The "NEVER been thin/ in-shape" Club



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Happy February everyone! :drinker: Let's do something good for ourselves today!
  • Lyles1385
    This is the most encouraging post I've seen on this site. I have been so discouraged with losing weight because l have always been bigger. I'm trying to lose weight now and it feels like such a slow process. I needed to read something like this as a reminder that I'm not alone in this. Thank you for that! I'm going to definitely join in this journey. My stats as of right now are:

    Beginning weight: 230
    Current weight: 217
    Goal weight: 170
  • 90poundsoflard
    Down one pound this week. I wish it would go faster, but I guess I'm happy it's at least going down.
  • thelima
    thelima Posts: 234
    Saturday weigh in - keeping steady as I've upped my cardio to 45-60 min a day. Definitely retaining water!

    Not unhappy, b/c it's not about the pounds so much as how I feel and I feel great!
  • sweetie89207
    Hello hello all…sorry for the lateness…its hard to keep up on here with all this crazy school work I’ve been having – but im taking a few minutes between studying to get these welcomes done!!!

    @ Andonsmom- ask and you shall receive! Welcome to the club. That’s great to see that you have made the decision to change your life!!! More power to ya= hope we all can help!...Welcome!

    @ Kyliedurnan- chub chub…a word we can only dream of never being associated with! Wow only 14 huh? Well im glad u have made the decision to start early and change ur life while u are very young…it will definitely be worth it! That’s great- im sure cheering is great exercise…glad to have u…Welcome!

    @ Christa_dee- that’s ok…I understand u don’t have to do anything u don’t want to…you can still share with us your losses each week if you would like I can keep up with them that way!...glad to have you…Welcome!

    @ bethlust- I know just what u mean by feeling out of place…and I agree the extra confidence would be amazing!...ok I will count it in kg’s…where r u from btw?...Welcome!

    @ sar3539- yeah it is a shame how mean kids can be! I know that sum diets really just don’t work for anything…but I think you will like it here- it seems to have worked for many many people…yes- one day u will be the skinny girl!!!...Welcome!

    @kbefit- that’s a great Idea putting those pics up to remind you…because that’s where u want to be again…it’s a good thing to look toward. Great that you could quit smoking that’s great! And I know that everyone on here will be able to help u lose the weight just like then…Welcome!

    @Magglett- thanks for the really kind comments…I just thought that many ppl felt just like I did and that they all needed a place to go. So very glad to have u n my group- and thanks for adding my as a friend- been great working with you!!!...Welcome!

    @katiekangaroo- yup…elementary school was just a place full of evil children…doesn’t get much better the farther we go…well that’s fine- I don’t want you to do anything u don’t want to…if you would still post your losses and I’ll keep up with it that way- show us your success!...Welcome!

    @ibelieveicandoit- yeah I know what u mean…being in college myself its just time for a change!...and im sure you will make things happen!...Welcome!

    @littlepoopa- just hate how food is so comforting! Lol…yea- makes me want to cry sometimes thinking about how I never got to shop in the teen section…it was childrens to adults in the blink of an eye…yea secret eating…poor thing. So glad that u have been able to come to grips with ur issues and grab them hard and make ur mind up to change your life!!! I hope that all of us can help u do that very thing!!!...Welcome!

    @ Willowma- aww that’s so sad hun…im sorry to hear that it has you not wanting to leave because of embarrassment…I know what u mean about the mirrors tho…sometimes I just don’t want to look at all…glad to have you here!...Welcome!

    @Kristie_C26- hello…although im not exactly sure what weight those are (what does 12st 5lb mean?) lol maybe you could clarify that for me! Thanks…Welcome!

    @blueymo- wow 12 kids huh…that must have been pretty cool (only child here)…yup I know what that’s like to have something like asthma to stop you from doing things that could have helped keep u thin…cool going to Australia!...glad to have you- and I hope we all can encourage you and help u reach your lifetime goals!!!...Welcome!

    @Queenofcups- ouch- the hair comment…I’d rather ppl just not compliment me at all! I know what u mean to…I don’t know if I have ever felt beautiful or even pretty…just fat and awkward…its still something I have issues with today as an adult…that’s great of how much u have lost already!!! Excellent job and your almost done! Hopefully we can b there for u! hahaha no more boobs! Im afraid of that cuz I have a lot to lose and not much boobs to take from!! Ahhh…Welcome!

    @tigerlily2010- yeah…sometimes I just want to be the thin one in the group darn it!!...thats so great…I know you will make it and be able to buy whatever you want from the mall!...Welcome!

    @lyles1385- wow- that’s an amazing compliment…im so glad my club could give u some needed encouragement! Stay strong!!! It does feel slow sometimes but just think how great it will feel once its done!!!...glad to have you on with us…Welcome!

    Thanks to everyone I hope next time I get back on here it wont be soooo long from the last time…I apologize friends!!! Also all u newbies please add me as a friend so I can keep up with u and give some personal attention and encouragement…also remember all we do weigh ins on Saturdays! So come back weekly and let me know what has happened and I should have the list to Kizzy by Sunday at the latest Monday! (I hope! Lol)

    Alrighty now off to input everyones progress then off to studying!!!

    Thanks all – you all are soooooooooooo AMAZING!!!!!!
  • sweetie89207
    Saturday weigh in - keeping steady as I've upped my cardio to 45-60 min a day. Definitely retaining water!

    Not unhappy, b/c it's not about the pounds so much as how I feel and I feel great!

    thats just fine...u keep up with it and i know you will see some progress soon!!!
  • sweetie89207
    Checking in :) I weigh in on Mondays. I gained about pound this week which puts be at 213. I'm not super shocked, I lost 3lbs then 2lbs in back to back weeks. My body has NEVER allowed that to happen before :laugh: so I think it's in shock. Another reason is I'll be getting my TOM later this week and into the weigh in next week. My TOMs seem to take up 2 weigh ins a month. But I'm not depressed, just chugging along. I've lost 18 glorious pounds so far. :smile: There is no stopping me. This journey is going to be a long one, whats one more week :wink:

    thats ok...i gained 2 lbs this week lol...salt hates me!...thats a GREAT 18 pounds...and you are gonna kick butt all the way to the end!
  • sweetie89207
    I'm checking in for the week.

    I love 2 lbs, down to 256.

    I'll be honest though. I'm not sure how I lost the two pounds. Life's gotten really stressful the last couple of weeks and I haven't been tracking or eating well. Maybe it's just the stress? I don't know, but I know at some point this is going to come to a stanstill. Hopefully I can drop a few more pounds first though. ;)

    i say take the losses when u can-- regardless of why! haha...well done!
  • sweetie89207
    Just wanted to check in:

    CW: 260
    SW: 270

    thats amazing!!! well done girl!!
  • sweetie89207
    Hi everyone: It's a new day. Everyone got some great plans for this week? I've had a good weekend. Had a date night with my hubby on Saturday, had a nice little visit with my sister and her family yesterday, and finally went to the doctor about my sinus problems. Nothing like a couple of embarrassing nose bleeds to make you take action. I'm on a strong antibiotic now which I take once a day for 15 days. Hoping that will work so I can get back to the gym. My week of eating and such really wasn't as controlled as it should have been but I did make a point of doing at least 20 minutes of some kind of exercise every day (which really was strenuous with the sinus thing going on) and it seems to have helped. Stepped on the scale this morning and I'm down a bit.

    Well I'm off to get things tidied up here, I've got a guy coming over to install some contraption so I will now have high speed wireless internet ... unlimited ... woo hoo!! I'll pop back on later.


    hope u are feeling better now!!!
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    i tried to post the going to have to work on it tomorrow couldnt really see the words
  • sweetie89207
    saw someone's suggestion on how to do this...let me see if it works!

  • sweetie89207
    awesome it worked!!!! weird suggestion tho...thanks Kizzy for the help
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    your ur weight should u have an L and not a g??? because according to ur current weight u have a loss
  • sweetie89207
    your ur weight should u have an L and not a g??? because according to ur current weight u have a loss

    haha yeah...well actually since i did this last night that was my weigh- in from monday...where i had gained 2 lbs...but then i weighed in this morning (post-chart) and i lost 5 that is right...but my new weight loss i will adjust for next weeks posts...thanks for looking out tho!!! thats super nice
  • blueymo
    blueymo Posts: 91 Member
    I realized I didn't "check-in". Hadn't read enough of the posts apparently. Bad me! That's ok! I will be better come the future. Right now, I am down from 217 to 214.2 (yesterday). So, that is awesome! I still can't believe it is me every time I walk by a window. These 40 pounds have changed my life literally. My expectations of myself and my dreams. I always knew I loved horses and wanted to ride, but now I see riding as something I can do and be comfortable doing! So excited for spring to come so I can get back in the saddle (literally)!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks for the chart!!

    Great progress blueymo! :drinker:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Can I join in? I have been heavy since I popped out I do believe. I was 150 by 5yrs old and then 274 by third grade and then over 350 by 8th. Next time I was able to weigh was on the football players scale in 10th grade and I was 417. I was 477 by the end of high school then hit my highest at 26yo of 535. My goal is 180 (my doc says 200). I had gastric bypass 10 yrs ago and lost a bit but then have been struggling to get lower. I am the lowest I have been elementary school and trying to feel proud of that I mean 210 pounds lost is great but I keep seeing the left to lose looming over my head. My goal right now is under 300 so 26 more pounds to get there and I want to do this by June.

    Highest- 535
    Goal- 180-200
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hi AmyNVegas! Welcome, and all the best in achieving your goals!
  • artist444
    artist444 Posts: 25 Member
    I know I'm a little late ,but I've been reading your post and I would absolutely LOVE to be in this club!!! I have been big all my life and I have never known what it was like to be "skinny". I was born 3 months premature and weighed 1lb 14 oz. so I started out very tiny and stayed pretty small until I was about 5 yrs. old and as my family will say "It was like you learned how to eat and gained all this weight over night!" And apparently I never stopped eating since!! LOL I really appreciate you creating a club for those of us who have never been skinny. I have no idea where I will end up but I can't wait to meet this "skinny girl" inside!

    Starting Weight: 191 lbs.
    Current Weight: 181 lbs.
    Goal Weight: 160 lbs.
    Ideal Weight - w/ height I'm supposed to be: 135 lbs.