Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    New to this thread. Utilized another app for a long time, but MFP has a much better database...for now I record on both - but only participate on MFP boards.

    Still have another 30-40 pounds to go. Until now - like thousands of others - no "diet" worked beyond a few months (Medifast etc.); and now I will soon reach my 1 year mark! I really had just about thrown in the towel between weight and other health issues.

    Started out 12/1/13....tracking by calorie app has made the difference between success and failure. Still very motivated and going strong. Looking forward to reaching goal by Feb 2015.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: No complaints here. Besides all the walking we did in NYC I went to Boot Camp Wednesday thru Friday and going Saturday morning too. I just wish the running would get better. I still get so winded and it sounds like I’m about to keel over. I’m not, but I sound awful. I keep hoping as I lose another 20 lbs or so it will start getting a “little” easier. Yesterday was arms and shoulder work tonight all legs. I can’t even tell you how many squats we did. I’m guessing tomorrow will be core hopefully no more legs!!

    @ MrsMorgori/Amy – Ho Ho’s??!! Seriously??!! I use to LOVE those things, but haven’t had one in a very long time. I’ll take your word for it that it wasn’t any good. You better not eat any today!! Hang in there. You got this! Lets find a time and go out to dinner again. It would be great to see you and Tom again.

    @ NK1112, CoastGuardBill, Iahmed91, Lois1989, NikonPal – Welcome!!

    @ Naceto/Nicole – Work/life balance is one of the hardest things to achieve. I struggle with that ALL the time. What I have learned recently is when I am eating healthy, exercising, etc. . . I seem to find time to make the other stuff work. It’s not been easy that’s for sure. Hope you can find that balance. Just take one things at a time and don’t try to conquer it all at once.

    @ RobinsEgg/Ellen – Thanks. I don’t know what it is, but for some reason this challenge is clicking. It’s not been easy that’s for sure, but I guess that’s why I’m so focused on my food.

    @ Fera – Thanks for sharing the pictures! It looks so peaceful and serene. I haven’t had those kinds of open spaces in so long. We have a little patch of grass and the rest is dessert landscaping. The green is beautiful!! Enjoy your day. It sounds like it’s going to be GREAT!

    @ Teresa_3266 – 2 lbs away? You’ve got this!!!

    @ Cblue315/Lori – You know we’ve all been there that’s for sure. I know you don’t eat like that every day. It’s over. Hang in there!

    @ Laurie – Walking and talking is good. Always good to reconnect with old friends in unexpected places. Any word from the other friend on the Renaissance Festival?

    @ Skinny/Karen – Thank you again for being an awesome guide. If it wasn’t for you and Laurie, I know I would have gotten myself lost numerous times. One of these days my goal is to actually run beside you and Laurie. It may be a year from now, but we’re going to do it!!!

    @ Tanya – I hate to read you’re still struggling. I know how frustrating it can be when you have hour plus commutes on top of your others struggles. Hope things turn around soon.

    @ Toots – Welcome back and congratulations again! I think you’re going to have so many stories to share with us and I can’t wait!!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    NSV - I HAVE A LAP! Bought a lap top a few months ago and today I realized I can now lay it on my lap to type!!!!
    I have a lap for the first time in many years. :bigsmile:

    Scale vicory - down another 2 pounds. With my ultimate target in mind this is the first time in 23 years I do not have more than 100 pounds to loose.

    A sincere thank you to all who share here. I get so much from all of you.
    Sorrows shared are divided, joys shared are multiplied.

    Love to all, :love:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Nice posts I'm reading this AM! Glad to read everyone's shares.

    Nikon Pal -welcome - boy you have a great story - how inspiring - and welcome for your last leg of your journey!

    AFM - quite an interesting nite and morning. Last evening I was so tired. I had only slept about 4 hours the nite before due to not being used to the W-Vac noise. Nice girlfriend came over after work and make up my bed with fresh sheets for me - I loved that. But fell asleep in my recliner and never got to bed. This was fortunate actually, because the recliner was heavily covered in thick towels and I woke at 3 am quite wet! The W-Vac had "'sploded!" and leaked all over me - I was soaking wet! I called VNA right away and a nice male RN got here an hour later. By then I had gotten cleaned up, changed out of my shift (the only thing I can wear, and I only have 2 of them) and gotten all of the towels in the washing machine. He took the container off the W-Vac and it was completely empty. I had watched lots and lots of fluid go up the hose since THursday so I was sure - as I told the RN - that it was the W-Vac contents that had leaked on me. (He thought I might have had an "accident"..... :wink: Apparently these W-Vac's are rentals and get re-used by many, many patients, so who knows how old my device is. He got it all changed and said the first contained just didn't look, this will be an interesting road to go down.

    Now I am waiting on my dear Sis to come by and go get groceries and prescriptions. Gosh she is a saint. :love: I want to do something wonnderful back for her. I just keep offering and she keeps refusing. I need to come up with something! :flowerforyou:
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Watch your Caloieis ... 2/3 ... woo-hoo !!!

    Saturday Success ... I used to be on an 1800 calorie a day meal plan but my weight was not moving downward .. in fact it had crept up a little bit ... snf I was feeling very discouraged and disheartened. So, after doing some research, I dropped my meal plan to 1456 calories ... and it has taken a while to get off the 1800 calorie a day set-point. But this past week, I was able to come at goal for that new calorie goal on 3 of the 7 days with no problem. That feels like a success to me. And that feeling makes me feel encouraged and light-hearted.

    Love reading the posts on here. Like getting to know you all.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    October goals: Completed diary 2/3 days. Under/at calories 0/3 days.

    I'm having a "blah" start to the month. Lots going on at work right now and with the kids school stuff. I haven't been very active since the half marathon, which is hurting my calorie goals. I do plan on getting back on the exercise wagon with my workout buddy. We've set up several dates to meet at the gym over the next two weeks. Also, going to work on getting to bed earlier and dropping the late-night snacking. Seems like that is a constant struggle for me.
  • kcsillag
    kcsillag Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am new to myfitnesspal, but not to dieting. I have dedicated myself to not thinking about this as a diet, but as a process of acquiring healthy habits for life. If it takes me years, that's okay. I am learning patience. I'm in for the long haul. I have stopped eating sugar and most simple carbs. I am working in 100% whole wheat items instead of white. I am working on drinking all my water. It's been one month without sugar so far. I have only lost 5 lbs., which means it could take at least 2 years for me to get where I want to be. It's good to know I"m not alone.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.

    Happy National Vodka Day
    Celebrated Annually on October 4th
    “The Water of Life”
    The versatile, once virtually tasteless and odorless tipple accounts for almost 20 to 25 per cent of spirits sold today in North America, making it our most popular libation, a feat that occurred in the 1970s when it outpaced bourbon as America’s favorite spirit. We raise our glass on October 4 to toast National Vodka Day!
    Why Celebrate October 4th?
    While October 4th seems well documented as National Vodka Day, we have not found the origins of why, but it works for us. No harm celebrating responsibly on other days as well. October 4, 2014 is a Saturday!

    26 days,14 hours, 2 minutes until Halloween!

    81 days, 15 hours, 1 minute until Christmas!

    “You must have long-range goals to keep you from being frustrated by short-range failures.” ~Charles C. Noble

  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    I got up and walked this morning. The first day of a new or renew activity. Goal, realistic, is to walk three days, and maybe add a fourth day, plus doing my Silver Sneakers class two days a week.
    My calorie goal was at 1200 in order to lose 2 lbs. a week, but after serious discussion with my daughter, who has dropped 30 lbs since her c section with 3rd baby, during this last year, we decided 1400 calories is a much more realistic goal. The weight will come off soon, but I have been with this 20 lbs for 30 years so what is the hurry, as long as the scales are going down.
    Clothes are still tight compared to last winter when everything was comfortable, but gaining 15 lbs over the winter due to surgery makes things uncomfortable. So I am in no hurry but want to keep adding things that will make the process interesting along the way.
    I reduced my diuretic by 50 % to co incide with my bp med by 50 % and feel so much less fatigue in only 48 hours.
    Am keeping to diet to add more potassium at each meal and more protein at each meal. I googled foods that have more potassium and more protein and came up with quite a few foods that will enrich my menus but have zilch sugar and carbs. I am excited to be doing something different in my diet. Onward and up ward.

    Lori I am so thrilled that you have double digit number to lose weight wise and that you lap now has a lap top. You go girl. Trainers are the bomb, but trainees have the true grit and determination.

    Still doing 28 day challenge.
    Under calories ( limit is 1400) for the last three days.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @hansea--I'm also having kind of a "blah" start to the month regarding exercise. Wed. and Thurs. I was still tired from all of the traveling, then yesterday went out with friends after work so no gym visit. This morning I walked a 5k with friends and as I'm still in my workout gear, I'm planning to head to the gym soon. Hopefully, this will get me back into the swing of things again.

    @niki--finding the "sweet spot" in terms of a calorie goal can be so tough. I'm struggling with that process myself. Glad you are making progress getting to your new calorie goal.

    @robin--Eek! That sounds like quite a mess, glad it happened on the recliner since you already had the towels in place.

    @lori--awesome NSV!! :drinker: I remember a big one for me was realizing I could no longer reach the gas pedal b/c my butt had gotten smaller causing me to sit further back in my car seat. :laugh: Also, awesome that you have less than 100 lbs to go--we prominse not to kick you off the thread. :laugh:

    @susan--we will run together for sure! Great job getting right back to boot camp--I need to follow your example; I've been a slacker since returning. :blushing:

    @toots--wow 12 lbs?!?! That's crazy!

    @fera--wow, that's a lot of hair! DId you donate it to Locks for Love?

    @tanya--glad things are getting a little bit better. :flowerforyou: That stinks about your physio appt pushing you into rush hour for the drive home. :grumble: I only have a 7 mile commute, but I still rush out of work to keep my 15 minute drive home from turning into 30 minutes.

    @soosun--great job adding even more exercise to your routine! :drinker:

    @amy--I really do try to rest the shoulder, but then I'll forget and do something simple--like push open a door--and hurt it all over again. :cry: My husband also mentioned the backpack on wheels, but I work upstairs, so I would still have to carry it. Plus, only the "old lady teachers" have those. I know I'm no spring chicken, but at 45 I'm not ready for wheels. :tongue:

    @lois--yes, I often view my calories like money in the bank. Then if I'm tempted by a treat, I think about whether I really want to "spend" x amount of calories on it. Lately, I think I've been living off of credit. :blushing: Need to get away from that thinking.

    Saturday Success:
    I met my friend Brian (some of you know him as BV1980 here on MFP) to walk a 5k this morning. It was cold and wet--alternating between a very light drizzle and snow flurries. :noway: I know this is Chicago, but really!?!? Snow already?!?! We still had fun walking, and he brought another MFP along with which was nice. I wish the weather would have cooperated so we could've hung out for longer, but it was just too icky out. I'm going to follow up at the gym in a bit.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/14 AP analysis activities
    2. x/60 punctuation/ style quizzes

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--5k DONE + gym
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
    Mon-- rest day (late meeting)
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--rest day (dinner plans)

    October Challenge:
    Days under calories = 2/3
    Days >100g of protein = 1/3
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Saturday success: up at 6 for work (yes, on a Saturday :cry: ) lots of walking, my heel is killing me, but I've gathered so many calories for dinner I'm not sure I will eat them all! I have about 1,100 to get through!

    Too early days for a NSV, I only re-started on Wednesday. :ohwell:

    Off for dinner, may treat myself to a blob of ice cream :heart:

    Happy Saturday everyone!
  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    Happy Saturday :smile:
    ~Susan, We seem to eat out on Fridays. We should do Pizza Rock and bring your son. It would be fun. And yeah, Hoho's suck! I'll stick with my skinny cow calories :smile:
    ~Skinny, LOL "old teachers" crack me up. My "old" story.... We had dinner a couple weeks ago in Sun City, the elderly community, I think I was the youngest one (49) besides the Hostess! But it was real good...Oh Boy, I get my AARP card in December.....
    I had a good week:bigsmile: Shoulder seems better every day:bigsmile: Back to 6 little ones Monday, all 3 or under:heart: Will be busy, busy...busy.
    Have a Great Day :happy:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: This has definitely been quite a week. Between being in NYC earlier in the week and then returning full speed I've had quite the week. I'm really proud that I jumped right back into boot camp and still completed four sessions this week. I've already hit Sprout's and loaded up on veggies, Walden Farms, Mahi Mahi and Chicken. I'm ready for the week!!
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Saturday Success: Somehow I've managed to stay below my 1350 goal ALL MONTH! Haha! That's 4/4 days so far! Really, those 50 calories I cut out are KILLING ME. I don't know why, but I want them back. Whine, whine, whine. No mints for me all month.

    Also, I've learned a new skill this week-- putting hubby's meds in his PIC line with one eye shut! I've got a little sleep deprivation going here. He's so grateful that I'm doing this for him, I really can't complain too much.

    RobinsEgg/Ellen: Oh my goodness! I have never heard of a wound vac exploding! What a mess! Thank heavens your nurse was able to get there so quickly. How long do you need it? You have such a good attitude about the whole situation and that will help you in the long run to recover. Bless you.

    I leave for Baltimore on Thursday and worry about logging and exercise. Can't do it on my Android (too stupid), and going to restaurants I can't check out on the web beforehand frustrates me. Hope I can stick to my calorie and cardio goals.

    Beautiful fall day here. I wish the same for everyone.

    G'night all.:yawn:

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Mrs. Morgori- Wow, 6 little kids under 6 oh my, they will have you running all day.

    Susan- Great job getting back into the exercise so quickly and making boot camp 4 times this week. My week started back with meetings after work. Luckily, I was able to make the gym on Thursday. Yesterday, was back to climbing and the pool today. Tomorrow, I hope to go bike riding provided it is not rainy and to cold. It was great meeting up with you and Karen in NYC and yes we need to plan another trip. Running- I still have the same problem with breathing when I run to fast. Try slowing down when you run, slow your pace or shorten your stride. It will make a difference with your breathing and will help to increase how far you can run at one time.

    Karen- I am so happy that you were able to see Brian. He is looking good. I can't believe you had snow this morning, really it is too early for the "s" word. Impressive that you walked a 5K today. It was rainy here today as well and cold but at least no SNOW, I hope it stays away for a while. It was great meeting you in NYC, and I hope that we can travel again for an event next year.

    fera- I love the pictures of your new home.

    Saturday success came during swim team this morning- The set started at 8;20 and I was a little late but I made it to practice. The first set was 10-- 100's in 2 minute intervals and I did it. Granted I had to switch up my strokes but I was able to complete all 10 in the time allowed. I was very excited to realize that I swam 1000 yds in about 20 minutes or less then proceeded with the rest of the workout. Please I also made the interval for many of the 25's, which was a great sense of accomplishment today. I am looking forward to participating in my first swim meet in November. The October meet is out because I have birthday party to attend for a co-worker and there is no time to do both.

    I need to run and put icing on a birthday cake for my mom. It has been a busy day and night so I am exhausted.

    Have a great Sunday.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    October goal report: 3/4 days under calories, 36.7 miles walked, fair water consumption.
    I sabotaged myself today with cinnamon rolls. After the disappointment of the cinnabon cinnamon rolls, I really wanted a good one. I gave a lot of them away, but cinnamon rolls and waffle Saturday don't do anything for counting calories!
    Hope you are having a great weekend. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Over on calories for the day; sheer childishness on my par, I want it not the best nor correct answer. No excuses just the reality of the scale. On a positive note I walked three different times yesterday and it felt wonderful. YIng/yang/
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Had an off day yesterday. I slept really well, felt good but was so tired all day. To the point all I did was lounge around except for the trip to the supermarket. Brian worked on the nursery removing all the wall paper. We discovered the walls underneath are orange and yellow. Oh boy is it ugly and not my taste. Today he is going to tear out the carpet and pull up the linoleum flooring that is under neath it. We a re hoping to get our contractor in soon for estimate. So far Brian doesn't think we will need to replace all the drywall and do the full gut like we initially thought. But we will see what our contractor thinks. Fingers crossed it goes smoothly.

    My mom mailed out invitations for the baby shower on Friday. I cannot believe we are already approaching the shower time. Squeal. Things are really moving along rapidly and it is amazing for me. I am getting even more excited now than I was before.

    Alison - I say your daughter should invite her friend over. I grew up in a very good school district that had people who were multi-millionaires, middle class and those less fortunate. My family fell in the middle to upper end of the road. I had friends who were very poor as well as friends who lived in mansions which made us look poor. None of my friends cared where I lived, how much we had or didn't had nor did I care the same about my friends. We were my friends because we liked each other for who we were. In all honestly this girl really doesn't care what your house looks like. She just wants to hang out with your daughter and have a good time. Tell her to invite her and have a good time!

    Skinny - Thanks for being so understanding! Glad you had a good time.I cried reading your description of the race just as I did when I read Laurie's. You painted the picture just beautifully. I am glad you used the firefighters as your inspiration to keep going. If I was there I would have been bawling for sure. 911 has always been an emotional event for me being a NYer and pregnancy hormones just make it doubly as bad. Wow, snow flurries already? I definitely am not ready for that!

    Susan - Sounds like you had a blast in NYC. So glad.

    Robin - Oh no to the vac leak. Hopefully that doesn't happen again to you. I think that is nice that you want to do something nice for your sister. Is this the one who recently got the puppy? If so maybe you can get her something she needs for the dog?

    cblue - Great NSV. Congrats!!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy World Teachers' Day, held annually on October 5th since 1994, commemorates teachers’ organizations worldwide. Its aim is to mobilize support for teachers and to ensure that the needs of future generations will continue to be met by teachers.
    According to UNESCO, World Teachers' Day represents a significant token of the awareness, understanding and appreciation displayed for the vital contribution that teachers make to education and development.
    Education International (EI) (the global union federation that represents education professionals worldwide) strongly believes that World Teachers' Day should be internationally recognized and celebrated around the world. EI also believes that the principles of the 1966 and 1997 Recommendations should be considered for implementation in all nations.
    Over 100 countries observe World Teachers' Day. The efforts of Education International and its 401 member organizations have contributed to this widely spread recognition. Every year, EI launches a public awareness campaign to highlight the contributions of the teaching profession.

    “Be bold. Be confident. Be alive. A gallery of possibilities awaits you when you make change your friend.” ~Bob Bone
