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  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    I can't stand fish only Mrs Pauls Fish Sticks but onlt when I was a kid.
  • NicoleL83
    NicoleL83 Posts: 68 Member
    I will try with the fish. I am presuming you don't mean deep fried shrimp, lobster, crap, scallops or any of that other yummy shell fish :laugh:. We have my husband Charted Accountant Graduation and Superbowl Party this weekend, so hopefully will power will show up and help with all the yummy and bad for my food.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I can't stand fish only Mrs Pauls Fish Sticks but onlt when I was a kid.

    wait aren't you fishing in the picture?:laugh: :huh: :tongue:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I will try with the fish. I am presuming you don't mean deep fried shrimp, lobster, crap, scallops or any of that other yummy shell fish :laugh:. We have my husband Charted Accountant Graduation and Superbowl Party this weekend, so hopefully will power will show up and help with all the yummy and bad for my food.

    well with the superbowl food in the forecast, a healthy fish meal at some point of the weekend would be a great[healthy] choice!
    Good Luck! Remember a good trick for going to party's where you know the food is going to be crazy, well there a couple things you can do. Prepare something healthy to bring to the table for everyone. Something like a nice big green salad full of lots of fresh veggi, then maybe prepare some chicken breast and cut it all up in small salad size chunks. I am sure SOME people there would appreciate the healthy choice but regardless YOU have a healthy choice to fill up on. You can still have some goodies but fill up on your healthychicken salad first so you dont over indulge on the treats. If your not comfortable with that EAT BEFORE YOU GO! We all know when we are hungry we don't make the best choices! If your hosting the party even better you are in control of the food! Have fun good luck!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    just stoppiong by to say hi and bye running behind..headed out for laser hair removal that my friend is doing for me..I am excited!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    tamara I want laser hair removal!! Im so envious.

    AFM- big fat 0 on the scale but TOM started this morn so thats why :( O and maybe cuz I havent been as anal about what I eat so this week starts being more anal liike I was befre
  • curran80
    Hi everyone,

    Hope you are all having a great day.

    I was at an old work reunion last night and am fighting the urge of binge eating to help get over my hangover!!!

    I love fish so will defo be taking part in the challange and will make it for my dinner tomorrow - yummy:smile:

    Tamara - I would love laser hair removal, must let us know if it works well!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    headed out for our saturday run, just wanted to tell you about the evil we humans call a scale. This morning I step on the digital scale again and it said 179....just long enough for me to get wide eyed and smile then POOF gone 180.4 :noway: :explode: :sad: :sick:
    that was just cruel. :laugh: :wink:
    have a good on! Just a half a freakin pound away from being out of the stupid 80's! Got to go get my sweat on! :glasses: I am going to use the C25K method this morning
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    I can't stand fish only Mrs Pauls Fish Sticks but onlt when I was a kid.

    wait aren't you fishing in the picture?:laugh: :huh: :tongue:

    yes i am teaching my son in the picture but we do the catch and release thing.
  • jeanne1949
    I hope no one minds but I have loss 11.2 lbs. When I started last May I was 5 lbs. less than what I weighed in Dec. when I decided I was really going to get serious about this losing weight. So everytime I would come into the site my wieght loss showed 5 lbs. less than what I have actually loss. So I changed my starting weight. It is making me feel better because I had to work to lose those 5 lbs. So when you see 11 lbs. now you know why. Jeanne1949
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Howdy Team and Happy Super Bowl for everyone..Today will be a day I enjoy..Yesterday was my sister in laws birthday Tuesday is my moms birthday tues will be 14 years since my husband lost his grandfather(really father he rasied him) and the super bowl is today.. I am headed out in about an hour to run about 8 miles then gonna head to brother house and make homemade eggrolls and then take all 10 kids out to play, so I am gonna enjoy but I am also gonna try to get some extra exercise in that I normally dont get in..

    I hope all is well and I will have charts up sometime tomorrow, my daughter has surgrey at 930 so depending on how she does and then I have to be at class at 330 for my last week of training.. So wish me luck if I show a gain on the scale this week so be it,. at least I am rolling4 things into one and not celebrating them each individually.. Super Bowl has always been a big part of our family eat and enjoy, was always the motto.

    I made a carrot cake for my mom with cream cheese frsoting and I am making my sister in law a bundt red velvet cake with vanilla frosting.. for thier birthdays..

    Well gotta go get dressed layers for my run,,

    Have an awesome day!!
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    ok sorry I have not been here in a minuet. I snuck on the scale and weighed in cause I was a bit discouraged from gaining and I am happy to reaport that I am down so far but I know that the week is not over yet. I have been hitting the gym and letting my muscles know who's the boss and nothing is gonna stop me on this journey not even some wimpy little gain. I have been super busy due to the fact that a friend of min's mom has been on hospice and I have been going over during my lunch break at work and after work to help her take care of her since I used to do it for a living and I know how hard it can be on a family. I had gone twice yesterday then got a phone call at 10pm saying come now and I had been up since 4 am well I sat there with my friend, our other friends and her family till the bitter end at 4;15 am. I got home at about 5 am and had to get up for work at 8am so since she works where I do and is a long term associate they knew where I had been and let me only work a 1/2 shift so I came home and slept. I will not be on here very much for the next few days since tomorrow is the viewing and tuesday is the funeral. On a different note before the call I was at a get together and there was every kind of yummy unhealthy food you can think and plenty of it. I did not even eat one peanut I took my own stuff and never gave into the serious peer pressure of eating. I finally said stop guilting me into eating so that you can feel less guilty for stuffing your faces!!! Know be my friends and encourage me to do good not bad, so they did. Anyways sorry for the rambling jut had to get that out. It broke my heart for everyone to be looking at me waiting for me to say it was over and I felt this incredibule pressure to be so on top of everything. Never wanna have to tell another friend that again.
    Thank you to everyone for the encouaging words about my gain. Also thanks for not giving up on me. Take care and I will be back in a few days. Oh yeah I am packing my lunch to take to the funeral home for the two days so that I do not have to bring in what ppl bring cause I can't weight it and you know the food at a funeral is never anything too healthy.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey team busy day for me also..Didnt get home until 11 pm last night from super bowl, extremely tired. My muscles are KILLING me..I ran yesterday 10.2 miles instead of bewteen 4-8 now off to the gym slept an extra 30 minutes then my daughter has her surgrey today at 930. then I start my last week of training tonight so.. I promise I will get the chart up at some point.. Just dont know when..I also have a bunch of stuff I need to look up on the internet for tonight training class.. So our challange.. Is to continue to get your water in.. and choose to do something new for 30 minutes a day.. Its open to you your choice and each day I want you to post what you did.. If you normally walk on treadmil for 30 minutes I want you to run for a total of 5 minutes during that 30 minute workout.. Its totally up to you..

    Well I gotta go I still need to pack my sons lunch..I hope he is feeling better he was not feeling well after super bowl party..Lets just say we have to pull over on the side of the interstate and it wasent a pretty site..

    Hope everyone has a good day!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    grr Im so discouraged. I just wanna eat eat eat all day. I didnt lose anything last weigh in but that could be cuz TOM showed up sorta that day. Nothing is working out right now grrr. Dh will most likely be outa work in a few weeks for back surgery so that will suck and now getting him a nice car is outa the picture since we will most likely have to live off our income tax check after the surgery.
  • addiograsso
    Good Morning all -
    Just lurking...:) Be back soon.
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning all. Just a quick check in. I had to take my hubby to the doctor this morning. He has a fever of 102.1 with flu like symptoms. He is such a big baby when he is sick. The doctor said it is a virus and he is sick in quarters for 2 days. So basically he has to stay home and be doctored by me for 2 days. I have to take care of him and try not to get sick myself. I will do my best. It looks like it will be junk food for the next 2 days. That is what he likes when he is sick. So here goes nothing. Everyone pray he gets better fast and that I do not catch it. I do not want to be sick at all right now. Have a great day everyone.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Good morning all. Just a quick check in. I had to take my hubby to the doctor this morning. He has a fever of 102.1 with flu like symptoms. He is such a big baby when he is sick. The doctor said it is a virus and he is sick in quarters for 2 days. So basically he has to stay home and be doctored by me for 2 days. I have to take care of him and try not to get sick myself. I will do my best. It looks like it will be junk food for the next 2 days. That is what he likes when he is sick. So here goes nothing. Everyone pray he gets better fast and that I do not catch it. I do not want to be sick at all right now. Have a great day everyone.

    Hope he gets to feeling better soon arn't we all babies when we are sick? Stay strong i know it is tough but you can do it.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey team.

    Just got home a bit ago with little girl from surgery, just wanted to update you all.. I cried the whole time it took them about a whole ten minutes.. they clipped the skin between her upper lip and the skin under her tongue..they said she was tongue tied, when I walked back into the room she was droggie.. I was still crying and in her best drunken voice said mommy wheres daddy and why are you crying? It made me laugh and cry more at the same time.. Now she is only allowed drink today and then tomorrow we can add soft food, so we started the the first meal off with a shake from sonic.. Now she is propped up in daddys recliner..She is not allowed to lay flat with shake on one side of her and ds in her hands..

    I on the other hands just finished dishes while my chicken cooked for my chicken salad.. then ate my salad and my ice cream.. now gonna lay down for a bit before I have to head out in 2 hours for class tonight..Its suppost to snow.. So I dont know about class, but one thing I do know if I dont get a nap, I will never make it through class.. Nite nite!!
  • NicoleL83
    NicoleL83 Posts: 68 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    Just checking it. Had a great weekend, socially but not necessarily healthy. My husband recently became a Charted Accountant. It has been 3 and half years of him wokring full time and doing the modules after work. His graduation was this weekend. His parents came up (they live 7 hour away) and so did mine. Since it was a celebration there was lots of drinks, lots of food and little exercise. But we had a great time and I am back on track.

    How do you guys stay on track on the weekends. We pretty much half plans every weekend that include going out for supper with friends, drinks and late nights. This weekend we have a murder mystery dinner party, where we have no control over the food. Our group of friends is young (all 27 or younger) and no kids. I understand that I needed to portion control and drink more water in between drinks, but its tough with all the delicous food and everyone else eating whatever they want. I am pretty much the only one in the group that struggles with weight. So any tips or ideas would help!

    Hope everyone else had a great weekend and have a marvelous week:happy:
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    nicole. Im envious Ive always wanted to do one of those murder mystery dinners. My DH would never go for it though and I dont do sitters lol. When my kids are teens we are gonna lilve it up lol prolly not but ya. I say just eat half of whatever you order.

    OOOOO man TOM this month is KILLING me and I dont wanna eat or do anything its bad! Next week Im getting back to my anal portion control me and working out during the day since apparently at night wasnt working well. We should be getting more income coming in next week to buy food so Ill make sure to get back on the healthier eating and not eating out as much. Gonna utilize these lunch bags I bought the kids!! Lots to do next week but Im determined to eat better and eating out is fine just gonna make sure Im back to my anal couting of calories and sodium! Gonna get back to doing like tamara mentioned she does and eating a weight watchers ice cream when I feel like a treat. I was doing this before and ended up every other night having the calories for one and I felt that it helped me not feel so deprived of the sweets and I didnt want anything else. they are good but pricey! Ok Im done ranting. Im gonna make this better and I will get a loss on friday since TOM will be GONE. I will do this!