Fit for Future Families - February 2011



  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Hmm... so the problem with not replying to all of you right away is that I have no clue where to start when I jump back in. Yikes!

    Welcome to the new members. Commenting on the thread automatically makes you a member. :smile:

    Feel better, Pam!

    Alisa, I hope you're hanging in there!

    Heather, sorry about AF and the snow. It sounds like you got a lot more than we got and we got a crazy amount for the midwest. Stay warm!

    Abeare, good luck getting back on track foodwise today!

    kt4au, good luck this cycle! I hope the clomid does the trick for you! I also hope you enjoy not having the stress of a job!

    I'm finally free from my house. It was nice to have the two snow days. I did not exercise, but I did deep clean the house from top to bottom and got quite a bit of a workout from that. And a clean house! I cleaned all but our office, which needs some insane organizing before I can clean. We don't use it anymore since the desktop computer crashed and my husband stopped playing his drums. It seems all of the clutter has gone to die in there. Maybe I'll tackle that this weekend... I'm hoping to do some pilates tonight. I'm not sure I'm breathing well enough yet to hop on the elliptical.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Have any of you used MFP while pregnant? What adjustments calorie and exercise wise did you make? Just curious for when it does happen. I don't want to let myself go....

    Also, maybe I am the only one in the dark here, but can someone please break down the acronyms for me? I have been able to figure out TTC and AF on my own but am at a loss for the rest. :ohwell:

    Thanks chicks. Hope everyone is having a great week. Weekend is almost here! Woo hoo!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    :Hi ALL!

    nkster~ Enjoy your ski trip! I have never been skiing, but I would really like to try.

    Heather~ 2 hours of shoveling!! WOW :noway: You definitely burned some calories! You will love your HRM. I love mine! I like having a more accurate calories burned. I have noticed MFP over estimates, for me anyway.

    Jalara! I'm so glad to see you stopped by! I love that you started jogging. I have had the desire, but the cold has definitely stopped me from doing so. My fingers are crossed for you and twins :wink:

    Alisa~ Poo! BFN:grumble: A girls weekend sounds great! I am with you on that new start Monday! I have been terrible. I will be on the "only broccoli" :wink: diet with you.

    kickrz~ Welcome! Chime in when ever you feel. :flowerforyou: Hubs and I just started trying in December/January and I am still trying to loose the last few pounds. And let me tell you, it is not going good. It is very true when they say the closer to the end, the harder it gets! Hope you the best!

    Laina~ Welcome! This is a great group of women. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to share!

    Ashley abeare~ I totally am with you in the crappy eating area! I was Horrible!!!!!!!! My snow day was terrible; I hate everything in the house. Then I decided to bake because I was incredibly bored, blueberry muffins and Chocolate chip Oatmeal cookies just added to my horrible eating of the day. Ugh, I really need to get back on track. The scale is going to just laugh at me on Monday. :ohwell:

    Erica~ Sounds like you had a very productive snow day. I was planning to do some major cleaning, but failed misrably! Instead I sat on the couch and pigged out. Boo. Your office sounds exactly like ours. It has become a drop-spot for all things that don't have a designated place in the house.

    AFM~ Nothing really, other than I have completely failed at eating right, working out, drinking water, keeping up with the house, and BDing (DH has been working overtime at the airport with all this snow). I'm in slump and REALLY need to get out! :sad: So I have vowed to go to Zumba tonight, have my food planned for the entire day, but I forgot my water bottle at home...2 out of 3 is ok i guess. :grumble: Geese, just call me Negative Nancy today. Sorry...Blah
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Better Balance, there is a list of acronyms here halfway down the page:

    kcurtis, enjoy yourself at Zumba and stop beating yourself up. :flowerforyou:
  • Hey Ladies- I think I found the right thread! I hear that snow is the story of the week. We have been out of school since Tuesday. I have not been very good since the snow. Realistically, I am trying to loose 10-15 pounds before IUI in March - If everything with DH checks out. TTC #1 three years on and off.

    Balance- I totally understand the weekend warrior:tongue: I will do good all week and loose 2-3 pounds. I will gain it back over the weekend. I am glad I am not the only person trying to loose before starting a family. I want to set up the best environment! I will check you ladies on Monday- I love the accountability

  • Hey everyone.

    Fairly new to MFP and new to this group. Just got word yesterday that I am headed for my 7th sinus surgery... while I am sooooo frustrated, at least afterwards I can finally get off some of the pain killers and focus on getting healthy while TTC. Yet another setback... hard to exercise when in so much pain.... so do what I can.

    Keep it up ladies!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Welcome ladies! So sorry about your upcoming surgery, bmhicks. I hope this does the trick! I hope the IUI works out for you Deilove!
  • bissabwell
    bissabwell Posts: 26 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm new here as of Monday and joined with the goal of losing the excess baggage so that we can start TTC later this year. I have a long road to go but think this board sounds like a good place to keep me focused.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Quick post before class -

    Welcome to all the newbies!!! Jump in there, it can be a little overwhelming at first but don't let that deter you from posting, asking questions etc etc We are close knit group but are also very welcoming to newcomers!

    Erica I'm in the same boat, i leave for ONE day and i think i'm going to have to wait until i have some free time this afternoon to actually post individual responses!

    Hope all of you guys in the North and North West/East are keeping warm! It's finally GORGEOUS here! Clear blue skies and about 55 degrees! (Fahrenheit)

    So unexpectedly my husband calls me last night at about 630pm asking for a ride...He wasn't able to land on the boat due to other traffic (too many planes not enough runway) so they sent them home for the night. While it was nice to have another night with him, we had both emotionally prepared ourselves for him to leave yesterday so it was even harder when he left again this morning. To top it off, i came home for a second after i dropped him off only to realize that AF had shown up and she was MAD!!! Every symptom in the BOOK! I've determined by process of elimination that i think i did in fact have a cyst. When i looked up the symptoms it causes irregularity (which could be why AF never came last month) frequent urination and stabbing pain in the abdomen when it ruptures. So i think monday when i was having those terrible pains it had ruptured and now i'm back on track. I'm going to keep temping to get a good baseline for when he does get back and when i do go visit him we can try again and up our chances! i don't think i'm going to do OPK's as i don't really need to know BEFORE i ovulate, i just need to know WHEN i ovulate.

    So...trying to keep a positive attitude. Plus this gives me time to get back down to a happy weight, get really fit and healthy and maybe even do some toning before he gets home and before we TTC again. Right now planning a trip to visit my family in FL in late april so i have about 10 weeeks to atleast lose...10lbs...that's not an unrealistic goal...just gotta be diligent! I haven't been "home" in almost a year (over a year when i actually go) so i want to look awesome so ppl can see that just bc you get married that doesn't mean you get to "let yourself go"!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    ACK!!!!!!!!!!! LOL - craziness ladies, pure craziness........I will wait till I get home to post, but today's going to be a bad eating day for me. I doubt I'll have time, but I'm hoping to do something after eating out at the restaurant tonight. My hunger's back aftr being sick so I'm thinking tomorrow morning, the scale won't be kind (my every other weigh in routine to keep me honest......double ACK)

    Hi to all the new faces and hi to all the regulars (bet you thought I was going to say old faces).....I will catch up when I get home. I've been working solid since 6 am again and it's almost 4pm now.....sigh....these 10 hour days are going to kill me!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Kah how is Merlin doing? Hope all is going okay. Are you on your second round of Clomid? What CD are you on?

    kcurtis zumba sounds like a great way to pick right back up and get on the wagon! It is about the big picture. Don't allow yourself to beat yourself up about some bad eating choices. Keep up your plan for zumba and plan out your meals and you are well on your way to your goals!

    erica sounds like you really did make the best of your snow days! We ended up getting about 2 feet of snow and the plow just came through last night for my road. I left the house today and the hwy is clear but the side roads are still a bit iffy. Looks like snow is in the forecast again for possibly Sun and Mon. We are going to buy a snow blower so don't worry, MO won't be getting any snow for the next 5 or so years! lol! (Our luck)

    Pam there is nothing like being tired and stressed to kick start those hunger monsters! Just get through the today and tomorrow is a fresh start!

    Alisa I'm so sorry AF has shown her ugly face....I really thought it was our month. Bah. And what a double whammy to have your hubby have to say goodbye twice. At least you have an idea of what the deal was with the wacky cycle. I think it is great that you are staying so positive! There is nothing like having an upcoming goal to get you back on track and get focused. When are you planning a trip to see your hubby? Didn't you say something about it being somewhere exotic? I'd give my right arm right now to be laying on a beach with a fruity drink and the warm sun and ocean waves....Sorry daydreaming while typing! lol! How long is this deployment? Mine leaves March 18th (I think) and will be gone until May then leaves again in June until August.

    Welcome to all the new ladies! Jump right in as several of the others have said. We are at all different stages just going for the same be healthy and to have a baby! :) As far as doing anything different while TTC I've personally not changed my exercise routine or my calorie goals on MFP. When you get pregnant you only need 300 extra calories per day. When I become pregnant I will just go into "maintenance" mode but keep up with my exercising for as long as possible.

    Today is CD3 and my first dose of Clomid. I've heard that taking it in the evenings helps with the symptoms so I've decided to take it before bed. The plan of attack is the same as before, do Clomid CD3-7 50mg, acupuncture 2 times per week the first 2 weeks of my cycle, taking Metformin 1500mg, (Plus prenatals, fish oil, folic acid, wheatgerm oil, baby aspirin, Calcium w/vit D) OPK starting CD10 until a :smile: using Preseed and babydancing starting CD10 every other day until pos OPK then every day for 4 days. Let the games begin....:laugh:
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Morning ladies. You've all been busy since I last posted!

    kt4au - We've been having cloudy days recently but still so very muggy!

    kah74 - is your cat feeling any better?

    abeare - Not to worry definitely BDing happening, lol. We haven't quite gotten bored of it just yet, thank goodness. And I wish I had snow where I am but it very very rarely happens even in the middle of winter! Occasionally we get hail but never snow.

    jalara & heather - how is the Clomid going? I hope it is helping?

    alisia - sorry about the BFN. I can't take my temps orally because they are just erratic most days. They are more stable taken at the other end for me.

    kickrz - I am doing my best to loose weight to TTC. My being overweight is most likely what is holding me back at this stage from conceiving.

    better-balance - I'm not sure how it will work for me if I get UTD before gaining my goal weight. I think it will depend on close I am to it as to whether to try to continue loosing safely if I am still too far from goal weight or to just maintain if I am close enough to goal weight for a healthy pregnancy.

    Not a lot happening here today. Just having a break before getting off my backside to do my Zumba session and Belly Dance session. Just came back from taking the dog for a walk and he seems to have cut his foot slightly on some glass at the park. Not effecting him at anyway so will leave it to him to clean and look after. Not big enough to require stitches or anything.
  • HML - you make me tired with all your exercise LOL...

    AFM- Hi! I am Carrie 23 and DH 26 been TTC for way to long! After throwing a tantrum at the doctors, they did test and i have been told I have PCOS and referred to a specialist! Lately I have had a 12 day cycle and then a 18 day cycle current CD8!
    So since getting my AF back I have had 34/22/12/18! So I am trying to lose weight to see if that would help!

    OH and HistoryMissingLady is always trying to steal my limelight!
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    HML - you make me tired with all your exercise LOL...

    AFM- Hi! I am Carrie 23 and DH 26 been TTC for way to long! After throwing a tantrum at the doctors, they did test and i have been told I have PCOS and referred to a specialist! Lately I have had a 12 day cycle and then a 18 day cycle current CD8!
    So since getting my AF back I have had 34/22/12/18! So I am trying to lose weight to see if that would help!

    OH and HistoryMissingLady is always trying to steal my limelight!

    PMSL may I ask how oh little follower of my ways?

    And for the other ladies - strangefamily & I know each other off of here as well so don't mind our teasing each other lol.
  • Bump aroo!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Welcome Carrie! Sorry about your crazy cycles. That's just ridiculous!

    I really don't function well when it's this cold outside. I couldn't even bring myself to put on my workout gear last night because I didn't want to get undressed for the few seconds it would take. Crappy excuse, but true. Is it Spring yet?
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Kcurtis – Don’t worry too much about your off day, I try not to. I’m sure you’ll be back on track in no time! Remember to dance for yourself!

    Alisa – Wow what a rollercoaster ride of emotions you’ve had over the past month! I’m glad you are able to stay so positive, but if you think it was a cyst I want to urge you to go back to the doctors to have it looked at.

    Pam – I don’t think I ever asked what is it that you do? What is it that is keeping you for 10 hours a day?

    Kah – How is the feline Merlin? Is she better?

    Carrie – Wow at 12day cycle is only nice if your O’ing otherwise that’s awfull, hopefully now that you’ve had your diagnosis you can work with it.

    Erica – I’ve used that excuse too, it can get so cold at my place (it’s an old building, so it doesn’t have the best insulation and there’s a lot of cold spots) that I don’t want to change into my workout gear. I’m anxious for spring too!

    Heather – After reading all that you do throughout a cycle for TTC my head’s spinning! I just take prenatal’s and am planning on OPK testing for the first time this month along with my temping and find that that’s a lot! I hope this is your month, you can have a little Scorpio baby!
    This is silly but I actually feel really good about this month because my cousin and I are as close as sisters and have always been, and when we were younger we always thought that she’d have a Virgo as a child (cause I am) and that I’d have a Scorpio (cause she is). Well her son is a Virgo of course and now she’s trying again, and I’ve always thought we’d get pregnant together and that I’d have a Scorpio. Silly, I know, but I cant help but be hopeful!

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    erica I know EXACTLY what you mean. I'm so over it it is not even funny...ugh! I have learned a little trick though. I throw my workout attire in the dryer for about 15 minutes before I'm about to put it on and leave and so it is nice and warm and a motivator for me to put it on! :)

    ashley it makes my head spin too! lol! But after 7 years of just temping and opk I realized that wasn't gonna cut it! I'd bark like a dog and stand on my head for a day if that's what it would take to have a baby at this point. lol! My hubby's bday is Nov 6th and if I do conceive this month I would be due Nov 8th. So that would be a nice bday present for DH. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you as well!

    Well I managed to make it to Spinning this morning and sat on the spin bike for 15 minutes before I realized nobody was going to show up. I even called this morning to make sure the class was not canceled! I was so angry. That is one of my biggest pet peeves to get the motivation to get dressed, bundle up, and trek your way to the gym (especially in these conditions) only to have the class canceled. GRRRR! Oh well, they built a new Recreational Center at the campus in my town and was told that alumni (that's me!) could also take classes there. So I was proactive and went in and figured it all out. $50 for a semester of unlimited classes! Pretty great deal if you ask me! So I'm gonna get my acupuncture and then go do an hour of Tracy Anderson toning and then tonight go to turbo kickbox at the rec center. I'm so ready to get back into my routine.... But now I have planned out next weeks workout schedule and I'm super excited to try some new classes! So Monday, wed, and Fri I will do 1 hr of Tracy anderson method and then go to the gym with my gf and do an hour of cardio then do kickbox that evening then on Tues/Thurs I will do one hour of tracy anderson method and then do a hip hop dance class for an hour followed by pilates. On Saturdays I do Tracy Anderson and then DH and I go to the gym together and do an hour of cardio there. Sunday is my off day usually. So ready for Monday now so I can jump into it again!

    Hope you all are having a great Friday!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Hi all--
    Thanks SO MUCH for those of you who asked about Merlin. Anyone who doesn't want to know what happened can just skip the next two paragraphs. :wink: Well, after a few car payments worth of treatment and testing, we seem to be on the other side of the worst of it. This little kitty apparently is all heart--i mean that figuratively and literally. The Dr found cardiomyopathy (her heart takes up her whole chest), and on top of that her liver enzymes are weird and she has Irritable Bowel Disease. Long story short, she has meds and a new diet (you thought eating healthy for humans was expensive--try an 8lb bag of cat food for $50!!) So, basically she is a trooper. She has already lived twice as long as the vet who looked at her x-rays would have thought she would. So, we are treating the IBD, since it is a quality of life issue, but we are also having to get used to the idea that we could have her with us for a long time...but more than likely, not too much longer. It's sad, and I'm grieving it right now...but I'm glad I get to cuddle her while I do it. The hardest part has been making the decisions--what tests to do, what not to do--putting a pricetag on her health, really. In the end, my husband and I talked through it, and I sent him with the kitty to the vets so that I wouldn't end up approving a couple thousand dollars worth of tests, etc. I was a mess...crying and all that...feeling like a bad kitty mommy because I wouldn't take out another mortgage on my house to save her when I promised I would take care of her when I adopted her.

    My husband is the one who made the connection between Merlin and our struggles getting pregnant, and my emotionality over this whole thing. I have a master's degree in counseling....I guess some of my learning rubbed off on my husband--thank goodness. I needed it. So many similar emotions and issues in both--loss, the unknown, money-issues and paying for treatment... and I'm having trouble having another baby, and was facing losing one of the "babies" I have. Craptastic, it was. I'm feeling much more even-keel now, which is nice. So much fuss for a little orange furball...who is cuddled up beside me as I it feels worth it. I hope I still feel that way when the credit card bill arrives.

    As for the rest of my life: No weight loss this week, but no gain either. I'm going to call that a win with everything that happened. :smile: Heather--I started Clomid this morning--I'm at 100mg on days 5-9, so I'm on day 5. Here's hoping it doesn't mess with me too much...except in the way we want it to, right?

    Sending hugs to those who need them, and baby dust to all!!!! Thanks for listening to my ramblings!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    kah78: I know how you feel. I'm so sorry about your kitty. When you don't have kids your pets really become your kids. We have a 2 year old yellow lab named Lucy. I have never been so attached to an animal. My work actually lets me take her to work with me because the owners bring there dog as well... Just recently we found out Lucy has hip dysplasia on top of food allergies that she's had since she was a puppy. We have spent so much money at the vet and on special dog food. We keep praying that we are getting the defective dog so we don't get any defective kids, haha.

    heathercrist1: That is a killer workout week you have scheduled for next week. I love trying new workouts. I just bought myself some kettlebells and the Jillian Michaels: Shred-It With Weights Kettlebell workout DVD. I like having options at home as well as going to the gym. -- How do you like the Tracy Anderson workouts? That also sucks about your spinning class. I really hate when that happens especially when you did call first.

    It is a cold and rainy day here in NC. Today is my day off for working out. So I am thinking tonight would be a nice night in with the hubby. Maybe watch some movies together.

    TGIF! Everyone have a nice weekend!
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