What do/did you hate most about being fat?



  • Texnell
    Texnell Posts: 20 Member
    Pain. Knee pain. Back pain. Hip pain.
    Being embarassed with excessive sweat ...... inside, in the A/C.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    Seeing myself in Pictures

    ^^ agree
    and also just feeling like that wasn't me, that I was deep inside that fat somewhere
  • bluwingsskies
    bluwingsskies Posts: 43 Member
    ...looking in the mirror especially at the shopping mall fitting room when trying on clothes or a swim suit

    ...also i have to turn sideways in the shower otherwise my arms touch the sides! :embarassed:

    ...putting on socks, putting on shoes and tying them and losing my breath

    ...having my picture taken and looking at pictures of myself (especially in group photos or where I can compare my weight to others)

    ...not fitting in the tiny desks in college classes - one time I tried to stand up, and the desk came with me...so embarrassing. It made me not want to take that class again or even be there.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Seeing myself in Pictures

    YES!!!! I still have this issue after almost 50 lbs gone, I see that fat person. Looking through older photos to compare myself, I shake my head... how did I even let myself go. :frown:
  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    Not being able to outrun zombies in case of an apocalypse rises pretty high on my list since the things scare me sh*tless!!

    More seriously, the wear and tear on every pants on the inside of the thighs. :angry:

    The idea that people might think I'm pregnant when I'm not!

    Having a muffin top and camel toe... :noway:
  • cnadiger
    cnadiger Posts: 168 Member
    My stomach, resting on my lap!!!
    Looking at myself in mirrors, windows, etc. . .
    Not wanting to be in photos (even for both my sons weddings).
    Not wanting to be seen by people who use to know me before I became fat.
    Not fitting comfortably in booths at a restaurant.
    Seeing other fat people and asking my husband "am I that big" and he answers honestly.
    Shopping for clothes and getting disgusted with myself because no matter what I put on it looks like a tent.
    Thinking for a minute that I look good after getting dressed for a night out and then seeing the truth in a picture.
    Not wanting to be seen by my husbands co-workers because I don't want to embarrass him, or myself!

    The list goes on and on. . . There not one thing I hate the most, I hate all of it equally. It wont be this way for long though.

    ^^^this could be my post. But the biggest one is not wanting to be seen by people who knew me before i was fat. I've avoided reunions of all types because of this. :brokenheart:
  • bluwingsskies
    bluwingsskies Posts: 43 Member
    My stomach, resting on my lap!!!
    Looking at myself in mirrors, windows, etc. . .
    Not wanting to be in photos (even for both my sons weddings).
    Not wanting to be seen by people who use to know me before I became fat.
    Not fitting comfortably in booths at a restaurant.
    Seeing other fat people and asking my husband "am I that big" and he answers honestly.
    Shopping for clothes and getting disgusted with myself because no matter what I put on it looks like a tent.
    Thinking for a minute that I look good after getting dressed for a night out and then seeing the truth in a picture.
    Not wanting to be seen by my husbands co-workers because I don't want to embarrass him, or myself!

    The list goes on and on. . . There not one thing I hate the most, I hate all of it equally. It wont be this way for long though.

    ^^^this could be my post. But the biggest one is not wanting to be seen by people who knew me before i was fat. I've avoided reunions of all types because of this. :brokenheart:

    I skipped out on senior prom after what I felt like during junior prom. The girl who did my makeup put sticky glittery stuff on my eyelids. I also did not like shopping for the dress especially if it showed any skin such as my chest, arms, or back. The same thing goes today.
  • markrichtsspraytan
    I couldn't share clothes with my friends except maybe some shirts.
  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    Uncomfortable during sex or limited positions...
  • StarFall90
    StarFall90 Posts: 133 Member
    The fact I feel invisible and the center of attention all at the same time.
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    1) Being intimate with my husband.
    2) Being winded after climbing 10 stairs.
    3) Not being able to chase after my toddler and 9 yr old.
    4) Watching the severe health deterioration of my morbidly obese mother.
    5) Having no energy.
    6) Misinterpreting the bodies signals for thirst or the minds signal for boredom, as hunger.
    7) Hating how I looked in everything.
    8) Having a husband who also promoted the same eating habits that I did.
    9) Eating take out constantly because I was too lathargic/lazy to cook at home.
  • penkwin
    penkwin Posts: 25 Member
    I'm planning my wedding now and I'm worried that when I go dress shopping nothing will fit me at certain bridal shops... also like 80% of wedding dresses are strapless now, so hello back fat! And greetings, jiggly arms!

    Also, being overweight, I'm just uncomfortable a lot of the time, physically or when going out with other girlfriends who aren't overweight. I can't wear the same types of things they can.

  • UCCrista
    UCCrista Posts: 26 Member
    (1) I am tall, and it's hard enough to find long enough sleeves and pants, but to find them in plus sizes... practically impossible, especially if you can't afford to spend $100 for a pair of pants. I hate shopping to begin with, and this made it even worse.

    (2) Seeing myself in pictures or the mirror. Because the person in my head is not the person everyone sees. That is/was the worst!

    (3) My family always commenting on my weight, when more than half of them are OBESE/MORBIDLY OBESE. Ironic, but this has been going in on since I was a kid. I have looked through pictures; I didn't even start being fat until I was 15-16, and even then I lost almost all that weight by the time I was 19 and got to college. At my heaviest, I was 169 lbs. overweight, circa 2009. I guess I just stopped caring one day, because my life was hard enough without obsessing about being a certain size or weigh. It didn't really matter because when I was under weight at 132 lbs., they still told me I need to lose a little bit here or there. Now, I know they are a negative, unsupportive bunch and I just tune them out.
  • UCCrista
    UCCrista Posts: 26 Member
    I'm not one to really give two shakes about what others "think" of me so that never really bothered me too much. I can eat in front of others, even if it's a splurge meal. If they don't like it, they should keep their eyes on their own plates. Perhaps because I exuded the "I could care less about your opinion" attitude, I never really was bothered by anyone about my weight. I think they figured out it would just run off me like water on a duck! lol

    The worse part for me is tugging at my clothes all the time if they fit too snuggly, or feeling compelled to wear loose clothing not to cover up but to simply feel comfortable in my clothes.

    This made me think of one think I am glad about being fat. See, life itself is a learning process; if you don't live through some things, you don't learn anything. So, being fat in a family of fat people, and being tall in a family of short people, I have learned that you have to just accept yourself as you are right now, and, if you don't like yourself right now, work on changing the you of tomorrow.

    I am tall. Several times in my life I have found family photos where my head is cut off, or almost cut off, because everyone else is down below. But, I love being tall; if someone has a problem with it, they can tell it to someone else.

    I don't like being fat, so I am working on it. But, I have never tried to cover up the fact that I am fat. Yes, I do get some leeway because I am tall, and thus I don't look as fat as someone short of the same weight. I am tall enough that becoming this overweight has made me shrink almost 3 inches, and I am still tall. But, based on the story above, I learned to be confident in myself. So, I never wear baggy anything (unless it's because I am wearing my clothes until they fall off). I don't wear overly tight clothes either. I find the size that fits best, looks best, the right cut, the right color, the right everything, and I wear that. My mom often says my shirt should be longer because it ends at the hip and not below, but why? I am fat; the fat is there, and wearing a longer shirt is not going to make it go away; all it will do is make me look disproportionate and fatter.

    Anyway, a lighter note to the long list of what we do not like. Not everything is bad. :wink:
  • SMKing75
    SMKing75 Posts: 84 Member
    1. Never looking as good as the rest of my family who are all very slim and in shape. Being with all of them at holidays and parties is so depressing for me.

    2. My insecurities; I'll never be good enough for my husband (even though we've been married 15 yrs and he's never said one bad thing about me), my kids will be embarrassed by me (they are still too young to care), people must not like me because they see me as fat, lazy, sloppy (all of which I am not!)

    3. I was always worried that I wouldn't fit in rides or in airplane seats. I always have without much issue, especially now that I'm back under 200lbs. But, in my mind, I'm always too big. I wouldn't even do water slides until this year because I was afraid I'd get stuck!

    4. Any picture taken of me~

    5. That I couldn't just walk into any store and pick up clothes and be confident they would fit or even look good. That's still kind of the case now but I can no longer shop in the plus size stores because they are too big for me.
  • froonlautie
    I am fairly certain that I have never been higher than 145, but due to the way my body is set up-- inner thigh chafing and NEVER feeling like I could walk normally. Hyperawareness and always posing yourself in specific ways does not do for good focus in school.

    The second suckiest was probably being overweight but not nearly as much as my mother or my sister. Having to feel graced and lucky for my smaller size, even though by the standards of public consumption (and my father) I was still not fit to be beautiful.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Definitely the way I look in photos.

    I get ready to go out or get dressed up and when I look in the mirror I feel happy about how I look. Then I see a picture someone has taken of me and I look way bigger than I thought.
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    You all mentioned such good points already! I feel like ditto'ing everything.

    I hate not fitting comfortably in seats or worrying about whether the seat belt in the plane will buckle. I rarely allow myself to be photographed because I hate how I look in pictures now. I also hate being the biggest person in the room. That really blows. I'm not saying anyone has ever made me feel like that, I just feel that way myself.

    I hate not fitting into the cute clothes. Even if I buy the pricier plus clothes, they never look as good as my clothes did before I gained all this weight.

    Overall, I just hate being fat.

    Good thread!
  • amandablair90
    amandablair90 Posts: 38 Member
    Excess sweating, hating pictures of myself and being just able to buckle the seat belt on the air plane (of course, after sucking in) Then there's the clothes shopping and the general discomfort of going out into public.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    1) I hated all my clothes not fitting
    2) hated my Dad calling me short and dumpy
    3) I hated weighing at the doctor
    4) I hated to unbutton jeans before I got home
    5) I hated feeling bad about myself and let people disrespect me
    6) I hated wearing a big ole bathingsuit, not a 2 pc or tankini
    7) I hated being so hot
    8) I hated feeling out of control, helpless