Over 40s - What do you do to stay in shape?

I'm interested to know what other over 40s do to stay in shape.
I've become very lazy now and only do 40 mins Cardio about 4 times a week.
What do you Guys do?
[Maybe you'll shame me into doing more Exercise] :embarassed: .


  • Chickaboo2014
    Chickaboo2014 Posts: 136 Member
    I posted this on another topic but pretty much answers your question - plus some :smile:

    I reached my goal about 8 weeks ago or so and keep losing weight; evidently not eating enough and haven't changed my exercise habits. Calories are set to around 1600 and I exercise about 5 days a week at home (no gym membership). At least 3 of those days I do a short strength training workout with two 5# and one 10# weight. It's a series of squats, presses, pushups and modified curl ups. It's called Metabata and it's fantastic! It lasts about 12 minutes with warm up and cool down. I follow it with 20-40 minutes of elliptical. I also walk for 30 minutes during my lunch break everyday, weather permitting.
    My point here, is that the short Metabata workout has made such a HUGE difference. My arms, abs and chest look fantastic. Legs and *kitten* are coming along nicely as well. I'm 5'4" and last Saturday's weigh-in was 126.4 pounds (my goal was 130); I am going to turn 52 next month. I am very happy with my results of my training/exercise routine and (mostly) clean eating. You must do some strength training on a regular basis! The difference it makes is almost unbelievable! Good luck!drinker happy
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    Lift weights 4x/week and cardio 2x/week (40 to 60 mins of walk/run/hill intervals on the treadmill depending how motivated I'm feeling). My weight lifting consists of Chalene Extreme 3 x/week which is upper/lower body, and once a week I do a lower body only.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    The same things I did when I was under 40 :) I run 25 to 30 miles a week (or more if I'm training for something), do boot camp and / or lift weights 3 times a week, and yoga a couple times a week.

    Other than that I just generally have an active lifestyle: hiking, biking, bouncing off walls.
  • JupeJones
    JupeJones Posts: 107 Member
    "only do 40 mins Cardio about 4 times a week."


    That's pretty good if you ask me. Certainly way better than the average person.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    50 here :flowerforyou: I do 30-60 minutes of cardio 4-5 days every week and weightlifting , I hit one bodypart and do between 16-20 sets , 4-5 exercises... I also eat clean , high protein..
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    I'm 50. I start my day with 20 minutes of cardio (dr's orders) on an ancient stair machine, followed with some basic lifting. I'm nowhere near lifting "heavy", and probably never will be the way things are going, but at least I'm making an effort. I do upper/lower body split on alternating days.

    Other than that, lots of walking. Minimum an hour a day, but I've done as much as 12 miles in a day.
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Weight lifting: 4 or 5 times per week. Chest/triceps one day; back/biceps, one day; shoulders/deadlifts one day, lower body focus day (minus deadlifts that day). Try to get 45 min cardio each day. Vary it by elliptical, arc trainer, stepmill, summit climber and sometimes plain ol' treadmill (but that really gets boring). In the past three years I've effortlessly taken off 40 pounds that I put on after getting hit from behind in a car accident years ago. The weight crept on slowly due to less exercise and eating on the go (during commutes to work). Starting to train and learning appropriate lifting techniques, etc. has been huge. It is therapy for me and going to the gym is now the best place for me and I look forward to it every time. I wouldn't have said that ten years ago. I am soon to be 44. So far so good.
  • SerendipitySkye
    SerendipitySkye Posts: 202 Member
    I am 48. I do rebounding (mini-trampoline) and kettle bells. :happy:
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I do Crossfit 3-4 x per week. Additionally, three days per week I lift and practice core work/gymnastic skills for 45-90 minutes. Once per week I hike or trail run for about an hour and sometimes I run a mile on the treadmill after I lift. I do yoga class 1-2 x per week for an hour. I attend a two-hour olympic lifting practice once per week with a coach. Now that it's going to be winter in Montana, I won't have as much stuff to do outside, so I'll probably start swimming in the pool once or twice per week instead of the hiking. I'm kind of an exercise addict. I just love it! I will probably also do some cross-country skiing this winter.

    When I was going to turn 39, I weighed 235 and was really struggling with binge eating disorder. I decided I wasn't going to carry all that crud into my 40s and decided to get fit. Now exercise is a positive outlet and I love doing it. I am in better shape now at my current weight than I was in my 20s and 30 pounds lighter.

    I have done a couple of Crossfit competitions since I started about 11 months ago. I placed 2nd in my division in both. I have my first powerlifting competition in November. I love my 40s!
  • jennifurballs
    jennifurballs Posts: 247 Member
    I'm 47 and in weight losing mode, so I do 40 minutes of weight training and 60-110 minutes of cardio 7 days a week. Once I hit goal, I'll probably continue weight training every day and dial back the cardio to 30 minutes every day. Exercising just makes me feel so good, I plan to continue doing it every day as long as I'm able.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Hi - I'm 48 - I do cardio - 30 - 40 minutes, 6 times a week, and I lift weights 3 times a week.

    I have a home gym - for cardio I rotate between my treadmill, elliptical, and recumbent seat bike.

    I would say the weights definitely keep my weight in check - I've been in maintenance for almost a year.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I do weights a couple of times a week, I run long-distance cross-country once a week, and I hike in the hills once a week. The rest of the time I'm totally sedentary. Pretty much the same thing I did before 40...
  • Tallawah_
    Tallawah_ Posts: 2,473 Member
    "only do 40 mins Cardio about 4 times a week."


    That's pretty good if you ask me. Certainly way better than the average person.

    That's what I thought! :smile:

    Typically I do 3 x Body Balance classes (mix of Tai Chi/Pilates/Yoga) 1 Body Pump (weights) class, 1 Body Attack (aerobics) 2 x Circuits Classes. I have been known to throw in extras (e.g. Spin) when in the mood
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    45 years old here. I do strength training 3-4 times per week and I run when I feel like it. I follow IIFYM and try to get 1g Protein per lb body weight.
  • TMM211073
    TMM211073 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm 40 (41 in 6 weeks) & I started on my journey in November 2012, shortly after I turned 39.

    I alternate between:

    Day 1: Upper Body Routine - 105 minutes

    Day 2: 90 minutes Walking

    Day 3: Lower Body Routine - 85 minutes

    Day 4: 90 minutes Walking

    Day 5: Cardio Blast Routine - 90 minutes

    Day 6: 90 minutes Walking

    Day 7: starts the routine over again....

    Upper Body is a combination of 30 minutes cardio & upper body weight work

    Lower Body is a combination of 30 minutes cardio & lower body weight work

    Cardio Blast is pretty much self explanatory

    Walking is usually on variable terains & gradients, at an average pace of 3.25mph

    I occasionally go swimming as well, but I only do 30 minutes breast stroke.

    I am a member of a local county council run gym, it is a great investment.

  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    I am 48. I do rebounding (mini-trampoline) and kettle bells. :happy:

    I love my rebounder it is my best friend. It is what I use as well
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Run 5k daily ( 80% of max heart rate), strength train 3-4 times a week, some yoga I just started, 20 minutes on the bike 5-6 times a week.
  • IrisFlute
    IrisFlute Posts: 88 Member
    I'm 59. My local transportation is a mountain bike and I bike on hilly dirt roads for an hour at least four times a week. I haul water for laundry and dishes, carry firewood and 5-gallon gasoline containers, and haul groceries, chicken feed and building materials. I also fight the encroaching blackberry jungle.
  • maybyn
    maybyn Posts: 233 Member
    I'm 43. Been doing regular hiking/running/hills every week for the past 18 months. Most weeks will cover around 50 miles distance.

    I don't do it for exercise, I do it because I love it but it is very hard juggling work, family and recreation.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I run about 50-70 miles per week, I do strength training twice a week, and try to do at least one hour+ bike ride. But mainly I'm a little obsessed with running.