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What are you PROUD of that you did this week?



  • MimiRob77
    MimiRob77 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm proud of me because I went for a run Saturday morning and I discovered pleasure of cross country running. I was having so much fun that I ran for a complete hour instead of the planned 30 minutes. (I''ve never run for more than 35 minutes in the past.)
  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    I didn't have a good run this morning and stopped after just a mile. My energy built up all day and the. I got back out there for another run and added on another 2 miles. Old me never would have considered going for a second attempt in the same day.
  • kurtistime
    kurtistime Posts: 22 Member
    No longer Obese on the BMI scale

    Feel free to add
  • judarltx2003
    judarltx2003 Posts: 2 Member
    Been dieting and using myfitnesspal for calorie counting since Sept 1. Have lost 7 lbs month to date. We usually drink wine on Friday night, and then have a little on Saturday and maybe Sunday. This past weekend, we only drank wine on Friday, and not at all on Saturday or Sunday !! Very good since I am watching calories. Also stuck to my diet all weekend. I am beginning to think I will win this battle !!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I did a headstand (against the wall) in yoga class!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    A) that I can hold a 1 minute plank, 4 months after having a baby
    B) that I work out 5/6 times a week despite my baby still waking a couple of times in the night, and I also have a 3 and 5 year old
    C) that I've been doing carb cycling since Sat and managing
    D) that I'm getting better at running
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    I didn't freak out and die cuz I didn't have any weight loss this time I weighed in. I'll just keep moving forward and keep trying. (Usually I would just quit trying.) :bigsmile:
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    Was a big festivities weekend here, friends 40th birthday party with lots of food and drink and of course all those amazing items that you don't make for yourself. Instead of eating them all I took over grill duties, played gofer, entertained the masses and basically kept my legs moving. Yesterday was another biggie, the annual wine festival and I fully indulged but didn't sample any of my favorites as I already know I like them. So much fun was had I realized that food and exercise really weren't an issue anymore for me.

    Now if only I can get myself motivated for that first cool weather run this week I'll have this weather thing mastered too. :)

    By the way, great victories to all! I just had to add that.
  • shutch2112
    shutch2112 Posts: 236 Member
    I got up and went to work even though I felt terrible. It's not directly related to weight loss, but I'm moving around more than I would have had I stayed home, and I'm keeping promises to myself and others instead of being lazy and selfish, so I'm proud of that.
  • nay4444
    nay4444 Posts: 15 Member
    I was at my friend's house on Saturday and (despite my protests) she decides to order a bacon and cheese stuffed crust pizza - my FAVE, but I was able to resist :)
  • Luv2eatSweets
    Luv2eatSweets Posts: 221 Member
    Well nothing I managed to accomplish ....but I have managed to lose 10lbs from my hubby's weight. All good:explode: I'm good with it really:grumble:
  • Went on a week's vacation and stayed on track for my half marathon training, eating well, and tracking on MFP. Continued to lose weight at a good clip over my vacation. Yay me!!
  • ell_23
    ell_23 Posts: 103
    It's not so much something specific that I am proud of doing…but I had a proud moment when I realised my new year resolution for 2014 was to finally get my act together and lose some weight by the end of the year. This is the first resolution I've ever kept and completed. I vowed to be 9 stone 7 lbs by the end of the year…and at this rate I'll be 8 stone 7 lbs!
  • amjo2693
    amjo2693 Posts: 89 Member
    I went back to the gym. I've been paying for it for over a year without setting foot in the place.
  • emculp1
    emculp1 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm about to go walking for the second day in a row. I have an hour and fifteen minutes for lunch every day (French schools -- woot!) and since it only takes me around 20-30 minutes to eat my lunch, I am trying to spend the rest of the time walking. It prevents me from eating more and gives me exercise. Bonus -- I get to explore the city that I work in!
  • steveyinasia
    steveyinasia Posts: 121 Member
    Spent more than 40 hours on planes and still managed to get to the gym.
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    Despite being tired and wanting to flop on the couch and binge watch TV, I did yoga. I mean, I did flop and binge watch, but intermittently I got on the floor in front of the couch and did some yoga poses. It's something, and it's something I almost never do. My usual attitude is "if it's not a full workout, why bother?" But I bothered, and it was better than doing nothing.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    After a 3 month absence, I got back on my elliptical yesterday. I had only planned on going for a quick 30 minutes, stayed on for 50. Forgot how good those endorphins feel.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Two things...

    Yesterday I jogged most of my six miles.

    Today I swam butterfly again after 37 years. I have been working towards it since January. Now I am strong enough to do the arm strokes.

  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    I'm working on chin-ups and pull-ups. So, during last night's workout, I was able to 'hang' with elbows partially bent for 15 seconds. With no assistance. I know, doesn't sound like much but it was a HUGE accomplishment for me!