Strong reaction to public humiliation = Over sensitive



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Anyone who tells me how to lose weight has ZERO chance with me.

    Including my husband. :D

    :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Good for you!!!
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    it sucks but Marines are just like that... its trained into them... believe me my husband is an active duty marine for 10 years n going.... he says things about weight/food and such that a normal person wouldn't. They r taught and trained to be better than everyone... keep your head high. and good for you for telling him off.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    Oh give the guy a break! He's just using the personality the marines gave him

    Thank you for classifying all Marines as rude. How about we turn it around and say he's just using the personality that his male chromosomes gave him? You would call it sexist and say not all men are rude. Making blanket statements like that makes you look ignorant.

    A United States Marine

    I just wanted to say thank you for your services!!

    A proud American
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    What kind did you get? Please tell me it's something GOOD :heart:

    ETA: I kind of want chocolate now....

    Ghirardelli sea salt soiree (dark chocolate with sea salt and roasted almonds) :]
    May I recommend you try Green & Black's next time? You won't be sorry.
  • randomgyrl
    randomgyrl Posts: 111 Member
    Good for you. And for the record, I might be inclined to agree that perhaps he was flirting if not for the way he followed up after your reaction. If he was embarrassed, or felt awkward, he would have just walked away or said "nevermind", but the sensitive comment leads me to believe he is just a jerk wad.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    My favorite line for people that like to offer their unsolicited, unwanted advise when it comes to eating things they think I should not eat - 'If it makes me happy then it is good for me' that usually shuts them up real quick :smile:

    Good for you sticking up for your self.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    it sucks but Marines are just like that... its trained into them... believe me my husband is an active duty marine for 10 years n going.... he says things about weight/food and such that a normal person wouldn't. They r taught and trained to be better than everyone... keep your head high. and good for you for telling him off.
    Uh ... Maybe YOUR husband learned that but the Marines I have known (and I dated one for 10 years and my best friend was married to one and those are only two of MANY) did not behave that way.
  • Original_Sinner
    Original_Sinner Posts: 180 Member
    it sucks but Marines are just like that... its trained into them... believe me my husband is an active duty marine for 10 years n going.... he says things about weight/food and such that a normal person wouldn't. They r taught and trained to be better than everyone... keep your head high. and good for you for telling him off.

    no they aren't...don't make this a Marine thing.

    This is a person thing. A person did a rude thing. What he does as a career choice does not matter.
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member

    From the corner of my eye I saw a young-ish and pretty attractive marine approach me. He just stood there for a minute then said...

    I'm wondering:

    1) why is this important to the story?
    2) why you let a comment from someone you don't even know have any affect on your day?
    3) why you didn't thank him for his service to our country AND your right to even have a choice of what to eat, much less brand of chocolate?
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    btw, servicemen/women are some of the most courteous, helpful people out there. There are some twatwaffles among them, just like any other profession, but that shouldn't reflect badly on them as a whole.

    Daughter of a Navy Chief

    Edited: word choice
    I haven't read anything beyond the OP, but also this. SO MUCH THIS.

    Just wanted to add that when I said the guy was a marine I wasn't trying to put them all in one category with this guy. It was just something about him I noted when I saw him out of the corner of my eye. Most of my family (cousins, grandparents etc) are marines. I was supposed to join when I was younger. I ruptured a disc in my back training on my own (incorrect form) because I wanted to join like all my cousins were doing. It wasn't meant to be. I spent a month on Camp Foster in Okinawa with my marine cousins for the heck of it. :) I've generally never had a problem with them being disrespectful. So just wanted to make sure everyone is aware I'm not lumping them all together.
  • vixx1405
    vixx1405 Posts: 129 Member
    Good on you for standing up to him :smile: . I probably would have cried or properly blown a fuse especially if its TOM over sensitive doesn't begin to cover it!!!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    He's a moron who can't learn but now anyone else who is more reasonable who may have made the same mistake who also heard what you said will think twice :)
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    MOST excellent rebuttal. You stood up for yourself, without getting hysterical. You were not overly sensitive at all. I probably would have spat in his face and asked him how many calories were in THAT.

    ^^ I LIKE THIS :smile:

    Agreed. GREAT response. I would have likely been to shocked to respond other than my default death stare.

    Also, even if this was an attempt at flirting, a reasonable person would have realized their mistake, apologized, and congratulated you on your loss. They wouldn't insult you again (!) by telling you you're too sensitive and walking away while you're still speaking.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    it sucks but Marines are just like that... its trained into them... believe me my husband is an active duty marine for 10 years n going.... he says things about weight/food and such that a normal person wouldn't. They r taught and trained to be better than everyone... keep your head high. and good for you for telling him off.

    They are taught and trained to "be" better than everyone, or "think" they are better than everyone? I almost became one after college but I went into the safety of the corporate world where I proceeded to break my back there instead. I have a funny feeling no "training" in the world could have made me any more of a douche than I already am. I also think that some people who are already not douchey like another member here usmcp could never be turned into one.

    Just wondering. I'm pretty sure some army people I know and some other branches would contest whether marine trainingn makes you actually better than everyone or just beleive it to be so.

    Also lest this thread get derailed into being about Marines and how much douchey they may be and why I'd like to return to the topic of my fireman...

    He. Was. Fine! and may have been a former marine for all I know. He was co.cky as all get out and enormously confident as well.


    (I mean if the thread is gonna derail anyway, I'd like to see it go in this direction.)

  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    btw, servicemen/women are some of the most courteous, helpful people out there. There are some twatwaffles among them, just like any other profession, but that shouldn't reflect badly on them as a whole.

    Daughter of a Navy Chief

    Edited: word choice
    I haven't read anything beyond the OP, but also this. SO MUCH THIS.

    Just wanted to add that when I said the guy was a marine I wasn't trying to put them all in one category with this guy. It was just something about him I noted when I saw him out of the corner of my eye. Most of my family (cousins, grandparents etc) are marines. I was supposed to join when I was younger. I ruptured a disc in my back training on my own (incorrect form) because I wanted to join like all my cousins were doing. It wasn't meant to be. I spent a month on Camp Foster in Okinawa with my marine cousins for the heck of it. :) I've generally never had a problem with them being disrespectful. So just wanted to make sure everyone is aware I'm not lumping them all together.

    :flowerforyou: I know you weren't ragging on them as a whole.

    I was responding to the person that made the quip about "typical Marine mentality."
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    btw, servicemen/women are some of the most courteous, helpful people out there. There are some twatwaffles among them, just like any other profession, but that shouldn't reflect badly on them as a whole.

    Daughter of a Navy Chief

    Edited: word choice
    I haven't read anything beyond the OP, but also this. SO MUCH THIS.

    Just wanted to add that when I said the guy was a marine I wasn't trying to put them all in one category with this guy. It was just something about him I noted when I saw him out of the corner of my eye. Most of my family (cousins, grandparents etc) are marines. I was supposed to join when I was younger. I ruptured a disc in my back training on my own (incorrect form) because I wanted to join like all my cousins were doing. It wasn't meant to be. I spent a month on Camp Foster in Okinawa with my marine cousins for the heck of it. :) I've generally never had a problem with them being disrespectful. So just wanted to make sure everyone is aware I'm not lumping them all together.

    :flowerforyou: I know you weren't ragging on them as a whole.

    I was responding to the person that made the quip about "typical Marine mentality."

    I honestly thought the marine bit was to add to the description of him as being attractive.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    wow! If I had been there and heard you say that I would have applauded like a madwoman! :flowerforyou: