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So my family bought take out...RANT



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I lol'ed.

    The original post is the perfect example:

    Failing to plan, and failing to execute, paired with an inability to take personal responsibility.

    As far as a rant goes, 3/10. Not enough vitriol.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Well....I don't live with my mama so I have to put out $$ for my own food. Be grateful they got you something. If you've got your own $$ go out and get your own food. How old are you?
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Are you an adult?

    If so buy your own food.

    Sorry to sound harsh, but that's it. If you're over 18 get a job and your own place and start taking care of yourself.

    ^This. I would even say that you don't necessarily have to go get your own place, but you most certainly can take responsibility for your own eating & go get yourself something healthy when something like this happens. Whether it was intentional on your sister's part or a legitimate accident, you caved & ordered ribs AND you got mad at the rest of the family for your doing so. Either way, your food was gone & how YOU respond to it is what's important. You're both mad at your family for "making" you order ribs & chips, yet you got mad when they brought a salad home for you. Maybe be happy that they at least attempted to do something in line with what you're trying to accomplish. If you're way under on your protein, gonna starve to death because you don't feel you had enough to eat or whatever, get up off your butt & go get yourself something that suits your diet......

    .....They didn't "make" me order ribs...I WANTED RIBS. I didn't want it because my food was fed to the dog...They were going out to get food...so while they were going, I gave them money to bring me some too.

    They bought me a salad home and spent the rest of my money on soda, and their explanation was the fact that they didnt want me to get fat because of the ribs.

    I don't know if it was a misunderstanding on my part, but that's not the way this thread read to me - it looked like you ordered the ribs AFTER your food got fed to the dog. If you originally placed the order for ribs before and unrelated to your food getting fed to the dog, then 1 thing has nothing to do with the other. If things like getting you a salad when you ordered ribs because they don't want you to "get fat" is an ongoing, passive-aggressive thing with them, then I have to wonder why you would even place an order with them knowing what was likely to happen - why you would expect a different result. Take this as a lesson learned - don't place orders with them, especially if you're giving them money to get it. None of this really matters because you can't change what happened, yet you don't want to take matters into your own hands & go get some food for yourself (fair or not) - you'd rather go to bed hungry & mad.. If you got yourself something to eat then you could just go to bed mad........
  • Thanks.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    I lol'ed.

    The original post is the perfect example:

    Failing to plan, and failing to execute, paired with an inability to take personal responsibility.

    As far as a rant goes, 3/10. Not enough vitriol.

    Cooking and freezing food ahead of time is not planning?
  • MisterZ33
    MisterZ33 Posts: 567 Member
    this thread is so funny.

    some of you are really giving it to the OP. she DID prepare her own food, which was fed to the mutt.

    the OP gave her folks money to buy food...they brought her a salad.

    the OP has a right to be upset.

    Still, this thread is so funny.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    Are you an adult?

    If so buy your own food.

    Sorry to sound harsh, but that's it. If you're over 18 get a job and your own place and start taking care of yourself.

    She did. She bought it, cooked it and froze it for herself. Then someone in her family decided to feed it to the dog. Obviously if someone else takes your food without permission...your last meal available before being able to go shopping again... it shouldn't be unreasonable to expect that person to replace that meal for the day. If one of my roommates decided to take the last of my chili from the freezer and feed it to their cats when they know full well it's not theirs, nor is it cat food and I had nothing to replace that dinner that I had bought and prepared for myself, i would absolutely expect that they replace what they used. Reading the whole post would be helpful before passing unfair judgement.

    I'm sorry. I live alone, pay for, and drive to get my own things. I don't understand this "my family gives me a free place to live but sometimes I don't like the food they give me so waaaah my life is unfair and they're trying to starve me."

    If you live with your family, this is what happens. That's why she can't raise a stink with them, because they're putting her up on their dime. By 21 years old I had been out of the house for 4 years and was one year away from becoming a parent myself. I don't have sympathy for overgrown children.

    Brett, they took her money, spent it on themselves, and told her that she can't have the food that she wants because it will make her fat. She only has 15 pounds to lose!!!!

    In what world, does free rent justify blatant disrespect??!?!?

    In MFP world where we are all perfect* and thus qualified to judge others.

    *Other than the fact that most of us are or were fat.

    You don't have to be perfect to get your own place. You just need to not be a child.

    Really? Is that all? I'll let the homeless guy who plays the harmonica for change know that the next time I see him.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    This makes a lot of sense. "You can't fix stupid", so if your family is going to be a bunch of jerks, take more responsibility for preventing future mistakes. Keep a stash of healthy food in you house or car, keep a few extra dollars hidden in your wallet. Mark and date everthing that belongs to you. And become a duck - Let all the negative just roll off your back. "Love the people who treat you right - Pray for the people who don't" And make more friends on MFP, so you can keep the posts private, and avoid all the snark from invading your mind. Don't make any room for nega-holics in your life.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Are you an adult?

    If so buy your own food.

    Sorry to sound harsh, but that's it. If you're over 18 get a job and your own place and start taking care of yourself.

    She did. She bought it, cooked it and froze it for herself. Then someone in her family decided to feed it to the dog. Obviously if someone else takes your food without permission...your last meal available before being able to go shopping again... it shouldn't be unreasonable to expect that person to replace that meal for the day. If one of my roommates decided to take the last of my chili from the freezer and feed it to their cats when they know full well it's not theirs, nor is it cat food and I had nothing to replace that dinner that I had bought and prepared for myself, i would absolutely expect that they replace what they used. Reading the whole post would be helpful before passing unfair judgement.

    I'm sorry. I live alone, pay for, and drive to get my own things. I don't understand this "my family gives me a free place to live but sometimes I don't like the food they give me so waaaah my life is unfair and they're trying to starve me."

    If you live with your family, this is what happens. That's why she can't raise a stink with them, because they're putting her up on their dime. By 21 years old I had been out of the house for 4 years and was one year away from becoming a parent myself. I don't have sympathy for overgrown children.

    Brett, they took her money, spent it on themselves, and told her that she can't have the food that she wants because it will make her fat. She only has 15 pounds to lose!!!!

    In what world, does free rent justify blatant disrespect??!?!?

    In MFP world where we are all perfect* and thus qualified to judge others.

    *Other than the fact that most of us are or were fat.

    You don't have to be perfect to get your own place. You just need to not be a child.

    You know what, Brett. Everyone is not like you. Everyone is not going to have the same circumstances or the same opportunities. Why don't you cut her a little slack? We know you had it all figured out at 17, but maybe she didn't. Maybe she is just beginning to realize the depth and gravity of her current situation.

    She actually didn't come here for advice. She just needed someone to show her some kindness and support. My advice was the same as yours. The only difference is that I didn't call her a child or immature. I just simply stated the reality of the situation that she didn't deserve to be treated that way, regardless of what her parents do for her or what she does for them in return.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    How terrible they brought things home for you. Be grateful they got you anything at all.

    Eat what you have available, go to bed, then wake up and start again.

    You're not going to starve to death over a single missed dinner.

    Don't be such a drama queen.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    Are you an adult?

    If so buy your own food.

    Sorry to sound harsh, but that's it. If you're over 18 get a job and your own place and start taking care of yourself.

    She did. She bought it, cooked it and froze it for herself. Then someone in her family decided to feed it to the dog. Obviously if someone else takes your food without permission...your last meal available before being able to go shopping again... it shouldn't be unreasonable to expect that person to replace that meal for the day. If one of my roommates decided to take the last of my chili from the freezer and feed it to their cats when they know full well it's not theirs, nor is it cat food and I had nothing to replace that dinner that I had bought and prepared for myself, i would absolutely expect that they replace what they used. Reading the whole post would be helpful before passing unfair judgement.

    I'm sorry. I live alone, pay for, and drive to get my own things. I don't understand this "my family gives me a free place to live but sometimes I don't like the food they give me so waaaah my life is unfair and they're trying to starve me."

    If you live with your family, this is what happens. That's why she can't raise a stink with them, because they're putting her up on their dime. By 21 years old I had been out of the house for 4 years and was one year away from becoming a parent myself. I don't have sympathy for overgrown children.

    Brett, they took her money, spent it on themselves, and told her that she can't have the food that she wants because it will make her fat. She only has 15 pounds to lose!!!!

    In what world, does free rent justify blatant disrespect??!?!?

    It's free rent from her family. This is nothing new, she knows how they are. She's 21 years old, if she can't take it, move out. I couldn't stand my mother. I left when I was 17. So I never had to whine that she didn't bring me home the food I wanted.

    If you want something done right, do it yourself.

    If they're throwing out her food, constantly critical, and the host of other things she wants to complain about, she needs to move out. 21 years old is not a child.

    I gotta stand with Brett on this one. As a young adult living with my parents, I don't like everything they do either. But I'm not sitting here blasting them on a public forum. If I have a problem, I put on my big kid pants and talk to my parents about it. If it ever came to something that was a deal breaker for me, I would do what I need to to get out of the house and live on my own.

    I mean, seriously, it's not that hard. Plus, there are so many plot holes in this story that it's not even funny. I'm seeing a lot of follow-up CYA posts from the OP to build her up.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    does it suck that the OP's family tossed her food? yup.
    does it suck that her family took her money to get food and brought her the wrong thing? yup.

    the part that is getting ME (and i think i speak for others), is the follow up 'woe is me what ever shall i eat?!' rant.

    OPs living situation blows, but instead of a trivial rant to a forum of strangers, why not remedy the situation instead?
  • emilyGPK
    emilyGPK Posts: 83 Member
    Keep a supply of your own food (not just one meal) and follow grandmas lead by putting your name on it and the date it should be kept until.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    does it suck that the OP's family tossed her food? yup.
    does it suck that her family took her money to get food and brought her the wrong thing? yup.

    the part that is getting ME (and i think i speak for others), is the follow up 'woe is me what ever shall i eat?!' rant.

    OPs living situation blows, but instead of a trivial rant to a forum of strangers, why not remedy the situation instead?

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member

    Yes I could go buy my own food. But it's a little despicable to take my money for your own use. And to decide FOR ME what I should and shouldn't eat.

    Accepting its a rant, just suck it up and get on with things. Go and get something to eat and you might feelless grouchy. next time dont trust them to get your takeaway and get it yourself or have some reserve food read and stuff the dog wont like. Kearn from it and move on.
  • And make more friends on MFP, so you can keep the posts private, and avoid all the snark from invading your mind.

    I know this is the crappiest time ever to ask, but would any of the actual supportive people like to FR me? I don't have friends on here. (well I had but I deleted them because they judged my food choices)

    My diary is closed, but it would help if I could post things like this on my wall and not have to deal with the wonderous support of the forums.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    Why so many harsh tones? Why so much lack of "sugar-coating" when the OP could probably use some kindness?

    Her family is not terribly kind to her. We are all strangers here, but I feel like a lot of these responses are unwarranted and suspect that there is some lack of reading comprehension afoot.

    bless your gentle heart for assuming the issue is just an honest lack of reading comprehension. you are more mature than I am. So, for that matter, is the OP. I wouldn't have even bothered coming here to rant or "whine" as some refer to it. Someone takes my food and brings me a salad to replace it after using the rest of my money to buy stuff for themselves? I'ma pop 'em one in the nose and take their dang burger for myself. Well...not the WHOLE burger. I'd save some for the dog.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Why so many harsh tones? Why so much lack of "sugar-coating" when the OP could probably use some kindness?

    Her family is not terribly kind to her. We are all strangers here, but I feel like a lot of these responses are unwarranted and suspect that there is some lack of reading comprehension afoot.

    bless your gentle heart for assuming the issue is just an honest lack of reading comprehension. you are more mature than I am. So, for that matter, is the OP. I wouldn't have even bothered coming here to rant or "whine" as some refer to it. Someone takes my food and brings me a salad to replace it after using the rest of my money to buy stuff for themselves? I'ma pop 'em one in the nose and take their dang burger for myself. Well...not the WHOLE burger. I'd save some for the dog.

    Uh huh yep... I'd do the same. Be all nom nom nom in their faces Lmao!!

    Seriously when I saw the topic I thought it was gonna be one of those "my family bought me ribs and i wanted salad." This is new to me. If the grandma had her name on her food, then you should do the same, name your food. Actually, i don't know why you didn't eat her food even tho it had a name. Especially since they "chose for you". I woulda done that too.

    Hopefully you don't have much school to finish so that you can move out. Sadly enough I went thru that annoying part of not having enough $$ to move out while I was in school and I finally moved out till I no longer had to waste money on school.

    Don't rely on them on getting your food. Get your own. That way you avoid not getting your choice and that they waste your money. Get your own mini fridge. That way you'll have your food completely separate from the rest. Wear earplugs every time you eat. That way you won't hear their comments. :flowerforyou:
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Was it at least good coke?
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    I mean, seriously, it's not that hard. Plus, there are so many plot holes in this story that it's not even funny. I'm seeing a lot of follow-up CYA posts from the OP to build her up.

    I may be wrong but I'm seeing the same holes.