

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DDIL and her mom have managed to calm us down. They also tried to explain the doctor, who is well known to them and who has very poor social skills according to them. He sure managed to stir us up when he said DH's pain was unimportant and can be treated with drugs! I'll call the doctor's office in the morning and confirm the surgery unless DH refuses. Finding another surgeon and getting all the details in place will take a long time. Wish us luck.

    Katla, decompressing from horrible stress in beautiful NW Oregon
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    We've had a week of beautiful weather. Cooler temps and not much rain. Sis goes back to the Dr. tomorrow for a follow-up on her foot surgery. She's been home these last two weeks. No change for me on the scale. :angry: DH has another motorcycle trip planned for next week. Shorter mileage this time.

    Saw a plaque in a catalog today. It said "Calories are tiny creatures that live in your closet and sew your clothes a little tighter every night.":laugh:
    My mom made a garland with popcorn, cranberries (red beads) and plastic nuts. It is really pretty.

    Michele - Is Loki an indoor cat? Could he have gotten into some chemical in the garage? Take him to the vet, run a blood panel. Hope you find out what's happening.:brokenheart:

    Carol - Those boots are made of neoprene. They retain body heat. Try a 100% cotton sock. Swimming is a good suggestion for exercise. There's a book called Tai Chi in a Chair. Check your local library for a copy.

    Jane - I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend. And then her son's accident. Glad he made it through the surgery.

    Katla - I'd get a second opinion. That Dr isn't listening to you and your DH. Good luck.

    Brenda -- Will be thinking of you on Friday. Hope all goes well.

    Cynthia - healing hugs to you and your puppy. (((HUGS)))

    Jenni - (((HUGS)))

    Diane in TX
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Joyce - the sound of the surf!!! Color me jealous!:love:

    Yanniejannie – so glad when you post stuff about world happenings, I try to stay abreast of it all but putting my head in the sand when my own life is over the top busy is tempting.

    MA – congrats on the weight loss, and what a beautiful sounding location

    Alison – do you have a trader Joe’s near you? They do a Daily Bread – that sounds like your Ezekiel bread but there it is under $4.

    Gardengail – thanks for those links… :wink:

    Heather - You should feel comfortable in the top ! Hope the mammogram goes well and the necklace is perfect --- Later – glad you found it and got your stinky cheese!

    Jane – my thoughts are with you and your mom; when my mom lost her last sibling it was really hard on her… Later… OH Dear! Thinking of your friend and her son too Later yet --- glad he made it off life support and is doing better....

    Katla – sending good thoughts for DH Later: GRRRR!!! I am thinking of you both..:smile:

    Brenda - Friday will be here soon, thinking of you!

    Joyce - I really find I too am a moderater, and do believe that the joy of MFP is that it can be adjusted to suit each of our bodies, families and styles….

    Michele – love “The Will”

    Cynthia - One of the “tricks” for dealing with a blind pet is to not move anything around and to not put stuff on the floor….

    Sylvia – I was going to ask you how you were doing on the walking challenge… sorry you are having trouble with the whole situation…. Take care, as get back to logging….

    Carol – OH yuck! Take care – sit ups, chair exercises

    Barbie – have fun subbing! And we are so glad to have you visit with us instead of paper work..but it should probably get done

    Katla – I dealt with a surgeon years ago with horrid social skills, I had a torn ACL in my knee and he told me I should just live with it ‘cause I was over 30 and women over 30 are really just housewives.. my insurance had me cornered so I paid for a second opinion and the other Doc told me he would have the 1st doc do the surgery, as although he was a jerk he was amazing in surgery… so check the yucky doc out – he may be worth it. I did have the ACL surgery and am 100% back to my pre-injury self.

    So I have been so darn busy - the business is hopping (yea!!!) and my friend is moving in next week - so am trying to purge the whole house to make extra room --- I started in my bedroom (who knows why) but cleaned out all the clothes that are too big or just ugly, and really feel good about that - have 3 bags for donation; have a few things I will pay good attention to as cooler weather sets in to see if I wear them... next stop is the linen closet - my house has about 30 feet of floor to ceiling linen closet, and I have it packed with stuff... really needs a once over or maybe a twice over.. I do not really like cleaning, but once it is done I feel so good about accomplishing it.

    well tomorrow is coming too quick I must get some sleep!

    September goals:
    Stretch 5 minutes 8 times done 2 times
    Walk 100 miles –as off 9/14 69.33 miles….
    Do 4 errands walking (from home or a 15 minute walk from the place the car is parked)
    Do Heather’s abc balance 2 time a week – 1 done

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie, I watched the results of DWTS tonight and I totally agreed with the couple eliminated. Even standing there in the line up waiting to be told which of the 4 would go home she just had this look like she didn't care. And usually when they are donw on the dance floor they pretend to be happy and do some dance moves even if it is just swaying to the music. She didn't even stay close to her partner. I felt sorry for her partner, band new to the show and lasted one night.

    I was one bad woman at the picnic tonight. I am sure the hot dogs were not the really good quality hot dog if there is such a thing. And I had 2 of them!!! I guess I could have bought some of the lower calorie buns or even some of my 35 calorie bread. They had some relishes but I hate mustard with a passion. Please don't hit me!!! So the had a chopped green pepper dressing?????? A mustard and something else in it relish and ketchup. No onions. Then potato chips and cucumbers in vinegar which I don't like at all. So I ate 2 hot dogs with just a teeny amount of ketchup and my carrot sticks. But oh my. I had 2 s'mores. Now I could have used 1/2 of a chocolate bar and two marshmellows on each but I only used 1/4 of the candy bar and 1 marshmellow for each. And they were oh so good!!! I saw some people barely roasting the marshmellow. How are you supposed to melt that chocolate unless your marshmellow isn't really hot. To each his own. Then we went down by the campfire and sang songs for about 1/2 hour. But the house it was at had a large yard with the campfire quite a walk. So when you consider you have to walk back and forth for roasting the hot dog, then back and forth for the marsmellows and then back and forth for the singing I did get a lot of steps in. And then I did a lot of jumping up and down for my stars on DWTS and for AGT I had not enough but some exercise.

    As far as wifi at the beach, I plan on staying either on my deck or down at the beach as much as I can. I know my husband and we will have to do some activity planned which will take us away from the beach. One of the ladies in my class has a winter home in Panama City and said she was just talking to some one today and they said it was 90* there. It's going down to the upper 40's tonight here.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,819 Member
    morning ladies~
    well got the ok from the DH to have the suprise party for my brother.. now onto planning, it will be a small gathering of about 14 family and close friends, no alcohol, and hot dogs and hamburgers..will make some deviled eggs, will have each family bring something..and hopefully people can keep it a suprise!
    I am still quite sore.. now I think alot of it might have to do with the way I sit in the assistant chair, I work with a left handed Dr, so im doing everything backwards ..
    brought both Drs shepards pie yesterday, the newer Dr went to Subway instead.. all of us think there is something just not right with him.. he is friendly enough ,but sort of stand offish,doesnt talk about anything except fishing, and he does watch football..We just cant put our finger on it..
    Vicki, that was me with the recipe for the pot roast.. i didnt eat any of it ,but hubby said it was good...
    so sorry there are people having bad days with family sick and needed operations.. I am thankful everyday that my family as of right now is healthy.. dont go into work until 1pm today so will rummage around to find out what to make the DH for dinner and his lunch..
  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
    Haven't been on for a few days so need to have a catch up with my reading. Been dull but dry here in Gloucester, UK.

    Had a stressful few days even forgot to log the one day so have had to go back to day 1 :-(.

    We went out Saturday with our dog Arthur for a walk with other sight hounds and they were having a lovely time playing in the river and running on the banks then bang. Another dog had run into Arthur. Lots of crying followed, the other dog had hurt his leg but was soon back on his feet. Arthur however had a dent in his forehead and his eye wasn't quite right. We raced to get him to the vets and he was diagnosed with a fractured skull. Sent home after a painkillers injection and instructions to keep him quiet and calm whilst they consulted with specialists. So Tuesday we ended up 50 miles from home booking him in for a CT scan and possible options.

    CT scan shows several fractures of the tiny bones connecting skull to sinus. Eye has settled down and is almost normal. No op as could do more harm than good. Still needs to be kept calm and can only go out on lead for next 6 weeks. That could be easier said than done.

    Diet however has taken a battering but no where near as bad as it would have been a month a go so progress is being made.

    Stew in slow cooker for tonight but may forgo the traditional dumplings lol.

    Hope all who are poorly or in pain are having a better day.

    Lesley, Gloucester,UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,819 Member
    poor Arthur hoping he has a speedy recovery:wink: our dog is having issues with bladder stones, he has already had 2 operations, at 1,000 a pop, going to look into holistic stuff.
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All, Last night was a good night at the Y, the time passed quickly. My Y (called Central) is a lot different than the one I am working at on Tuesday and Thursday (called EBC). My Y has very few children and we have many more elderly or I'd say over 50 people. The Y has something called Activtrax which you can use to log exercise, food etc. We create work outs for people who want them, show them how to use Activtrax and how to use the equipment at the Y. I do this at my Y but most of our people just want to work out, they don't want to bother with keeping track. At EBC last night I had a 5, 6 and 7 o'clock appointment to set people up. On was a youth which was a first for me. Needless to say, the time went really quick. I like that.
    Tonight is at Central and I personal train two people at 4:30 and one at 5:30. I plan to work out afterwards myself.
    I guess I better get to work, I balance today and it will take a while as yesterday was the 15th and that is the due date for all the accounts.

    Michele, What do you think of the class so far? I am starting my logging today and might not wait to include the week-end day just because of time. I have learned a few things but have only started chapter one. Now that I work four nights a week as well as my day time job, this is going to be more of a challenge.

    DeeDee, I agree on technology, thankfully my daughter allows only minimal amounts of computer or TV for the little ones. My oldest Daughter with the twins though is facing this issue as the girls use to run all day, swim, ridde bikes and all that and this summer at 13 they have sat around and haven’t done much of anything.

    Carol, What about swimming? Check with the doctor and see if it’s an option.

    OK all, no worries!
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Morning Friends,

    :drinker: :

    Newcomers::flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lesley UK so sorry about Arthur your pet dog. Hope he mends soon.:flowerforyou: My mom spells her name Lesley the same as you.

    Carol hope your foot heals quickly.:flowerforyou:

    Working today, so not much time to reply today.

    Today still working on my sleep habits, so I will be lees apt to overeat.

    2014 word: contentment

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • janejanekitt
    Greetings ladies. My blood sugar was 98 today, first time in years it's been below 100. I feel like I'm making a little progress. It's very hard for me to take any exercise but I try to walk when I can. Doctor today, probably need colonoscopy to rule out any pathology worse than irritable bowel syndrome. RA, hypothyroid, status post parathyroid surgery (successful) and on coumadin for blood clots, do I need something else? Hope everybody is well or getting better. Sunny today but still cool. Jane in NNY :flowerforyou:
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    Good morning all!

    Thanks to all who have been praying. I talked to the radiologist, a good friend of mine that is a nurse and my doctor about everything that is going on. All of them have reviewed my results and all feel confident that I have nothing to worry about. This is just a precautionary measure to rule out what they feel is just some normal changes. Of course, there is always a chance it is something, but based on statistics, my history, and the results at hand, they feel that's such a very slim chance, and that waiting until Oct 6 for the biopsy is fine. I did try to find another facility to perform the biopsy sooner, but the soonest I can get in is only 4 days earlier, and of course, I will be out of town on that day (something that has been on my calendar for 6 months, paid for and I can not change at such a late date). So unless one of the facilities call with a cancellation, I'm stuck with the Oct 6 date. But at least I am not feeling as anxious and stressed.

    I hope everyone is having a good week. I've stayed within my calorie count and have been drinking more water these days. But for some reason, the scale hasn't budged. Probably due to stress. Actually, I've notice the last few days that my ankles have been swollen in the afternoons. I need to find more ways to get up from my desk and at least walk around for 5 mins. I did bring some lemon juice to use in my water today. Will see if that helps.

    Lesley - I hope Arthur gets better soon. My Moose is my baby. I can't stand to see him suffer in any way.

    Already at work this morning. Have to finish up a project.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm back after a long hiatus... and still trying to work up the motivation. My life is full of work and grandkids and trying to change a life style is not the easiest thing to do. But I'm tired of the carrying the weight and have to find a way to make this work.

    More later... but for now... it's good to be back...

    Would love some supporters on my home page! Please friend!

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morning.We have a sunny 70's forecast for the next 10 days.Great sleeping temps,just under 50*.Kind of dry for Sept.

    Used to be a news watcher,never missing the news. Now,not so much.Once a day....or less....works for me.Less worry for sure.

    Found a lower cal muffin recipe.Sounds yummy......going to try it this wk end.
    Does anyone miss baking? I loved it,but have pretty much stopped baking anything.Collected recipe books for many years....DDs chose any they wanted,the rest went to cook book heaven :wink:

    Mom was a great cook & we never,never ate out. With 4 kids & one paycheck......home was the center of your life.We lived over a mile from middle school,cross town from high school.No midd sch bus & only took bus in high sch if it was pouring or snowing.
    Grade sch for 6 yrs was home for lunch,then back.......so we did a lot of walking.Parents didn't take kids or bring them home.

    Two recesses every day & we had swings etc,played softball,practiced gymnastics.During summer,we were out & gone.Knew to be home for supper.You could safely use the alley for a shortcut.
    Most ppl in town had a small garden.Mom would pick radishes for her brfast.

    Grandparents still lived on a farm,so lots of fresh produce.No sodas,candy or any type junk food. Being poor had it's benefits.........we never knew we were poor! :noway:

    The things we never heard of till we were adults is staggering & hard to believe.A different world for sure.

    Everyone have a good day. Going to roast a whole chicken with garlic & herbs,steam fresh broccoli & slice last of fresh tomatoes from DD. We still have a lot of cherry tomatoes.

    Time to put laundry away,Pat
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Wow, Anne and Kitty, I see you are both going to get dumped on again! Stay safe.

    I saw Barb both Sat. and Sun.; she's still walking on air after her age group (65-69) 1st place win at the World Championship triathlon in Quebec, Canada. Here is the breakdown of the events: 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride through mountains, followed by a 13.1 mile run. Her total time was 6hrs. 6min, 43seconds!!! I'd STILL be on the bike part, if I hadn't needed to be rescued in the first leg.

    Katla...........A pox on that dr.; how awful and stressful!!!!........better luck with the second opinion.

    Carol............I had a bone chip from a dog bite in my right thumb at the first joint. Used get up some days and my thumb just wouldn't bend at that joint...........ortho surg. said it would be more trouble to op. than it was worth (of course it wasn't HIS thumb!!!), but, over the years (many) it has gotten better.

    Kim............Glad to hear that your business is booming. I was wondering when your friend would be moving in; hope all goes smoothly. Yeah, I'm a total news/weather junkie. Ebola has always attracted my interest.

    Lesley UK.................How terribly awful for Arthur! Deep breaths for you and (((((big hugs)))))))) to all!

    DD and DH both off to work; need to get off and make a few calls. DD covered for another few hrs. last night so a staff mtg. could be held in a facility where a video camera was found in the locker room...................grrrrrrrrr, they did make an arrest.

    Stay strong!!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning!

    Pat - I used to bake a LOT! I do miss it sometimes. I had slowed down on baking when my ex moved out but really all but stopped when my son was diagnosed with Celiac and I started working two jobs. I did make some oatmeal banana muffins the other week and it was kind of fun. I plan to make some more as soon as my bananas get ripe enough this week. The first batch tasted good but the instructions were all wrong for a quick bread so I will do it my way this time! I also just got rid of almost all of my cookbooks. It was hard telling them goodbye.

    Michele - The boot is on my right foot which is extra annoying because I have to take it off to drive.

    Kim - Drat! You asked a question but I can't quite remember it. I think you asked about the healing process. In any case, I have no clue how the bone is supposed to heal. I understand immobilization for pain and no further damage but can't figure out if this rogue piece of bone is supposed to reattach itself to my heel or what. I wasn't thinking too clearly once he said I had a piece of bone broken off. :noway:

    Thanks for suggesting Tai Chi in a chair. I'd never heard of that one. I did find a Youtube video that included seated jumping jacks. They were actually kind of hard. :blushing: Swimming is not an option because I do not have access to a pool. I will find a few routines and mix them up with lifting and some of the core exercise videos that I already own.

    I did some emotional eating last night. It wasn't horrible, but it makes me angry with myself when I do it.

    Cynthia - I'm so sorry about your baby!

    I have a meeting tonight so I'm not sure of my food plan for the evening. I may go out "drinking" with the boys and get a black bean burger at the pub we go to or I might just head on home and have soup or something. Tomorrow evening I am going to prepare everything so that I can pop a beef stew into the crockpot Friday morning. I also have a spaghetti squash to bake and do something with. I think I will try it as a sub for pasta with spaghetti sauce. If it saves me enough calories, I might actually have calories left for some garlic bread!

    Enough dreaming about yummy food that is yet to come and go have some cottage cheese and pineapple for a late breakfast. All that peanut butter on graham crackers last night has kept me from being hungry this morning. :ohwell:

    Have a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Poor Arthur! What an awful thing to happen when they were having so much fun. Lesley, give him a hug for me.

    I'm feeling a little more UP this morning. Two of those horrible four pounds were gone this morning, so it must have been water or that round of steroids. After I walked the kids to school I went to Walmart and tried on a size 14 jeans. They fit! I bought them. My 16's had been getting baggy, so I was feeling sort of frumpy. This should help.

    When I took the kids to school they told me that tomorrow is picture day and they have to turn in their money today and their dad couldn't buy their pictures. So, I said I would. They took the envelopes out of their back packs and I saw that the smallest package was $28!!!!! That was two 5x7's and eight wallet size! And of course, there are extras, like bookmarks, key chains, mugs, calendars and note pads, all with their pictures on them. Needless to say, I couldn't afford it either. That is almost a hundred bucks for all three kids! And they take pictures twice a year at school now. I'm convinced that the school gets a kickback from the photo company. The schools have to find ways to get money since the government has cut off so much of their funding, but this is getting crazy. They are routinely trying to sell shirts, candy, discount cards, trash bags, small gift items, etc as fund raisers. Every week the kids come home with something new they are asked to sell for the school. And the kids are made to feel bad if they can't buy/sell everything. I do not like it. It's like they are going to school at a shopping mall.

    Today I brought some low-salt turkey chili for lunch, which I will eat quickly at my studio then walk three blocks to the Democratic headquarters for the Liberal Ladies lunch. I've never been to one before. It should be interesting.

    My foot is still not feeling great, but I walked more on it yesterday and did OK. I'll just have to ignore it and get myself moving again. My fitbit weekly summary came yesterday and I only did 18 miles last week. Not good. But yesterday my fitbit was on the charger all day so I didn't get to capture what little walking I did. Maybe I can walk the same today and plug it in to MFP somehow.

    My friend had his Biopsy on Monday and it's official. He has very advanced pancreatic cancer. They are going to do chemo to try to shrink the tumor, then surgery, but it doesn't sound good. Poor guy has heart trouble, diabetes, early stages of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's and now pancreatic cancer. He said he's going to come to my place to do some clay work soon, as his own studio is not ready yet. (They just moved.) That will be nice.

    Also, a young girl came to see me the other day asking about working here. She is a ceramics major at the college, about ready to graduate, and doesn't feel like she is learning anything. She wants to learn to run the kiln and mix glazes and stuff like that, which is very basic stuff that she has not learned in college. So, she is going to come in here twice a week, and she's going to do some cleaning in exchange for it. It'll be nice to have some company in the studio. Maybe it will get me off my butt.

    Well, I'd better get busy doing something constructive.

    Have a great day.

  • luckyinlove2
    luckyinlove2 Posts: 66 Member
    Sylvia: Yes you are right about schools and pictures. The school does get a percentage back from the picture people. Not a great deal, maybe 2 - 3 dollars a child, but it adds up. Our first round of pictures are for school yearbooks and composite school picture, the ones in spring are fancier with more choices of backgrounds, poses, etc. I agree they cost way too much though!
    I skipped out of this group for the summer, I was busy and outside! But now I'm back and doubling my effort to get to my goals! Love reading about your days, prayers for the struggles and concerns.
  • strassenkoenigin

    Yes, it looks like we are going to get some flash floods again.

    I cannot wait for the days to get cooler. I was so excited to read that your have a friend who participates in Ironman- my dream.

    I have no problem with the swimming part, I was a good swimmer all my life. I probably could get the biking part in in time if it is not too hot, but I would miserably fail in the running part. I just can't get myself to run. I started this month to challenge myself to walk at least, but it is still too hot and I find it extremely boring.

    I also need to drop to my ideal athletic weight and it is just not happening. I am plateauing. I know it will happen if it gets cooler, because I will also sleep better. Lack of sleep creates stress, and stress prevents weight loss.

    I do not think I slept 8 hours in a row in decades.

    I agree with you about the movie with Philip Seymour Hofmann. The movie was interesting for me because it played in Germany and that lawyer girl on her bike reminded me of me. I have the same basket on my hybrid bike when I go grocery shopping. But the movie seemed long and I could not really understand the casting, a German actor would have been better in that role.

  • strassenkoenigin

    I am so sorry to hear about your potter friend. It will be good for him working with you to distract him from his problems.

    I am also so glad to hear that you are going to have a grad student to help you. I cannot understand that she did not learn these things in college. When I studied ceramics I learned a lot about firing. I did not learn so much about glazing, mainly because I was not so interested in it because I only sculpted my pieces and often applied only a colored slip, but no glaze. I still very rarely use glaze.

    Sorry to hear about your foot. Bicycling wouldn't be a bad idea for you, it would take off the pressure on the foot.....


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Diane in TX: I love this quote: “Calories are tiny creatures that live in your closet and sew your clothes a little tighter every night.” Even DH laughed.:flowerforyou:

    Kim from N CA: I appreciate your advice. I’ll be calling the doc’s office this morning. I’ll also find out about our insurance coverage. I’m worried about the word “elective.” :flowerforyou:

    Alison: The new doctor at your office may have food allergies or intolerances. I would probably not eat Shepherd’s pie that I didn’t cook myself because of my lactose intolerance. If it had milk, cream, or butter in it, I’d suffer later. Most Shepherd’s Pies include all of those ingredients. He also may lack is social skills. We’re into the middle of a combined social skill issue with DH’s surgeon, involving his poor skills and our poor skills.:blushing: :grumble: :ohwell:

    Leslie in Gloucester, UK: I’m sorry about your poor dog’s skull fracture. I hope he heals well. They must have been moving fast when they collided to do that much damage.:flowerforyou:

    Jenn in TX: Good luck to you with your surgery. We can use some luck, too, and also have to wait a long while.:flowerforyou:

    Tammy: Welcome back. Motivation comes from within. You deserve to be healthy and enjoy your busy life. I am inspired to be healthy so I can enjoy my life. It is the core of my motivation. I hope you’ll find a similar core to help you along.:flowerforyou:

    Pat: Your childhood sounds happy and secure. It is quite a bit like my own. I hope my grandchildren can have a similar experience.:flowerforyou:

    Carol: I’m glad you found some exercises that you can do without damaging or stressing your foot.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Congratulations on the smaller jeans! Smaller sizes have been the most encouraging NSV’s in my weight loss journey. You KNOW for sure that your body is changing in the direction you want it to go.:bigsmile: :drinker:

    I’m calling the surgeon’s office today and confirming DH’s appointment. I hope it goes well. I’ve tried to call in a couple of times already but the office isn’t open yet. Our meeting with the surgeon did not go well, and family members have been helping us through this. We’ve decided to proceed. DH is in too much pain to back away from prospective relief. Life lived on strong painkillers is not much fun. I’m sure many of you know this from experience.

    Wish me luck with the call and please send good thoughts or prayers our way.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!