Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    This is my busiest time of the year for work. I have been working overtime and I’m tiered and sore.

    Laurie- The wedding was a few weekends ago.

    T2T group- Have fun and enjoy the great experience. Now that it is here I wish I was there.

    Happy National Hunting and Fishing Day
    A Great Tradition, Source of Pride Since 1972
    In the 1960s, hunters and anglers embraced the era's heightened environmental awareness but were discouraged that many people didn't understand the role that sportsmen played—and continue to play—in the conservation movement.
    In 1972, with urging from the National
    Shooting Sports Foundation, Congress unanimously authorized National Hunting and Fishing Day on the fourth Saturday of every September. On May 2, 1972,
    President Richard M. Nixon signed the first proclamation of the annual celebration.
    Today, National Hunting and Fishing Day remains a great promotion for outdoor sports and conservation—as well as a source of pride for hunters and anglers nationwide.

    "Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it."
    -Oprah Winfrey

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    KJeffries - I do apologize for criticizing your Doc's advice - perhaps I am as confused as SkinnyJeans referenced the 2 drug names in her posting remark to you. Well, I do suggest you follow whatever your doc orders, and agree your calories seem low for your activity level. But overall, your doc knows best - ah, would your insurance pay for a visit with a nutritionist ?

    to all - so sorry for missing a day - ongoing health issues persist - low back still troubling as well but attempting to get small walks in -very short and actually napping during the day as well as sleeping well at night. Don't think I've had this much sleep in a LONG time!
    Seeing my ortho doc on Thurs just to check it out and get some exercise advice.

    WHOOPS - missed my chance to say good - bye to the Tunnels to Towers New York City Group - well they know they have all of us rooting for them. I don't see any TV coverage of it but I'm sure the evening World News will cover it.

    GrandmaKaye - hapy to hear your trip was safe and that your cinnamon rolls are better than cinabons - I think they are way too sweet and gloopy too! Also I do honor and respect your grand-daughter's mission plans. :heart: And great nw pix.

    Hansea - WOOT !!! 2 lbs - way to go - would you credit this months challenge? Hh, huh? :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    OutofShape - welcome hope you come back often - we have lots to share with you! :flowerforyou:

    Morgori - I remember well how hard you worked this time last year!1 Oh boy get plenty of rest and stop and sit and breathe deeply often! Don't work yourself til you drop. Do NOT give 100% to the job - hold a little back for yourself, your health, OK? Please?

    Hunting fishing and conservation, what a good message, TOM! Thanks!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


    well folks, I guess it will be the same as SEPTEMBER"s.....unless all of you protest! Are we seeing weight loss this month? Are we coming in below calories? How do we feel about the September Challenge? Do we have other suggestions?

    I am your willing servant. I will do whatever the majority dictates. But I won't keep your records for you! :laugh: :wink:

    Need to decide soon!

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    No personals tonight... I am wiped. But I need to unload a bit here...

    Good news and bad news, first the good. My neck feels better every day and the headaches are decreasing in frequency. More good news, my car should be fixed by middle of next week. I am enjoying driving the rental, but I find it hard to see out the back etc.. just used to my car is all.

    And the bad... I broke up with my BF on Thursday. I can't give all the details but as a result, he works every weekend, we live an hour apart and we basically never see each other any more. He is very unhappy with his life right now, but says it is not me. We've been together for over 4 years... I don't know how I am going to get over this. And today I went kayaking and geocaching with a bunch of friends who all asked me why he wasn't there. The only thing I could say is that he was working (which was true, and is usually the case when he can't go with me) but I couldn't tell them the real reason. I am still too emotional. We talked every single day, and told each other everything. I am lost. :cry:
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Good Evening All.

    @Tanya - :sad: My heart aches in sympathy. I don't know if you are a hugger but I am so hugs to you if you want them.

    @Robin - Ok by me for the October challenge. But I am pretty new here, so what have some of the other challenges been.

    Beautiful day here in Wisconsin. Octoberfest celebration in Appleton, over 100,000 people. Lots of food, 6 band stands and of course beer. I am not a drinker but I do love to eat. Still managed to stay under calories for the day.
    Made soup for lunches next week. Did sensible grocery shopping. So I am planning ahead. I found these wonderful containers by Glad that have a little cup in the lid. I do stop at this one chain of gas stations here that have a veggie/dip tray. They are $3.29 each. So even with buying the containers I am ahead. I made 4 for this week. Now I can have the dip I want (Opa Blue cheese dressing) for fewer calories and save money. :bigsmile:

    Love to all, I am off to bed,
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Saturday Success: Not sure if I'm having any...scale went up 3 days in a row and I'm on target for my goals. This happened 3 weeks ago too, so I'm trying to ignore the number, but GOLLY. :huh:

    26/27 days under 1400 k, 23/27 days cardio, slight increase in fruits and veggies.

    With the frustration I'm feeling, I'm considering lowering my calories to 1350/day for the October challenge. I can't increase the intensity of my workouts, though I might try adding another minute or two each week for a total increase of 4-8 minutes per workout by the end of the month. (Don't want to make my cardio workouts too long, because I get bored and burned out if I have to be at the gym so much.) Not sure what to do. Trainer doesn't like the idea of me lowering calorie goal. There must be something I can do to move things along. Ideas???

    hansea: Woohoo! A 2 pound loss is FANTASTIC!

    T2T racers: Hope the weather and your feet cooperate! Can't wait to hear about your adventure!

    Tanya: So sorry for your pain.

    Toots: If you're checking in while in China, I'm thinking about you and your family. Hope all is going smoothly.

    Had a run-in with a BEE today! Holy smokes, it hurts! I yelled so loud, my hubby crutched out to see what was wrong! What a wimp I am.:sad:

    Guess I should turn in and mind my "buzz-ness."

    'Night all.

  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Lori, so great that you have planned ahead for your food. Now you just have filed it and can forget it and not stress about what you will eat when and where. Great that you have done that.
    Tanya, such pain you must be feeling. I remember that having 6 daughters; our fifth daughter and her boyfriend broke up and my husband went down to talk to her. She was crying and he felt so bad for her. And he was angry that 'Jake' had made his little girl cry but nothing he could offer her but hugs and a listening ear. I think we are here for you. Plus, as I always told my kids, in every relationship you have you will inevitably break up or get married; it sounds bleak, but allows you you tell yourself, well this didn't work out, the it will be interesting to see what the next relationship brings. Good luck to you, keep having a life each and every day.
    My day was the good, the bad, and they ugly.....but I will only tell the good. I missed my squats challenge day yesteday, so combined yesterday goal, todays goal, and tomorrows goal, added them up and will divide them between today and tomorrow. I have finished todays, stretched, and am listening to my heart rate slow down and my body cool down. The ugly was that I posted all the wrong foods I ate today that will not translate into weight loss. Aggressive/Permissive personality ugh. But I did post and i am sticking to my not eating in secret. And I gotta say, I feel mentally better for doing the squats. Good night and good job, to all of you.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Food day: Another horrible awful no good very bad day. Granddaughters live to far away for Halloween doughnuts so they wanted me to make them this evening. They were delicious but not calorie friendly.
    Spiritual and family day: Couldn't have been better.
    Tanya, I'm sorry for your sadness.
    I'm in for a similar challenge again. I haven't seen any movement on the scale so I may figure out some way to modify it again. Still trying to figure out how to break this plateau.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Good luck and have a great time at T2T.

    Happy National Good Neighbor Day
    Date when : Always September 28, previously the Fourth Sunday in September
    Ah, Good Neighbor Day. It's definitely a good thing. Being good neighbors is an important part of the social fiber that makes this country so great. Therefore, it seems only fitting that one day a year honors good neighbors.
    This day of recognition is not to be confused with other forms of "Good Neighbor Days". Stores proclaim "Good Neighbor Days" to promote sales, a wide range of organizations announce "Good Neighbor Days" to promote their cause, and local municipalities and governments proclaim "Good Neighbor Days" for a variety of reasons.
    Rather, this day is to truly recognize and appreciate your good neighbor. Hopefully, one of those good neighbors is you!

    “Everyone faces defeat. It may be a stepping-stone or a stumbling block, depending on the mental attitude with which it is faced.” ~Napoleon Hill

  • Count me in. I an not "new" to MFP but I am getting re-acquainted with it for sure. My goal is 198 because that is where I was when I was 19 when I was athletic. I have been as high as 315 (or more, not sure) and never really below 250 throughout my adult life. I "think" I have my mind set and am really wanting to make this happen. 198. I want to know what it feels like again. Who told me I couldn't? I have no idea why I think I can't and I have no idea why I have been so complacent my whole adult life but why not now? I don't know any one here on MFP so maybe I will meet some like minded folks who have similar goals. I wish you all success! Please wish the same on me.
  • ladybuglucy
    ladybuglucy Posts: 19 Member
    Also not new to MFP...would love to join this thread...I have right at 85 lbs to loose...need accountability bad! How does this work exactly with this thread.
    ****Good luck Herb!****
  • ladybuglucy
    ladybuglucy Posts: 19 Member
  • verucalane
    verucalane Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! Count me in. Glad I found this thread in time for the October challenge, whatever it may be! I've been overweight my whole life. Lost 80+ lbs with ww. Have gained about 50 back over 4 years & countless weird diets (I should totally know better by now- lol) or so. Quit smoking. Went up about 15. Now I'm a year and a half smoke free, but finding the lbs aren't coming off as easily as in the past. I'm also living with my partner who is a power lifter (read: power eater) and wants to gain weight. I've been finding that quite challenging. He wants to eat individual meals higher than my daily intake! He is very supportive in theory. I find he just needs reminding that he's not dating a powerlifter. Also, side note: he's put on like 25lbs for his lifting program and his extremely thin mother (only child, Jewish mom) keeps nagging about his weight gain. Despite what he says, I can't help but think she attributes it to his chubby gf. Funny, since the EXACT opposite it true! Lololol. But I digress...
    My first long term goal is to get under 200 (was there for one sweet week with ww). I've broken it up into 3 mini-goals
    My immediate short term goals: 1) to get back to where I was when I quit smoking. Only about 4lbs left for that. 2) to where I was when I met the bf 2 years ago. There's 17lbs for that one. 3) 212lbs - too much explaining for that one, but I get it.
    Also, I need to get my fitness mind back. Battling a nasty bout of plantar fasciitis has kicked me off the wagon, but I just need to power through I think.
    Hoping to draw inspiration and support from you all and maybe offer some myself if I can be of assistance. Thanks for listening to my insanely long intro. Sundays are for sharing, right? Lol. Happy Sunday, all!
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    I am not a big exerciser, but get in a small walk most every day. It is hard to stay under my calorie limit but I am usually within 100-300 and yet the scale never moves. My clothes are a little loose, I don't usually eat anything unhealthy, except once a month I allow myself a treat like ice cream. I have lost 25 lbs but I have so many more to go, it seems slow to drop a half or one each one to two weeks. I am getting used to using fruit for replacement of other sweets and have been really enjoying salads and lean meats and beans. It takes so long. I guess too waiting to move from here is seeming to be so long away, even though it is only a month away. The closer it is, the longer away it seems. It is so boring where I am, and my concentration is poor, so it is hard to occupy my mind. At least my anxiety is not too overwhelming. It is a comfort to see I am not alone in my struggles. Robin I hope your back gets better, I have had back problems for years, being a nurse has had its tole. I find that some of the stretches recommended in the YMCA class for healthy backs are very good. You do have to be careful about disc problems. I know I have started to have some. All of you take care and next time I will try not to whine so much. I am lucky in some ways, and I try to remind myself of that too. I had fifteen years of friendship with my brother and forty plus years with my dear friend Karin, and that is special to me. Got to go and walk the girls.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member

  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Katrena- Glad you're having good control days! Keep it up!

    KateIrving- Slow and steady wins the race. Don't lose hope!

    Verucalane- Welcome to the thread! Plantar fasciitis is a pain I've been dealing with, too. Mine hasn't been too bad. I stretch whenever I am sitting around the house, and of course, after exercise always. I've iced it when it's been bad, which helped. I also use some ibuprofen. Mine also gets worse when I wear unsupportive shoes, so I've been trying to wear my fitted running shoes whenever I can.

    Ladybuglucy- Welcome! Just keep checking in on the thread. You will get to know everyone. Keep posting and we will get to know you, too. Robin has suggestions for what to post about each day, but you don't have to stick to that structure if it doesn't work for you. We're all here to offer positive support.

    Herbmfp- Welcome! Who told you you couldn't? If you're like me, it was probably just yourself. Now, I tell myself I can, so tell yourself you can, too! You've got this!

    Soosun- Celebrate the good and learn from the ugly and move forward. You're on the right path!

    GrammyWhammy- Maybe add a few minutes of a new activity to your workouts? Something you've never done before. Learning something new will be challenging and keep you from getting bored. Your trainer must have some ideas of activities you haven't tried yet.
    Also, bees!!!!! Eeek! I have a big fear of bees. It's pretty ridiculous, and I'm passing it on to my kids. It's just that in the past, when I've been stung, I swelled a lot and either have a bad allergy to them or was having a paranoid reaction and thought I was having trouble breathing. Whatever it was, taking a Benadryl and drinking a coke with caffeine helped. Result though is me shutting down and whimpering whenever a bee is in the vicinity. Very adult. Blah!

    Lori- Good job with the meal planning/portioning!

    Tanya- So sorry to hear about your breakup.

    Robin- I think I do owe my 2 lb loss to the September challenge. It forced me to get real about my calories. Honesty is the best policy! I am totally up for an October repeat. Maybe we can add a share your favorite fall recipe to it? I need some inspiration in the kitchen!

    Tom- Hope you get to relax soon!

    OutofShape28- Welcome!

    Kaye- I was kind of hoping the secret to weight loss would be found in Halloween doughnuts. No? Sigh. That would've been a sweet solution. I hope October brings you a loss, even if it's only a couple ounces!

    AFM- I was asked to join our parish council, and I did. The pastoral leader is encouraging everyone to read Living our Strengths and take a Strength Finder quiz online. I just did it today and here are my top five strengths: 1. Adaptability 2. Positivity 3. Responsibility 4. Intellection and 5. Developer.
    I'm looking forward to reading the book and seeing how I can use my strengths to add to our parish community; improve at work; and maybe even apply it to my weight loss and fitness!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    I'm excited to hear how the group enjoyed meeting each other/catching up at the T2T 5K in NYC!! I'm sure we will hear all the wonderful details very soon. :smile:

    In October I'm dedicated to eating under maintenance calories, though I will not count. I will try to get it right this month and aim to lose 5 lbs through mindful eating and exercise.

    My Sunday was good, I got out with some friends, got some exercise, ate well, but still continue to have a few headaches which seem to be stemming from the base of my neck now, along with achy shoulders. A new symptom from the accident, or maybe stress?

    I hope everyone has a good week. :flowerforyou:
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    September logging and thread-counting is 21/28 and I am just sneaking in under the wire because it's well after midnight here. But another good day where I went over by only a couple of calories due to a sneaky square of chocolate.

    The road closures are settling down now and our street is much quieter but also -- much, much easier to park in. It looks rather as if people were driving to our street from half a mile away to park nearer the station. So if that stops it will make up for everything else.

    Sunday share -- I took my new Poppy3D 3D camera/viewer attachment for the iPhone with me to the event we went to today, and got some nice snaps. I've put them on Flickr at None of us dancing though cos obviously I was busy at the time. Not dancing today because I was needed for the music -- the Guildhall square was enormous and full and it was hard to hear us.

    @Robin -- sorry to hear you're not still not very well; rest up, won't you?
    @Tanya -- so sorry to hear about your boyfriend. Make sure you take care of yourself and find ways to feel better that don't involve eating mega-tubs of ice cream. Maybe try to spend some time hanging out with your girlfriends?
    @Marsha -- have you got weights in your exercise mix? They won't help the pounds come off but they will definitely help with shape which I think it the more important thing anyway.
    @veruclane -- Sundays are definitely for sharing, so that was great! And setting mini-goals is absolutely the way forward when the whole target is so big.
    @Katrena -- keep having those days on target!

    And welcome to everyone new! This is such a nice thread to hang out in. You just need to come along when you want to, read what you want to, post what you want to -- and take care of yourselves! We're very easy going here.

    Right -- we're all ready to start another week, right? Right? Roll on Monday!

    -- Alison
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Tanya - I'm so sorry you've gone thru a breakup - its so hard to do and the phone silence is terrible to endure - :cry: let me know if I can help - and remember - we are all VERY INTERESTED in you and we will listen to you anytime :heart:
    I'm glad you had a better Sunday.

    CBlue - oh your Octoberfest sounds wonderful! Fall color change not happening much yet hear - still have morning glories blooming - but their very last on my deck today but have 2 new mums blooming at their feet - I LOVE FALL! :love:
    Great purchase and great savings on the Glad containers - I love deals like that!

    GWhammy - I see nothing wrong with experimenting with lowering your calories a bit. 1350 still seems reasonable - you are not very tall are you? And being personal here, do you have much -if any - fat around your waist, ie. can you "pinch an inch" still?
    P.S. - you're NOT a wimp for hollering when stung by a bee! Its always a big shocking surprise! OW! Glad your hubby is that mobile and caring :love:

    Toots - I second GWhammy's sentiments - hope all is well if you are reading this from China.:flowerforyou:

    Soosun - sounds like a victory to me - control over secret eating - WIN! :bigsmile:

    GM Kaye - hmmm.....just wish I had some sage advice - but nope I don't. Sorry for your struggle at the darned plateau :noway:

    Morgori - thanks for the reminder to be a Good Neighbor and celebrate today. I love my neighbors - and they have been very good to me! So far never any trouble!

    herbmfp - welcome to our thread. Post alot and you will grow accustomed to having good support.

    LadybugLucy - hello and welcome as well! We all are happy to have you join us! If you need any help just send a message to me and I'll help in any way I can if you have trouble getting around - post often and you will really love the cummunity support.

    verucalane - welcome also to you! You did a great job sharing - I like that you've broken down your goal weight into managable smaller goals - have you set your daily caloric intake yet? That is a challenge and might take a while, but it is well worth doing. Also worth doing is logging your food intake daily - include every bite, lick and taste. Here you discover hidden and secret calories you didn't realize you were consuming. Post often!

    KateIrving - I really enjoyed your share - and no it was not too long and you didn't complain too much. :heart: You are going thru a LOT with your move to a whole new location and packing up memories goes slowly (in my case, at least it did - :grumble: ) and is very hard on a NURSES back (I salute you for that hard career! )
    How frustrating your weight is coming off so slowly - but, just as you counted your blessings with your brother and your friend, count your blessings that this weight is also coming off slowing. That is a good sign that the weight will be gone forever. FOREVER! Bigger weight losses sometimes reflect major cut-backs in nutrition temporarily and will cause a rebound in weight when the cut-backs stop. So BRAVA to you. Keep doing what you are doing. :drinker:

    KJeffries - glad to hear your doing well. Can't wait to hear more!

    Hansea - how neat you've become involved in your parish council and also took the Strength Finder test and you sound very happy with the results - which are all great strengths to have - I envy you! Also impressed with your idea to read about and develop them and use them to benefit yourself and others. You Go Girl!

    BohoCoast - Alison - I swear you live the most interesting life! Not only do you dance but you provide music too - WOW!
    You'll have to provide a link to the FLICKR pix sometime.


    Hi My on-line name is Robin but in real life I’m Ellen. I’ve been with MFP since August, 2010. I’m 63, single,- divorced, no kids, can’t work –on disability, and frustrated with myself for taking so darn long to lose this weight. Medications are fighting against me.

    I live in Omaha, Nebraska and its home to the Henry Doorley Zoo – NOW considered THE BEST ZOO in the WORLD! I dream of buying a year’s pass to the zoo – but its quite expensive! It’s a lovely place to walk and have a picnic with friends.

    I hope to continue to lose weight this year and next year and ultimately get down to 170. I want to enjoy all sorts of activities, such as kayaking, hang gliding,ZIP-LINING, fun activities I haven’t been able to do yet.

    I can’t control the drugs I take encouraging me to hang onto weight, nor my many health issues. What I can control is WHAT I EAT and my CHOICES OF ACTIVITY – I can increase activity to increase my over-all physical fitness.
    I started at 264 and now am at 231 – I was as low as 203. I just keep on trying and slowly winning on this long journey. :heart:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    I heard from Laurie and she asked me to share with all of you that they did great at T2T today! I cannot wait to hear all about it.

    Welcome newbies! :flowerforyou:

    KJefferies (Katrena) - I wear multiple hats for work. I teach for a local school district in a program designed for children with autism. We work on social skills as well as self-help skills rather than academics. For district I also provide home aide supervision. For that I go into the homes and supervise the aides working with the students. I give them suggestions on what to try with the students. I also work for an agency. For my agency I do work in my student's houses providing home based services for them. I also provide parent training sessions for the families as well. LOL aren't you sorry you asked? It's confusing, I know. But I love every minute of it, even during those not so good moments. Unlike Laurie and Karen I don't have to grade papers/tests. :bigsmile: But I do have to take data on my students progress and behaviors then write quarterly reports on their progress.
    Fantastic job on being within your calorie limits 2 days in a row. Brag away and be proud! Keep up the great job.

    Skinny (Karen) - That is great that the student apologized for cheating. Hopefully the natural consequences helped him learn his lesson and he never does that again.

    Soosun - RLP is round ligament pain. What happens during pregnancy as everything grows your round ligaments (in your groin) stretch and can tear. Yes this is my first pregnancy.

    Hansea - Yes, she did answer all my questions. We spoke more about RLP. I may look into a belly support band if it doesn't begin to get better soon. We also discussed my near fainting spell. She said that is due to a drop in blood pressure and is common in pregnancy. It is hard to pinpoint what called the BP drop since she wasn't there. Could be a number of things. I told her I had gotten light headed a few other times when standing still (in line at a store, waiting for the buses to depart from school). She wants me to constantly move. Even if it is just rocking from side to side while standing. This will prevent my BP from dropping like that. The appointment went very well. She said I am doing fantastic with my weight gain, the baby looks good and I was able to hear the heart beat again!

    Bohemian (Alison) - That's funny! I have insomnia just about every night. I was able to sleep fairly well the other night aside from my multiple bathroom trips during the night but always fell right back to sleep. But around 5 am some critters began to fight in the woods and were making a horrible ghastly sound. It went on for 40 minutes. By then I just could not fall back asleep due to the sounds. I was so annoyed. I almost made it an entire night of decent sleep!

    Lives - Thanks for the advice. I have had the same discussion with Brian about speaking to her. He never does which just frustrates me. His method is ignore her and avoid her unless we have to see her. He finds that is easier than confronting her. :grumble: Usually I bite my tongue with her as well but I decided now with a child in the picture I refuse to allow her to show any disrespect for me. I don't do it to her and she absolutely should not do it to me. We will see how this goes. I am sure over time there will be some words exchanged between the two of us and it won't be pretty. Who knows, maybe Brian will become more assertive with her once our little girl arrives. I can only hope!

    Kah (Kelley) - I LOVE the new picture!

    mnwalking - So sorry about the math practice test. Hopefully the next one is better for you!

    Kaye - LOL it certainly isn't for sissies as I learned the hard way. I never knew it was this difficult. The past couple of days I have been having a lot of really difficult days. It stinks. I can't wait to get over this trouble zone.

    Robin (Ellen) - That has always been my downfall too. I am glad I finally found my voice. I am still working on it but getting better with practice. Hopefully you find yours too. It really is a liberating feeling!

    Skinny (Karen) - So sorry I had to skip today. I had a really rough day and spent most of it sleeping. I did venture out this evening to get some milk, It was exhausting just walking from the car to the store and back. The pain and my nausea seemed to subside after a very long nap this afternoon but I still had/ have a lot of discomfort. There is no way I would have been able to pull off a trip into the city today. I hate feeling this way, it sucks. :cry:
    So sorry to hear the drama is still going on with your MIL as well. I cannot believe she left that message for him. She was very out of line with that one. Reading your message to Marsha I realized there are a lot of similarities in our MILs. So sorry, I know how stressful it is.

    Tanya - I am so sorry to hear about your relationship with your BF. Sending big hugs your way. If I can do anything for you to help you get through this please don't hesitate to ask. :flowerforyou:
    Sorry about your headaches. It could be a combination of the two but I think it probably is more due to the stress you are under right now. I know it's hard but hang in there. I am glad to hear you are keeping busy with friends.