Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 4



  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    236! :) this week is gonna be a great one filled with great weightloss for all I can feel it :P
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    I posted under week's the update. I'll try to get on earlier in the morning, but it all seems to hit the once I get into work!

    Happy Monday all!

    Sorry so late, little one is home today with the sniffles.
    Current weight is back down to...142!

    I did really well last week with water and stuck to my workouts, so far this week.
    1) At the very least 8 cups of water
    2) Treadmill 4x's this week and let's see if I can do 3.5 miles each time
    3) Start the P90X series this week too.
    It all depends on how much more shoveling will be in store for me this week. So over the snow!

    Have a great afternoon.
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    seems my scale remembered this week that it CAN display other numbers besides 222. Down to 220.4 which is officially 2.2 lbs away from last week.... but 1.4 lbs from my last weigh in here. :) about 15lbs away from being overweight. haha.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    109 even. Exactly the same as last week which is what I was supposed to do, maintain. Had a completely craptastic week of sickness which put me behind AGAIN with P90X and 10K training. WHATEVER! I'll just keep at it and finish when I finish.

    I hope all of you have a FANTASTIC week!
  • goldilocks007
    Lost a pound this week! Down to 196.:smile:
  • dvlpup69
    This is CRAZY!!!! I am still at 165.9 and am not loosing anything. I find myself just being drawn to the unhealthy stuff as depression is trying to take hold. I am so discouraged. But to look on the bright side? I am not gaining right?

    Keep your fingers crossed for me for next week.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    180.8, -1.6 lbs
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Been in Savannah for almost a week.....leaving my weight as is for this week. Even though I had lost more before I left I am almost the same as last Monday!!!
  • amouser
    amouser Posts: 19 Member
    I havent lost anything this week again. I can feel that I dont feel much thinner.
    I have been going to the gym consistenly recently, every day, doing circuit weight lifting and cardio each time. definately breaking a sweat! Im taking a break and going to Zumba tonight.

    Goals for this week,
    1. 8 glasses of water/day
    2. workout at least 5 days this week
    3. keep up with the fresh fruits and veggies, ive got this down!
    4. stop with the side snacking, possibly quite eating at 9pm, no more food after that!
    5. get some more sleep!!
  • meganhmb
    205.6! Yay!!

    Goals this week:
    1. Stay within my calorie range
    2. Don't lose focus over the weekend
    3. Go to the gym at least 4 days
  • bronzegemini
    bronzegemini Posts: 49 Member
    Okay - lost a pound. I'll take that! 178,4!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Great job so far ladies!! :)
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    216.5 this week. On the plus side, 1.5 lbs lighter than last Monday. On the minus side, 1 lb heavier than 2 days ago on Saturday!

    My knee is still injured so all my exercise goals went to pot and I go back to work on Wednesday- I've been off since Christmas. SO my goal will be to continue to log my food even when I'm back at work.
  • rockonerin
    173.2 today.
  • brittanydaniel79
    Hey! Sorry I've been missing! I'm at 196.6 today. I've been keeping up with you guys, just no time to post. <3 You all!
  • Angie3G
    Angie3G Posts: 29 Member
    lost 2.6lb this week.
    Current weight 176.4lb
  • sray30
    sray30 Posts: 97 Member
    Same this week. I ate too much food with high levels of salt. Is anybody doing P90X? I'm interested but worried that it will be too overwhelming. Do you have to follow the diet that comes with it?

    NO fast food
    If I don't go to Curves, I must get on the treadmil!
  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    Hello all great week!!!!!!! I weighed in this morning at... 198.4 =D

    Also got on the treadmill and ran more than I thought I could!

    Its been an amazing week!
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    140 again this week!

    Feeling a lil discouraged. No loss for 2 weeks now. It is that TOM for me soooo..imma blame it on that and hope for a better next week. Keep it up everyone! ;)