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  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Just checking in. Im hoping to make a great wiegh in on friday. Only missed one day I think on my Bike and yes Tamara the dust was flying everywhere hehee. Im determined to get to goal by my bday in april!! Bad part is that my husbands bday was monday and there was a mix up withhis cake at DQ and they ended up giving us a 10 inch cake for an 8 inch price so we have alot of this calorie filled french silk pie blizzard cake!!!!!! I wanted the raindeer bits cake but it wasnt my bday hehehe lol
    Im not gonna be able to get out to the pool wiht the kids for a while and back to walking when the weather gets better. Stupid van tires are soo bold you can see the threads so for the sake of blowing a tire and flipping the van we are only using it to go up the street to the store and thats it. I might take the kids to story time today in it if it doesnt snow before 1030. Would walk but its sooooooo cold! and these kids need to get outa this damn house!

    tamara- I knew a lady who had 3 kids back to back so didnt have a period for like 4 years and the day she did wow she was in pain. I was working wtih her and she just was miserable. Hang in there! Funny as it is when Im cramping and its TOM I feel the need to work out more, I think its a mind trick , like Im too strong to let alittle thing like nature keep me down.

    bobbie- you'll never bring us down and you never know talking out our feelings might make you feel better, If not no biggy we will be here waiting for your return.
  • rupi123
    rupi123 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey B2B!

    Hope everyone is doing well....I'm back :) and just been catching up on the thread.
    To my ladies whose motivation took a dip...i think we can all relate....focus on something small for the day, and i'm sure you'll be back in no time! Everyone else, I'm so glad to see great drops on the scale from last weeks weigh in. I decided to weigh in today, because i wasn't logging food last week, and felt like i was eating horribly, but my reflection of it all post-essay mania is that i was drinking a lot of coffee, and tea, and just eating a big meal to sustain the numbers aren't bad on the scale.

    Oh, and my 30day shred dvd just came in the mail today....will be starting it bright and early tomorrow!!!! will report in on how it goes.

    xoxooxo rupi
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey team..I took the test and lets just say it was harder then I think it should have been..But oh yeah its done its over.. should know later today or sometime tomorrow if I passed.. Where oh where is everyone.. Suppost ot head back to the gym with sister in law at 630 for spin.. Lets hope she dont cancel this time.. I coluld really just sleep if she did.. My head is killing me thinking I am gonna go lay back down..
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Hello B2B,

    Thanks to all of the motivators out there! If it weren't for this site...I don't think I would be trying over and over and over again to get back on track!!

    I am pretty close to being "over" calorie count today, even with my 30 minute walk at lunch. I'm glad I logged the food today because otherwise I would have probably gone way over. I had a double breakfast this morning, hence why I'm so much over. I drive my 10 year old to school and this morning he took his breakfast with him (eggs and little smokies and toast bread), well his belly started hurting and he did not eat most of what do I do???? I bring it in to work with me and eat it. Well I of course had my regular breakfast(oatmeal and banana). I ate both!! His breakfast was 238 calories. I just hate throwing food away. But now I have to pay for it and I must work out tonight or have very little for dinner!

    You all have a lovely evening.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    marcie- I have that issue. When my kids dont eat thier food I eat it!!! Its horrible
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Godod Morning my B2B team.. We had some people post that havent posted in a while thats awesome, welcome back.. Make sure to say one thing that you are proud of for the day.. ( I know Don TMI...Sorry) ---->>> My proud thing this morning is I didnt let this period control me.. I controlled it. I used to rummage the house when it was time for my period..yesterday I didnt do that..yesterday I stayed with in my calories and ate what I had logged early that morning..although I probably ate the majority of it around 1 o clock, its ok it was on my log and I was accountable for it. My period seems to be almost gone, I will take it.. will still probably be up tomorrow but it will be from the period I am almost certain..

    Rupi- Glad to see exams are over

    Don- Come back to us, we need you here, you are apart of this team.

    Marcie- I used to do that, not anymore I have learned to give them little and then a little more if they are still hungry, but I make them have balanced breakfast..most of the time anyways unless I am runnign late..

    Amber- I am so happy to hear you are having the time of your life doing this program, I told you it was not hard..well in retrospect..I mean not as hard as its sounded..

    Bobbie- Lets get back to it today my friend. Your all dolled up and now its time to get back to you!! You come first..

    Jessica- I will be glad when its spring also, I hate the cold.. My bones shiver..

    Kerry- Glad to see you are feeling better.. Keep it up girle.

    Jena- You are such an inspiration.. You lift the team up and I wanna say thank you for that..You are our cheerleader..

    Deneen- Come out come out where ever you are..

    Karen- Where have you been??

    Ok my friends this is last minute workout today.. so get them in and lets see how many pounds we lost this week..last week we lost 22. I believe lets see if we can bet that this week.. I think many of us wa dealing with tom so may be hard, but we are women and Don hear us roar!!!

    My baby girl woke up at 230 throwing up do I dont know if she is going to school or not, I will just have to see how she feel when she wakes up. I dont think she was running a fever,but has been telling me since tuesday she has not felt well..I am the type of mother..running a fever nope go to school if you are bad enough they will call me to come get you.. but with her throwing up she was ptiyful, now she is cuddled up to bubba in his bed..He is such a good big brother..

    I am outta here my friends its 3:54 am and I normally leave for gym at 4 so I can read for an hour before gym opens, and here I sit still drinking my coffee in my pj's lollygogging!!!

    Bye have an awesome day!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    tamara- I hope we hit better numbers tomorow too. Ive worked out everyday on that stupid bike except monday so I better have lost something. If not Ill prolly eat a ton of the stupid cake still in the freezer!!! No kidding but seriously i better have. O why can't it be spring already.

    Im glad that so far we have managed to keep the sickness outa our home. DH was sick for awhile but nothing serious and I know that since my daughter is homeschooled , thats probably why we having had anything bad yet. Though we dont normally get sick. Im afraid to take the kids anywhere though since it seems everyone is poping up sick lol I dont do well with vomit. Baby spit up I can handle if it smy own baby but vomit is another thing YUCK Im gagging even typing about it lol.

    OK off to make a late breakfast. I asked my son if he wanted cereal or cinoman bun oatmeal and before he could say oatmeal he smild and licked his lip LOL I freaking love when he does that or when he says yum yum yum and licks his lips.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    OOO yea I wanted to ask if anyone knew what I can do with cocoa powder that low calorie. Im not much of a baker but if I have a recipe I can do it. I have a ton of cocoa powder from when I made brownies with puree in it.
  • rupi123
    rupi123 Posts: 23 Member
    Day 2 of the DVD today ladies...i'm in pain :( Just want to relax today and do nothing, but off to work now so hopefully some of the pain will resolve itself as i'm walking. proud moment...i did push ups for the first time in almost 10 years :)

    Glad to see so many motivated girls today :)

    See you at weigh in tomorrow xoxoxo
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I've been busy, but I've been plugging away watching my calories. I'm cutting it close today thanks to a fast food lunch so it will be a light dinner for me tonight. I don't drink much soda, but I've found on days I have the munchies, it helps to have a Fresca. I think today is going to be one of those days.

    I'm not sure how tomorrow is going to go (weigh in). I've had a hard time getting the water in this week.

    I hope everyone is getting their diet mojo back. If it hasn't, keep doing what you know you should until it does! The times I want to eat something I know is not a good choice, I think about how important it is to eat that thing in the long run, not just in the moment I'm in. I wouldn't be looking at it or thinking about it if I didn't want it in the moment. :D When I'm done eating it, will I feel good about having eaten it? If the answer is no, I don't let myself eat it. I cave in some times, but I keep moving on.
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow! I haven't had the best of weeks. Even last night after I logged my food and was "under" calorie count, I caved in to Oreos!! Did I bother to log it NO!! So yesterday was a a lie!! :angry:

    I know my record is getting broken...but I will keep trying!!

    Good luck to everyone tomorrow. I hope I don't let you all down!

    Tamara...did you hear anything on the job? Glad the test is over glad you are feeling better!
    Jena & Deneen...Where are you? the attitude are doing really good
    Rupi...I just love your motivation....I need to get back to Jillian, but I'm scared....I did the DVD all of 3 days!
    Jessica....Glad you are getting on your bike!

    Anyone I missed...sorry...I will catch you all next time.

    Have a good evening!
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Drank all my water today and bought a food scale. I am a happy girl but once again fell asleep at like 6:25 with like 1040 calories left for the day. I did not wake up till 10pm so no point in eating cause I have weigh in in the morning. Anyways reallly hoping to get bak into the gym real soon.

    Tamara- thanks for the invite sorry I could not make it. Felt way to beat up.

    Bobbi- I miss you and love you

    everyone- Good luck on weigh in and lets all keep our chins up. WE CAN DO THIS!!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I am here!! TOM showed up on tuesday, this morning I felt ok but tonight I am very bloated:grumble: I got in some great workouts this week though so it is all good. Not going to worry about the scale too much tomorrow but by monday or tuesday I want to see it really move, and for sure by next fridays weigh in! I don't know why I seem to get stuck at the 10 lb mark it happened when I was coming out of the 190's too now I have been so close to getting out of the 180's but it just never quite gets by! And frankly I am tired of it. So I am looking forward to this weekend and burning A LOT of calories I will rest on Monday.
    Good Luck tomoorrow Ladies!!
    TGIF!!!:drinker: :tongue:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning everyone.. I m running a tab bit behind so gonna type this and head out so this will be real short.

    I was up 1.2 pounds to 133.0 which is ok since I am having my first period in 8 months, I am greatful its not anymore then that but will be glad when I weigh in next friday hopefully I will show a loss.. I dont know where we are going for dinner tonight, maybe since the kids are outta school we will go somewhere for lunch since its cheaper that way.. I will probably do pizza its cheap and good.. Or maybe chinese, I have been craving that.. Hopefully Amber and I am her daughter and my friends daughter can all make it for zumba tonight, I am keeping my fingers crossed..

    I better get outta here, I hope the gym is opening on time, because I need to warm up my van I am sure the doors are frozen shut!!

    I hope everyone has good weigh in, mine will be better next week promise!!
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Not a good weigh in for me either!! TOM showed up last night and so on the scale this morning I am up 1/2 pound. Which with the week I have been having on practically no excercise and over calories I guess I will have to take it. I will see what next week holds for me and see if I can get back on track for good.

    You all have an awesome weekend!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Not a good weigh in for me either - although I really shouldn't have expected much. I stayed under calories (or just over) every day, but I didn't drink enough water most days. Also, I have my calories set to lose .5 lb per week. I lost. 0.4. It's something though!

    The weird thing is the difference between my two scales. I started MFP with one scale. It only measure whole pounds, which can be rough on the ol' motivation. So, I went out and bought a new one. When I first bought it, the two scales were 3 lbs apart. They are now about 1.5 lbs apart. Strange.

    TOM is hard! Sorry to the ladies who had that interfere with your weigh in. Just know that weight will be gone next week!

    I'll check back in later. Gotta get to work.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I dont normally wiegh in untill before lunch when I get my shower in so I can weigh in nakie since it gives a better number hehehe. I did hop in before breakfast and I got a big fat 0 BUT its not strange for me to have a 1-2 lbs loss wiht my clothes off so Ill wait to give an official wiegh in. Kinda discouraged though cuz I worked out alot. I was under my calories for the day most days. I guess my fat intake wasnt as good as Id like

    oh and like jena i just cant get outa the 150s. I have a hard time when it comes to getting out of the tens. took forever to get outa 160 and now 150 is killing me! Im tired of looking at that damn 5
  • rupi123
    rupi123 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello ladies!
    Funny thing is TOM showed up for me too! ARgh! But its ok, since last week i'm down (approx) 2 pounds :flowerforyou: I'll take it! lol Have a great weekend everyone....
    Oh, and i'm skipping the DVD today because i am in pain (like too much pain) and going for a run...maybe i'll come around to the dvd tonite or tomorrow morn, but we shall see.
  • brashear_2420
    Hi everyone. Sorry I have been MIA. I had to get my head straightened out. I was up 3 pounds this week and I will gladly take it. I am still down 6.5 pounds for the month. I ate so bad since Friday. I had Cracker Barrel, all you can eat sushi, caramel cake for 4 days, taco bell, burger king, KFC, and brownies, cookies, and muffins that I made from scratch. I was terrible this week. Wednesday I started feeling a bit better and sent all the baked goods to work with the hubby. I ate good yesterday and got in a great workout. I told the hubby that there is no more out to eating this month and next month it is limited to once a week if that. I have plenty of time to cook and I just need to do it and quit letting him want to go out. I ordered some new workout dvd's. I have to go to the mall to pick my wedding ring up next week and I am going to Borders to get a couple healthy cook books. I know I can do this. I have come so far. I have been on this journey for 3 years and I am down 107 pounds as of today. I have been as low as 112, but I keep teetering. I will get control of this.

    Jena & Jessica - I agree with you on getting out of a ten. I am so over the 180's. last week i was at 179.5, but I sabatoged myself and am back up to 182.5. Now it is time to get out of the 180's and stay out of them. I will get out of them by the first Friday in February. That is my goal. If I get my period it will be next week and I know that will mess with my next weigh in. Either way I know that the 3 of us can get the scale moving the way we want it too.

    I want to say thank you to all of you for your kind words and words of encouragement. It really menas a lot to me. I am feeling like me again and will be back to my normal posts tomorrow. I said I wasn't weighing this week, but I decide I needed to hold myself responsible. I can do this. We all can.

    Tamara & Amber - I love you both very much and miss you guys like crazy.

    I am sorry for all the ladies that got hit by TOM. You will bounce back from it.

    Okay I need to get off my butt now. Thank you again to everyone. I am doing much better. have a great day.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    OK so im back at 151. Im going to get outa the darn 150s if it freaking kills me!!! Ive been at 151 since like before thanksgiving!! I gained some and then now I lost all I gained over the holiday so thats a plus. On a good note I noticed my bra is too loose!!!! So I need to go buy a smaller number size , not the cup the number ya know.