Confessions: The "Fattest Thing" You've Ever Done



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    I also am not a stranger to the whole ordering two drinks at a drive-thru hoping the girl at the counter wouldn't know I planned to consume all that food myself.

    Because of threads similar to this on MFP, I now get mildly paranoid when I go to a drive-thru for For example earlier this week I stopped at BK to pick up 2 chicken sandwiches, a veggie burger, and fries. It fed me, my husband, and my mom...but now I'm thinking in the back of my head "I wonder if the cashier thought it was all for me?" I don't really care but this never entered my head until MFP! haha

    Although I can share the experience of hiding fast food trash from 1 place under my car seat when going to another fast food place. For example getting chicken nuggets at Wendy's and the same night, Starbucks for a latte. So silly really...I doubt the fast food workers give two shakes what we all eat, anyway!

    I work drive thru often and we do judge people for ordering a lot of food, but 3 or 4 entrees and a side are nothing. I'm talking about the people who get 2 family packs and eat it by themselves. 24 cinnabons at once. 3 burritos with beef, chicken, steak, AND bacon. Sometimes we have to tell people to take stuff off their item because our tortillas aren't big enough to wrap it. Our tortillas go up to 14 inches in diameter. My favorites are the people who come through eating food from a different fast food place, and then start in on what we give them while they're still at the window. Ugh.

    Serious question though, if the person pulled up and they were "normal" sized would you be less judmental than say someone who is overweight pulling up. I feel like people who are "normal" sized dont get looked at for eating an obscene amount of food, and then someone who is heavy may even order less but people see them and immediately make presumptions.


    I bet that is somewhat true. I know when I was really large it bugged me that sometimes people in restaurants would look at me in amazement and say, "THAT'S ALL?" or ask if I was dieting, when I ordered water and a taco...or something else small.
  • CosmicBella
    CosmicBella Posts: 195 Member
    Made up a cup of icing to put on a cake - sat and spooned the whole thing into my mouth instead.

    I've lost count of how many times I've done this exact same thing...
  • aljharvey
    aljharvey Posts: 73 Member
    This happened when I was about 13 or 14. I decided to go to Mcdonalds with all of the money I had and bought 5 large fries(I loved french fries, I still do but not as much lol) and planned on eating them all myself. I got a big salad bowl and dumped all of the fries on the bowl. I sat down in front of the TV and proceeded to eat the fries like they were a bag of potato chips. I know I didn't finish them all but I made a pretty big dent in the mountain of fries I had.

    Not my proudest moment to say the least.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    So many.

    Ate 12 cupcakes, alone, on my birthday.

    Ordered 5 desserts, no dinner entree, on my birthday.

    Ate a pint of ice cream sitting in the parking lot of Wal-Mart.

    Ate a regular dinner before going out with friends. Ate my 2nd dinner with them.

    When I read this I immediately wanted to give you a hug :frown: was that two different birthdays?
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I feel like an amateur.

    I think the worst thing I did (well, it certainly made me the sickest) was a super size box of Hot Tamales in one sitting. The burn was so good.
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    eating like a dozen cookies in one sitting and then throwing up, realize that overeating is like a form of punishment.
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    Loved the article.

    I have done so many fat things; I used to buy entire boxes of snack cakes and eat them in 1 sitting. Then I would hide the boxes in the bottom of my underwear drawer.

    I once ate an entire box of croutons because I was stress eating and they were so buttery and delicious.

    I've eaten dinner and then had a friend call and want to go out and I went out and ate a second dinner.

    One time when I was a kid my mom caught me getting ready to cut up and eat a raw potato in the middle of the night.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    This happened when I was about 13 or 14. I decided to go to Mcdonalds with all of the money I had and bought 5 large fries(I loved french fries, I still do but not as much lol) and planned on eating them all myself. I got a big salad bowl and dumped all of the fries on the bowl. I sat down in front of the TV and proceeded to eat the fries like they were a bag of potato chips. I know I didn't finish them all but I made a pretty big dent in the mountain of fries I had.

    Not my proudest moment to say the least.

    Around that age, or a bit younger, maybe 12...I used to go visit friends who lived in the country for a week or two. Their family didn't have much money and they ate very simple food, usually it was toast for breakfast, ham sandwiches for lunch w/ no cheese or condiments except maybe mustard, and some kind of meat (often game meats) with potatoes and a canned veggie for dinner. I politely refused to eat the game meats...but I was a good guest and just went along with their eating. I was used to eating a bigger variety of food, restaurant meals several times a week, and dessert twice a day (at lunch and dinner). They were also way more active...riding horses, doing chores, walking miles, etc. I was used to being dropped off at the mall or maybe the pool for an afternoon of swimming. So it was this huge culture shock for me to stay there.

    Anyway, when I went there we usually went to a convenience store once or twice during my visit. I had pocket money and would buy them whatever they wanted, and stuff for myself. The sheer number of chocolate bars and ice cream we ate was INSANE. It's so long ago that the memories are vague but I do recall eating at LEAST 4-5 chocolate bars every time, definitely never kept it at one or two. My friends loved it because they only got chocolate on birthdays or at holidays...I loved it because I was used to having stuff like that daily, or big slices of my mom's homemade cakes and crème puffs and so on!
  • harshada10
    harshada10 Posts: 43 Member
    I had a large black bean burger, mac n cheese, 3 long chicken strips and a medium soda in one meal!! I was totally disgusted after that meal :embarassed:
  • bmoncada1
    bmoncada1 Posts: 477 Member
    As odd as this sounds hear this analogy out.

    I think the skinny guy ordering a ton of food is looked at like a guy who hooks up with a lot of girls. People are like wow cool, good job. Them eating a ton is looked at as funny, or like wow he goes hard but no one judges.

    However if an overweight person orders too much food its hey look at that fatty, thats disgusting, loser etc etc - similar to a lady who might be a bit frisky.

    I dont think the food part discriminates on gender but I think people just decide to judge differently. Sorry maybe this is a stretch but I think it fits.

    Anyways, one time I left work "sick" at about 10:15am, and on my way home I passed a KFC. I decided I wanted fried chicken right then and there. Imagine my embarrassment when I rolled up to the drive thru and was told they didnt open until 1030 - normal people would have drove off in embarrassment, instead I waited the ten minutes while my food cooked.

    I also have called in fake complaints to Wendys just so I could get free food from them.
  • bmoncada1
    bmoncada1 Posts: 477 Member
    This happened when I was about 13 or 14. I decided to go to Mcdonalds with all of the money I had and bought 5 large fries(I loved french fries, I still do but not as much lol) and planned on eating them all myself. I got a big salad bowl and dumped all of the fries on the bowl. I sat down in front of the TV and proceeded to eat the fries like they were a bag of potato chips. I know I didn't finish them all but I made a pretty big dent in the mountain of fries I had.

    Not my proudest moment to say the least.

    I would do the same except I would usually order a variety of items, but spending 12-15 dollars on myself at McDonalds was the norm. God I DONT miss those days.
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    Oh my, the list is long haha

    Eaten an entire package of snickers in one setting ... You know, the package of full-sized candy bars? I think there are 10-12 AND I had a burger and fries from McDs

    Eaten a dozen muffins/donuts at once

    An entire chicken

    Carton of icecream

    A whole box of Debbie cakes

    Like I said, I could go on n on.
    Still, to this day, I fight these urges. Not sure it'll ever REALLY go away.
    But hey, each day... Hell, sometimes each hour... Is new :)
  • Rlavigne93
    Rlavigne93 Posts: 119 Member

    I also am not a stranger to the whole ordering two drinks at a drive-thru hoping the girl at the counter wouldn't know I planned to consume all that food myself.

    Because of threads similar to this on MFP, I now get mildly paranoid when I go to a drive-thru for For example earlier this week I stopped at BK to pick up 2 chicken sandwiches, a veggie burger, and fries. It fed me, my husband, and my mom...but now I'm thinking in the back of my head "I wonder if the cashier thought it was all for me?" I don't really care but this never entered my head until MFP! haha

    Although I can share the experience of hiding fast food trash from 1 place under my car seat when going to another fast food place. For example getting chicken nuggets at Wendy's and the same night, Starbucks for a latte. So silly really...I doubt the fast food workers give two shakes what we all eat, anyway!

    I work drive thru often and we do judge people for ordering a lot of food, but 3 or 4 entrees and a side are nothing. I'm talking about the people who get 2 family packs and eat it by themselves. 24 cinnabons at once. 3 burritos with beef, chicken, steak, AND bacon. Sometimes we have to tell people to take stuff off their item because our tortillas aren't big enough to wrap it. Our tortillas go up to 14 inches in diameter. My favorites are the people who come through eating food from a different fast food place, and then start in on what we give them while they're still at the window. Ugh.

    Serious question though, if the person pulled up and they were "normal" sized would you be less judmental than say someone who is overweight pulling up. I feel like people who are "normal" sized dont get looked at for eating an obscene amount of food, and then someone who is heavy may even order less but people see them and immediately make presumptions.

    In all honesty we find some reason to judge most everyone in an effort to feel better about ourselves. I do see your point though. I think the worst thing is unrelated to their weight. It's their impatience. I understand eating an obscene amount of food on my own, It's happened more times than I'd care to admit. But people not even being able to wait until they leave the window kills me. I've had to wait for people to grab a bite of their mcchicken before they pay for their burritos.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Okay, I just remembered a somewhat recent one.

    My husband and I went through the taco bueno drive-thru after being a little toasty. I wanted 2 party burritos, and he wanted 3. So, 5 total. So we pull in, he orders "5 party burritos". The attendant in a weirdly shocked voice answered "5??" So, my husband, thinking this is hilarious already, says "7", attendant "7?!?", husband "10!", and on and on until we reached the ridiculous total of 19, when I yelled "enough!" We laughed and laughed and split all but 3 of those poor unsuspecting party burritos.
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    This thread is wonderful. I feel less alone.

    It is also making me wistful for the good ole days. And a little bit hungry.
  • sarahjane135
    sarahjane135 Posts: 40 Member
    Ive had that triple dipper from Chili's numerous times and regretted it every time

    Potato wedges and a breakfast jack and two tacos all covered in Buttermilk from Jack n Box... uggghh

    And a all you can eat Sushi roll buffet... never again lol.

    And the devil----... Foot long coney with tator tots with cheese, sometimes chili on the tator tots...

    The article was funny. Thanks :laugh:

    I actually got that triple dipper last night....... With a side of southwest mac-n-cheese. I could only eat half but I brought the rest home and ate it later. No regrets though that chit was good.:sick:
  • KMW1219
    KMW1219 Posts: 63 Member
    Hiding in my car and eating a whole pizza by myself! Then stopped at a dumpster to dispose of the evidence lol.

    #embarrassing :P
  • Shirotora88
    I used to eat a full extra large pizza to myself when I was at my highest weight or I would order 3 foot long subs from subway and these were only one meal
  • cynthiamm67
    cynthiamm67 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm amazed no one mentioned this...

    I would go to a Mexican restaurant where I liked the chips and salsa, and eat, and eat...I could do 3 big baskets of chips myself. Sometimes I wouldn't eat my dinner so I could have more chips.

    And then there is the "free" sourdough bread ... I could polish off a loaf, or two, while waiting for my fish dinner...sigh.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I'm amazed no one mentioned this...

    I would go to a Mexican restaurant where I liked the chips and salsa, and eat, and eat...I could do 3 big baskets of chips myself. Sometimes I wouldn't eat my dinner so I could have more chips.

    And then there is the "free" sourdough bread ... I could polish off a loaf, or two, while waiting for my fish dinner...sigh.

    for some reason that reminds me of the rolls at Logan's...little buttery quite nasty (in my opinion) rolls, but they have a lot of calories. ex and his boss would go there for lunch and they knew the staff and would eat like 15-20 rolls each. The idea of it turns my stomach. Although I fully admit in my pre-MFP days I would eat at least 2 of them with the whipped honey butter just because they were there.