50 lbs by June 1st Challenge Part 3



  • MartyDiller
    MartyDiller Posts: 48 Member
    208.8 today. i lost 1.6lbs this week
  • MandyGirly
    No change this week. :cry:
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    255.4 this morning....down 4.8 lbs!
  • suelynn62
    suelynn62 Posts: 67 Member
    No change for me this week. 196.6
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member
    Lost 2.8 this week. Much better than the gain from last week. Current weight is 182.6

  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    :cry: I had a 3 lb gain this week. We had a death of a friend of 31 years. We spent a few hours in the ICU waiting room where I snacked too much on vending machine stuff. I hope some of it is water.

    We are iced in so no work today.

  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    This is a better week for me. I had a 1.4 weight loss. I really want to have a bigger loss but I will take that especially since I was doing alot more strength training.
    Have a great day everybody!!


    Awesome job Barb! So proud of you!!!

    Thanks, Steph! You are one of the people inspiring me with your posts and all that you do!
  • Curves73
    Curves73 Posts: 134 Member
    182.4 Down a little
  • abrandhausen
    Finally after 3 weeks of no change I'm down 2 pounds!!! Now I've got to get back on track with logging my food. It's so important and I just haven't been doing it! I need some motivation.
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    So where is everyone???? I hope you all are having a great, successful week!!!!!

  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    Morning everyone!!

    Sorry I haven't been around lately - I keep forgetting to check this blog. I have a bad memory these days.

    How's everyone doing? I had a great week last week but not good for my weight. I'm up a lot but I'm ok with it. I'll get back on track this week.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi all. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Have had this sinus infection and the antibiotics seem to be kicking it at last. Have been doing at least 30 minutes of activity daily although not as strenuous as I might have if my head didn't feel like a big balloon, have been watching what I've been eating for the most part. Life has been nice and calm lately which is great if you ask me but there hasn't really been much to report. I hope you're all doing okay.
  • sweetpeaga7
    Is it too late to join this? I started at 158 am now 155 and really hoping to be 105 by June 1! I am ONLY 5'2" so that's not a bad weight for a lady that height. Let me know if it's too late or not and what I need to do thanks!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    True Confession time ... I ate a ton of Kentucky Fried Chicken last night and washed it down with white wine ... and yes ... it shows on the scale already!!! Now that wasn't the confession part ... I confess that I loved every second of it :blushing: Lots of water and I'm heading out for a huge hike right now to see if I can reverse some of the damage.
  • erikaj819
    WI for this coming monday......
    SW 1/1/11- 269
    CW 258
    loss of 1 this week
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member
    True Confession time ... I ate a ton of Kentucky Fried Chicken last night and washed it down with white wine ... and yes ... it shows on the scale already!!! Now that wasn't the confession part ... I confess that I loved every second of it :blushing: Lots of water and I'm heading out for a huge hike right now to see if I can reverse some of the damage.

    Yesterday I was thinking HOW much I missed KFC, and you got to have it with Wine no less. I want some fried chicken too. Well I did just have some blue crabs that were washed down with 2 beers - close but not quite. I guess I'll drink as much water as I can hold and Zumba with the wii to try to undo the alcohol. Why can't what we love be good for us?????????
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I have traveled to all lower 48 states in all types of weather...but I can't believe I just got iced in for 4 full Days.
    We live in a rural area. We have a steep hill leading out then a short very steep hill to the stop sign before you could slide into a highway.
    That is why we got stranded but why we had a eating frenzy is the real question.

    OMG!! The guys ate constantly..Guess what??? I ate with them.
    I am so ashamed of myself.:cry:

    As far as exercise. I cooked, cleaned up the kitchen and watched 1 movie after another.
    I had a gain last week. This week I will probaly be right back where I was when we started.

    There is no way to lose 50lbs by June 1 but I am going to stick around and see if I can pull my head out of my rear.
    I have had a weight and self esteem problem my whole life. But I don't know how to just totally quit.
  • MandyGirly
    WEIGH IN: 209.4... up again this week. Before Christmas I was doing so well... and then I just lost it. And I can't seem to get back on track. I don't want to track what I've eaten. I don't even log in to mfp other than to weigh in every week... Where did all my determination go?
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    WEIGH IN: 209.4... up again this week. Before Christmas I was doing so well... and then I just lost it. And I can't seem to get back on track. I don't want to track what I've eaten. I don't even log in to mfp other than to weigh in every week... Where did all my determination go?
    When you are searching for your determination..look around and see if you find mine also.:laugh: I seem to be on another self destructive ride. I do great in short spirts then just hit a wall and my "dont give a s**t" takes over.
    I have NO support. except you guys
  • Dreambodyreacher
    I am a little late but I would love to join. CW: 299,2 Last week was 303 :) Good Luck to EVERYONE!