Over 40s - What do you do to stay in shape?



  • 70chevellegsp
    70chevellegsp Posts: 50 Member
    48 next month. My wife and I lift 3 days a week, heavy and mostly compound movements. Tues & Thurs are either a circuit, bike riding, or whatever else we feel like. Weekends are filled with activity, mountain biking, hiking, hunting, manual labor, etc. We normally walk 2 miles every evening and stay active throughout the workday. We've been working out together for over 20 years, but the last few years have been slowing and we both gained a few extra pounds. I tore a biceps tendon in 2012 and had sciatica for a few months last year. At the turn of 2014, I'd had enough. We energized our workouts, both wear our fitbits, and log our food on MFP even though we both hit our goals (and then some) a few months ago. I'm in as good or better shape than when I was in my 20's. Shame is I think I lost about 10# of muscle tone since then :(, but it's on it's way back!
  • 30 minutes of high intense / low impact cardio 5-6 days a week.

    2-3 days a week I include weight baring exercises like pull ups, push ups, leg raises, etc.

    I don't sweat it if I miss the gym because of a child's school event or when I'm not feeling well because I'm no longer looking to lose weight.

    Alleviating the pressure of 'HAVE-TO' to 'WANT-TO' really has helped me stay consistent for the long run.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    I'm 65.....I've never been to a gym. I stay in shape doing farm work. Yesterday it was lifting 85 bales of hay off the field and carrying them to the hay trailer and loading them, helping my husband stack them some of the time. Today, it was unloading the same 85 bales off the trailer, so we can use the trailer later..... along with cleaning stalls, hauling manure and sawdust, feeding and watering the horses and the ducks, and working in the garden ( winding down now). In winter I use my elliptical machine.

    Having spent one miserably hot day helping a friend bring in hay bales -- when I was about 30 years younger than you are now -- I have to bow to you ma'am, you're far fitter than me.

    And I wore shorts. I still have the scars. Yes, I'm an idiot. :laugh:
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    strength training 3 days, cardio 3 days.
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    I am 49 and I successfully finished the free apps C25K and C210K and am now training for a half marathon. I runabout three times a week 10+ kilometers and cross train another three days! one rest day.
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    Currently, walking ~5 days/week, on a schedule that keeps me ready for a 1/2 marathon.

    Which is less than I did in my early 40s, and less than I'll be doing by this time next year. It varies, according to a whole bunch of things - where I live & what makes sense (gym, buying equipment, outdoor resources, health issues, work, dog that likes walks...)

    So, I'm not sure why you're looking for shaming - just look at any nearby short triathlon results and you'll see PLENTY of women in their 40s kicking *kitten*. Or cycling race, or ....

    Putting down your current efforts is a GREAT way to end up being a couch potato, because you don't have the ideal setup. I mean, if you're not lifting heavy and/or doing x workout y days a week, you are a failure? Really? Is that how you want to do your 40s?

    Do what works for you - as you are - right now. Try something new if you want to. Love it.
  • I'm 46.

    Bootcamp two or three times a week.

    Mile swim or 3-5 mile run few times a week - I alternate: more running if I'm signed up for an event (I like 10k road or 5 mile trail distances). Less running and more swimming if I'm injured/sore, the weather is warm, or I just feel like swimming more or running less.

    Occasional weight training. We do some weights at bootcamp with kettlebells/dumbells. When I specifically weight train I do something more like Stronglifts 5x5 I really should get more regular about the lifting it just hit or miss right now.

    Random push ups/squats/burpees/jump rope/ etc if the mood strikes me.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I go to a Jazzercise class, it gives me a little time to socialize with the girls also. I like working out with others it keeps me motivated.

    I also do hiking in the summer/fall months.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    Right now I take a functional training class three days a week. Two times a week I take a strength and conditioning class where the age varies from 14 to 42. Nothing keeps you young like being paired with a 15 year old high school athlete! Once a week I do a track workout and a couple days a week I like to lift on my own and get some cardio in. For recreational activity I like hiking.
  • scrapalooza
    scrapalooza Posts: 335 Member
    I go roller skating 2-3 times a week, getting my cardio & lower body workout in one. LOL
  • tuzaque
    tuzaque Posts: 47 Member
    Hi, am 40 and I do 30 - 40mins cardio and 15mins strength training 6times a week
  • I am 41, my family and I have started Shaun T's Insanity and I mix it up with cycling and mixing in some crossfit type exercises. My metabolism needs to be re-kindled but we are learning to eat healthier and slash pounds as a team! One day at a time.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I'm 65.....I've never been to a gym. I stay in shape doing farm work. Yesterday it was lifting 85 bales of hay off the field and carrying them to the hay trailer and loading them, helping my husband stack them some of the time. Today, it was unloading the same 85 bales off the trailer, so we can use the trailer later..... along with cleaning stalls, hauling manure and sawdust, feeding and watering the horses and the ducks, and working in the garden ( winding down now). In winter I use my elliptical machine.

    Having spent one miserably hot day helping a friend bring in hay bales -- when I was about 30 years younger than you are now -- I have to bow to you ma'am, you're far fitter than me.

    And I wore shorts. I still have the scars. Yes, I'm an idiot. :laugh:

    We once had a young guy show up to work as hay crew, his first time.... bare chested, no gloves, in shorts and flip-flops because he "wanted to get a tan while bringing in hay". We told him he would be scratched half to death if he did it dressed like that... he was annoyed, went home, never came back.
    A week ago we brought in 1,100 bales in one day, with two trailers, two drivers, four people to load and stack, including me. Intense. Wow. Still can't believe we did it, even if we did finish up after dark using the truck headlights to guide the last tractor.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I'm not near 40 yet,but my hubby is 41. He boxes, plays soccer, bikes, and carries children where ever he goes. seriously though he easily logs 20 miles a week on his bike.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I'm 49.

    I lift heavy 3-4x a week for about 40-50 minutes per session and love to dance, so I Zumba about an hour, 3x a week.

    I'm also participating in a fitness challenge, so the competition keeps my @$$ motivated, because I hate to lose, lol...
  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    Ride anywhere from 150 - 250km a week, weight train at least once a week. When push come to shove and I can't ride, I run.
  • MoochieRama
    MoochieRama Posts: 71 Member
    I do kettleWorx every other day for 20 min, 5 fruits & veggies/day + 64oz water/day + 2-3 shakes/day. It's working for me & I lost almost 12 pounds the first mo. My husband lost 17.
  • stmadoesboy
    stmadoesboy Posts: 52 Member
    46 - recently completed the C25K programme and have continued with the running - now upped it to every 2 days - minimum of 5K each time but building up my duration and also adding in some intervals of faster and slower paced runs. Play 7 a side football (soccer) 1x per week. Planks (daily), press ups (alternate days). Adding in squats and have the weights standing by in the garage for when I get bored with planks and press ups!
    In addition I've been eating "clean" (freshly prepared food and increased amounts of lean meat, fruit and veg), removed beer, cider and wine from the diet (but added the occasional Jack Daniels!)
    Have lost 42lbs since mid June and will see how far I can get doing more the same!
  • MargaretSobers
    MargaretSobers Posts: 167 Member
    I am very health conscious person I am very strict towards my body and weight. I am doing so many things for keeping my body in shape. Daily I do one hour workout in my aerobics class and I always take care of my self that what I eating in daily routine it is healthy or not.
  • tracylbrown839
    tracylbrown839 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm 65.....I've never been to a gym. I stay in shape doing farm work. Yesterday it was lifting 85 bales of hay off the field and carrying them to the hay trailer and loading them, helping my husband stack them some of the time. Today, it was unloading the same 85 bales off the trailer, so we can use the trailer later..... along with cleaning stalls, hauling manure and sawdust, feeding and watering the horses and the ducks, and working in the garden ( winding down now). In winter I use my elliptical machine.

    Having spent one miserably hot day helping a friend bring in hay bales -- when I was about 30 years younger than you are now -- I have to bow to you ma'am, you're far fitter than me.

    And I wore shorts. I still have the scars. Yes, I'm an idiot. :laugh:

    We once had a young guy show up to work as hay crew, his first time.... bare chested, no gloves, in shorts and flip-flops because he "wanted to get a tan while bringing in hay". We told him he would be scratched half to death if he did it dressed like that... he was annoyed, went home, never came back.
    A week ago we brought in 1,100 bales in one day, with two trailers, two drivers, four people to load and stack, including me. Intense. Wow. Still can't believe we did it, even if we did finish up after dark using the truck headlights to guide the last tractor.

    Here's to farm work! I live on a farm, have and ride horses, walk at least 5 miles a day - according to my pedometer - sometimes as much as 10. I garden, do outdoor chores, cross-country ski and snow shoe in the winter, or use my exercise bike indoors if it's nasty. I like horses, riding them, golf, kayaking (when I'm near water), or even just going for a walk around our farm with my husband and our dogs. I'm going to be 52 in a couple of months.