Lose 5 Pounds a Month February 2011



  • MrsKAddy
    MrsKAddy Posts: 52 Member
    I'm in too!! I weighed myself this AM and am down to 169!! :flowerforyou:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I didn't get my weigh in put in for the beginning of the month due to the BLIZZARD we've had here in the Quad Cities!

    My starting weight for February:

    Feb 1st: 197.6 lbs
    Feb 7th:
    Feb 14th:
    Feb 21st:
    Feb 28th:

    I haven't had time to catch up on all the posts yet, but will do so later! I can't believe we are on page 6 already! WOW!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    WOW It is great to read some of the posts again. Everyone is doing so good. I can't wait to stick on the plan again. I have been so bad. Congratulations to everyone of you for being so true to your plans. I hope to get motivated from all of you once again. Do we still weigh in on Fridays? :wink:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I didn't get my weigh in put in for the beginning of the month due to the BLIZZARD we've had here in the Quad Cities!

    My starting weight for February:

    Feb 1st: 197.6 lbs
    Feb 7th:
    Feb 14th:
    Feb 21st:
    Feb 28th:

    I haven't had time to catch up on all the posts yet, but will do so later! I can't believe we are on page 6 already! WOW!
    YOU are doing so good!!!!!! I'm really proud of you!!!!!!!!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks for letting everyone know that I am fine in Egypt. It really touched me that you sent me a message letting me know that you were concerned. People around the world have been so thoughtful. Today they offered teachers at our school a chartered flight out leaving tomorrow at 1:00. ( it was not a manditory evacuation) I decided to stay here and so I am just hunkering down and hoping that all goes well.In my neighborhood it is pretty calm at the moment. I am about 20-30 miles from the city center where all the action is taking place. However, I know tomorrow will be another wild and crazy day because Fridays after the prayer time the demonstrations start up and this has been going on for more than a week and it is only getting worse every day instead of better. Now to put my energy into losing weight, instead of stuffing myself with any thing that I can to forget about the problems of the country. this being out of school has not been good for me. I need to be up and doing things. Staying at home I have too much time on my hand to try out recipes and cook meals with yummy desserts for my husband and son. O.k. I am going on and on. I'll stop now. phyljen:happy:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I didn't get my weigh in put in for the beginning of the month due to the BLIZZARD we've had here in the Quad Cities!

    My starting weight for February:

    Feb 1st: 197.6 lbs
    Feb 7th:
    Feb 14th:
    Feb 21st:
    Feb 28th:

    I haven't had time to catch up on all the posts yet, but will do so later! I can't believe we are on page 6 already! WOW!
    YOU are doing so good!!!!!! I'm really proud of you!!!!!!!!

    Thanks, Phyljen! SOOOO glad you are back & safe from any harm. We've been worried about you!
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Thanks for letting everyone know that I am fine in Egypt. It really touched me that you sent me a message letting me know that you were concerned. People around the world have been so thoughtful. Today they offered teachers at our school a chartered flight out leaving tomorrow at 1:00. ( it was not a manditory evacuation) I decided to stay here and so I am just hunkering down and hoping that all goes well.In my neighborhood it is pretty calm at the moment. I am about 20-30 miles from the city center where all the action is taking place. However, I know tomorrow will be another wild and crazy day because Fridays after the prayer time the demonstrations start up and this has been going on for more than a week and it is only getting worse every day instead of better. Now to put my energy into losing weight, instead of stuffing myself with any thing that I can to forget about the problems of the country. this being out of school has not been good for me. I need to be up and doing things. Staying at home I have too much time on my hand to try out recipes and cook meals with yummy desserts for my husband and son. O.k. I am going on and on. I'll stop now. phyljen:happy:

    I am really glad you and your family are okay
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I started my journey here on MFP in May 2010. This was my first challenge & I have continued to do this challenge every month. Granted I didn't meet the 5 pounds for a few of the months, however it has kept me accountible AND has helped me to lose 51.4 lbs so far!

    Thanks Terri for keeping the challenges going every single month! I just want to point out to all the newbies that sticking with it really does keep you motivated. There are several wonderful people in this thread and I am happy to have each & every one of you in my corner! You have all helped share in all the joy & frustration that so many of us have experienced. Thank you all! :flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I have to share a pic from the wedding. the reason for my weight gain this week but it was all worth it.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    WOW That is a beautiful Picture!

    Well I did not have the healthiest day yesterday we went over to do our taxes but were early because we remembered the time wrong so we decided to get breakfast but there are no restaurants open here for breakfast so we went to the thrift store and had Doughnuts and hot chocolate lol not the healthiest and then I had a peanut butter bar that same night so this morning I was up 2 pounds but Iv had a better day and Im hoping that by sunday (my weigh day) That Im back to a loss at 155 : ).

    I saw 155 two mornings ago and it felt GREAT! At that point Im 3 pounds (technically 4 pounds) away from my first mini goal to be under 152 for the first time in 6 years! this is huge and I am really really hoping to hit that this month but Im having a hard time fitting in exercise with all the reading required for the chapters in all 3 of my classes each week so we will see.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    What a gorgeous bride! you must be so proud!

    Phyllis, so glad you are safe. Hope the situation resolves without any more violence or death. Hopefully your neighborhood stays safe. History in the making.

    Here is my reminder for today. It is Friday and most people tend to overeat on the weekend so be mindful of what you eat and try work to stay within your calorie goals. I read somewhere people tend to eat 1/3 more calories on Saturday and Sunday. Don't let weekends mess up you hard work! (Weekends are usually my downfall)

    Have an awesome Friday!

  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    robin---- what a lovely picture!!

    you have really achieved a lot this past year. should be proud of urself
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Robin- Is that your daughter that go married? I am way out of touch. She is beautiful.

    Terri - Thanks for the reminder about week end eating. I have started the week end and I really need to have those little reminders so I don't get out of control. Thanks also for your thought and concern for us here in Egypt.

    Happy to be back and I am being careful about what I eat and now I jsut need to get the exercise part back in my life. Swimming tomorrow is in my plan of the day.
  • I'm in too....
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Hi to all the 5lb regulars! and welcome to all the new Feb faces!!

    Sorry I haven't been posting this week. Last week, I was busy with sick kids, then I myself was feeling horrible over the weekend, and this week, we're all recovering, and I am currently busy catching up on things that got ignored last week: work, housework, groceries, etc, and now finally ME.

    Food: I need to re-focus on eating healthier. I have been going for too long without eating, then stuffing myself with crap. I have also been eating certain foods out of quick convenience that are not normally a regular part of my diet, like hotdogs and take-out. I have also been slacking on my water, which makes me eat more... So, here I go right now, to fill up my water bottle! .... There, I'm back. :drinker:

    Exercise: I brought my gym clothes with me today, and am planning to go to a BodyFLOW class at lunch. I also need to plan my running schedule, as my sister has challenged me to run a 10k with her in May, and right now, I can barely run 3 minutes, let alone over an hour!! :noway:

    Weight: I haven't had an 'official' weigh-in in a while, so I'm using my Jan 24th weigh-in (155) as my end of month, as well as my Feb starting weight. I know it's about right anyway, since my scale at home at home is consistently hovering at 155. That means I lost 4 pounds in Jan. I'm happy with that. 154 was the lowest weight I reached last year, so I'm finally almost back there, and ready to delve into new territory... to boldly go where no man has gone before... :laugh:

    We're headed to my mom's tomorrow to celebrate her 71st birthday, which was earlier this week. That means at least 2 dinners out, as we're having a mother/daughter dinner on Saturday night and a family luncheon on Sunday (with my hubby & 2 girls and my brother & his wife & 2 girls).

    55tolose, we're both nearing our pre-pregnancy weight... YAY! I have two major weight goals: one is 'pre-pregnancy' when I was "usually" between 150 and 155, and two is 'wedding weight' when I had gotten down to 130. Now that I am nearing the pre-pregnancy zone, I'm aiming for wedding weight!!

    Serenity79, welcome to the 150's club. Last month, 55tolose, Jennplus2, bjshooter and I had a friendly competition going on to see who could get to 155 first (JENN! :drinker: ). This month, I am issuing the same challenge - let's see who can get to 150 first!! Want to join our race?! What about you, Ralu19? You're close to the mid-150's too...

    Reese66, I laughed when I saw your math typo!! Glad you noticed it; and weren't trying to head in the wrong direction! :bigsmile:

    Dawn - won't that be the best birthday gift to yourself? To reach your goal? You can do it!

    Phyljen - great to have you back!!! Stay safe.
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Count me in! But I want 7lbs gone! :-D
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    WOW It is great to read some of the posts again. Everyone is doing so good. I can't wait to stick on the plan again. I have been so bad. Congratulations to everyone of you for being so true to your plans. I hope to get motivated from all of you once again. Do we still weigh in on Fridays? :wink:

    Oh I'm so glad to 'see' you post!!!! You'll fall back into a good place in no time!! :drinker:

    And that picture is GORGEOUS! WoW!!
  • kitta3
    kitta3 Posts: 84
    count me in too!! i love challenges!
    i weighed in at 194.4 at the end of jan!!!

    my first feb weigh in is tommorow, ill let you know how much closer i am to those 5 pounds!!!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    WOW so many pages and its only 2/4 !!!

    2/4/11................................120.5 pounds

    Started with MFP 1/12/10 at an all time high weight of 164.5 pounds
    Got to goal weight of 119 pounds at the beginning of August
    Now trying hard to maintain at or around 119 pounds
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Note to self... QUIT EATING JUNK AND SABOTAGING YOUR FIRST GOAL!!!!! You Have gained and kept on 2 pounds This Week!!! Nock It Off!:explode: :explode:
    K all better tomorrow is a new day and the dang cookies are gone lol : ) :flowerforyou:

    "55tolose, we're both nearing our pre-pregnancy weight... YAY! I have two major weight goals: one is 'pre-pregnancy' when I was "usually" between 150 and 155, and two is 'wedding weight' when I had gotten down to 130. Now that I am nearing the pre-pregnancy zone, I'm aiming for wedding weight!! "

    Heck yes we are! My wedding weight was likely to be around 155 lol because I didn't know when I got married that I was already 6-8 weeks prego lol ...

    "Serenity79, welcome to the 150's club. Last month, 55tolose, Jennplus2, bjshooter and I had a friendly competition going on to see who could get to 155 first (JENN! :drinker: ). This month, I am issuing the same challenge - let's see who can get to 150 first!! Want to join our race?! What about you, Ralu19? You're close to the mid-150's too... "

    Im in!:drinker: :drinker:
    This will hopefully give me something to look forward to so that I don't stall at 152 like I always do! :huh:
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