Should People Be Allowed To Smoke In Public ?



  • DBoone85
    DBoone85 Posts: 916 Member
    Should I have to walk through a cloud of toxic, cancer causing second hand smoke and breath it in.? I don't know, how do you feel about you flying an airplane over a busy street and spraying everyone down there with aldicarb, or some other toxic pesticide?

    There is no difference.

    Smoke if you want to. Kill yourself if you want to. Just do it in private where I do not have to breath in the poisons.

    I cannot believe that this is even a serious question.
  • Swaggs51
    Swaggs51 Posts: 716 Member
    worse poisons and more of them come out of your car's exhaust than out of my cigar
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I've been accused of "fake coughing" before but I guarantee you it is 100% real. Smoke is an asthma trigger of mine (and a lot of asthmatics). Just last week I nearly had an asthma attack from walking past one person smoking outside a building. I try my best to stay away from smokers, as I know I am super sensitive, but I should be able to enjoy a walk outside without an attack.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    People crab about second hand smoke, but I don't see legislation banning exhaust. Try sitting behind a heavy traffic...then tell me that second hand smoke is bad for you.

    Some perfumes and colognes are culprits too (AXE, I hate you. BOD, I hate you).
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I don't care if you smoke or don't smoke... just please keep it as much to yourself as possible... there is nothing more irratating than being stopped behind someone smoking at a stop light while they hang their cig out the window and their smoke is coming into my car... My parents smoke and I do not... And I really prefer to not be around people actively smoking because it doesn't matter how upwind I sit from the person it follows me anyway...
  • Swaggs51
    Swaggs51 Posts: 716 Member
    I don't care if you smoke or don't smoke... just please keep it as much to yourself as possible... there is nothing more irratating than being stopped behind someone smoking at a stop light while they hang their cig out the window and their smoke is coming into my car... My parents smoke and I do not... And I really prefer to not be around people actively smoking because it doesn't matter how upwind I sit from the person it follows me anyway...

    I agree it is annoying i hate smokers that litter, Be a responsible smoker like amy of us are
  • free1220
    free1220 Posts: 416 Member
    People crab about second hand smoke, but I don't see legislation banning exhaust. Try sitting behind a heavy traffic...then tell me that second hand smoke is bad for you.

    Some perfumes and colognes are culprits too (AXE, I hate you. BOD, I hate you).
    I'm with ya Miz...diesel smoke is WAY worse than any outside second hand smoke....give me a break people.....sheesh!!:laugh:
  • lim12371
    lim12371 Posts: 6 Member
    It should be in designated areas only. I went to Japan and it's so cool how they allocate a glass window room at the airport designated strictly for smokers. At the sidewalks, there are smoking areas that people group together at to smoke outside. We still have to walk past them, but at least you can probably cross the street if you must to avoid second hand smoke.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Should I have to walk through a cloud of toxic, cancer causing second hand smoke and breath it in.? I don't know, how do you feel about you flying an airplane over a busy street and spraying everyone down there with aldicarb, or some other toxic pesticide?

    There is no difference.

    Smoke if you want to. Kill yourself if you want to. Just do it in private where I do not have to breath in the poisons.

    I cannot believe that this is even a serious question.

    I don't think there's anything proving secondhand smoke when you're in the great outdoors. Inside, I fully understand. But just because you can smell secondhand smoke doesn't mean you're getting the things that give smokers cancer. Just because you can smell my fart doesn't mean it's invaded your lungs, just your olfactory senses.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    People crab about second hand smoke, but I don't see legislation banning exhaust. Try sitting behind a heavy traffic...then tell me that second hand smoke is bad for you.

    Some perfumes and colognes are culprits too (AXE, I hate you. BOD, I hate you).

    Funny thing, my parents would smoke 1 or 2 packs a day... but my mom would hack and cough and go into an asthma attack anytime I would use my "smelly" (Neutrogena) soap when I took a shower... Heaven help me if I decided to put on some lotion, even unscented, or perfume... you would think she was dying...
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    I think people are more pissed about the smell than the smoke itself. Like people have said, exhaust is worse for you and smells worse, in my opinion. Cigarettes don't bug me too bad, but I think cigars and pipes smell amazingly good. Anyway, I think McDonald's restaurants smell like butt, so do most people's cologne or perfume. Just b/c it's suddenly popular to hate smoking doesn't mean we need to outlaw it. I still feel for your right to not have to smell it and I think smokers are, for the most part, following distance laws and such. I also agree that smokers need to be responsible for their butts and not littering. it's every day that I see a driver toss a butt out on the highway.
  • Swaggs51
    Swaggs51 Posts: 716 Member
    I think people are more pissed about the smell than the smoke itself. Like people have said, exhaust is worse for you and smells worse, in my opinion. Cigarettes don't bug me too bad, but I think cigars and pipes smell amazingly good. Anyway, I think McDonald's restaurants smell like butt, so do most people's cologne or perfume. Just b/c it's suddenly popular to hate smoking doesn't mean we need to outlaw it. I still feel for your right to not have to smell it and I think smokers are, for the most part, following distance laws and such. I also agree that smokers need to be responsible for their butts and not littering. it's every day that I see a driver toss a butt out on the highway.

    I agree with you 100% and like i have always said its about being a responsible smoker and for that fact being a responsible person
  • ELMunque
    ELMunque Posts: 136 Member
    How should I know? I don't have shrieking kids.

    Way to miss the point.
    Lighten up, I was just kidding lol As for the smoking thing, I was thinking more along the lines of public places. If you want to smoke outside, knock yourself out, but I stick by what I said. Why should non-smokers have to be subject to your bad habit?

    Why should smokers be subject to your good habits? Maybe I don't like breathing fresh air. Maybe when I go outside to smoke I like to breath it all back in because it makes me feel like a wizard.

    I smoke, if there is a designated smoking area, I go to it. If the designated smoking area is the only spot in a 3 mile radius that isn't in the shade, I will encroach on non-smoking land. But if anyone walks by, I won't breath, especially kids. If you come and talk to me with your kids, I will put it out because it doesn't matter if you don't care if your kids are around it, I do. I don't smoke in my house, in my car or by my kids (they aren't allowed outside when we are smoking, one of the reasons it's so hard to quit I think)

    I think most smokers are considerate of non-smokers. And the ones that aren't are going to remain inconsiderate regardless of whether they smoke or not. And there will always be complaints about those people, if it's not smoking it'll be cussing or showing strangers their innappropriately placed tattoo, or bumping into you in the street, not covering their mouth when they cough.... the list goes on
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Judgement should be illegal...

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,793 Member
    Where are my fellow cigar smokers... uggh god... CRA

    Right here.

    All my fellow bikers are also Cigar Smokers. In addition to impromptu gatherings, biker events and BBQ's, we meet up once a month at my home for Cigar Night. In the backyard. Away from the public. Every person there was invited. If someone shows up uninvited, they should bring cigars and Single Barrel Bourbon or don't come by. To paraphrase "You can take my cigar when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Outside in designated areas only. Secondhand smoke is devastatingly dangerous to be exposed to. Everyone should have the choice as to whether to be exposed to it. I worked as a Respiratory Therapist for many years and cared for many people dying of COPD, and quite a few of them were nonsmokers who contracted the disease from exposure to secondhand smoke. COPD is the third largest killer in the US and the only disease growing in numbers. Smoking is the one habit that affects not only the person doing it but also the people around that person, and not by their choice. You can choose to drink beer, or eat red meat, or not to exerciser, but you cannot choose to not inhale if their is cigarette smoke in your air because smoking is allowed in the public area you inhabit.
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    The way I see it...

    You have the right to smoke, but I have the right to not have to smoke. And when someone lights up next too choice has been taken away. And the healthiest option has to win out.
  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    Designated areas only. Not in places where people gather.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Should I have to walk through a cloud of toxic, cancer causing second hand smoke and breath it in.? I don't know, how do you feel about you flying an airplane over a busy street and spraying everyone down there with aldicarb, or some other toxic pesticide?

    There is no difference.

    Smoke if you want to. Kill yourself if you want to. Just do it in private where I do not have to breath in the poisons.

    I cannot believe that this is even a serious question.

    I don't think there's anything proving secondhand smoke when you're in the great outdoors. Inside, I fully understand. But just because you can smell secondhand smoke doesn't mean you're getting the things that give smokers cancer. Just because you can smell my fart doesn't mean it's invaded your lungs, just your olfactory senses.

    It's called science. If you can smell it, it's because there is particulate matter in the inhale that is triggering your senses.