Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone! :flowerforyou:

    @Tanya, I am happy you are OK from the accident, but it sucks you have to go through the pain and treatment to feel better. People really should watch what they are doing. On my way to work today, I saw a truck almost run a motorcyclist off the road, not once, but twice. The second time he got the finger from the dude on the bike. :noway:

    And thank you for acknowledging my back pain. I am just so overwhelmed by what this chiro/kinesiologist has done for me in just one visit. Not only is my back so much better but my feet (which have suffered so much agony over the years) aren't swollen or in pain at all!!! I can't wait to see him again this Wednesday. :bigsmile:

    @ cblue315, loved reading your Sunday share! You have found the right trainer and determination to get the job done. :bigsmile:

    @soosun, hope you have a blast with your girlfriends!! :drinker:

    @hansea, HUGE congrats on doing the half marathon!!!! :drinker: :glasses: What an inspiration you are! I can't imagine doing that....but then again to have that kind of calorie deficit might be kind of groovy! :bigsmile:

    @Tom, those orchids are so beautiful!! As a much loved wife there is nothing like having a wonderful, appreciative husband. Now you need to find husband appreciation day. :smile:

    @Laurie, I have watched ironman competitions of TV, but it must have been really incredible to actually be there to see these awesome athletes. And to know one so personally must be a real treat! :happy:

    Welcome all new members! You have found a great group and I hope you will continue to post so we can get to know you!! :flowerforyou:

    My Sunday share: Hello, my name is Teresa and I'm 48 years old. I've been dieting longer than I can remember, but I'm determined to not be fat and 50!! Since joining MFP on June 22nd I have lost 17.5 lbs. I have a tendency to beat myself up for not doing what I "think" I should have done. So, I am really working on being proud of what I have accomplished and the fact that I have had a loss for the last 7 straight weeks is something to :bigsmile: about!!!
  • sagerka1
    sagerka1 Posts: 2 Member
    Sounds like a interesting challenge, I'm in.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I went to visit with my niece this morning and then we went to lunch. Fun morning, but it took up a big chunk of my day. I spent the afternoon grading at starbucks, then home to walk gunner, then the gym, then more grading this evening.

    I graded 18 papers today for a total of 24 leaving me with 43 to finish by Friday. :noway: I know it's doable, but I'm really going to need to stay focused. My plan is 15 tomorrow, 7 on Tuesday, 15 on Wednesday, and the final 6 on Thursday. That should allow time to hit the gym Tues/Thurs. Crossing my fingers that no other time-sucking tasks pop up throughout the week, so I can stick to this plan.

    I'm skipping personals to conserve time and try to get to sleep at a reasonable hour.

    Sunday Share:
    For the newlings, I'm karen--44 (45 next week!) year old married HS English teacher. This is a great thread--keep coming back for tons of support from some really inspiring and awesome people!!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 24/67 AP essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -7
    100g of protein = 11/30 days
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hansea, congratulations on the half marathon. I'm excited about doing another 5k, but I know I won't do anything longer because I can't run.
    Laurie, I'm glad you got to see your trainer and the others. A young woman from our community, 32 years old, was accepted to participate in the Ironman competition in Hawaii next month. It was on her 33 birthday. She was hit by a car while training on her bicycle last week. Her injuries are extensive. It is so sad.
    AFM: I have met my calorie goal 19/22 days this month. I've walked 143.3 miles. I have done better on my water, but still not good enough. Still looking for a loss.
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Sticking to my 28 day squat beginners challenge. Feels great, have never taken a challenge so all new to me.
    I am going to look for a flat stomach with exercise challenge to start working on my flabby fat tummy. It will take time but I think I will succeed slowly but surely. Thanks for listening.
  • Monday - Hi all! I joined this group over the weekend! My reflections from the weekend is that I did mindless eating of nuts and felt unmotivated to exercise. Next weekend I will make sure there are no nuts around.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Monday check-in -- I am up a pound today and quite grumpy about it, because I was really careful all weekend while partying with my friends. It's probably just an aberration and will go away in a few days. I am slightly worried that the Misfit Shine is giving me too many calories to eat, so I'm going to keep a close eye on things this week. I went for a little horse ride, and did loads of walking in the fine late summer weather. Lots of fun.

    @Kaye -- I'm so glad your 5k was fun! I thought it would work for you really.
    @Tom -- I should definitely have told my husband about Wife appreciation day!
    @Hansea -- WELL DONE!!! Huge congratulations! I did a half marathon last year so I know just how hard it is!
    @Frazierk7 -- welcome! Starting is easy -- keep track of all the food you eat (get a digital scale) and run around after your kids! It does take a little bit of time though; no getting round that.
    @Laurie -- it was interesting reading all about your trainer's first Ironman. That is an amazing achievement!

    Welcome newlings! The thing about losing 100 pounds is that it takes a long, long time. So it's really great to have a set of friends to share the journey with; and that's what we've got here. Lots of people who know just how long it takes and how the road isn't always straight.

    Looking forward to another brilliant week!

    -- Alison
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Monday..... I spent all weekend doing home work. I did rake some leaves Saturday morning other than that been hitting the books. I have noticed the closer I eat to my food goal each day I have been seeing the scale drop. I have stopped obsessing over certain macro's and just ate.
    My car is slowly dying and I will not stick anymore money into it right now. So,I will be hunting on Craig's list for a used car.
    I joined a pay it forward challenge on face back and I am super excited to start doing things for people I rarely see anymore.

    I found out yesterday my ex got a heart defibrillator put in to prolong his life (he is 36yrs old with a heart of 80yr old). He reached out to me for help losing weight and other various reasons. I was nice to him but I felt real sad for him and my sadness turned into me feeling relief that I wasn't the woman dealing with his sickness and bad @ss kids all at the same time. Please before you judge me those who know on here what I went through with him can understand where that came from. I am just proud of myself for not giving into his begging for another chance and how he's changed line...when I have seen no changes in him at all.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    I had rough week this week. Been extremely busy setting up my classroom, I wasn't told my room assignment until the day before my program started. :angry: Then rushed in and like a mad woman tried to get as much as possible set up. Which was extremely difficult because I get tired very quickly. Then my program started and I met my class. Oh my goodness they are a rough bunch this year, adorable but very rough. Wednesday we were walking out to the buses and one of my 3 elopers dropped to the floor then took off down the hall. I naturally chased her and finally caught up to her. I felt fine after that but by the time I pulled into my driveway and attempted to get out of my car I was in a great deal of pain. I laid down for a bit then went to bed early. By 3 am I woke up due to excruciating pain. I got out of bed to go to the bathroom and discovered I could hardly walk. I was bent over and had to lean on furniture. I woke Brian up and had him take me to the ER. I spent the rest of the night in Labor and Delivery. They diagnosed me with round ligament pain and sent me home. There is not much you can do for it except to rest as much as possible and move slowly. It's a normal symptom of pregnancy. :huh: IMO there is nothing normal about being in so much pain you cannot lift your leg to put on your pants and walk to the bathroom. The doctor thinks I probably aggravated it by all the work I did this week then chasing my student sent me over the edge. I am one of the lucky ones who happens to have very severe RLP. Wahoo for me. :noway: I still have a lot of discomfort but it is getting better each day. I find it is worse towards the end of the day and best when I first wake up. I had pt 2 of my anatomy scan Friday morning (day after the ER) and the baby looked fine. I was very relieved because I honestly thought there was something wrong with the baby. My doctor confirmed the hospital's diagnosis of RLP.

    We had Brian's grandmother's 100th birthday this weekend. She looked beautiful and seemed to be having a great time. We had a nice time, there were so many people there it was fairly easy to avoid my MIL. Though the few encounters with her she was a peach as usual. :noway: When we arrived everyone was congratulating me. I said my hellos to everyone and was making my way over to his grandmother. My MIL exclaimed "I need to touch the belly." I replied "Please don't. I really despise that." then turned away and kept walking over to gma. The last thing I want when I am uncomfortable is everyone groping my stomach. Especially when it is someone I have zero relationship with. She screamed "No. I need to.", charged at me, grabbed my stomach and shook it. I was so mad. Really? Who does that? I politely asked her not to. Just because I am pregnant does not give everyone the right to touch my body as they wish. I turned around and calmly said "My rule is if you touch me against my wishes you get an equally awkward and inappropriate grope back." Then turned, grabbed her belly fat and shook it. The best part was the sound of laughter that broke out in the room full of people. :happy: I bet that is the last time she will pull something like that with me. She needs to learn to respect my right to say no to being touched. Well, she she really needs to learn to respect me period. I promised myself I would not put up with any of her crap like I put up for our engagement and wedding. It was quite a liberating feeling.

    I found a cute pin that said Great-Grandma to Be and bought that for his grandmother. Then picked up a Great-Grandma card. We wrapped it up and gave it to her along with the other gifts we bought her. It was really funny because as she was reading the card she kept saying " I don't get it. Where does the great come in." Brian laughed and told her to think about it. All of a sudden she started laughing then exclaimed "Oh, I get it now. It's from the baby." It was so adorable. She put on her pin and proudly wore it the entire night.

    Laurie, Susan and Karen - I don't know how but I messed up the date for T2T. For some reason I thought it was last weekend not this upcoming weekend. I am free this upcoming weekend. As long as I don't have any RLP I will make the trip into the city to cheer you all on!
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Weigh in today after my party weekend which was a lot of fun. Nice to revisit old college friends.
    Down side is eating birthday cake and just having a different path than normal.
    I am up three lbs not so good, but my waist measurement is down 2 inches for the last two months. I really need to find some good today. haha and that is it. up in weight but my clothes are more comfortale; I'll take it.
    Have been on track for my Squat Challenge so that is a plus Any change takes courage, time, and learning new skills. This site exemplifies that in everyone that posts their amazing posts and consistent weight loss.
    My goal for the week is to make each day meaningful with good food, good exercise and good self care.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy HOBBIT DAY
    Hobbit Day is observed annually on September 22.
    Hobbit Day is the birthday of the hobbits Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, two fictional characters in J. R. R. Tolkien’s popular set of books The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. In the books both Bilbo and Frodo were said to be born on September 22, but of different years. Bilbo was born in the year of 2890 and Frodo in the year of 2968 in the Third Age (1290 and 1368 respectively in Shire-Reckoning.)
    The American Tolkien Society first proclaimed Hobbit Day and Tolkien Week in 1978, and defines them as this: “Tolkien Week is observed as the calendar week containing September 22, which is always observed as Hobbit Day”, but acknowledges that Hobbit Day pre-dates their designation

    “Choice, not chance, determines destiny.” ~E.C. McKenzie

  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    Morgori My favorite trilogy is the Hobbit with Lord of the Rings. You must know that there is a web site that even has recipes for all the types of foods hobbits like to eat. If they weren't so fattening I would try them. Don't want to look like a hobbit. Although the hairy feet would save on buying shoes, which I hate to do. I am definitely not the Imelda Marcos type of woman.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Typing very hard for me - in wrist splints for a while - herniated L disc really bad too.. Ouch :noway: but will recover OK

    But, cheering you all on! You all rock! :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Welcome all you Newbies - hugs and let yourself take the time to get acquainted here. It does take several postings from you before you'll get responses back. But people are kind and caring here. Also, explore MFP well - lots and lots of helpful info. FAQ page very helpful.

    Laurie et al: Don't worry I will be able to handle the roll-over when page 20 comes around. :drinker:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Hansea~Congrats on finishing your first half! Great job! :flowerforyou:

    @Laurie~Awesome for your trainer completing her ironman, even thru some difficulties—I’m sure she appreciated the extra support with you being there.

    @Karen~Good plan to get thru your grading this week—hope you and Laurie won’t have too much so you can enjoy the weekend in NYC with Susan. I’m sad I can’t meet you all there. :cry:

    @Alison (BC)~I’m sure that slight gain is just temporary—our weight can fluctuate so much from day to day. Hope it disappears soon!

    @Nettie~I’m sorry for the RLP diagnosis. I know it’s hard when you have students that can bolt on a moment’s notice but be careful, you can’t just take off running anymore. Be sure to get enough rest when you get home. I’m sorry for your MIL, I think she’s just excited about becoming a grandmother—maybe desensitized to your feelings a little as a result. I did giggle a little at your response to her though. Otherwise, sounds like a great time celebrating Brian’s grandmother’s 100th birthday!

    @Tom~The Hobbit is still one of my all-time favorite books.

    @soosun~Inches lost, great indicator to progress being made. :happy:

    @Holly~After everything you went through with your ex, I'm glad you recognized your boundaries so you don’t put yourself thru that emotional roller coaster again.

    AFM~Busy weekend with shopping and the usual. Did splurge on some shoes ($50 more than I’m usually willing to pay) and picked up a couple pairs of pants and a shirt. It’s a busy week so hope I can get to the gym once or twice, I do have sessions with my trainer today/Wed/Fri though--I should be able to make those. Tuesday I need to do some last minute things after work and Thursday is questionable due to time constraints.

    Exercise Goals:

    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Gym (hopefully)
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member

    Laurie, Susan and Karen - I don't know how but I messed up the date for T2T. For some reason I thought it was last weekend not this upcoming weekend. I am free this upcoming weekend. As long as I don't have any RLP I will make the trip into the city to cheer you all on!

    I am looking forward to meeting those three at the start of the run in Brooklyn!

    This is the 4th year I am doing this run... it really is a great cause. It is not really a timed race, because not only is it crowded running through the tunnel, but a big part is soaking in the atmosphere. When you come out of the tunnel and see all the banners of heroes from 9/11 being held by firemen and police in their full dress uniforms... and see the flags waving, and hear the people cheering for you and thanking you... You are running along with Firemen in their full gear like Steven Siller was back on 9/11, and soldiers who are back from war doing the run on artificial legs or arms... I do not have the words that do it justice. If you ever get the chance to run it... do it!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    @Nettie... good for you for showing your MIL how not to treat you... I LOL'ed. Sorry about your RLP diagnosis, I hope it doesn't give you much more trouble during the rest of your pregnancy.

    @ hansea... WOW! Congrats on completing your half!!! That is awesome, I couldn't imagine running for that long. And a fantastic calorie burn to boot!

    @Teresa...I'm so glad to hear that you got such immediate relief for your back and feet. Mine has taken months through physio, but I will take it no matter how long the process is. I've been chronic for 10 years now and any relief is welcome relief.

    AFM... feeling much better, and only have the odd headache, and nagging pain when looking down or up for more than a few seconds. I was shopping for a coat today and my neck hurt to keep looking down at the price tags on the sleeves. I had to deal with auto insurance again today to open a file for a medical benefit claim. But I'm in a quandry... she asked me if I missed any time from work. I said yes.. (I sort and deliver mail, so 2 separate tasks) I did my inside sortation, but cannot deliver because my rear door (used for delivery) is damaged from the collision so it is hard to open and won't close without slamming it, so with a sore neck/shoulder I can't safely open/close it. And since they don't cover my rental until it goes in for repairs, I can't use the car for its intended purpose. I also made it clear to her that I carry commercial insurance with them in order to use my car for work. :huh: After I explained this to her she assured me that she would bring that issue up with my claims adjustor. My car should go in for repairs Wed. or Thurs. so I will miss 4 or 5 deliveries (40% of my daily salary), but I sure hope I can get some compensation for that.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Laurie- I am seriously considering doing another half in the spring...there are two that are not too far from home, one in April and one in were right about me doing another soon.
    I loved reading about your trainer's Ironman. Amazing! I know she appreciated the support. I thought the spectators and the volunteers at the marathon were awesome, and they looked like they were having a great time.

    Teresa- Hope the chiro keeps working and your pain stays away!

    Skinny- Good idea to conserve your energy and use it on grading. You will get those papers done!

    Kaye- I'm glad you're planning on doing more 5K's. So fun, and many of them are raising money for good causes. The fun of 5K's is what sucked me into this running/racing world! Who knows? Maybe one day you will find a 10K with a walk category to do, too. There is a very popular one in Green Bay that typically has about 15-20,000 runners and walkers. My husband and I have done it walking twice, and I ran it by myself this year.
    Hang in there on the wait for a loss. Work on your water goal and remember that you are awesome. You've lost so much and you're keeping it off.

    Blackgirlfat- Nuts. Good for you, but so high in calories. Definitely have to walk the fine line of portion control with those guys!

    Allison- Ugh. I hate when I expect things to be holding steady or dropping and get that unpleasant surprise of seeing a larger number on the scale. You're right, though, it is probably just a little fluctuation.

    Mnwalkingqueen- Glad you're seeing the scale drop and keeping it simple while you're so busy with school. Keep it up!

    Nettie- So sorry to hear about your RLP. I hope you're taking it easy and it doesn't give you more trouble. I've heard of other people making that rule for the belly, if someone reaches to touch or asks to touch, they say, 'You can touch mine if I can touch yours.' People get crazy about baby bumps and forget they're part of your body, I think. My mom was super excited the first time she saw me after I had started to show, but she still ASKED before touching...and she's my own mother. I was inside her body for the better part of a year at one point and she wiped my rear for several years after that, so she SHOULD get a free pass for that sort of thing, but she was respectful and waited for permission (which I gave her).
    What a cute idea for great-grandma's birthday!

    Soosun- Two inches down is wonderful! You're doing well.

    Tom- Happy Hobbit Day! I refrained from eating second breakfast.

    Tanya- Oh no. Sorry you're still in pain...and you've got all the insurance pains to deal with, too. I hope the claims person is quick and responds with good news for you.

    AFM- I am feeling surprisingly well. My friend/coworker and I thought we'd have a miserable Monday today after both of us ran the half yesterday, but we must've trained well. Just minor DOMS and stiff joints. She said she's relieved that the training is over and she can do something else for exercise and just run for the fun and shorter distances now. I'm also going to take a break, but I think it won't be long before I'm training for the next one.

    I'm doing well on finishing my honest food diary every day. If I behave myself, I could finish the month with 20/30 days under calories like I planned, as well.


    Complete an Honest Food Diary 30/30 days: 22/30

    Within 100 Calories of Daily Goal 20/30 days: 13/30
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tanya- Glad you are feeling better. Insurance companies and car repairs are a pain to deal with but hopefully, they will come through for you.

    Nettie- I am so happy that you will be able to join us in NYC on Sunday. I will send my contact information and we can find a meeting place. Sorry about the RLP. No more chasing students if you can avoid it. Do you have aids that can chase the students when they run? I loved the way you handled your MIL.

    Queen- I am so happy that you are out of that situation and that you felt relief from not having to deal with the ex.

    Gorilla-I am looking forward to the NYC race. It will be great to see you again. Don't forget lunch on Monday.

    Today was a great day. I worked out with a coworker after school today. It was great we went about 2.8 miles with a combination of walking, jogging then added some hill sprints in the process. These sprints were challenging since we were going up a grassy hill. I did enjoy the workout and hope to do it again.

    This will be a busy week again but I will find a way to get exercise. I am planning on swimming Wednesday night so that will mean leaving a meeting early- I think I can handle it.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm your cheerleader. You are all doing so well. I'm meeting my goals, except the one that says 'lose 20 more pounds'.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member