Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 4



  • FrankyOsage
    Good Job ladies!!

    And already the chart is incorrect for me:( :( back up to my starting weight today in spite of my ardant efforts to lose (must of been a fluke to begin with). While some movement is refreshing, I'd like it to be going down instead of up after 3 weeks of the EXACT SAME WEIGHT. I'm starting to get really really frustrated. I've tried so hard, and I'm still a big zilch in loss for this month. Someone at my weight should at least lose something in the first month, even if just water! Sigh.
    But a big congrats to my mom though! She's down 15lbs this month! I'm very very proud of her.

    Don't let scale anxiety force an abandon ship
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Rach....that for all your hard work, I don't get a chance to post often but do try to keep up with my food and exercise tracking.
  • annie422
    annie422 Posts: 114 Member
    WOW! 355 pounds lost total!!! Awesome job ladies!
  • sheilabennett
    Good job everyone...

    My goal this week is to get back on track. Yesterday was a little better than the day before, and today is going much better.. So I am just going to ease myself back into it and try not to freak out!
  • meganhmb
    Ugh I don't know what it is with Mondays, but I always weigh in high and then the next day I am down significantly. I guess it's sodium and water weight from the weekend. I weighed in at 205.6 this morning, which I am happy about.

    I joined the gym last night!! I am meeting my sister tonight after my daughter goes to bed. I know working out at 8:30 p.m. isn't ideal, but it is literally the only time i have because mornings and I do NOT get along. :-)
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    Oh and another thing...

    I'm dying of hunger right now!!!

    I really need to start making Breakfast my highest calorie meal of the day. I eat around 7am, and don't get to take a lunch break until 1pm. I can have a snack, but still these little 200-300calorie breakfasts aren't cutting it. Not to mention it leaves so many calories for me to eat at night, and I'd rather not have a 600calorie dinner at 8pm.

    I need to have a big breakfast, moderate lunch, and light dinner. I really think that'd improve my energy levels and be more conducive to weight loss.

    i should try this too! we'll see how it workout this week. and you'd have all day to burn off the breakfast calories, unlike at dinner time.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Rach, my hubby bought our treadmill off It seriously is the best thing ever. I love having it in the house. We put it in our living room next to our couch, it folds up for more room and I can still watch TV while I work out which helps to keep me distracted and push my further. I usually lose track of the time I'm walking just because I'm watching TV.

    I still need to start my work out for the day but I'm only going to do a 5k today instead of the over 5 miles I did yesterday. Maybe get in four miles if I have the time. We had sign language therapy today and that was just rough. It makes my head hurt every time she's here. Plus chasing after him for a solid hour is definitely a nice work out! Lol.
  • valeriedent2
    For those of you who get hungry mid-morning, or have a late lunch and find it hard to make it that far, add some protein to your breakfast and see if that helps you make it to lunch without starving.

    I know if I do typical breakfast stuff (oatmeal, cereal, etc), I'm starving by like 9 a.m. But if I have some protein, like add a greek yogurt, or even a protein meal replacement bar, I do not feel the need to snack in the a.m. My lunch break is about 1-ish, and don't get me wrong, I'm definately ready for lunch by then, but not ravinously hungry like everyone else. And I'm pretty much the only one in the office that doesn't have a morning snack.

    Good luck!!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    For those of you who get hungry mid-morning, or have a late lunch and find it hard to make it that far, add some protein to your breakfast and see if that helps you make it to lunch without starving.

    I know if I do typical breakfast stuff (oatmeal, cereal, etc), I'm starving by like 9 a.m. But if I have some protein, like add a greek yogurt, or even a protein meal replacement bar, I do not feel the need to snack in the a.m. My lunch break is about 1-ish, and don't get me wrong, I'm definately ready for lunch by then, but not ravinously hungry like everyone else. And I'm pretty much the only one in the office that doesn't have a morning snack.

    Good luck!!!

    Great advice! I try to get in some extra protein in the morning by having a hard boiled egg white. Only 15 calories but 6g of protein. :happy:
  • valeriedent2
    Maybe up your protein then? If 6g isn't quite getting you as far as you need to go?

    Another really great, and only 100 cal option (and kind of a treat) are VitaTops. OMG!! They are freakin' delicious!! Lots of fiber and also about 6g protein, I think.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm sure I'll get plenty of protein in if I up my calories too. Like this morning I only had 200cal, and during the day is when I use the most energy. That's why it doesn't make sense for me to put the majority of my calories into dinner, because I just sit all night.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Thanks for the chart Rach!

    My goal is to do better next on Monday. Honestly I think I replacing some fat with muscle. I'm doing is kicking my butt, but I think that it is really helping.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I'm ready to start my damn TOM and get all the excess water weight off. It's driving me insane!
  • bellydancerj9
    bellydancerj9 Posts: 34 Member
    LOOKIN' GOOD! Let's keep it up.

    Thanks, again, RACH for doing this.
  • goldilocks007
    Looks like everyone is doing great

    Week 4 goals

    Watch that sodium again under 1500MG. Got off track this weekend
    under calories plan to eat exercise calories unless I am not hungry
    exercise: every day, 30-60 min do weight training 3 days this week

    Rach thanks for the spreadsheet!
  • FrankyOsage
    My scale is a jerk.

    It can't tell the difference between a dinner of Melting Pot or a dinner of salad. But either way, I was really happy about how I handled my first "splurge" this month. Small breakfast and small lunch, a good long jog/walk and plenty of calories left over for Ladies Night. I had a blast and really enjoyed the meal. Now back to being good (even if I did forget my veggies at home!)

    Have a great hump day!
  • valeriedent2
    OK, I've been a real Wendy Whiner the last few weeks, and I had a little heart-to-heart with myself while I was getting ready this AM, and told myself I need to stop focusing on the obstacles, and celebrate the victories, no matter how small they are.

    So, here are my non-scale victories from the last couple of weeks:

    1. I've completely cut out the sugar from my daily coffee
    2. I cut out my afternoon cuppa joe
    3. I turned down cake and ice cream at my niece's 8th bday party on Saturday, and I only ate fruit and veggies instead of all the yummy, cheesy, ooey-gooey looking stuff with chips.
    4. I haven't had anything from McDonald's in over 3 weeks.
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    Happy birthday to me!!! lol .This year of being 19 things are gonna change!! :D Weight loss and goal weight here i come!! :D
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I need to start my walking for the day! Got an hour in yesterday going for at least another hour today. I do it 20 minutes at a time so it's been really easy to get it in. I started doing interval, walking/jogging. Helped me burn over 1,000 calories yesterday! :)
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Thanks for the new chart Rach - great to see my stats displayed like that! Must try harder this week tho :explode: