Anyone look too young for their age, I do



  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    No, alas, I have never had the dilemma of looking too young. Sometimes people say I look young for my age, but when you're 46 like me, there's no such thing as looking too young:)
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Yep, its easy, I get mistaken as 16 and under quite a bit (so get offered child fairs!)

    And as drinking is 18 and over here, its a bit annoying when I got constantly asked, even when i'm buying a rather specialist bottle of alcohol as gifts.

    It starts with a laugh from me, then an 'oh you're serious, here you go'
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    From appearance, I look younger than my age but sometimes I can seem older than my age. I'm 24 :) It's mostly in how I carry myself. When I'm on a job, I act more confident, and with authority. Then people don't ever question my age. They actually assume that I'm older than them sometimes, even when I'm way younger.

    Be confident and find your voice. Don't shrink away and "become the quiet one." Stand out in a positive way :)

    And you can friend me if you want. :)

    this is great advice.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Yup, it changes as you get older. I actually enjoy being carded when I am standing in line for my liquor :)
  • InnocentLunatic
    InnocentLunatic Posts: 35 Member
    Most people say I look young for my age-- 21 now and the teenage acne still hasn't cleared up(though I'm planning on trying dry skin brushing soon so we'll see how that works), everyone assumes I'm still a kid. What's worse is my voice never changed, but I don't always mind that, as over the phone, telemarketers(and in person door to door salespeople) ask me if my mommy and daddy are home and I say no and shut the door/hang up ;) Although sometimes people make fun of my voice as they think it's adorable >.>

    But yeah, like some of the older folks said-- you won't mind it as much when you get older, and tbh a youthful appearence is usually a sign of healthy skin, so don't be ashamed
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    When I was 27 people were asking me where I went to school. Which is amusing considering that people thought I was 20 when I was 14. Go figure.

    I seem to have gained 5 years in 1 year when I lost weight though.
  • callmejessica
    callmejessica Posts: 1,868 Member
    Ugh I get this all the time! My favorite is when high schoolers come up to me and tell me I look familiar and ask where I went to high school. Then they ask when I graduated and learn that I graduated before they even entered high school so there is no possible way that they would know me!!! Hi, I'm Jasmine and I'm 24 but I look 16.
  • sarah_hite
    sarah_hite Posts: 41 Member
    I have been told that I look 18, even though I'm 25.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    This summer I had a couple guess me to be 18 (husband) or 21 (wife). Most people guess me to be between 25-27. I'm 35.

    I've had it all my life. At 18 and going to college, they thought I was 12 or 13. When I was 21 and teaching, people thought I was a high school student. Everyone kept telling me I would appreciate my youthful looks when I got older. I want to find all those people and tell them YOU WERE RIGHT!!!!!!! If people guess me to be in my 20's doesn't bother me a bit!!
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I'm 33 and I don't think it's been but in the last few years that I've stopped getting carded. Looking young for the last 15 years is starting to catch up to me. :grumble:
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    Hang in there. Learn to just be yourself and people will get over it in time and see beyond the surface. It is hard I know but when you are older there are then benefits to still looking younger and that's fun.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Yep but I totally appreciate that I do and I'm flattered when I'm carded. Lol! Looking younger is truly a blessing that not everyone experiences. I will be 40 next year. There will come a time when it won't bother you at all! :wink:
  • misslynn1976
    Yes I have the same problem. When I was 12 people thought I was 18, which was cool but now that I'm older and and people think I'm younger it's just annoying. I'm tired of being carded and mistaken for my daughters sister all the time.
  • Elvenhearted1
    Elvenhearted1 Posts: 38 Member
    Yes. I'm 31. People think I'm anywhere from 19 to 25. Very annoying, especially when I have my young son with me. One old biddy even had the nerve to look me up and down and say "Oh, you're just a baby yourself, tut tut tut." I replied with "Wow, I never thought 30 would ever be considered too young to have a child, boy things change huh!" Kinda funny watching her try and back track and say "Oh you look so young for your age, you should take it as a compliment!" I was like, "Yeah normally I would but it's not really a compliment when it comes from a place of judgement and disdain." Her face was GOLD.

    I hate the condescending "Oh, you'll appreciate it when you're older!" remarks you always get. Um, no, I would actually like to look my age, and excuse me but I don't buy in to the idea that youth equals beauty. What the hell is with that obsession?
  • Frankiigii
    Frankiigii Posts: 62 Member
    I just saw some statistics from OK Cupid that shows men of all ages tend to prefer women in their early 20s. That's just numbers based on responses from men to women on OK Cupid, but with such a huge pool of participants it can be fairly representative of general preferences. Although women seem to be guilty of the same thing, especially when hiring other women. Attractive women get more response from employers. However based on those numbers women tended to prefer men very close to their own age until they reached 40, when they started to respond more to men slightly younger than them. Interesting stuff.
  • JimmyRabuf
    JimmyRabuf Posts: 11 Member
    I like women of all ages, unfortunately this feeling is not mutual.
  • Frankiigii
    Frankiigii Posts: 62 Member
    I'm 27 and I often hear that I look like a teenager. I just laugh and say I'm sure I'll be thankful when I'm older. It doesn't bother me for whatever reason. I've also had people tell me from childhood that I seem wiser than my years. I like the advice that said to be confident. Appearance honestly can be second to your personality. It comes down to charisma, and I know some crazy charismatic people.
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    I'm 30 and people tell me that I look in my late teens to mid twenties. I can't complain - but it was really annoying when I was working at the high school and the temp security or sub staff would stop me in the hallways to tell me go back to wherever the students were supposed to be at the time.

    It can be annoying, but you'll embrace it when you're older.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    When my husband and I were flying home from our 1st anniversary trip, the flight attendant tried to tell me I couldn't sit by the emergency exit. You have to be 15 to sit there.

    So I know the feeling.

    The good news is that, in another 15 or 20 years, you'll look young! :wink: I'm at that point now, when nobody believes I could possibly be mom to teenagers. It's nicer now than when I was a newlywed, haha.
  • mrhonesty
    mrhonesty Posts: 274 Member
    People tell me that I look like a fat 40 yr old. Well that's true but who cares what people think? Do your thing and don't sweat silly opinions from people that don't matter in your life.