200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Hey everyone :flowerforyou: Would you mind if I joined your group?
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    heaterm you are more than wellcome to join us. tell us a little about yourself.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hello ladies! TGIF!

    I totally skipped out on forumland yesterday... went to Starbucks with my husband (and OMG there is nothing to eat there under 400 calories). I got the 'low fat' banana coffee cake which totalled roughly 490 calories, so I did an extra long workout when I got home to make up for it. Still came in under on calories, but I was in the single digits! Heh, I don't like squeezing it that close.

    I've been a bit high on sodium the past few days so I'm chugging water like crazy to flush it out in time for my Sunday weigh-in. I hopped on the scale yesterday morning and I was down a bit so I'm hoping it stays. Even if it doesn't, my clothes are fitting a bit better this week so I know I'm making some progress!

    sarabaumgarth: Book night sounds like a fabulous idea! Hope you enjoyed it. I might suggest something like that to my husband... we're both pretty avid readers.

    Amy: Congrats on the loss! Way to go!

    Victoria: Sounds like things are going fabulously for you! (if somewhat hectic).

    Kristina: You can do it! Just get in the car and head to the gym before you change your mind. Or maybe try a different time of day, if that works for you.

    Lacey: Sounds like you're making a lot of progress! It sucks that the scale isn't moving for you but you know it's working and you're getting healthier.

    izzycoyote: My weekends totally suck in terms of food intake. I usually wind up under on calories but my food choices are just not nutritious at all.

    Amber: Hooray for your puppy doing okay! Keep us posted on her recovery. And congrats on the loss!

    HeaterM: Welcome!

    Hope everyone has a fabulous evening and a great weekend! I'm looking forward to my Sunday AM weigh-in.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Izzy - I haven't done it before, the Warrior Dash, but I really really want to do it this year and it gives me a good goal to work towards over the summer. Even if I have to walk part of it. I havent signed up yet, but I will in june.
    For weekends I have a hard time with eating unless I work out. Working out, burning the cals helps me eat what I want to eat. That and having a meal plan worked out for the week helps too so I have an idea of what I'm looking at cal wise.

    Saranthes - I recently had a low fat piece of star bucks coffee cake and it not only tasted crappy, wasn't worth the cals, but generally low fat means high sugar too. Good job on chugging the water and working out to make up the cals!!

    I met my work out goals this week for exercising and not weighing myself. I will se how it goes Monday and Sunday not weighing. But it feels good not doing it. I am having a bit of a pity party not seeing the scale move this week and I just need to let it go completely and keep moving forward. focus on my exercises goals and the fact that I am slimming down.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    We leave in 2 hours. I can't wait. I'll have my phone and try to check-in while I'm gone.

    Heather - welcome back!!! We are always here for you. It's been over a year and our group is still going strong. Thanks again for getting us started...
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey ladies, I have an update with what happened to me and where I've been that I posted last night. I'm on my iPad right now but when I head to my computer I will catch up with you guys. Here is the link


    Thanks for reading it, I really appreciate it.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Good morning/night. It's almost 5 am here in Germany and I've been up for an hour due to my husband's bizarre desire to watch UFC 126 live. It's hard to ignore loud sportsy type noises coming from the room next door at 4 am. Trust me, I tried. The weather here was abso-freaking-lutely awesome today (Saturday). It was in the mid 40's and sunny. Me & The Hubbs went for a run OUTSIDE today. I was soooo STOKED to be running outside. I think the last time I ran outside was back in October. The Hubbs was super-surprised at how much faster I've gotten. He used to have to slow down his pace so I could keep up with him but he didn't have to do that today. I was sooo proud of myself.

    Kimm: I can totally relate to your post. I can also relate to asking your husband for "permission" to eat a huge hamburger. I've done that too - look to The Hubbs for the go-ahead to eat something truly terrible. I used to ask The Hubbs to not give me permission to eat bad things and he'd try to help me out by saying, "Do you really want to eat that?" Then I'd get all defensive and say I was a grown person and was capable of making my own decisions and he'd feel like I unfairly attacked him (which I did). Now I have gotten past all that nonsense by deciding that I AM a grown @ss woman and I can make responsible decisions for my food intake and not try to displace that responsibility by getting all pissy with The Hubbs when he offers me Oreos or asks if I really want another slice of pizza. It's MY job to take care of me and I am FINALLY doing it. I can happily turn down random offers of Oreos or root beer (both of which happened today) and also happily scarf some fettuccine alfredo without guilt (also happened today but TOTALLY fit into my calories!). Thanks for your post, it's nice to know that other people deal with/ have dealt with the same issues related to weight loss as I have.

    Victoria: I saw that your flight was canceled and you had to get a different flight. I hope you got to Vegas ok!

    Lacey: Maybe you should put the scale away along with Kendal. You're getting slimmer and stronger. Don't let the scale dictate whether or not you have a good day. You are doing awesome and looking fabulous!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Sarathes: Way to go keeping under your calories with a Starbucks visit! I think that's what it's all about - fitting your treats into your calorie intake instead of denying yourself. I had someone ask me the other day how I was "allowed" to eat bagels and it kind of threw me. Of course I'm "allowed" to eat a bagel...if it fits into my calories, I can eat anything I want. Now, I don't eat bagels every day and I mostly try to make sure that everything I eat is of good nutritional value but I AM human and sometimes I want a huge carb-bomb (or whatever) and I like that I can have it if it fits into my daily calories.

    Heaterm: Hi there! Tell us about yourself. Are you married, where do you live, what do you do, have any pets, etc? Welcome to the group. :flowerforyou:

    Kendal: How's it going girl? I saw your pic on facebook, your shirt is cute and you are looking svelte!!!

    Kristina: How you doing?? You getting back on track? Did you get a run in?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Even with all the airport walking, yesterday was bad eating wise. We finally got to Vegas about midnight local time. We made it to 2 brewpubs and walked on the strip. The lights are cool and the city doesn't sleep. Made it to bed about 3 am. I'm jet lagged and can't sleep. I'm planning to make better choices today on food. Have a nice weekend!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Even with all the airport walking, yesterday was bad eating wise. We finally got to Vegas about midnight local time. We made it to 2 brewpubs and walked on the strip. The lights are cool and the city doesn't sleep. Made it to bed about 3 am. I'm jet lagged and can't sleep. I'm planning to make better choices today on food. Have a nice weekend!!!
  • hmfishy
    hmfishy Posts: 22 Member
    my daughter is feeling completely neglected, so I'll only post my weight and apologize for missing last week. I was 235 last week and 232 this week. Definately moving in the right direction, yayayayayayayay!! Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday... I'm off to play with my little one :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    How long do shoes last if you wear them for about 6ish hours a week for working out only?? I bought my pumas a year ago now and am finding my toes feel like they are sinking into the tread and my feet aren't feeling so hot after my work outs. I really wanted to wait till june and buy a pair of running shoes from a running store (do the whole treadmill thing and have them recommend a pair) but not sure I can wait that long....
  • I stayed exactly the same this week... 256.6. I've haven't worked out this weekend, and I had a little fast food, but I'm about to exercise now.

    Lacey- I don't know how long shoes last, but if they are hurting you, it sounds like time to get a new pair.

    Congratulations to all who lost this week.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Bleh, the scale stayed immobile this morning. It's all the more annoying because I was down earlier in the week and my clothes are definitely getting looser. Pretty sure it's all water as while I kept under on calories this weekend, I was way up in sodium and down in water intake.

    Congrats to those who lost and hopefully I'll be joining you with a big loss next week!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    sarahthes: Hit the water!

    Karen: Hope the scale moves for you next week.

    Lacey: If your shoes don't feel right any more and your feet hurt, you should get some new shoes.

    hmfishy: Hope you enjoyed your day with your daughter. Good job on the loss!

    Victoria: I'm glad you finally made it to Vegas. Enjoy yourself!

    I'm kind of in a bit of a coma today. I got up Sunday at 4AM to watch UFC, stayed up until 8am and then napped until about noon, spent the day in a bit of a haze (it was a rest day from exercise), and then stayed up to watch the Super Bowl (which STARTED at midnight here). I went to bed after 3am and got up at 9am and I feel kind of hung over despite the complete lack of alcohol yesterday. I also have a headache, sore throat and cough and all I really want to do is crawl back in bed and sleep for a week. I hafta do KenpoX and walk my dog though. *sigh*
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Yeah....I suppose I should get new shoes. Just really the last thing I want to spend money on right now. LAME. Think I will look up running shoes that are good for heels and shin splints.

    I made fried mozzarella and buffalo chicken balls yesterday and snickerdoodles. Ate what I wanted and was cool with it. This morning the cookies called my name. GOod thing tonight I have a raelly good span of time in which I can work out. I have to stay in town and go to a 6:30 meeting at G's school - they are talking to the parents about a new location and addition of a middle school. YEAY on both counts, as long as they don't relocate any further away than they are!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I have to get 320 minutes of exercise to get my 1800 in for the challenge this week. NO PROBLEM!!
  • I knew this was going to be a bad weekend--gained that 2 lbs back that I lost last week. I slept for like 17 hours, was up for 6, then slept for another 17 or something. It felt GREAT. But that +no exercise +bad eating choices = weight gain :(

    @Amber - You might have something there, weighing yourself on Sun/Mon...wow. Am I ready to do that? I think I am, but I just need to get used to the idea. For some reason, it's a bit scary.

    @Lacey - I just finished physical therapy for shin splints. PAINFUL. And I ordered new shoes. Cost me $140 but I customized them with NikeiD and they look so awesome that I'm going to want to run to show them off (I need all the encouragement I can get! :)
    They have a dynamic system which adjust to how you're running at the time, which is awesome 'cause with the shin splints, my technique went to crap by the end of each run.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I might have to check them out...will get on the nike.com website. Cool thanks Izzy!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    You what's irritating? I weighed again this morning and I'm down to 243 (-1 from last week). Both good and bad... I'm irritated that it didn't go down yesterday, my 'official' weigh-in day. Then again, can't complain about any downward momentum!

    Started week 2 of the 9-week workout program I'm currently doing and I can say it's definitely stepped up the intensity somewhat. I made it through the whole thing without falling over dead, though, which is way better than I could have done a month ago. Go me!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hi ladies i am checking in. i am down 1 pound officially this week so i am at 239. yay! i am not feeling well today. i thnk im getting another cold. i feel like poo. i am about to go take some nyquil and go to bed. see yall later
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