SWa Walking group - January Walk



  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, Fellow Walkers.

    Here we are at the end of another month. Thanks for all the motivation and support! I was behind in reaching my goal, so Friday I popped in the Leslie Sansone Five Mile Fat Burning dvd, and wow, those boosts really make a difference! On Saturday, I used it again, and then was only one mile from my January goal. So today, I was going to do the Three Mile Walk Your Belly Flat, but put in the wrong DVD - the Five Mile Slim Down. Man, was that intense. I didn't think I'd make it through all five miles, but feel good that I did. I did like the different moves, but the 83 minutes is a lot, especially when the Five Mile Fat Burning is only 63 minutes. Oh well, it's good to have variety. :ohwell:

    Jenny: I used a Heart Rate Monitor for the first time on Friday (forgot do put it on for Saturday's workout, but used it again today). I bought the Sportline Solo 960, which is also a watch. It tracks calories burned, fat grams burned, steps, and average speed (among other things). It's been interesting to compare it to the MFP calories burned. For example, according to my HRM, my average speed for today's walk was 3.8 mph. I entered in the 3.5 mph walking in MFP and it calculated 400 something calories burned, but the HRM noted 764 calories burned. I think I've read that MFP doesn't calculate your individual weight and age, so it's just an average???

    Teresa: sorry to hear you had issues with Sportline. This is my first HRM, so I have nothing to compare for ease of use.

    Welcome, new walkers. Hope to see you in February. (Thanks, Sandy, for coordinating us for next month!)

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    4 miles this a.m. Happy Monday!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good morning ALL!!!! :happy:

    I just completed 2.87 miles. A 1 hour walk & the pedometer reads 2.9 speed. I've never gotten higher then that even when I do a lot of jogging through out my walks.
    I just don't think I programed the HRM /Pedometer watch correctly. The speed never reads on that watch and it looks like to me that the HRM is only reading my heart rate only, It has nothing to do with how many calories Im burning, or how fast Im walking or the distance I've walked. :ohwell: OH WELL thats why I just use the regular Pedometer WATCH.

    Sandy! --- Your to funny!!! Yeah, If you see the weekend please give it back to me because I can sure use it :bigsmile:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    It was fairly nice yesterday (no rain!) so I took my grandson for a walk to get the Sunday paper. According to my pedometer--which seems to be working again--I walked for 2.5 miles.

    There is NO way I'll be making my goal the month! Oh well, I'll just try again in February! I think I will drop back to 65 miles since I'll be back at work. I do loads of walking there but I usually don't count that--maybe I should?
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks! I'll look those up and check them out. Was going to walk outside this a.m., but its on 10 degrees out, a bit too cold for me, did 20 minutes of yoga again. Will get one of the walking tapes asap.
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Happy Monday all :flowerforyou: . Well, I had typed up my post last night and my internet went down :noway: I was so frustrated cause I was actually going to meet the challenge I'd set for myself over the weekend by posting on the weekend. I did track all weekend, but only made the one post on Saturday- thanks Windstream :mad:

    I got to walk 1 mile yesterday. In addition, I tried one of the old tapes I have from either between the babies or before the babies - The Firm Supercharged Sculpting. OH MY! I couldn't do the whole thing (especially not the tall box climb thingys) and I probably didn't make it all look pretty, but I got a really good strength workout in and I'm a tinge sore today. I'll try it again Tuesday/Wednesday this week. So with that 1 mile yesterday I'm 0.8 away from January's revised goal and we will be doing 4 miles today at our 2:00p class. I'm hoping the walking will ease the soreness too.

    I'm thinking about February's goal and not sure if I'm going to keep it lower to allow for more strength workouts or not. Gotta think on it some more. I honestly can't believe February's already here as January just seemed to fly by :ohwell: .
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    Well wrapping up January with a bang Got 5 miles in today.
    Tomorrow we all start new. :drinker:
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Okay, just had to see my ticker today showing I made my goal after doing 4 Fast Miles today. Also gave February goal some thought given I need to add strength workouts in. See you all next month :drinker:
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    I made my goal this month YAY!

    I need to think alittle about my next goal. The strength training is really starting to pay off. I would like to work that in alittle more. But I do like to do it after I walk and all my muscles are warmed up. Hummm, I'll get back to you.

    I finally hit my goal weight. Ive decided to change my settings alittle now but Id like to still lose a few more pounds. Im going to set it to lose a half pound per week. Im ready for this to stop feeling like a diet. Does that make any sense? Also to everyone that has friended me my diary is still open. I just turned off the setting that shows I completed everything (even though I do) Your welcome to still take a peek if you want.

    Wish us luck with the weather forcast the next couple days. Some pretty nasty weather is heading to Wisconsin! Im right off the the lake so we might get slammed with a possible 2 feet! Hope they are wrong. But if they aren't Im going to start putting on my pedometer when I shovel!

    See you all next month! Have a good night everyone!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    It's up and going! Swat (I think I got it right this time) February walk!


    It's been a great month and we made a lot of new friends. The support here is wonderful. The members that have been around for a while keep us dedicated and the new members keep us motivated with their energy. I'm so thankful to have you all for your support and your friendship. I actually made my goal (first time in a few) but have been slacking the last few days.

    I see everyone is thinking about their February goals and I have some of the same questions. Stick with the same goal so I won't slack or go a little lower so I can get in more strength training? :noway: I'll figure it out and post on the new thread.

    I really hope to see you all there but if you can't make it for some reason then be sure to stop by to say Hi once in a while. And if you see us slacking, please give us a good kick to get us going again. :flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi, all! My first day back to work and it was a good one!

    I walked over 4 miles just at work, though I only count it as a slow walk because it involves a lot of stopping (and lifting, carrying, etc.). After a month or so I will change my activity level and not count it as exercise but right now I am getting used to it again so I am counting it and leaving my activity level alone.

    Everyone at the store seemed glad to see me. My favorite person there, though, told me he is moving to Texas in about a month. I'm going to miss him. (I hoped. at one time, to fix him up with one of my daughters but that didn't work out. They both chose other guys--oh well!)

    See you all next month!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Marie, What you said about not wanting it to feel like a diet anymore makes perfect sense. I've been having those same thoughts lately. I am still going to lose a few more lbs. I'd like to get down to 140 but I"m not in any real big hurry to do it. Mainly because I know that I will do it eventually and I think that by doing it slowly maybe I can learn to maintain a steady weight. That's something I've always had trouble doing and I really intend to keep it off this time. On March 1st I will have been doing this for one year and I don't really see myself stopping but learning to maintain, so if it takes me 6 months or more to lose 8 lbs then that's okay too.

    Kathy, thanks for the laugh, it was just so cute and unexpected. :laugh:
  • Hi all,,,,
    Sorry I've been MIA, had to go out of town for work over the weekend...... glad to be home again....
    try. the good news I took advangate of my brakes and walked 4 miles each day = 12 miles over and I've reachec my goal for the month.......:bigsmile: the bad news, all the eating out... I'm back up a couple lbs when I weighed in this morning....:sad:

    hope everyone is doing great. I'll catch up tomorrow,,,,,We get the day off because of the storm thats hitting everywhere.:bigsmile:

    hope you all stay warm and dry tonight :drinker:
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Final tracking for January (now to think of a February goal - 3 less days and like others, wondering about adding strength training days).

    See you all in the new thread...

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    2 more miles for the month. Bye bye January!
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    Forunately here in Pittsburgh we were spared the snow and ice they were predicting! I was able to walk 35 minutes today, good work out. Ordered the walking DVD to use when the weather is really ugly. Happy walking!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I don't want anybody to get lost . . . come join us on the February walk thread! :flowerforyou:

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