MEN: Lose 10 in Feb. Challenge!

jjcunningham85 Posts: 56
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey Guys,

One thing I've noticed over the years in my yo-yo weight loss battles, is that I always tend to do best when I am being held accountable for my progress. So I started looking for a group or "team" that was setting a short-term weight-loss goal with someone keeping tabs on the groups progress. What I found was a few groups wanting to lose 2-5 pounds over the month, comprised solely of women. I didn't really want to be the only guy in one of these groups so they didn't quite fit the bill that I was looking for, and thusly probably wouldn't give me the motivation I need. My Solution... Start my own group!

Here's the Challenge:

Lose 10 pounds in the month of February!!!

Submit your weekly starting weight on Monday. I'll post everyones weekly progress on Tuesdays.

If you wan't to get involved, post on the thread, and stay dedicated. If you say you want to join, than I expect a starting weight, and weekly check ins on each Monday. Don't just talk about it, be about it!

You can lose 10 pounds in February, I know you can. This is a group to support one another, offer Man-friendly healthy recipes, workout tips, and general encouragement.

I hope enough of you fellas out there join to make this a positive, helpful, and successful venture.

Thanks, and Good Luck,

Jay C.

My Starting Weight: 252 (Feb. 1)
February 28th Goal: 242
Final Goal: 190


  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    Im down!
    Today 270.7
  • OK I'm up for that too, I'm a little competetive so I'm sure this will help.
    Unfortunately I have a weekend away planned for this week so I'll have plenty to do next week and for the rest of the month.

    I haven't weighed today, my weight on Sat 29th Jan was 248lb
    So I'll set my target at 12lb loss for Feb, target 236lb
    My 1st goal is 224lb
    Ultimate goal is 210lb

    Thanks Jay C and good luck,

  • kevinbc
    kevinbc Posts: 34 Member
    I'm in

    starting weight January 1 241

    weight as of Feb. 1 226

    goal weight March 1 216
  • ForTheFam
    ForTheFam Posts: 88 Member
    Sure could use the help. My Feb goal is to become overweight (209lb)...I'm obese now(225 lbs) the least I'm not Morbid anymore.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Count me in!

    249 as of yesterday, aiming for 239 by March 1st :)

    Good Question, Just post your weight in this thread next monday. Good Luck!!!
  • I"m in all kinds of February Challenges so count me in..... I guess I start at todays weight..... 264.

    Good luck boys and if Brett Farve wants to join in the answer is no..... he's a quitter (way to many times).
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    I'm so down!! add starting weight today is 208.....GOOD BYE 200's!!!!!!
  • I'm in. Starting out at 287!
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    Yeah, Man!

    I'm in. My start weight is 313.

    That's kinda hard to believe. I can remember only being 180 about 35 years ago! Wow, we really do it to ourselves, don't we?
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I am in! My starting weight is 266. My goal weight on March 1st is 254.
  • I'm in

    Feb 1 228
  • I'm in!
    265 today.
    255 by March 1st.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    OH, OH, OH I'm in,,,,, weighed 255, friday the 28th, can we say goodbye forever to the 250's ;),,,,,, you bet they are out of here
  • Count me in as well....was 224 this morning.
    Here we come 214!!!!
  • I'll play,

    Currently 234lbs ~ 106Kg

    Target is to get to 227 / 103kg by end of Feb originally but will go for the 10!

    Ultimate target is 216lbs / 98kg by April 1st...
  • I'm down for the challenge.
    1st Feb: 248
    GOAL: 1st March 238

    Bring it on :-)
  • Glad to see so many guys have joined up. However joining the thread is the easy part, if only you burned a couple hundred calories from typing "I'm In." But obviously, you don't so we're all going to have to be dedicated.

    I've found in my weight loss struggles that the faster I lose the weight the more likely it is to return. We could of had this group be lose 15-20 pounds in February, and there is quite a few guys that could pull it off. Just eat like a rabbit and work out 2-3 hours a day everyday and boom there you are. But when you get back into a normal schedule and eating pattern, even if your eating healthier than when you started your body goes into "storage" mode because it doesn't know when another "tough time" is coming. So the solution is changing your lifestyle, and it doesn't have to be drastic. Use the tools here on MFP to help you. The biggest one being the Food Diary. If you don't use it your missing out. Log in what you eat every day and stay below your daily caloric allowance. However, you don't want to stay too far below it because then your body can go into "starvation" mode and cling to every calorie and gram of fat it can. So I'd say stay below, but get within 200-300 to your daily allowance. As far as working out goes, its good to do something physical everyday, whether its just taking a walk, taking the stairs, or a short bike ride. But at least 2-3 times per week you have to mix in some medium to high endurance cardio. Your body doesn't start burning body fat until about 20-25 minutes of cardio, so make sure if your going to jump on the elliptical or treadmill, you are going to be able to do it for at least 40 minutes to an hour.

    So start the month off right and make good choices. For me when it's the middle of the work day and I need to grab a quick lunch and I have so many options, it's very, very difficult for me to make healthy choices. But if you truly want to lose weight, this is exactly what you have to do. In the morning, plan what you want to have for lunch and plug it into MFP food tracker. If it's a healthy choice and its going to allow you to stay on track for your daily calories, Stick to having that for lunch... And stay away from adding in a cookie or brownie or any sweets they have sitting there next to the register!

    Well that's all for today, I just want to make sure everyone gets off on the right foot. Go ahead and post if you've got in a good workout or made a good eating decision, I want to hear some real positve stories.

    Best of luck guys. I know we can do it!

    Jay C.
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    I'm in... Starting weight 160.5

    If I do lose 10 lbs that would mean hitting my goal weight so that would be awesome.
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