30 Day Shred Challenge 9/1--First day!!!



  • lisarae
    lisarae Posts: 113
    I would say I'm addicted. I'm getting up at 5 AM every morning to do this. Losing sleep--precious to any mom out there with little ones!

    Shredded on Level three. Double jump ropes just aren't my thing BUT I am starting to mostly follow Natalie. I could MAYBE do levels 1 and 2 back to back, but definantly not 2 to 3. No way!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I would say I'm addicted. I'm getting up at 5 AM every morning to do this. Losing sleep--precious to any mom out there with little ones!

    Shredded on Level three. Double jump ropes just aren't my thing BUT I am starting to mostly follow Natalie. I could MAYBE do levels 1 and 2 back to back, but definantly not 2 to 3. No way!

    That's awesome! I have a 1.5 yr old and a 3 yr old and it's true - our "private time" is very precious! I also use most of it on working out and logging on here!

    Have a great day tomorrow!
  • alisha123
    OK, I finally got my DVD today so I started the 30 day challenge today....I did level 1 and wow...that's all I can say. My legs still feel a little shaky. I love it though.

    My goal is to do level 1 for 10 days, level 2 for 10 days and then level 3 for 10 days. And I will try to throw in a day or 2 of jogging a couple miles. I currently weigh 130 pounds and would like to lose 10 pounds by October (especially by October 10th, my wedding day :love: ) I will weigh myself once a week, every Monday.

    Good luck everyone and listen to Jillian!
  • mamakitty
    I did level 2 today with a kickboxing video. I'm spent.
    I plan on doing level 2 again tomorrow with some weight lifting.

    Have a good one.

  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Day 2!

    Wow, I did a lot today! Full day at work, then went to the gym and ran and walked on the treadmill for about 45 minutes (and I HATE running, so this is something I am forcing myself to do), came home, ate dinner, did my pushups, then did level 1. And now I'm thinking of getting up early tomorrow to do it. :noway:

    Weigh-in and measurements tomorrow.
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    Sept 2 - Day 2

    I did Level 2 :happy:

    The plank cardio ones KILL my wrists!! During that part on these I hold onto my weights while in the plank position so that my wrists are straight rather than extended (which is what kills my wrists). Then during the very last ab workout (in the plank position) I tried going down onto my elbows and it actually worked pretty well - I know my arms aren't getting as good of a workout but I think doing the strength part with 5 pound weights makes up for that ...... at least in my mind it does.

    Good job everyone!!! :drinker:
  • JanCar
    My Shred video has shipped yesterday according to Amazon...can't wait to start it...well considering what I'm hearing about this evil thing, maybe I shouldn't be so excited:noway:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello fellow shredders!!! I did levels 1 and 2 this morning. I started with level 2 this time...great workout!!! Feel great!!! I burned 393 calories. Resting from shred tomorrow...have a great day!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Joselem
    Wed 09/03/08 06:00 AM
    I did not have enough gas to do the shred after working my 12 hr shifts...( I wake up at 545am home at 1900) but i did do some powerwalking for 35 minutes burning 225 minutes...
    I plan to do the shred on all my days off...alternating with powerwalking when i work...
    My goal is to lose 5-8 pounds this month! This a great motivator! Thanks Jillian!
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    I am going to shred tonight. I am going to do level 2, I think I am ready because I am just not sore anymore and feel like I can handle more.

    Question for you....Does everyone wear sneakers or does anyone do it barefoot?
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    OK, Day 3 - did level 1 this morning. Sore! Emi, I definitely wear sneakers, but I also tend to get plantar fasciitis, so shoes and arch support are a must.

    It looks like my starting weight is 164. :grumble: So my goal is to lose 5 lbs this month - 159, which will just get me into the 'normal' BMI range. Yay!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    So I missed the first couple of days but I'm here now! I did level two today since I've been doing level 1 three times a week for two weeks or so. I hate level two! I'm sure I will get used to it, but I hate it. It wouldn't be so hard on me if I wasn't doing the push up challenge too. I was thinking about trying to do it everyday (was just thinking 3x a week. I may go ahead and do it 5x a week. I don't usually work out on the weekends. My arms are shaking this moring! Whew!
    Everyone is doing so well! Keep it up!
  • nikkid917
    Ok so I did Level 1 yesterday - this was my first time ever - and boy am I sore!!!! I think I should have stretched much more afterwards - Jillian's stretches are not good enough for those of us that are completely out of shape!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I shredded again this morning - that is 3 shreds in a row - I think tomorrow I will just rest and go for a run. My shoulders are sore, as are my chest muscles - and of course, those tend to be my weakest muscles!

    Anyone using different weights for different muscle groups?

    Have a great day ladies!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I don't have weights except for a 5,6, and 8. I am NOT using those with the Shred DVD.:noway: I have the 3 lb bar from the Taebo amp series that I use when it can be, but mostly I just use resistance. I would like to get some 2 pound weights this weekend if I can fit it in the budget. I'm sore without the weights though since I am doing other exercises as well.
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    I don't have weights except for a 5,6, and 8. I am NOT using those with the Shred DVD.:noway: I have the 3 lb bar from the Taebo amp series that I use when it can be, but mostly I just use resistance. I would like to get some 2 pound weights this weekend if I can fit it in the budget. I'm sore without the weights though since I am doing other exercises as well.

    I can only handle 2 lbs weights! I got them at walmart for $2.50 each. I have ZERO upper body strength, so hopefully, one day, I can handle more. But for now, 2lbs is right for me! :drinker:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Today was my 2nd day. Calves were still sore from Level 1 yesterday, but I decided to be brave and try Level 2. Loved it! 250cal burned! Whoohoo! :drinker:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I started on 8/29, 'cause I'm gonna be gone for a week this month. I did Level one three days in a row, then played an hour of frisbee football with my kids on day four, and did level one again last night. The legs were KILLING me, but what an incredible feeling. I haven't had this pain in my legs since the first day of softball practice in high school, when they work your butt off. How glorious.

    My children love this DVD. 7 of my 9 kids are doing it with me, (age 16 down to age 2 to varying degrees) and it's adorable. They love Jillian's attitude of "You want to work out only 20 minutes a day? Then you better keep your butt moving-- "or however she words it.

    Not sure when I'll move up to level 2-- level one still kills me, but my legs are feeling stronger today, less sore. This has been a thrill. Thank you to whoever started this challenge.

    Level one again tonight and definitely for the rest of the week. My snot-nose 16 year old daughter, a total physical specimen (the little booger) who inherited her father's metabolism and can eat herself into oblivion with no weight gain while I gain from sniffing her table scraps, says she's ready to move on to level two-- arrgggh. :grumble:

    But, I don't think I'm going to push it for now.

    Have a great day one and all-- :smile:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I started on 8/29, 'cause I'm gonna be gone for a week this month. I did Level one three days in a row, then played an hour of frisbee football with my kids on day four, and did level one again last night. The legs were KILLING me, but what an incredible feeling. I haven't had this pain in my legs since the first day of softball practice in high school, when they work your butt off. How glorious.

    My children love this DVD. 7 of my 9 kids are doing it with me, (age 16 down to age 2 to varying degrees) and it's adorable. They love Jillian's attitude of "You want to work out only 20 minutes a day? Then you better keep your butt moving-- "or however she words it.

    Not sure when I'll move up to level 2-- level one still kills me, but my legs are feeling stronger today, less sore. This has been a thrill. Thank you to whoever started this challenge.

    Level one again tonight and definitely for the rest of the week. My snot-nose 16 year old daughter, a total physical specimen (the little booger) who inherited her father's metabolism and can eat herself into oblivion with no weight gain while I gain from sniffing her table scraps, says she's ready to move on to level two-- arrgggh. :grumble:

    But, I don't think I'm going to push it for now.

    Have a great day one and all-- :smile:

    That's great that your kids do it with you! Today my 3 yr old and my 18 month old joined me - they were SO cute trying to replicate the moves (the crunches are just the cutest). When I was doing the chest flys, my daughter was attached to my like a bear hug (don't worry - safety was a first concern!).

    My 18 month old daughter even replicated my heavy breathing! I can't wait until we can workout together when they are older (sorry to hear that your daughter is "snot-nosed" - don't most teenagers have serious chips on their shoulders? I know I gave my mother some grief, and I was a good kid! I'm bracing myself already!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I started on 8/29, 'cause I'm gonna be gone for a week this month. I did Level one three days in a row, then played an hour of frisbee football with my kids on day four, and did level one again last night. The legs were KILLING me, but what an incredible feeling. I haven't had this pain in my legs since the first day of softball practice in high school, when they work your butt off. How glorious.

    My children love this DVD. 7 of my 9 kids are doing it with me, (age 16 down to age 2 to varying degrees) and it's adorable. They love Jillian's attitude of "You want to work out only 20 minutes a day? Then you better keep your butt moving-- "or however she words it.

    Not sure when I'll move up to level 2-- level one still kills me, but my legs are feeling stronger today, less sore. This has been a thrill. Thank you to whoever started this challenge.

    Level one again tonight and definitely for the rest of the week. My snot-nose 16 year old daughter, a total physical specimen (the little booger) who inherited her father's metabolism and can eat herself into oblivion with no weight gain while I gain from sniffing her table scraps, says she's ready to move on to level two-- arrgggh. :grumble:

    But, I don't think I'm going to push it for now.

    Have a great day one and all-- :smile:

    That's great that your kids do it with you! Today my 3 yr old and my 18 month old joined me - they were SO cute trying to replicate the moves (the crunches are just the cutest). When I was doing the chest flys, my daughter was attached to my like a bear hug (don't worry - safety was a first concern!).

    My 18 month old daughter even replicated my heavy breathing! I can't wait until we can workout together when they are older (sorry to hear that your daughter is "snot-nosed" - don't most teenagers have serious chips on their shoulders? I know I gave my mother some grief, and I was a good kid! I'm bracing myself already!

    Oh my-- no, let me clarify-- she's a "snot-nose" BECAUSE she's a physical specimen who can eat her way to oblivion. While she's fully "16" attitudinally once in a while, she is really a lovely girl. I couldn't ask for better daughters-- my 18 year old son, on the other hand,-- ugh-- there's one with the chip on his shoulder-- can't wait for him to move out. :wink: