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  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I seem to be hungry all day today. I only have 500 calories left for the day too. :( Bummer.

    Jena - 20 glasses of water! I can't even imagine!

    Bobbie - I'd love to say the home projects are coming along, but they aren't. We have a haze on the new tile and grout that has proven difficult to remove. I am so SICK of the floor! We'll get done though, sooner or later. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

    I still haven't found the time to work out. I worked until 6:30 yesterday (got off at 3:30) and then went home to work on the house some more. Since I'm not working out, I've been super careful about my calorie intake. We'll see on Friday how successful I've been.

    I hope everyone is having a great day!
  • addiograsso
    Hello, Hello, Hello!
    Thanks guys - it is soooo nice to be back. Today's food intake hasn't been too good... ;( I'm not back into my planning ahead mode and have been making not so good choices - Captain D's for lunch - yuck!
    I can NOT wait to "feel it" again. I can tell you one thing, if you are ever in doubt - LOGGING YOUR FOOD - Best decision you can ever make. Just KNOWING what you eat - even if it is wrong - helps you make better choices and understand your ups and downs. Now for practicing what I preach... ;)
    Bobbie - What a fun day?!?!?! Practicing - that is so awesome... I need some "practice". I think that would help us TONS!
    Jena - My DH sooooooooo would care - he's always so concerned that I'm saying something that he doesn't want someone to know about... ;) i guess he might be right, eh? But you know what - this is for me! This isn't about anyone else but me! Love you my friend - thank you again for everything!!!!! Now, start kicking my butt into gear...

    Nicole - that is so awesome for you and your hubby. Having someone love you and make you feel sexy and desirable - I think that is half the battle. Welcome to the group. They really are an awesome, awesome bunch! Here's my opinion on the at home exercise - and believe me i am FAR FROM THE EXPERT and am lucky to get in any workout... but I've found just putting on your headphones, picking a good CD, etc of "getting you moving" music will get you started. I would just start with going up and down stairs and doing running in place and jumping jacks and just setting a time limit and sticking to it. It's all good - just getting moving - Note to self - Read last note of advice... :)
    Risa - I am so sorry about your accident - hope your ankle, etc are feeling better soon.
    Tamara - Glad to see that I can still live vicariously through you - girl - how do you do it?!??!
    Thank you so much for the kind words. I will be thinking of you on Friday. I know how hard it is, too. My Dad has now been gone for three years, but the first year (which just so happened to land on thanksgiving) was super, super tough. I like the idea of getting with your family to remember.
    Marcie - Where are you, my friend?
    Karen - Home Improvments? whatcha doin? How close are you to Illinois??? :) I have a TON Of work that needs to be done on my house.

    Deneen - (yes, note to me) - drink your water and kick that nasty soda habit you picked back up. There is no excuse AND it doesn't taste that good. DOn't you want to lose just a smidge of that belly before next Saturday.

    Jessica - You still make me smile... ;) Thanks for the welcome - Let's cheer each other on to get our butts moving - literally... ;)

    To all - Have a wonderful evening. It's 17 below with the windchill here - so I know it is tough to want to do anything beyond sit under a blanket in front of a fire.

    BY the way - I know most of this have done this exercise before, but where is everyone from? It appears we have a canuck in our group - cool! :)

    happy Wednesday - Deneen
  • addiograsso
    Jena - LOVE THE NEW PIC!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Can we say another snow day tomorrow this make four this week and tomorrow is thursday so you can figure it out.. Making homemade healthy orange cranberry wheat muffins tomorrow.. I am super excited..Gotta do something to keep me busy.. Love to ya'll will catch up later gonna curl up with my body and read and probably fall a sleep..3 am is early early!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Howdy team, how is everyone this morning?? I hope ya;ll are fine.. I heard somewhere yesterday that the other day it snowed in 49 of the 50 states..Thats crazy.. But its so pretty outside..

    I am not gonna make single shout outs this mornin, I am running a few minutes behind, just wanted to say good moring to ya'l, get your butt moving tomorrow is weigh in.. We need losses this week..I am hoping to show a loss.. I think I have beenfairly good..I am headed to the gym this morning for 90 minutes of cardio then headed back tonight for 45 minutes of spin, tha my friends will be my last minute workout..

    Its like 13 degree this morning, can we say buuurrrrrr..Well gotta jet, get your water in and get your last minute workout in.. Have an awesome day, because we choose what kind of day we are gonna have..Dont let someone elses ignorance ruin it for you..Be better then them, smile and head on about your business, its not worth it.. Bye my BtB team!!
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone. It is 4:30 here and I woke up at 4:00 with the hubby. He has to go back to class today. He has a duty day tonight and probably won't be home until after class tomorrow. He is also taking the internet with him. So I wanted to hop on real quick and say hi to everyone. I hope you all get your last chance workout in before weigh in tomorrow. I hope it is a great one for all of you. We all need to be big losers.

    I managed to get off mu butt and do an hour workout yesterday and my situps and stayed under my calories.

    Today I am going to do another hour workout and prrobably some house cleaning.

    Okay ladies have a great day and make the scale your friend. Do not be afraid of the scale because you have control over it. Make healthy choices and keep moving. Good luck everyone. I am off to clean the kitchen and help the hubby get everything together. Our road is still really bad and it worries me about him driving. I won't be able to rest until I know he made it to the base safe. TTYL
  • Pandaschaefer
    Hi everyone, was just reading over this thread and I know I'm late, but would like to join in if i might. I'm Anita and am 28. Married to a wonderful guy for almost 10 years now. I've got a lot of weight to lose, but I am determined to take it in small steps and accomplish it this time.
  • rupi123
    rupi123 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello team.....been off the whole logging thing for the week because of uni work, but i'm done writing one essay; one to go ... i will be free this monday :drinker:

    I've been keeping up with my water; started the exercising (with the situps challenge). HOpe everyone is having a great week.
    Welcome to the new team members!!!!! Wish you guys the best in your weight loss journey.

    Definitely not looking forward to weighing in with all the pizza and take-out i' ve eaten this week, but I will report back tomorrow :wink:

    Off to work now , see you all tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Welcome Anita! It's never too late to join.

    Rupi - Stress makes me want to eat too. Hang in there!

    Bobbie - I hope you're enjoying your day at home. If I was up at 4:00 I'd be taking a nap! :P

    Tamara - I heard that about the 49 of 50 states too. Unfortunately, we don't get snow here (south Texas - San Antonio to be exact). We did get to experience snow when we were in NY at Christmas.

    Deneen - We had flooring replaced downstairs. We're also replacing trim, painting 1 room, and putting trim up around the passthroughs (openings between rooms). It's endless!!!

    Jena - I love the new picture!

    Before I forget - I've been getting my sit ups in. My abs are sore from them.

    Backk two work for me since it's time to pick up my class from gym.
  • jeanne1949
    Hi my name is Jeanne I have just retired. I am 61 years old. I started last May but have done nothing with losing weight. In fact I went up to 180 lbs. I am down to 172.8 this morning. I am going in the right direction, I know this will be a real challenge for me.
    I was 150 lbs. 22 years ago when I started working at my last job. So I have put on 30 lbs. I just want to get down to even 160 lbs. for now. I would like to keep in touch with other people and try to encourage others also to be healthy. I am not sure how this posting thing works. If you are willing to let me be part of your group let me know. I will drink 64 oz. of water today. I carry around a 32 oz. cup filled with water and ice. I exercised this morning. I enjoy doing Leslie Sansone walk at home 5 mile fat burning walk.
    Have you ever heard of her DVD's? jeanne1949:flowerforyou:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Jena - LOVE THE NEW PIC!
    :blushing: awww:wink:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Good Day!! Well I hope it is!:wink:
    My abs are sore too from those situps! :happy: SORE IS A GOOD THING LADIES!! :bigsmile:

    So Has Everyone here added all of us as friends?? Don't forget k?
    Well my annual physical is tomorrow so I WAS happy about getting a really acurate weight BUT I feel soooo bloated today Yes even after 20 cups of water yesterday:tongue: TOM is less than a week away :grumble: So might not be the best week for weigh in. We'll see I will just report to you my AM weight (my dr appt is in the afternoon)

    Deneen- Girl I put off getting back into the swing of things for so long I probably gained 20 lbs!! Best advice don't THINK about it so much just do it with whatever food you have available.
    Breakfast: - 3 egg whites a piece of toast, coffee- log it- DONE
    lunch: MAKE A SALAD throw some leftovers from dinner with it -log it-DONE
    Dinner: Bake some chicken cook some frozen veggies more salad 1/2 rice or baked potato-log it- DONE
    Snacks: fruit yogurt DONE
    There see no thought at all! I did it for you!! lol :tongue:
    ok friends got to get out of here for my 4 day weekend! :drinker: Heading to Vegas tomorrow evening for a couple days to see my BFF new house.
    Drink Up!! YOU TOO CAN DRINK 20 Cups in a day!! :bigsmile: :tongue: :wink:
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    ok so I have drank all my water every day. Sorry I have not check in everyday on this topic but Tamara just showed me how to do that this evening while we were making some wonderful cranberry orange whole wheat muffins. I have not started working out yet byt plan to get on that real quick. I am weighing in when I get up in the morning and I am a little nervous. I am a now or never type of person. I am either all in or I am just out and it could go either way with most things in my life. I have been weighing evey morning and although I am doing well in my mind it is just not good enough. It is not happening fast enough which in my mind all turns into I am not good enough, or I am not doing well enough. It is so frusterating being in my own head sometimes lol
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    ok so I have drank all my water every day. Sorry I have not check in everyday on this topic but Tamara just showed me how to do that this evening while we were making some wonderful cranberry orange whole wheat muffins. I have not started working out yet byt plan to get on that real quick. I am weighing in when I get up in the morning and I am a little nervous. I am a now or never type of person. I am either all in or I am just out and it could go either way with most things in my life. I have been weighing evey morning and although I am doing well in my mind it is just not good enough. It is not happening fast enough which in my mind all turns into I am not good enough, or I am not doing well enough. It is so frusterating being in my own head sometimes lol
    hmmmmm:huh: We need to work on a few things together then!! :wink:
    Leave Now or Never outside he is not welcome on our thread!! :tongue: This Will Take Time... We have all heard the phrase You Didn't Gain It Over Night And You Wont Lose It Overnight.
    So that IS a true statement BTW :wink: So we need to do some rewiring up in your "own head" and tell yourself "SELF Chill Out I Am Going To Do This No Matter How Long It Takes!" :bigsmile:
    Stop weighing yourself everyday for now if it is bringing you down... I didn't and haven't lost a ton of weight(this time around the weight loss dial) But I lost a lot of inches went from a size 22 jeans to 16 the scale is an instrument NOT the conductor! If you think you are doing well then that means to me you have already made some big changes so THAT IS good enough! AND is going to get BETTER!! Give it a chance and stick with us We have people on this very thread that have LOST OVER 100 LBS and AND WANT to help US do the same! We are so blessed!! Have a great weigh in either way it goes keep Goooooing!:flowerforyou:

    "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." ~Winston Churchill
    Hi Tamara,

    My name is Traci I am 33 years old and married for 8 years . I have 2 children both girls 15 & 12. I am in sunny florida. Notmuch time for the gym and to be quite honest I am a bit intimidated when I walk in. So many machines and not sure what ones are the best to use. I do walk at night. My problem is what to eat. I amnot sure what is a good menu to start with for keeping my calories under 1500. My problem is snacking I believe. I love my swwets. What do you recommend for small meals through out day and snacks. Do we just reply back to this post with weigh in on fridays?

    Look forward to working with everyone and making these goals permanant.

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hi everyone, was just reading over this thread and I know I'm late, but would like to join in if i might. I'm Anita and am 28. Married to a wonderful guy for almost 10 years now. I've got a lot of weight to lose, but I am determined to take it in small steps and accomplish it this time.

    Anita welcome to the post and team this is an awesome team and I feel very blessed to have them running this long race with us.. Because by far its not a short journeyy..Some days are difficult other days are easy.. Some days you wanna throw in the towel, other day you say I can do this..Some days you fall off the wagon and let it run you over some days you are saddled in pretty good and couldnt possible go anywhere.. My point to this.. Is this is not easy.. If it was everyone would be skinny..

    Please send me a friends request and then send me your starting weight and goal weight and sunday I will be sure to put you on the chart.. Thanks for joining we are here for you!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hi Tamara,

    My name is Traci I am 33 years old and married for 8 years . I have 2 children both girls 15 & 12. I am in sunny florida. Notmuch time for the gym and to be quite honest I am a bit intimidated when I walk in. So many machines and not sure what ones are the best to use. I do walk at night. My problem is what to eat. I amnot sure what is a good menu to start with for keeping my calories under 1500. My problem is snacking I believe. I love my swwets. What do you recommend for small meals through out day and snacks. Do we just reply back to this post with weigh in on fridays?

    Look forward to working with everyone and making these goals permanant.


    hey traci..try some greek yogurt with some almonds in it.. Very high in protein.. Peanut butter toast is my absoulte favorite.. I also have me a weight wather ice cream everyday..that is my treat to myself, then I dont feel like I am being deprived..Welcome to the team..Please send me a friends request and then in private email send me your starting weight and goal weight.. Glad to see you here.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Friday Morning team and happy weigh in day.. I had a good loss.. I lost 3.4 pounds this week.. I am less then 2 pounds away from where I wanna be 130 pounds.. My body may not let me get there if not I am ok where I am right this moment..

    Today is gonna be a very hard day for me.. But I am gonna keep my head up.. I have a plan now if I can just stick to it it would be fabulous.. One year ago today about 4pm I got the call that my dad had past away.. I am a very big daddy girl, so I was crushed..If it hadnt been for my fabulous family my husband and my kids and my fabulous friends.. i dont know if I could have gotten through it.. Bobbie had just got to work at cracker barrel when I found out, she went to management and told them that she must leave she needed to be here for me in the time of time.. All she could think about were my kids she made sure that she brought them food home to eat for dinner that was purchase by one of the guest.. Then amber found out and she headed right on over.. This lady is a day I will never forget and thanks a whoel bunch for being there for me.. Amber thanks a great deal today for pickingup my kids from there extra cirrculair activites.. It means a lot to me.. My plan today is to go workout and then head to cracker barrel for breakfast and then back to the gym while my husband meets with a friend of his to go over some work plans.. I dont wanna be left alone at all today.. It gives my mind to much time to think.. after that dont know the plan for dinner then headed to sweet cece's frozen yogurt and genghis grill healthy stir fry with my mom and my step dad and my brother and sister in law...

    Jena- Great post my friend great post.

    Risa- I hope your ankle is getting better

    Karen- 20 glasses of water is alot

    Amber- Keep your head up my friend and dont make me come hi jack your scale I will do it..

    Bobbie- I am glad geoff is coming home this afternoon I know you miss him when your away..

    Marcie- Still doing jillian?? Eww that sounded bad..Better way, Is Jillian kicking your butt still??

    Deneen- Dont worry about your gain if there is one, I know you know how to do this jump back in wagon we will put your seltbelt on for you..

    Tracy-welcome welcome welcome

    Anita- Welcome welcome welcome.. the post I posted in replied to what you said was not directed to you it was directed to everyone just didnt want to retype it..

    Jeanne- How is the water going???

    Everyone continue to do your sit up over the weekend, we will have a new challange starting monday and I will post it on the monday morning post when I get up at 3 am.

    I am outta here the kids go back to school today one hour late due to snow and then have a 3 day weekend, why didnt you just let them out one more day?? To throw us parents off I suppose..
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    Tamara I'm sorry you went through such a sad loss. That had to have been rough going through a year of all those "firsts". I wish you well today.

    I did weigh myself today even though I just weighed myself 4 days ago because I want to be on the same page as all of you. As suspected, no change, still 223. I am sure that next Friday will be better. Been sick all week...finally went to the doc yesterday and got put on antibiotics. Once they kick in I'll be back to my old self. Haven't moved all week! :)

    Anyway, you have yourself a good weekend and try to hang in there as best you can.

    Happy Friday Everyone!
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Tamara I am praying for you today and you don't have to thank me that's what friends are for to help you out when you need it. I don't need your thanks bit a tip would be nice LOL J/K. Seriously whatever I can do to make this day easier just let me know. On a different note I did lose 7 lbs this week,

    Kbefit- I hope you are feeling better and I am glad to see you are on board with us. Next friday will be great for you

    CraignTraci02- We are all here to help each other so feel free to friend request me and I would be glad to apss on any knowledge that I have.

    Bobbi- I miss you very much my friend. I am glad to see that ya'll are doing so well up there though. I will make sure to give Tamara a big hug from you today. You are such a wondeful friend and I am so proud of you for losing over 100 lbs. My plan for the future is to be in that boat with you and Tamara today.