MFP has really changed



  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    To all the ladies who need a lift (especially mothers)

  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    I know you can't judge tone and intentions very well through text, but sometimes I get this kind of vibe from certain posts...


    and others are like this


    Or even


    Sometimes, though, they make me do this


    *nod nod* I know I've run into a few where I'm...




  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    To all the ladies who need a lift (especially mothers)

    This is cool. It reminds of an article where mothers describe themselves and then see how different their children describe them. It's awesome.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Most of us have all been in the same situation and for the few of you that have always been fit and use the site to keep track of your fitness then you need to understand that it doesn't come as easy to some as it does to you.

    I think this is the biggest misconception out there on MFP – that people who have never been obese are some different species of human that have remained fit because they are just naturally in shape and it “comes as easy”. Absolutely not. I am have remained fit over a long period of time because I work hard and put my fork down when I know that I've eaten enough. At the same time, countless people around me have not done that, and eventually had to deal with the consequences. You have two choices: to control your eating impulses on a daily basis or indulge in them and then engage in damage control after the fact. Neither option is easy, but the former is much more preferable.

    Don’t get me wrong, I understand that it is a big accomplishment to lose a lot of weight – but to have gained all of that weight, you went through a long period of time where you let yourself go and just ate and drank whatever you wanted while I didn't. You were sleeping at 5:00am while I was out running or in the gym. Sustaining these habits long term does not “come as easy”
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,983 Member
    I will lose all faith in humanity if this s**tshow rolls.
    Your faith has made it this far?
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I will lose all faith in humanity if this s**tshow rolls.
    Your faith has made it this far?

    :laugh: I have faith that humanity will act like humanity. Haven't disappointed me yet.
  • indianwin2001
    indianwin2001 Posts: 296 Member
    Most of us have all been in the same situation and for the few of you that have always been fit and use the site to keep track of your fitness then you need to understand that it doesn't come as easy to some as it does to you.

    I think this is the biggest misconception out there on MFP – that people who have never been obese are some different species of human that have remained fit because they are just naturally in shape and it “comes as easy”. Absolutely not. I am have remained fit over a long period of time because I work hard and put my fork down when I know that I've eaten enough. At the same time, countless people around me have not done that, and eventually had to deal with the consequences. You have two choices: to control your eating impulses on a daily basis or indulge in them and then engage in damage control after the fact.

    Neither option is easy, but the former is much more preferable.

    This is true and I have also been going to the gym my whole life. It has been and is alot of work but the key thing here is WE enjoy it but alot of people don't,so thats why it doesn't come as easy for them--My enjoyment is in the gym.

    Don’t get me wrong, I understand that it is a big accomplishment to lose a lot of weight – but to have gained all of that weight, you went through a long period of time where you let yourself go and just ate and drank whatever you wanted while I didn't. You were sleeping at 5:00am while I was out running or in the gym. Sustaining these habits long term does not “come as easy”
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Wait, OP has deactivated?
    Well thanks for telling us all that we're mean, and then buggering off, thus doing nothing to affect any sort of change that you apparently wanted to see.
    I haven't read all the thread (and it had better still be here when I have the time to read it), but did anyone get Bingo?

    OP was a troll…just wanted to start this little thread. I'm sure they are still reading it...
  • Stiang
    Stiang Posts: 82 Member
    I just want to say how much I am enjoying Chris Hemsworth's butt on "Thor" this afternoon.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I just want to say how much I am enjoying Chris Hemsworth's butt on "Thor" this afternoon.

    Now did you even consider how every single person who reads this will perceive it?
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    I don't think it's MFP that has changed. I think it's OP's that post silly topics and expect legit comments. I saw the post you are referring to and thought that most responses were trying to be helpful - but the OP had issues. Saw a similar one yesterday where the OP had been on here for I think 7 days and said she had lost 3 pounds (but also said she hadn't stepped on the scales) and was telling everyone how to exercise.

    Bad OP's make for bad threads...this one included!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I don't think it's MFP that has changed. I think it's OP's that post silly topics and expect legit comments. I saw the post you are referring to and thought that most responses were trying to be helpful - but the OP had issues. Saw a similar one yesterday where the OP had been on here for I think 7 days and said she had lost 3 pounds (but also said she hadn't stepped on the scales) and was telling everyone how to exercise.

    Bad OP's make for bad threads...this one included!

    I'll ask you also, did you think about how everyone reading will perceive you post?

    Oh man. I can't keep that up…I'm still reeling from someone suggesting that is how people should post. I think no one would post anything.

    People, open your minds to all opinions, put your big girl/boy panties on, read everything, research things, figure out what you believe, and go from there. It's really not hard.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    I started on this site for the first time about three years ago. At that time it was a wonderful place to get motivation and support. I found a lot of nice and helpful people. This site is suppose to be about supporting each other, but more and more I see people being less supportive and just down right mean. Some users seem to have an attitude that they are better because they have been a successful where another user wasn't as successful or is taking just a little more time.
    I have read multiple post today where a person asked a simple question and they were ridiculed for it. One poor girl simply asked what was the difference between light cleaning and heavy cleaning. That's all she wanted to know, but there were post after post about how she shouldn't log cleaning. It's not anyone's right to tell another person what they should and shouldn't log. If I decided to log "walking to my fridge to get a snack" it's no one's business but my own.
    I think some users are forgetting the reasons for a site like this. I also want to make it clear that I'm saying "some users", because there are still a lot of genuinely nice people on here.
    We all need to be kind to one another. Most of us have all been in the same situation and for the few of you that have always been fit and use the site to keep track of your fitness then you need to understand that it doesn't come as easy to some as it does to you. For the ones that have been overweight and out of shape remember where you have come from and how you felt in the beginning.
    It shouldn't matter if you are morbidly obese, too thin, or have never had an issue. We are all here for the same reason and that's to be the best us we can be. So, as I said before be kind to one another or you're disrespecting the site, the members, and yourself. It's fantastic to look good but real beauty still comes from within.

    I TOTALLY agree!! I have been on here since (maybe 2008) and I am appalled at the responses! I will refer to my topic "body image".

    Every ones story is different so I don't know what all the high and mighty "I know all because I lost weight" attitude is! If you don't have anything nice to say then go sit down and be quiet!!

    I remember that thread. Where you asked about other's experiences with body image issues and went cray-cray when people posted *gasp* their own different experiences, and even *omg* encouraged you to just love yourself as you are.

    Yea. They were sooooo mean. :huh:
  • Stiang
    Stiang Posts: 82 Member
    This whole "MFP is full of a bunch of meanies" has so run its course. This dead horse is so beaten you don't need a juicer...
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I'm sorry... Been really busy with work... Didn't know people would miss my excessive kindness.

    *hugs for all! *
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    This whole "MFP is full of a bunch of meanies" has so run its course. This dead horse is so beaten you don't need a juicer...

    Agreed! I'm tired of all the whining that's been happening lately, too. I've been on here a while and the only thing that's changed for the worse is threads about how everyone on here are a bunch of stuck up jerks. These types of threads are self perpetuating, mob mentality madness. We're all supposed to be adults on here, correct?
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    This whole "MFP is full of a bunch of meanies" has so run its course. This dead horse is so beaten you don't need a juicer...

    Which is good because those things take out all the fiber.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I'm sorry... Been really busy with work... Didn't know people would miss my excessive kindness.

    *hugs for all! *

    A nice, personalized group hug gif, would be lovely.
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    Unless your calorie allotment for the day is based on your BMR (stay in bed all day, not moving), I would not recommend logging or eating back your cleaning calories. That stuff is part of daily movement and is already counted into your calories for the day. Even the sedentary option (e.g. people with desk jobs) is higher than BMR. MFP usually overestimates how much was really burned and people don't always weigh/measure their food accurately. So it's more than likely going to lead to that person eating back a bit more than they burned, which means they will likely maintain or gain weight. If they're lucky (or have a lot of weight to lose) they'll lose weight but it will be slow compared to how much they could be losing for someone of their BMI and body fat percentage.

    Are people being mean? I don't think so. Unless they are name-calling or otherwise attacking your person, the people on here are simply trying to give good advice to help one another lose weight and get back to good health. I think we are used to nobody ever telling us that we're doing something wrong, that every bit of advice that isn't what we were wanting or expecting to hear is deemed "offensive" or "hurtful." If you are so sensitive that someone telling you what needs to be done so you can improve your health is hurting your feelings, then you're probably too sensitive to use online message boards. The truth is that only a small percentage of people have health issues preventing weight loss and everyone else isn't losing weight because they're eating too much food. Eat less than your body uses and you'll lose weight; chances are you're eating more than you think or your TDEE is less than you think. Eat a balanced diet or you're likely to get health problems (a normal-weight early 20's girl was only eating fast food and pizza and drinking soda and her doctor told her she had the heart of a 90-year-old). If you eat back exercise calories, be sure you know exactly how much was burned or you'll most likely eat back more than was burned.