
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Robin, Your daughter makes a beautiful bride.

    Deborah-gracefuldreamer--this looks like a new login for you. What was your old one. Some of us, who have been around here a while might remember you, if we knew it. Regardless, Welcome back!!

    Welcome to all the newbies!!

    Amanda, hope that water bottle doesn't spring a leak. I know a way to keep you warmer, fill the water bottle w/a little Irish whiskey!!! LOL

    I am up late watching Nightline, hoping that everybody in Egypt takes a deep breath and steps back, but it doesn't look too likely. They did a phone interview with an older American woman, who apparently lives in Cairo, and she described being in her high-rise apartment and having "thugs," as she described them, making their way up to her floor, and pounding on her door demanding entrance. She held them at bay with her cane, a kitchen knife and the threat of a kettle of boiling water--oh, and her rolling pin!!! Amazing!! She would like to get out but it is too dangerous for her to leave her home, and the US Embassy says they can't help her get out.

    Well, I need to get off of here, so good night all, and to those of you in the snow zone..keep warm, and think of how nice it will be when Spring arrives!!

    EDITED to add: Jimmy Kimmel just had two funnies in his monologue:

    A new word "snowbliterated." And also, finally, with all the snow and cold, Americans' extra layers of fat are finally coming in handy!!

  • Bisbeegal
    Bisbeegal Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I was encouraged to see a group for women 50+ with a discussion group. I hope I can join you. I'm finishing my second week on MFP. I use it online and from my phone, and it's kept me on-track with my food. It's already modified some of my cooking and eating behaviors. For example, I used butter or olive oil when I cooked, and I'm finding that PAM is working just as well. I'm also realizing that, although I can "afford" some foods that are high in calories, they don't satisfy my hunger. So, I can see using the food diary and nutritional information can slowly change habits in a very positive way.

    I'm really pleased with my progress, but I have some areas I need to set goals in. I'm already getting lazy about my meals, and I need to vary them and follow a plan instead of just grabbing something easy. Also, as a result of my weight, I have gone from pre-diabetic to Type II diabetic, and I also recently went on meds for HBP. Needless to say, I'd love to see some of those meds cut back or eliminated. So, to achieve that, another goal I have is to monitor my carbs better because I need to spread them evenly thoughtout the day to keep my blood sugar stable. Theoretically, I should only have about 135 throughout the day, spread evenly. That's hard for me to hit, and I'm usually around 175 per day. Also, I'm not hitting my goal on water. So, I have a lot of work to do, but I'm making this my primary priority, and I'm going to be in this for the long run. MFP has given me some real hope that I can improve my health and fitness.

  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Want to say thanks for the warm welcomes...it's nice to see all the lively posts here.

    So, a little about myself… Well,
    I was born in Texas and only agreed to marry the hubs if he brought me "home" when he retired military. After 20 years, he's in civies and I get to live in Austin:happy: Together, we have 4 kids...one married (w/my grandbabies), 2 in college & 1 in high school. I am a recently (semi-) retired teacher, I come from a huge (extended) family, and I love zumba, cheese & chips :tongue:

    Our baby girl just turned 18 and already a Jr. in college. The eldest has "gone back to college" and the little guy is all honors w/straight As....he was recently diagnosed with t1diabetes and I, therefore, quit teaching to take care of the home front :smile:

    I have literally changed every aspect of my life these past couple of years. Although I have always been active, I find that it takes much more effort these days....my workouts include Zumba, Yoga, Kinesis Wall/Weights, Elliptical, Core and starting Monday, BodyPump. Sounds like a lot, but I need variety or I lose interest.

    All in all I need to drop more than 20lbs, so I frequent these boards & try to keep things in focus and myself motivated! So glad to have found you ladies.
    Snow day...no school for the kiddos, so that probably means no gym today. Thank goodness we have the Wii :happy: that's always a blast.

    Good day ladies...& thx again for the warm welcome :flowerforyou:

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Wow! I've not posted for several days and how quickly the posts add up! I am trying (not very successfully) to do my treadmill walking everyday. I'm not doing very well with my water either. :sad: I need a kick in the seat, I think...:ohwell:
  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    Well at last. I found y'all
    Let me introduce myself. I turned (gulp) 60 in Oct. If you're blessed you get there, kinda the
    Same way you get to that milestone 50. I have been married for almost 42 years (March) to my H
    S sweetheart. We have 5 wonderful children, 3 girls, 2 boys and 9 wonderful grandchildren with one one the way.
    My husband and I live in Mission, Tx and he goes to Reynosa, Mx. Everyday! Please pray for his safety.
    4 of our children live in the Houston area and one lives in Bastrop, Tx.

    For most of my life I have been pretty thin then I turned 40, woke up and couldn't see anything and went totally stupid(hypothyroidism) and put on 20 lbs. And for the last 20 years ( I can't believe its been that long but it has), I have been struggling with that 20 lbs.

    Then this year I was showing my dil this site I had found and was using,SparkPeople. She showed me MFP and that was it.
    I love this site and all of the encouragement that is so freely and lovingly given by all age groups.

    I've been on MFP for almost 3 weeks, have lost 3 lbs. , have done some kind of exercise everyday and have logged in every day.

    My goal for February is to lose 8 lbs., drink more water and continue to exercise everyday. I am training to run my first 5K in April w my DIL ( the one that introduced me to MFP) in Fredricksburg. The irony of this is, I am not a runner, never have been , never even liked to run. But I have started the C25K program and I'm now a jogger/walker. I'm in W3D 2. Try it!

    Well thanks again would love to be friends with you all, give me an invite!
    Have a great day and stay safe!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Most of Albuquerque is closed down due to the cold to save energy for people's homes. I only worked 2 days this week. The hubby and kids only had school on Monday. We have joined the 1/2 of the USA under cold, ice and snow.

    Peggy, our Dalmatian/Lab cross took my mother's bra from the bedroom and brought it outside this morning. No one remembers her going out with it in her mouth. Nothing like a white on white scavenger hunt in 1 foot of snow with sub-zero temperatures, but we managed to find it.

    I will leave you all with that as a comment. There is really nothing to follow it up with.

    Stay safe and warm all,

  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    Hi from Sunny Florida!
    Happy to be here.
    I joined MFP in January and am following The 17 Day Diet.
    And I'm also happy to say...it works!.....both MFP and the diet.... :bigsmile:
    I've lost a few pounds...a few inches...and am working hard towards losing some more...exercising with kettlebells, walking every day, going to the gym. I just got my HRM yesterday...and can't wait to try it out.
    Enjoy your day.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Well, my pipes finally thawed out last night, but they broke, so still no water. My husband took today off to find a plumber, so here's hoping for running water that doesn't cost an arm and a leg! I guess I'll see when I get home from work, but not real sure that it will get done today.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Alice- Love your picture

    Robin- Your daughter was a beautiful bride

    JEANNIE- We have a lab that likes to steal things too. Fortunately he doesn't chew things- just steals them because he can. In the summer, he is constantly stealing sandals when we leave them next to a lounge chair. he runs off and takes them to the back of the yard and lays down with them between his paws and puts his head on them. Recently I left my glasses on the night stand and when I came home frome the gym, they were in the middle of my bedroom floor. He loves to get attention!

    Mary- hope your pipes are fixed and you have water soon.

    Bluespring- I envy your flordia weather.

    It seems that this has certainly been a long cold winter. We had a 3 ft snowstorm Dec. 2 and it has been cold and snowy since. We have been lucky though in that even though we have had snow, it has generally been just a small amount at a time. Here in Western NY we have escaped most of the storms that have hit the rest of the country. This past week, they closed the schools anticipating a storm that never materialized. Though I will say that by early evening it was snowing and blowing hard enough that I couldnt get my butt out to go to zumba. Today the sun is shinning, (though still only 22 degrees) but I felt like I had a bit more energy and made it to spinning.

    Okay, I have put off the housework long enough.

    Lynn L.
  • hi i am a newbie from england. i am 54 this year and am fed up with the yo-yo dieting that i have been doing the last 30 years. i found this site while googling and am so pleased i did, hopefully it will help to keep me on the straight and narrow.

    my goal for feb is to lose 7lbs
    good luck to everyone :smile:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Thank you for the welcome.
    I just got in from chopping some ice off the sidewalks and driveway and decided to see what was up. My husband has Fridays off and he loves to go out for breakfast. We went to IHOP and I got a Simple and Fit omelet. As I plugged it into this site I see that the sodium is really high....so tough to eat out. We were supposed to have a friend over for dinner but she just had to cancel so we will have a nice dinner tonight....I was feeling like I needed to have something for a light lunch and decided on a greek yogurt with some blueberries and kashi go lean crunch (like a granola). I really find that having more protein helps me stay even throughout the day. I know I need to get moving and get my glasses of water in......it's so hard when I want to hibernate.

    Trying to deal with weight and health (wellness) issues is definitely a change with each decade. I find that I definitely need to move...alot, not only to lose weight but to feel good. Five years ago, I retired from teaching (public schools) and now I have three part time jobs that I love. I am at a good point in my life and focusing on my food choices as well as getting consistent exercise into my life regularly has been time consuming. (I really would like it to be automatic!!)

    Mary....I hope the plumber arrives and fixes the problem quickly!

    Have a great day all!

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello Everyone
    Wow! There are a lot of new people ...Welcome all!:flowerforyou:

    Well we are under a winter storm watch for tonight with 2-3 inches of snow...we narrowly escaped the snow the last storm..we'll see about this one, I suppose.

    Let me tell you about my night and day. My grandson(6) has an extensive dental procedure done this am that had to be done in the hospital. He was put to sleep. My granddaughter spent the night with me. She will be 4 next week. It was her first sleepover, ever. She was very excited to be coming to Grandmother's. She was packed up with her sleeping bag and backpack, 2 blankets and 2 pillows, teddy bear, Mr. Moon and a flashlight, from the time she was out of bed yesterday and was aware that she was coming here.

    She arrived about 8:30. She wanted to take a bath here so we did all of that. She put her pj's on and we had to have a snack, drink bedtime story ..etc...She was so excited she just couldn't go to sleep. We had Mr. Moon's picture on the ceiling and a flashlight, flashing on and off every few minutes. I rubbed her back, her head, and scratched her back. We sang "me and my teddy bear" several times.
    This went on to about 12ish. She finally went to sleep The sleeping bag, flashlight, 2 blankets and 2 extra pillows were all in my guest bed with me. By the time 12 got here, I was wide awake from singing, scratching, rubbing, and having the flashlight shone in my eyes So I was wide awake untill 5 am. COULD NOT go to sleep ...there you are knowing that at 7 or so am...this is little curly-head,coppertop will be awake and expecting you to be smiling and ready to do whatever Grandmothers are expected to do.
    Well...thank goodness for the other DIL, who came with the 3 year old little boy! We fixed smiley-faced pancakes and bananas, strawberries,etc. Having another child to play with gave me a small break.
    Now, back to the grandson who had a dental procedure, before coming to my house GD and GS were having a conversation about dying. My Great-Aunt died last year and that was the first the two were aware of anyone dying or what it might mean. So the two were discussing what dying was about. DGS told DGD that Aunt L was in Heaven. DGD said, "will she open her eyes." DGS said, No, but she can see anyway." DGD said, "That doesn't make any sense."
    After surgery, when DGS was in recovery. The nurse came out to get my DS and DDIL and she was laughing. She said DGS opened his eyes in recovery and the lights were bright and she had on white. He ask the nurses..."Am I in Heaven?"" That thought that was very funny. They had never had a 6-year old to do that one before.
    I decide to unwind and get on the pc for awhile... I am going to have to crash for awhile. To be honest, I hope I cn even remember what I ate today...I have had 2 hours sleep in 48 hours.

    welcommmee all you newwbiies

    Have a good one
  • so glad to find a place where women are my age, not all obssessed with spandex ( although I would be happy to look good in it at 59!) Angry with myself for watiing to long to face what I've been doing -- eating too much -- and not doing -- exercising! How did someone who used to run marathons start looking and feeling like this.
    First job is to get off the bad and start focusing on the good stuff -- I loved the way I felt after going to the gym the last two days. I can go back and I don't need to stay hours -- I JSUT NEED TO GO BACK!!!!!!!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just got home from work. Husband says a plumber came by, but he had bad knees and didn't want to crawl under our house, so he left. He couldn't guarantee anyone else would show up today because so many people had these problems today from the thaw after the extreme cold. I hope they come soon!
  • msh0530....a plumber with bad knees...wow....I can't imagine a plumber NOT having to be on his knees or bend down once in awhile.....how frustrating...hope he didn't have to pay for the service call
  • January had it/s ups and downs also. managed to gain and lose same pounds! My work is slow and you would think it would be better for me. Unfortunately I have been home too much and feeling sluggish and bored. Plus watching my grandson alot which means i eat alot of what he does.
    My feb. goals Lose 5 pounds. walk for 30 min 3X a week. try to fit in regular exercise, even if it is only 10 here or 10 there.
    My plan is to reward myself with facebook time for a good day. I love facebook but find i spend time there that should be put to better use.
  • purplefreak60
    purplefreak60 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello! I'm in my 2nd month of MFP...LOVE THIS SITE!

    My goal for this month is to lose 7 lbs.
  • Hi there: I am new. (three days) Just got a SmartPhone and found this APP for my phone. Two years ago I lost 25 pounds and kept it off for a long time, but it's been creeping back. When I lost it the first time I wrote down everything I ate and it worked. Computerizing this task has just made this easier. I just have to get back into the routine.

    I am 65 and at my age, height and weight the App figured I should only have 1200 calories a day to loose, but today I've actually had alot to eat and am not hungry and I still have more calories to go to reach 1200. It's all about choosing the right things to eat.

    I love the fact that you can check how much fiber you've had or how much protein you still need to eat to make your quota. Balanced diets and smaller portions are just the smart way to loose.

    Looking at all the entries here are very encouraging. I will visit this blog daily. I read somewhere that people who eat the same thing (similar meals) for several weeks and keep eating them consistently will loose more weight than those people who don't have any consistency to their diet routine. That's certainly easy to do with breakfast and lunch. Figure out the calories and vary the days with just a few "standard" meals. The My Meals section of this will make it easy.

    This is just so much fun. Who would have thought? Love this.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    I remember reading now that restaurants do keep it cold so that you'll eat more. Actualy, it makes me want to get out of the restaurant even faster into the warm car! I remember once one of my girls asked the restaurant to turn up the heat.

    Deborah - welcome back!!!!

    I did an hour of yoga today and then an hour of a band workout DVD (Thurs). I had my Reclast infusion today, so if I'm achey tomorrow I may just do a Leslie Sansone walking DVD on the rebounder.

    Some of the ladies usually go to lunch after they play mah jongg. I'm thinking that I may get into mah jongg, if only for the socialization. I'm not "into" card games, so canasta isn't really for me. I was thinking that mah jongg was a card game, but it's a tile game. Maybe I'll give it a try. Anyway, some of the ladies are going out to lunch afterwards and they've invited me. To be honest, the place where they're going, I'm not crazy about. It's quite small, the menu isn't all that great, and the parking is the pits. Even if I'm not achey, I just may use that as the excuse not to go to the lunch.

    TSO will be playing in Ashville on their Beethoven's Last Night tour, we got first row seats! So I'm psyched.

    Robin - your daughter is breathtaking!

    Welcome Boomerof51 and rschmmidt along with SallyCC and Emily

    mj - what is kinesis Wall/Weights???? Sounds interesting. Is it something that you do at home or do you have to go to a gym to do it? I'm like you, I have to constantly change things or I get bored to tears. I'll be looking forward to your posting about your workouts, maybe it'll give me some new ideas?

    Welcome bmorrow....boy, so many new people!!!! Wonderful!

    Blue - which HRM did you get? What part of FL are you in?

    Mary - I sure hope everything works out for you

    Wouldn't forget snugglepuss, welcome! Delightful too.

    Did an hour of a step DVD today and then 15 minutes of yoga. I'm going to try doing a little bit of yoga and we'll see how that goes. Tried it once before and failed, so I figure I can't do much worse.

    Question: we went out to dinner with friends before we went bowling. She suggested we go to this B-B-Q place next time we go bowling. What are good foods to pick at a B-B-Q place? I may have to go there and get a menu to see if there's something decent. I guess I'm somewhat leery of foods here because I've been burned (figuratively speaking) many times. Now I know that you have to ask specifically how the food is cooked, many times they fry it but will grill the food if you ask for it grilled. So what are some good picks?

    Tomorrow I'll go to a yoga class. Jessica is supposed to be coming here tonight. I think she might have a dentist appt tomorrow.

    Fortunately, I didn't get real achey from the Reclast. Not sure if it's because I had the Reclast last year or if it's because I got a flu shot this year. But whatever....I didn't go to the lunch, tho.

    Here's hoping everyon has a greaat evening

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Mary, I hope you get water soon. Good luck finding a plummer

    Michelle, I don't think there is a "good thing" to get at a BBQ. I believe that chicken will have more sodium, so I'd try turkey or beef. My only advise is to stick to salad, veggies and meat and stay away from any breads.

    To all the new people - Wow! There are a lot of you and from all over the world. Welcome and it's going to take some time to get to know you all.

    Robin, Your daughter is beautiful.

    I got all of my errands done today and look forward to staying home tomorrow. Next Monday will be a real shocker after us all being off due to the weather.

    The terrible cold did have one casualty in our house, Sandy Fire, our bearded dragon did not make it through the extreme cold weather with how cold our house was. We just couldn't get it warmed up a good part of this week. For those of you who have been in this forum for years, this is the lizard that loved to be on my neck under my hair. He was a real sweetie and will be missed by all of us. He was only 3 years old.
This discussion has been closed.