Calling all Women Lifters



  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Stephanielynn - don't be so hard on yourself - you look amazing.

    OH... rough rough WOD today - smell that? it's my quads and *kitten* burning! :laugh:

    a)Back Squat Ladder 1-5 AMRAP in 10 mins Rx 155lbs, I only did 115lbs and 3 rounds
    b)Barbell Jump Squat, 30% of 1RM (55lbs) 6 x 6 (60 sec rest between sets)
    c)GHD sit ups: 5 x 20 (45 sec rest between sets)
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I have an advice request. I am doing the ChaLean Extreme lifting program and it is going really well except for my biceps. I can barely do 7 very slow bicep curls at 15lbs even that is progress but I have no problem doing 6-7 tricep extentions with 20lbs. It seems like most of my muscles are progressing more quickly than my biceps. The only thing I can think of is to add more bicep exercises on non-bicep days. I can do that and still allow a day of rest between. Do you have any suggestions for exercise that will really work them? I pretty much only use dumbells. Thanks!

    Btw the advice ya'll gave me about the lifting gloves was great. Now I can think about my form without getting distracted by my hands hurting.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Serenity - I defer your question to someone who is more versed in lifting than I am - personally I'd keep working them to failure. In CF we don't ever do bicep curls, but would do a functional movement that works the bicep.

    Todays WOD left me icing my ankle - having a major tendonitis flare up :frown:
    10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Strict Pull Ups (I can't pull up yet, so I subbed w/supine ring rows)
    10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 Double Unders - that's right... 550 total double unders.
    3 x Max Hold L-Sit (10 seconds each)

    I'm glad I went in. I've had a rough couple weeks and last night I shot my diet to hell with popcorn, wine, cheesecake and a <gasp> ramen noodles :sad: :sick: I told my CF coach that I'm having trouble focusing and she talked me off my ledge and convinced me to come in, she's also coming to my house on Sunday for a PT session. She really rocks! ♔
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    I have an advice request. I am doing the ChaLean Extreme lifting program and it is going really well except for my biceps. I can barely do 7 very slow bicep curls at 15lbs even that is progress but I have no problem doing 6-7 tricep extentions with 20lbs. It seems like most of my muscles are progressing more quickly than my biceps. The only thing I can think of is to add more bicep exercises on non-bicep days. I can do that and still allow a day of rest between. Do you have any suggestions for exercise that will really work them? I pretty much only use dumbells. Thanks!

    Btw the advice ya'll gave me about the lifting gloves was great. Now I can think about my form without getting distracted by my hands hurting.

    I need to get some lifting gloves! I just work the biceps until failure....I was able to do 3 sets of 10 last night with 20lbs, and I started out barely being able to do 10 lbs.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I have an advice request. I am doing the ChaLean Extreme lifting program and it is going really well except for my biceps. I can barely do 7 very slow bicep curls at 15lbs even that is progress but I have no problem doing 6-7 tricep extentions with 20lbs. It seems like most of my muscles are progressing more quickly than my biceps. The only thing I can think of is to add more bicep exercises on non-bicep days. I can do that and still allow a day of rest between. Do you have any suggestions for exercise that will really work them? I pretty much only use dumbells. Thanks!

    Btw the advice ya'll gave me about the lifting gloves was great. Now I can think about my form without getting distracted by my hands hurting.

    Serenity I wish I had some advice for you but I don't feel qualified to tell you what to do. If I were you I'd just keep at it. I know some days I feel stronger than others for whatever reason and I take advantage of that and push myself on those days. Some days I feel like I am struggling to do the minimum so I set my goal on those days to not losing the ground I have already gained. Adding in additional bicep exercises on other days wouldn't hurt. Just make sure to give yourself recovery time between.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    So I totally rocked the shoulder press machine today! I was able to get to 10 reps in at 100lbs. Woot woot! Time to load more weight on that bad boy! Having said that... I might need some Motrin tonight.... LoL
  • ldekker
    ldekker Posts: 11 Member
    Serenity - I defer your question to someone who is more versed in lifting than I am - personally I'd keep working them to failure. In CF we don't ever do bicep curls, but would do a functional movement that works the bicep.

    Todays WOD left me icing my ankle - having a major tendonitis flare up :frown:
    10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Strict Pull Ups (I can't pull up yet, so I subbed w/supine ring rows)
    10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 Double Unders - that's right... 550 total double unders.
    3 x Max Hold L-Sit (10 seconds each)

    I'm glad I went in. I've had a rough couple weeks and last night I shot my diet to hell with popcorn, wine, cheesecake and a <gasp> ramen noodles :sad: :sick: I told my CF coach that I'm having trouble focusing and she talked me off my ledge and convinced me to come in, she's also coming to my house on Sunday for a PT session. She really rocks! ♔

    Did you time yourself with the double-unders? If so, how long did it take you to complete?

    I mastered the toes-to-bar exercise yesterday with 8 repetitions as my maximum - STOKED!

    I also slipped up last night with my diet. Pasta bake, garlic bread, soft drink and cheesecake - OOPS :(.

    I have another fitness assessment next Friday so I will definitely have to get my *kitten* into gear.

    'It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.'
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Idekker - full time to complete the whole WOD was 28:06
    It's not an issue to do the DU's, but I have nasty tendonitis in my ankles and by the 60's, I was hurting. The last 100 I broke them in sets of 20, then all 10's.

    Congrats on your Toes to Bar! I'm almost there, but my spare (Tractor) tire prevents me from my toes kicking the bar.:laugh: :embarassed:

    Love the quote - have you read this blogger: I hold my breath for her dailies! She's so awesome.
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    Started with the strength training again although still quite new at it. I really have this vision of not just growing old but growing stronger. I was so excited to recieve my Pea Protein shake today woo hoo. Ive been force guzzling Raw Meal in the morning. Taste like crud but packed full of good stuff. Im a vegan so I try to look for alternatives. Pea Protein tastes really good. I also take B-12 sublingual in the morning.
    Im sure I have a lot to learn. Right now Im getting my info from "A Womans Book of Strength" by Karen Andes. Doing a 5 day split and cardio/ treadmill and bike.
    Im definitely open to any suggestions.
    Sweet, glad ya'll here!!!!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    welcome TrailRunner!
  • Hello,

    I just wanted to introduce myself and maybe get some advice. I've worked out off and on over the years and have been back in the gym for about 3 months. I'm 5'3", 121 lbs, and 19% bf. I'm not looking to lose weight and I hate cardio. I will do spin or walk outside a couple days a week to get a little bit in. I've been doing a group strength training class, yoga, pilates, and some very mellow lifting on my own. I've got good results so far. My endurance is up and I'm a lot stronger than when I first started, but I'm ready to step it up a notch. Well a few notches. I really want to add size to my glutes, quads, and hamstrings. I'm looking to tone everything else and get stronger. I would also like to reduce the fat that has taken up residence on my stomach since my daughter was born two years ago. I really really really want to tone my legs.

    The problem I'm facing is that I have arthritis and my joints will start hurting WAY before my muscle get close to exhaustion.

    Any tips or advice you ladies can give me? Excersises that don't stress the joints? Tips for building muscle? What is a good starting goal for the amount of weight you can lift?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    cindy - joints pain: Omega 3's and voltaren, in worst case scenario celebrex... at least for me:flowerforyou:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I want to start lifting soon. Has anyone heard of The New Rules of Lifting for Women, and advise this system of training?
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    I want to start lifting soon. Has anyone heard of The New Rules of Lifting for Women, and advise this system of training?

    It's the only book I'd recommend for 'women lifters'! :bigsmile:

    (For whatever that's worth, lol)
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    Ive been reading how lifting to the point of exhaustion. As a newbie Im not sure if Im going to that point. Is that pass the point of nausea (especially with abs, my weakest muscles) and pass the point of jello legs or is that the end point? I try to do my reps slow and controlled and also experience quivering during the process. Also, whats best for after workout meal or drink. Ive got a pea protein shake by olympian labs 25g protein. Wondering if I should add something else to get rid of the free radicals quadup was talking about.

    Any thoughts?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Lifting to failure is when you can't complete the round or lift, you have to drop it to safely get out of it.
    I love 5 hour energy and always drink one before my workout.
    I use Dymatize Recoup with Beta Alanine and BCAA during & after a big lifting workout, but I rather eat a whole protein (chicken breast), with a decent carb (riced cauliflower) as a meal 30 minutes after my workout (I workout usually in the late morning, so perfect timing for lunch).
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I want to start lifting soon. Has anyone heard of The New Rules of Lifting for Women, and advise this system of training?

    It's the only book I'd recommend for 'women lifters'! :bigsmile:

    (For whatever that's worth, lol)

    I'm doing this program now and I love it.
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    thanxs XFitMojoMom!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I really like combo moves because they keep your heart rate up and helps you get finished more quickly. However, I'm having trouble thinking up new ones.

    I generally use free weights and do the following:

    Lunges/Plies/Squats with bicep curls
    Lunges/Plies/Squats with front/side lifts
    Lunges/Plies/Squats with overhead presses

    I haven't come up with any new combo moves for the triceps and would like to do more with my back/core. Ideas are welcome!

    I usually jump rope for a minute between each set, since interval training is supposed to be good for you.

  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I love the idea of combo moves but I have a hard time focusing on correct form if I try to do stuff like curl and lunge. I may be doing it right but it doesn't feel like it. And if I try to check my form in the mirror, the forget about it! I am naturally fairly uncoordinated though and my perception surely is coloring my reality.
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