stint in Overeaters Anonymous, but never reached anywhere near my goal weight. A few more failed tries at WW and finally found my way here after my doctor recommended I consider surgery. After much prayer, I determined that surgery is not for me. Instead, I needed to make a daily commitment to care for my body, including eating the proper amount of healthy foods and getting some exercise every day.

    I joined MFP 3 weeks ago and have lost about 8 lbs. so far. (My ticker says 6 because I am not going to change it until I weigh in with my nutritionist in 2 weeks. Also, it says that I am only trying to lose 30 lbs, but that is because I am making small goals to start.) I have loved the support and friends I am making here and hope we can encourage each other in the journey.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I've always wanted to try scuba, but have concerns about the mask/breathing just as you reported. Even snorkling is a bit overwhelming for me--trying to remember when to breathe so as not to get water in the tube while navigating coral reefs and other divers is a bit much for me. I tend to just stay on top of the water. I did get a lot of papers graded, but not all of them. Got the one class done that I want to hand back tomorrow, so that's something and there's still time tonight if I feel inspired. Sorry the guy is clueless--maybe you need to get your flirt on a little more obviously--some people miss subtle cues. :love: :laugh:

    @tom--it's always Hug Your Hound Day in this house. :laugh:

    @hansea--can't believe your half is just a week away! I know you will do great! I love to run, but like laurie, the longer distances don't interest me. I did an 8k once, but I think that is about my limit. 5k is the perfect distance for me--long enough to be a challenge, but not so long that I get bored.

    @lori--awesome NSV with the new bra size. I just got a bunch of new bras and all of my clothes look so much better with the right support underneath. Also, congrats on your new bike!! :flowerforyou:

    Sunday Share:
    I made up for much of my overage in the past 2 days which makes me very happy. I must admit, I was feeling a bit defeated about the possibility of coming in under goal by the time I leave on the 27th, but making up almost 400 calories in 2 days has got me realizing it's absolutely doable. :happy:

    After a really great workout yesterday, I decided to sacrifice the gym for grading today. For one thing it was gorgeous outside, so I was able to take gunner for an extra long walk. Even the loose dog who ran up in attack mode didn't scare us back into the house. Fortunately, I was able to keep the dog at bay until its owner could come retrieve it, but it's so scary when that happens. I want to write an angry letter to my entire neighborhood about the dangers of unleashed dogs. :explode: Instead I just posted a rant on FB (which, ironically, none of my neighors will see) and let it go. The second reason I skipped the gym is that my shoulder has been hurting for the past couple of weeks. I'm not sure if I tweaked it at the gym or what, but I'm beginning to suspect it's due to my backpack, so I've been trying to remember to carry it on my other shoulder. Hope it starts feeling better soon or I may need to completely stop upper body lifting until it heals. For now I've just been doing very light weights and watching my form like a hawk.

    Finished one class of papers. My goal is to get the 2nd set done by Tuesday so I can start on AP papers. May still do a few more tonight while watching my Bears. Sadly they are losing to San Fran. :cry:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 31/60 F451 Motif analyses

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (????) NOPE
    Thurs--rest day
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE (raining)
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -337
    100g of protein = 9/30 days
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Hello everybody. It has been a long time. I have been going through a lot of things. I am going to try my best to be back at this 100%. My sister is getting married and I am the matron of honor. Next September is her wedding. So I have a year to not be the hideous fat sister in the wedding.

    I have gained back everything I have lost.....or close to. I feel horrible physically and mentally. I feel like I don't even know where to start anymore. I have tried to start over numerous times and just can't get back to what I was doing.....not even sure why. Not motivated enough I guess....even though the way I feel is horrible.

    So here I am and I am hoping this time it is a true change.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tina--I'm so excited to see you back on the thread!!! :bigsmile: Are you still in nursing school? How are your girls? Don't dwell on the gain, just celebrate the fact that your recommitted. I know you can do it, and that wedding next september will be a great motivator.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Robin, I'm so sorry about your fall. I hope you feel better soon.
    Welcome to all the newcomers and those who are recommitting.
    Still on program today, but felt a little shaky about it. I ate a little more than half my exercise calories. I've been trying to stay below half. I got a good 5 mile walk. When I left our 49ers were comfortably ahead of Karen's Bears. When I got home, it was a sad picture.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Monday - Hello All
    Did not do OK this weekend. over ate both days. Over exercised yesterday. The plan was to run/walk this morning but my ankle is not good. I will wait one hour and see.

    Today is day 100 for me on MFP. I have logged nearly every bite, sip and exercise since joining.
    I will have to work some pretty grueling hours this week, but by the end of it I should be much closer to caught up at work.

    Next Saturday is my 34th wedding anniversary. My marriage is in trouble. Mostly I do not know if this is where I want to be. Hubby is still committed to the recliner/food/tv way of life. I no longer wish to be there. I am committed to living an active/eat healthier/goal oriented way of life. The two are not very compatible. When i do spend time with him it seems to center around food. I am not eating the same way I was 3 months ago, and I no longer wish to watch him lay in the recliner and eat. :noway:

    To all the Newbies - Welcome, this is one of the reasons I am doing so well. Check in daily if you can. Write when you feel up to it.

    Love to all,
    Lori :flowerforyou:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @kah - Hope you found some good things at the mall and enjoyed your time with your Mom. I frequently shop with my girls, but cannot think of a time (past childhood) where I've done so with my Mom. If either one of us suggested it, I fear we'd suspect the other had a brain injury. Funny, I've never thought about how little Mother/Daughter bonding I do or have ever done with my Mom. Maybe that's why I do so much with my daughters.

    @nettie - Your MIL is in for a rude awakening. Things have changed a lot in what doctors tell you about babies. I was reading the paper on Sunday and there was an article about SIDs deaths and how most could be attributed to irresponsible parents putting babies to bed on their stomachs. Well guess what Mr. Journalist? That's what moms my age were told to do by their doctors! Back then you would have been called irresponsible if you put your baby on their back. And we were told to have crib bumpers which are another no-no these days. Times change!

    @skinnyjeanz - Tootsie Rolls are the devil's food. DH bought a bag of them at BJs recently and we've both said we will never do so again. They are so addictive. They call out to you..."I'm small and not many calories. Don't worry, you can just eat one". Uh... no you really can't.

    @kateirving - We all have those foods we just can't have around. You're certainly not alone on that one!

    @susan - YAY for no Diet Coke! And so glad you're enjoying Boot Camp. I need to find something like that now that my work schedule will no longer allow for me to take off for classes in the morning. I just need to find one that's after work and not a 5 am. I refuse to start that since I know full well I would not be able to do it long term. The laundry room is still in progress, but the countertops will be installed on Wednesday and the sink/faucet the next day. Then I'm down to tile, paint and re-hanging pictures. I promise to post pics when it's finally done.

    @teresa - Back pain is the worst. Hope you feel better soon!

    @robin - Oh no! So sorry you fell, but thank goodness you didn't break anything. Prays for a quick recovery coming your way.

    AFM - It was a rainy weekend, but I found a window both days to take a walk. I also did some shopping and found some good things. But, I need someone to come over, arrange some outfits with what I have and take pictures so I know how to put things together. I basically need Granimals for grownups. I'm so impressed with how some people can put together outfits. I'm just not one of them. I can always enlist the next daughter who comes home. They are way more stylish than their Mom!

    September Challenge - Days at or under daily calorie goal 11/30

    Good Days: 11
    Bad Days: 3
  • optimaltouch
    optimaltouch Posts: 31 Member
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Monday check in- Lost a small amount of weight but the challenge has been super helpful. Not losing as wanted because I am not staying within calorie allotment. Just can;t guesstimate and have to take control and make sure I have planned what I am eating.

    Doing good with exercise, but it generally exhausts me. Occasionally I get a second wind and feel better after exercse but mostly I feel the need to go to bed

    A good sign is that I am back to working in my garden. Weed had literally taken over the side beds and after two days of work, these are clear and ready for planting. Have to call the extension service first, because crab grass got i and I know those roots are underground just waiting to pop back out next year. Some of the weeds were taller than my head and I had to take a shovel to dig the roots out

    Will reply to post later, Have a job interview this morning
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy National Creme de Menthe Day
    National Creme de Menthe Day is celebrated annually on September 15th.
    Crème de menthe (French for mint cream) is a sweet, mint-flavored alcoholic beverage. Its flavor is primarily derived from Corsican mint. It is available commercially in a colorless (called “white”) and a green version (which obtains its color from the mint leaves or from the addition of coloring, if extract and not the leaves are used to make the liqueur). Both varieties have similar flavors and are interchangeable in recipes, except where the color is important.
    Crème de menthe is used as an ingredient in several cocktails, such as the Grasshopper and the Stinger, and is also served as an after-dinner drink and can be used in food recipes as a flavoring.
    The traditional formula involves steeping dried peppermint or Corsican mint leaves in grain alcohol for several weeks (creating a naturally green color), followed by filtration and the addition of sugar.
    A simple recipe is to mix the crème de menthe with ice cream which creates a mint-like shake. Toppings are also sometimes used, such as nuts or pecans.

    “Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental states.” ~Carol Welch

  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    So inspiring to read every ones goals and successes. I have been away for a few weeks on my own. I have not lost anything in three weeks but have not gained anyhing either so that is success for my. I have been 30 lbs overweight for thirty years and now have face the task of changing my life habits to promote losing the weight.

    My goal this week is to keep eating in public as opposed to eating in secret and alone.

    Also found a site for a 28 days challenge of doing squats. Since I had knee replacement surgery last winter and my knee is finallly almost all pain free I feel that the challenge will strengthen my legs and help my balance so that is my goal for the next four weeks. That and sticking to my food plan. So yes I have been eating not the best foods for me, but manage to have enough legal foods to stay the same; no gain no loss which I think is more the glass is always half full instead of half empty.

    Have a good day for you.

  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    I just went for my walk with the girls, they love it so it makes it easier to go out. I still don't go as far as I want but am consistent in going each day. My weight loss has come to a standstill. I am staying at 25 lbs, but not budging from that. I am still following my diet, and even though I don't go below calories recommended, I am staying put. I figure sooner or later it has to go down. I have no trigger foods in the house, and have avoided most of them for at least two months. It is funny, I am not disappointed, because I have been taking care of myself, hair done, makeup on, nails done, and it makes me feel that I look better. I am disappointed that the face cream I am using hasn't made my brown spots disappear, although it does say it takes at least six to eight weeks, and patience is not my strong suit. I am trying to develop that. Along with controlling my anger. I had a little spat on facebook over politics, I know don't discuss religion or politics, I need to remember that since I get really riled up. A little over a month from now and I will be moving. I can't wait. I am just looking forward to decoration of my new apartment. Make it mine, Well, robin, hope you are alright, I think you must be a great person.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @soosun--squat challenge sounds like a great idea to strengthen your knee; just make sure you really, really focus on your form. Squats are how I wrecked my knee a couple of years ago. :ohwell:

    @tom--I remember my mom and friends drinking Grasshoppers when I was a kid. Such a '70s cocktail! :laugh: I won't be celebrating since I'm not a mint fan, but cheers to those who like it. :drinker:

    @katrena--awesome that you are losing again, and that weeding sounds like it probably burned a lot of calories. Weeds taller than you?!?!:noway:

    @L2T--you sound like my college roommate when it comes to fashion. I always tease her about needing adult Granimals. I think I dressed her throughout college, and even today, I know better than to just buy her one article of clothing. It's a whole outfit or nothing at all. :laugh:

    @lori--it sounds like you need to have a talk with your DH about your future together. There's no way you can change him or make him want the healthier lifestyle. However, you can perhaps find compromise. Maybe for each "together activity" you trade off who chooses what you will do. Or compromise buy going for a walk after a meal. I know it's easier said than done, but if you both want to stay together, it's probably necessary. If he's unwilling to compromise at all, then maybe it's time to rethink a future with him, but after 34 years you owe it to yourself to give him a chance to meet you halfway. :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--yes, I was pleasantly surprised that the Bears pulled off the win. It came with a price though, given the injuries we sustained. :cry:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 31/60 F451 Motif analyses

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (????) NOPE
    Thurs--rest day
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE (raining)
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -337
    100g of protein = 9/30 days
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    @skinnyjeanz---I'm glad I am back too. Just going to take a while to get myself in routine again. My daughter is doing wonderful, she started Kindergarten this year! She will be 6 in November. I am not in the actual Nursing program yet, but I am hoping to be this Spring. I applied for this fall and didn't get in, I was number 11 on the waiting list. And now they changed everything and you have to take this TEAS test to get into the program. It's so frustrating. I am taking 2 online classes right now though.

    Today has not started off so good, my daughter missed the bus, so my husband and I took her to school then we went to mcdonalds for breakfast and I didn't make a great choice at all. BUT when I got home I cleaned for about 1.5-2 hrs. And I was sweating up a storm so I know I got somewhat of a workout in.

    Yesterday I took my daughter to one park and we played, then we came home and my husband wasn't feeling well so let him sleep and we took a short bike ride to the park in town and she played for a while then we came home. So we got some good exercise in yesterday too. I am trying to keep her as active as possible too. She was in t-ball over the summer, now she is in soccer. And she wants to do swim team next year as well.

    So I am really working on this. It feels good to be back. I have missed everyone on here!
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Monday Check-in: Oh, thank heavens the numbers on the scale are moving down again! :bigsmile: I was getting tired of rationalizing the stall.

    Today's weigh-in: -5.3 lbs.
    Total for Sept.: -6.7 lbs.
    Total since Aug. 1: -24.4 lbs.

    14/14 days at or under 1400 calories.
    12/14 days exercise
    Most days at least five servings of fruits and veggies.

    Robinsegg/Ellen: Oh my! What a "trip!" Please feel better pronto. We're pullin' for ya!

    Laurie: At least you're trying something new! Could you be a little claustrophobic? Perhaps practicing with the mask outside the pool? Don't give up yet.

    Tom: I don't drink, but love peppermint. Is there a Peppermint Patty Day? :wink:

    Welcome to all the newbies and returnees. You've made a giant step in the right direction just by joining this thread. Knowing that the people here have walked the same path and are willing to help me along with their encouragement and suggestions is a huge boon. No one here will judge you. :heart:

    Not the best weekend as non-compliant diabetic hubby had two severe hypoglycemic episodes, but things are looking up today.

    As our friend Kaye often says (sorry, but I love to quote you), "Onward & downward!"

    We can win this battle!

  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Monday check-in -- I have lost another pound, so I am very happy.

    @Hansea -- I did a half-marathon about 18 months ago. I didn't use any of the special sports nutrition though I did carry some jelly beans and I had the sports drinks when they gave us them part way round. It tipped down with rain the whole time! Which I had not been expecting.

    @Laurie -- you could ask Clueless Guy out for a coffee, you know. Sometimes they need a bit of help.

    @Karen -- hope your shoulder's feeling better soon.

    @Tina -- welcome back! I was only just ahead of you, also on the Relapse Trail. It's been a couple of weeks for me now and it's definitely feeling easier. The first few days were the worst.

    @Lori -- well done, 100 days! I'm so lucky that my husband bought into the better food/exercise thing -- but if yours doesn't, does he have other good qualities? We have to make this journey on our own, it's not something that other people can do for us. You'll have to find other options to spend time with him that don't involve food. Or if you do go to a restaurant, let him order the high-calorie choices and just have a bite of those along with your healthier food.

    @Katrena -- that is what my garden is like in places! oops...

    @Tom -- I really liked Grasshoppers when I was a teenager. Thank goodness my taste in drink improved!

    @Soosun -- I always count no gain no loss as a win! And squats are great for you.

    @Karen -- I'm rubbish with clothes. I would indeed benefit from adult Garanimals; that sounds like a perfect business model for someone.

    September logging/checking thread -- 11/15, and I've had three really good days in a row now. Fingers crossed I can carry on.

    Hope you're all ready for another fantastic week!

    -- Alison