What do/did you hate most about being fat?



  • numinousnymph
    numinousnymph Posts: 249 Member
    - clothes being uncomfortable, especially jeans or pants when i sat, and the fat rolls that would result
    - dreading clothes shopping
    - rarely liking how I looked in pictures
    - feeling unnoticed and unattractive
    - low self-confidence in general!
  • poodlenoodlemuffin
    Under belly sweat (still haven't quite gotten rid of that).

    Being afraid of raising my arms when I danced in case I knocked someone out with my bingo wings.

    Plus size clothing makers assuming everyone over a certain size is shaped like a square.

    Being invisible next to my skinnier friends

    Fear of being shouted at by teenagers (happened enough times for me to now be incapable of going out in public on my own without headphones on).

    The look you get at the tills when you buy chocolate or other junk food.

    Having to wear tights all the time to stop thigh rub.

    I do miss the personal space. Since I've lost weight people don't give me as much room as they used to!
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member

    3) Everytime I visit family they're always like 'you're so fat' or 'haha the youngest and the biggest' and feel the need to mention my weight in EVERY conversation we have.

    My brother-in-law visited once and when he saw me he said "Good grief you've gotten fat", to which my response was "Good grief you look old. At least I can lose weight".

    Besides seats and anything with a uniform, I also hated public toilets. I never knew if there would be enough space for me to wipre my butt lol. 22kg lighter this is no longer a problem. Uniforms though ... lol
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Having to hold my breath to tie my shoelaces

    Being so hot all the time and sweating. Now I'm cold all the freakin time.,
  • at_night_bookstore
    the bein fat part...
  • DreamOfSunshine
    DreamOfSunshine Posts: 911 Member
    Lunapark rides and airplanes ... Basically everything that was forcing me to squeez myself into a seat that is too small and a belt that is too tight :)
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    Unlike a load of people, I didn't really have anything I hated about being fat. I felt/feel loved for who I am. I had/have colleagues/friends who respect me as a person and for my abilities and knowledge. It never stopped me from doing what I wanted, since I've never really been the type to want to climb a mountain, and I'm not into playing soccer with my daughter etc. although I've always been very active..

    Me too, for the quoted paragraph. I was/am happy. I actually pulled more guys when I weighed 200+. I can't get a man to save my life now. My biggest disappointment of being big was looking at pictures of myself. I love taking pictures, but I hated seeing them.
  • KBP1025
    KBP1025 Posts: 18 Member
    Big vote for the pictures. Hated to have them taken, and worse, looking at them.

    Also, clothes. I started at 210 lbs (currently at 140 lbs), and I was not a "cute" big girl nor did I carry it well. Complete apple shape, big belly. I had to shop in the "plus size" section. In my area, the plus size is always separate from the rest of the clothes (and a lot smaller section/choices to boot). It's embarrassing to be there because everyone (and hopefully no one you know walks by) can see that I was too big to shop in the normal size clothes. It's alienating and humiliating to be separated out like that. Now when I'm shopping, and I pass by the "plus size", I can really relate and sympathize with the women shopping in that section. Walking past all the rows upon rows of cute clothes to go to a much smaller area of clothes that have shiny beads dripping all over (because apparently designers think larger women want to stand out even more). Plus, the clothes are more expensive and not as cute or flattering as regular size clothes.

    Now when I'm at the mall and I can smell the cinnabons or those yummy pretzels (or those great but high calorie coffee drinks...need I go on - the mall is full of great smelling food! LOL), all it takes is to pull out a size small shirt, put it on and see that it fits, and I think "that food is not worth it".
  • lh1990
    lh1990 Posts: 25 Member
    1) When my older sisters use my clothes, even new ones, and say 'your clothes are comfortable cause they're so big! I don't have any comfortable clothes!' And I'm just there like stop buying such tightass clothes then hoe.

    Dying of laughter from that last sentence.

    1. Being out of breathe after 3 flights of stairs

    2. The lack of energy throughout the day. It was literally a chore to drag myself and my weight around all day

    3. Avoiding mirrors. I hated mirrors because they were a reflection of the truth and how badly I've taken care of myself

    4. Going out, because I would constantly be worried of how I would look and getting dressed was always a struggle.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I hate feeling so self-conscious all the time. Ok, I know I recently had a baby, but I've found it really hard this Summer as I haven't had the confidence to wear sundresses and I've constantly felt the need to cover up, and as a result I've been really hot. It makes me sad because I was slim pre-pregnancy and I loved last Summer.
  • KayleighIsGoingFatToFit
    I hate everything about being fat :(
  • khkjkk
    khkjkk Posts: 55 Member
    1) Summer. Being overweight made summer MISERABLE.
    2) Travelling. Bigger clothes = less luggage space, and overweight = less stamina while travelling.
    3) Pictures.
  • Rocket_Man44
    Seeing myself in Pictures



    + 10,000,!

  • bradp1979
    bradp1979 Posts: 154 Member
    For me the worst part is having to hold my breath to tie my shoes.
  • KayBallin
    KayBallin Posts: 111 Member
    Fwiw, I wasn't really "fat" but definitely chubby.

    1) Looking terrible naked
    2) Clothes fitting tight
    3) Low self esteem
    4) I couldn't really run and generally hated it. Now I love it. Less weight to carry around. :)
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    Getting in and out of cars.
  • fullerrunning
    My double chin
  • vkdarling
    vkdarling Posts: 161 Member
    breaking a chair then having everyone try to say the chair was old or worn out haha...
  • trudywc2
    trudywc2 Posts: 233 Member
    Wearing clothes just because they fit, not necessary because I think their cute or like them.

    Not going on rides with my daughter, fearing that they won't be able to close the safety bar

    Not feeling like the person I know I am
  • brittanygibson1426
    I think the thing I really hate most about being over weight is how it makes me feel in my relationship....I have a man in my life that loves me and I cant help but always think that hes seeing someone else or that hes not attracted to me because of how I look/feel. I want to be able to enjoy my relationship without the fact that I feel unattractive or unlovable because of my weight!